TAGE SIX PER CASE PER DOZEN f V iiiA I Li i s r ' Or nee. Demonstration -of Carnation Also Economy Colfeo Freshly ground. Per lb Butter Per lb. n ir.ii Ilil PRODUCED IX CANADA Come and learn how to whip and make cakes, puddings and salad dressings with this natural fla vored milk, also how to get the recipes so economical, and oh, so good and rich. For your special benefit we quote these prices: CJEJ Off 1.32 44c 46c GET THE HABIT AND CALL AT Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. ARRIVED IX TOUT C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived in port at 11:45 this morning from Van couver, Poweu Kiver ana ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Any ox .and Stqwar whence' she will 'return here at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening and sail south at 10 p.m. Week-End Specials MALKIN'S BEST TEA 1-lb. pkg JRISCO 3-lb. tin 3ROOKFIELD CREAMERY BUTTER 3 lbs. DUTCH MAID SALAD DRESSING S-oz. Jar .... BEEKIST HONEY 5-Ib. tin COWICHAN EGOS Fresh extras. Per doz. ENSIGN ORANGE MARMALADE 4-lb. tin VICTORIA CROSS CO.-COA 5-lS. tin MALKIN'S CUSTARD POWDER 12-oz. tin HEINZ TOMATO SOUP 2 tins JOLUMBIA PEAS Sieve 5. 2 tins AYLMER BONELESS CHICKEN Tin ... LIBBT3 RIPE OLIVES 9-oz tin LIBBY'S QUEEN OLIVES I8-0I Jar ORANGES Full of Juice. 5 doz cab&jCeride maple SYRUP-J-aU-lb. tin HEINZ KIDNEY BEANS 2s. 2 tins FELS NAPTHA SOAP 10 bars 60c 85c S1.4C 25c 85c 55c 45c 81.15 30c 25c PRIDE OF B. C. PINK SAL- Qf)n MON 1-lb. tin 25c 40c 35c 45c 95c 90c 35c 80c Alberta Market i OA.MUI.A. Fifth Street. Proprietor fhone 208 FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 16-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK , v AND SHIPYARD 01'EKATING G. T. 1 20,000-TON FLOATING DKYDOCK Enginccrs, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc . ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK rilONES 43 AND 385 vnue oiner lorest products are molding their own. Following are scaling figures for he month of August: Oouglas Fir 27.423 Forest Products Poles lin. ft. lies. fir. lin. ft. TiATTilrwlr lin ft FEW CASES VANCOUVER 5,886$dS AAA urn 1,884.722 1,209,061 17.132 10.233,394 .373,8.6 . 2.065 . 14,661 ilea, cedar, lin. ft. 31.653 ordwood, cords 194 Ties, hemlock, No 12.58 Ties. Pine, No. .'. 170,257 AT ASSIZES Two Criminal Charges to Re Before Jury on Wednesday of Next Week The fall session of the supreme court assizes will open here next Wednesday morning, with Mr. Justice W. A. MacdonalcH -preeidint There are two crimioaLckJeoirthc docket and civil work wflrfnefbde i couple of divorce actions. One of the criminal cases is that in which Stephen Boljkovlc Is charged with the murder of Dimi- i tar Slmllevich at Dorreen on July 14. The other is a manslaughter charge against David Lewis Jones of Smlthers, arising out of an automobile accident early in the summer, when two men were killed on the Duthie mine road. A. M. Johnson, K.C., will prosecute in both of these cases and L. W. Patmore. it is understood, will defend In both. Boljkovlc will be brought to the, city on Saturday morning from Okalla, where he has been awaiting trial, by Inspector William Splller. Also coming north at the same time fromOkalla will be Robert Malcolm Wylie, who is to be tried at the Prince Oeorge assizes a week later on a charge of theft. A charge of Infant murder against Signs Ford will also be heard at the Prince Oeorge assizes. mam THIS MILK IS MADE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA That is one reason for buying it an-other is that its double richness improves every dish in which it is used. Nj w tnd you, it, out UJu$tftd ro4 book? Writ jd THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. September 18. 1929 LOG SCALE (RED LETTER HOLDING UP CHURCH DAY Total For Year to Date 58.962.602 Feet as Against 48406.860 Feet During Same Period Last Year The log scale in Prince Rupert forestry district for the first eight months of the current year amounted to a total of 58.962.602 iua,oou uoaiu icei in me corres-nonding period of last year. The cale for the month of August this of 17.769,405 board feet last year j 27,072.279 feet this year. Production of poles in the ln-erior of the district shows a wealthy increase over last year Spruce, Coast Spruce. Interior Hemlock Balsam Tack Pine Totals NAAS RIVER Members of Anglican National! nrn I i , .1 biwuiuto Commission Visit Kincolith and Other Points Sunday. September IS, was a red i letter day for the church people of the Naas valley. On Saturday the members of the Anglican national commission Rt. Rev. Bishop Owen of Hamilton, t7av Til" flntili nt frtrrtnfn 1 Tl H year was lUMai ieei as against . ...'Chancellor Gisberne .,w of 0ff(, Ottawa .n8Ton f i 'ast year. The most notable feature of the current year's scale w he large Increase In production if coast spruce from an aggregate arrived at Kincolith on the Northern Cross. Dr. Gould went on up the river to Oreenvillc to pay a short visit to Greenville mission, while the bishop and Chancellor Gisberne landed at Kincolith and established themselves at the mission home. On Saturday evening they were officially welcomed in the Church Army Hall by Chief Counsellor Peter Stewart Acting Chief of Church Council Henry Smart and Captain Benson' of the Church Army. The Sunday services began with a celebration of the holy com munion, the celebrant being His Lordship Bishop Owen, assisted by Rev. Henry Flores of Aiyansh and Rev. O. Thome of Kincolith. , The missionary ol Greenville, i Rev. Walter Cooper, with his lay readers and choir, arrived in the village about 10 a.m., and conduct ed the morning service, their choir j singing a selection from the "Messiah" most creditably, especially considering that the choirs have not been together since Easter. Bishop Owen preached, and outlined to the large congregation the work of the general synod of the church and the especial work of the visiting commission. At 1 o'clock a banquet was served in the Jubilee. Hall by the ladies of the village to all their visitors, oyer 300 sitting down at the well-filled tables. Short speeches voicing their affection and reverence for the faith brought to tfeera by their old missionaries Coibran and McCullough were made by, the ehlef of the three Naas villages, and after an excellent speech by Dr. Oould in which he said that he had heard a great dpal about the brass bands and wanted to hear them, toe. bishop pronounced the benediction. ' About ' 4 pjn. the combined Church Armies preceeded to the mission house and escorted our vis itors to their Church Army Hall. After the opening exercises Chancellor Gisberne gave a short talk, telling of the useful work the laymen of the church were doing. The evening service was in charge of Rev. O. Thome, assisted by Rev. Henry Florey of Aiyansh with lay readers Charles , Merven and Pete Stewart. The Kincolith choir assisted by some members of Aiyansh choir sang the Hallllujah Chorus and Mrs. Arthur Nelson sang the offertory solo. Bishop Owen at the conclusion of the service expressed to the conductor and choir his great appreciation. Dr. Gould preached on the parable of the talents, emphasizing the ways in which the man with only one taleat could use and multiply his gift. At the close of his address Paul Mercer of Aiyansh gave to the' people in their own tongue an accurate resume of what had been said. During the day the special needs and views of the several villages were given to the visiting commission by deputations of their chief men. On Monday morning at 8 a.m. the Northern Cross, captained by Rev. W. B. Jennings, weighed anchor and left for Anyox and Stewart with the commission. Before leaving Bishop Owen, on behalf of the commission, expressed his appreciation of the manner in which they had been received and of the splendid way in which the people of Kincolith had welcomed and entertained their many guests. Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to Evenings 8 to Competent Instructors teach beginners. Phone Mack 419 4 10 to EVIDENCE IN VIDECKCASE Prowution Testimony Submitted Last NiRht and Hearing Adjourned Until This Evening Taking of evidence for the prosecution in the case of Matt Vldeck. who is charged with keeping liquor for sale, was completed last night in city police court before W. E. Colllson and S. D. Macdonald, Justices of the peace, and adjournment taken until this evening when defence evidence will be heard, if any is offered, argument of counsel following. The witnesses last night were Corp. C. O. Barber, Constable R. C. Gilker, Staff Sergeant Alex McNeill and Constable Sam Service, police officers, and William Millar, government liquor vendor. 2. F. Jones, city solicitor, is prosecuting, while Milton Gonzales is acting for the defence. 9 Geo. J. D Serpent Fanny Brice in "MY MAN" COMEDY "HELTER SKELTER" PARAMOUNT NEWS ADDED ATTRACTION AT 8:50 HANSON & FARSTAD WITH ACCORDION AND VIOLIN Something Classical and Jazzical Admission, 15c and 50c ANNOUNCEMENT! wen Away awes Free Furniture Store Geo. Dawes wishes to announce to the public that he has now opened an additional store in the Federal Block with a display of entirely new goods and will give to every, customer, large or small, on Saturday September 21, A Cotton Rug Size 27x21 me rroni msn MOHAIR Parlor Suite ber reductions is this new arrival, making this event doubly important ! vp&idJ This suite brings not only comfort o rj r 1 v C- into the homo, but beauty as well! Walnut frames All the pieces are large, spring filled, arop Arm Arm Prtair nair full webb bottom and the frame is arge massive and gorgeously carved. puU Spring Construction x Arc a few features that stresses CASH Oil TERMS ARRANGED the value Importance of this suite. Our stock consists of Barrymore carpets of all sizes, walnut dininrj room suites, walnut dressers, novelty bedroom suites, Chesterfield suites, Kroelcr suites, beds, linoleum, electric standard lamps, blind rods, curtains, and a selection of ranges. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Look Us Up Before You Iiuy Elsewhere Compare Our Prices Geo. J. Dawes Furniture Store FEDERAL BLOCK, PRINCE RUPERT, K. C, PHONE BLACK 120 Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you.