jL.-wf A'JK TtTO II.! i i J ! t j i I j I i i j i i i i i i 1 s I I I I KENTUCKY "Highway" was one of the "Which was won by Clyde Van SNAPPED BONE IN HIS ANKLE AT BASEBALL JJig Ieague flames Result in Changes of Standing Over Week-End ! NEW YORK, May 20: The Yankees won the third game in "Iwo days from BoslBft "yiitlhlay. pime, was ealledjbLibe fifth rain. TKFJjES&Ss saw Sua '9eMaM' IndWnsRh off imUJtt.nheMWsion thaWUflft St. 5i :ui dftff full game behind the iMesta to the fear :of foja Mack- .?..;,W:? 1 lie ,en II. aa- .--I .".Jf The . . White S.iufnea - the met in uetrolt, JohnnySBIostil THE DAILY NEWS Monday May 2ft, 15$ HIGH SCHOOL Sport Chat STOCK QUOTATIONS A HARD PAR 4 (.Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) ce iiuuueu anu miny nve, ana weison were two good bacfcu. 'Y. . . hli't :,V iDned a bona in riLrht p , tfiT. tV .?m liln "ntrie8 remain and for each one,Colussi was the 'pfek of theihs'Tes Enf a"a Allowed up their one-Itje as h,e lid over, thiSplate. 4i, . . . ,L ,,u.n, . Lit coal draw of Saturday with the iL?Ln?SS??PK! ? fBa League flgni' idf'lhe top bja shading Adolfo 'Luque and nnrl !i,RS?J!i 2, leigh CHmes pitched the Pirates U, a decision over Chicago, 77TT77 CLYDE VAN DUSEN t WON KENTUCKY DERBY IN DRIVING RAIN ' LOUISVILLE. Kentnrlrv May 20: Clyde Van Dusen, ' wearing the colors of Her- bert P. Garner of Am.tor. fi- daaa, Nw York, won the KminoVw rtarKv Co ..)... I... A I P "nuvn; ('civ, ootulUSj Lfjf t; t,two lengtha from Nafihapur ! Via tt hnd three-flflhs niin- utea. i Tha third horse In the race 1 was Panchto. with Rin ( Larkfpur a favoritey com-- lag fourth. ,,M4MMt PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Editor JUDGE KENESAWITOUNTAIN LANDIS Commissioner of Baseball fTf .ft!roa brillknt creer on the United States bench, Judge Kene- caw Mountain Landls. born lit JjlvHk Ohio. Novenr g'S T$JT?ti5Zl and named for Kina 0 the fuka bt organized base- "7""" nr quanta, where his ball. The commissioner settled father was wounded in the civil 'the threatened insurrection by war, became the supreme head of, fining the players the sum 'of organiied baseball in 1920, sue- their World Series shares and cmiing the old National Com- suspending them for more than " "'"r '"MS .Louis. ........ 17 10 ; . 1 '""""rgh ,VWU 10" j,AJa.&SiJl ....,. . . . .-. hair, 'standi 7 c Z h"" on '-y-'.. "12 ' 1 "uadePhln H 13 .45 .trine tie. rt imfii. profile and iiiiroivn ui inree memuers. lowlnt hte ChiBago-CinclnriStllseas game throwing scndaL-H& &.. quitted te eight players Invol- ved but refused to ever admit them again to organized ..base- ball Judge Landls remained on the federal bench for two years after his appointment a commissioner but resigned In the spring of 1022 to devote all his time to baseball. The judge's nuthority as. com- missioner had beon ftft&K, t0i3J4el Landis' salary as com-jjrevious fall whert Babe Ruth.rniHsloner of baseball is $$0,000 nugniy nonic run mugger, DERBY RUNNER entrants in the race Dusjni Saturday LARGE PRIZES DERBY SWEEP j LONDON, May 20:-The Stock Exchange Annual Subscription Fund, under w.hich genteel euph- uism you are invited to discover the Stock Exchange Derby Sweep- stake, has this year reached the unprecedented total of $5,000,000 There are 339 entries in the' race, including "the field" and there will be two nrizei for evrv,every cnance- Scott was the next entry. The holders of the two i ttLnt- f tw t v will receive ?62 . 000 each. For the second horse .there will be 16! I4 L $k j'1 timei- 1 and for the - fourth a horse . two ofi ( Booth was - well served ' ; . by "J 7J, '1 in uiuuuiiL i j A.Hini.iiini. ' . . Th'8 w,n dispose of another RJthrough. Bfirtlettihas.imprbved. fi7s ftnn T. c , Im while Greer was reliable..,. Wine-!"e v-.wv mil be distributed in the form of "conso'prs 5'?, Zh ThTtomJiZ Vi S5 f Th ;-aining ISOOOOO Vil, be voted to charities and expenses. all there are 1.018 prizes. This year under cover of the huge demand for the genuine arr itieJe, quite a number of forged tickets have been nushed into idreulation among the unwary; ,ut as tickets are sold only to1 members of the Stock Exehanire. nd can only be obtained through them hv thn innaral miklU avimoi juuiivv IIICIC no chance of a forged ticket' winning the prite. ' I 111 0n account of the rain, the regular weekly shoot of the First N"th B, C. Regiment Rifle As- "elation yesterday on the Mc- plcho!l Greek range was post jnoned to next Sunday. Meusel and Bill Piercy. members of the American League cham. nirtn Vn. W-l, V ihnin nf'tho.rt .i.i piercing eyes make him a picturesque figure. He has a ready wit, broad sense of humor and outspoken mode of expression. He ic a lover of outdoor sports and seldom misses a game when Chicago, where he lives, is In the running. He is, also an ardent golf player and fisherman. He Is a sirong proniuuionist. Defeated noothXta.NJl.in ior J".0" ,Yir,toria ,DaFri?V' an,d-League TlurT SatufaSy "fKBTor AnTJunTor football al- I Afternoon i ready under way, ,t the coming : 1 we i4rld see nummer outdoor . High School recorded another sports in Trlnce Kupert in full win over Booth oh Saturday ahdJ'Wfn'PfoobtJt fans opened upj in doing so won the Junior Foot-"" well indeed vffth prospects that; ball League for the 1928-1929 sea-'the three seojoriteam will prove' son. The cbre was 4-0 in favtr 0 &e . matSed as they whip of the senior school. ' into shlte- beiore the season is Booth attacked from the Start tit advW,Ced. Tb(, outl0ok for and forced two corners Py ejvas taeU .g ubrls brIght good and then Cross cleared , 5", . . w.-i,-. n-i ,..o. and some snappy play is expec-l to in b th the inent. but Wicks got through to test Christison, who was safe. M f Canada, Smurthwaite shot over and then.. E nd Gyro Club. Junior foot-Scott scored with a high decep..balt attracting consider-tive shot. Walters shot well from ble attention and should receive a free kick, but Smith cleared, better patronage. The visit of Smith put a fine drive from Wal- II.M.S. Coloh&o starting a week ters just over the bar. At this from today wM make a break in thnp Booth was value for a goal, the Gilhuly Cud wiccer series as Soon after the re-start, Walters worKeo tnrougn dui mmsea nis kick for Smith to clear. High had (the better of this half, but Christ , ison saved well. Smurthwaite showed fine anticipation and pen- goals to make High's total 4-0. Booth made several raids, bu! Stiles and Pyle were too strong; i though Wingham and Walters! were hard tifop at times. Pinal , score found nigh winner by four clear goals. ! . ,i HLV-!!smHi'fre:pv.e. su, ' Forbes, Franks, Morrison; Wicks. , ?"u fJBg: rtlTe of Armstrong, Smurthwaita, sott.lCfnada E,k,; winMrs 78 Gyro Bacon. j.Club. Booth Christison Cross, NelJ Children's Sports, on: Greer, Colussl, Bartlett;j Gilhuly Cup football: Regiment Walters, Cameron, Tobey, Law-! Thistles, rence, Wingham. C.N.R. Softball: Superinten- For Jligh, Smurthwaite was the dent's Office va Dry Dock, most effective Played and el-d; Saturday Junior Football: dangerous forward. The halves ,were uniform .with Forbes and' the tidfH ,P,vl ,. hardly ;r "f '.M e. ,pame. --. i.VitVL "t A .Lv: i v i j i i ri n n ri r t n n t iiinron ma a ' --r,p . . . . irti;OP A ' .." , ham wa8 th .... b ltAj . with :.. good ,econd . Tobey turaed !n a Wr-Kw and .trUlTo He wis .. FfiL SSTSSS .i, i,..v Lhowin - nice touches K0b Woods made an efficient referee and WT Murray and B. Thnrber were on -te line. The standlnff of the teams so tar is as follows: w L D High 4 2 1 Jn 2 5 0 XJOruen 1 4 1 BASEBALL SCORES Saturday Scores National League : New York 4-6, Boston 5-5. Brooklyn 20-6 Philadelphia 16-8. St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh C. Cincinnati 0, Chicago 7. American League Boston 2-0 New York 5-5. Chicago 4, Detroit 11. Philadelphia 5-7, Washington 4-5. Sunday Scores National League St. Louis 2, Cincinnati 1. Pittsburgh 4, Chicago 1. Others rain. American League Cleveland 0, St-' Loiils 6. Boston 0, New tfork 3. "' Philadelphia 7f' AVa'shlngton 0 Chicago 10, Detroit 3. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS ' W. L. Pet Chicago 17 '9 654 630. ,.583 ! 8 Cincinnati 11 15 ,423 New York 9 14 .391 Brooklyn 8 18 .308 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS Philadelphia 18 8 New York ... 16 9 St. Louis :. 16 11 Detroit ; 18 14 Cleveland 13 14 Chicago ...12 17 Washington 8 17 Boston 8 19 .692 .640 .593 .561 .481 .414 .320 .296 ViMQ&& laseKamme'n'c'- tWo'ganwa, r' planned between' local ail-tars and men from the ,ri,ar Mining are the outdoor t. T ' . . .. -y-lly Cup football: n emeBt Express Social Club, CN-R- Softball League: Station vg P'0" "OOfft, edneaday Junior Football : Borden street School vs Booth .Memorial School. iday f Victoria. Dy)-Senior i High School v Borden Street School. ENGLISH SOCCER VISITORS PLAYED IN DRENCHING RAIN S'mV YORK.' May 20. The !jeven by draw ng with NeW York Giants by the same , c s"ndv- ri.- Jhe game was under drenching rain. VIMC DI A TP rLA1Ji RUN SATURDAY Famous Canadian Prize Won By bhorclint at Toronto TORONTO, May 20: Shore lint, the Thorncliffe'8 stable's lone entrant, won the King's Plate on Saturday. Ichltnro came second and Lindsay third, both of Fletcher's stables." Vestlp, owned by R. H. Hew catne fourth DAYIS CUP TENNIS- SATURDAY AFTERNOON MONTREAL, May 20: John Van Ryan of the United States defeated Dr. Jack Wright of Canada, 6-1, 6-0, 6-1 in the Davis Cup play on Saturday. The United States had already captured the series by taking the doubles when John Hennessey ana Van Ryan defeated Wright and Dr. Arthur Hamm, 6-1, 6-0, Dry mouth and parched throat are grateful for the refreshing coolness of Wrgleys Spearmint. Wrigley! whitens teeth, sweetens the mouth, clears the throat and aids digestion, while the act of chewing calms and soothes the nerves. jWRIGLEYS mJSfififfifflg' every JJS23 meal Tjie followinjr.jqduUtlQlvHiwere aid and asWi ,Ba'view,.xiL 4 . . Big Missouri, 1X9. 1.70. Cork Province, 11, 13. Cotton Belt, Nil, 50. Duthie Mines, 50, CO. George Copper, COO, 6.60. Georgia River, 30, 35. Golconda, 1.52, 1.55. Grand view, 41ft, 42. Independence, 8,,8'2, Indian, 39, 42. Intern. Coal & Coke, 4Va, 5. Kootenay Florence, 14, 15. L. & U, 3, 3s. Lucky J1m, 13, 14. Mohawk, 4 ft, 5. Morton Woolsey, 6, 6Vfe. Marmot River Gold, 5, t$4. Marmot Metals, 4, 5. National Silver, 15, 17. Oregon Copper, 39, 40. Pend Oreille, 5.66, 5.75. Pioneer Gold, Nil. 1.50. Premier, 1.70, 1.85. Porter-Idaho, Nil, 50. Reeves Macdonald, 1.75, 1.80. Ruth-Hope, 33, 34. Silver Crest, 7, 7',. . Silverado, 65, 75. Silversmith, Nil, 17. Slocan Rambler, Nil, 16. j. Snowflake, 58, 59. 1 Sunloch, 2.25, 2.30. , I Terminus, Nil, 5Vi. ' Topley Richfield, 30, 31. Torlc, 1.30, 1.34. Wellington, llVi, Nil, Whitewater, Nil, 76. Woodbine, IV, Vi. Oils, Canary Dallas, 2.25, Nil. Great West, 66, Nil. Mercury, 1.63, Nil. Mid West, 1.00, Nil. Mill City, 9.75, Nil. Okalta, New, 4.70, Nil. Regent, 70, Nil. Signal Hill, 40, Nil. Richfield, 1.40, Nil. , Advance, 15.00, 15.50. A: P. Consolidated, 5.38, 4.40. Calmont, 4.30, 4.35. Dalhousie, 4.95, 5.00. ' Devenish, 1.20, 1.21. Fabyan Pete. 10, 10V2. it Home, 22.00, 22.10. IIHnois-Alberta, Ntt, 1.77: 'Mayland. 11.25, 11.45. MDoug.-Segur, Nil, 5.75. McLeod, Nil, 5.00. , New McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 3JX). Royalite, Nil, 164.00. Ukti Srii No. 8, Tetcirrt'l I I I BBSs rr- w too o Many hopes for a fine srore have been wrwked by hole Nt g of the Jasper Park Lodge Golf Course, Jasper National Park, Alberta, urr whieh the Canadian amateur championship of the R.C.G.A. will bt v'-irk from August 19th to 24th this summer. It is a dog-leg with a Ji-h I- J to be negotiated before the necotid shot can be placed on a Kloii nt err. a that is lightning fait and guarded by a deep grass covered dit. h. Tit contour of this green is such that aa error a fraction of to is h in putting means disaiter. Co-liwMent With th Cahadlan Amateur tha Western rnd AmaU-ur will benlayed over the Jasper Park Lodge Course, in ! th j provide plenty of competition for those wnoie high handicaps su!' ma: ally keeps tbeta out of the Dominion event. The upper photograph shows the fairway Just below tf t.c-.atfd tee. Below Is a sketch to scale showing the hole in dttmL Kiy u tit tournament will taka place from No. 1 tee. EXTRACTS FROM VICKERS' DIARY Hargal, 1.97, 1.99. Freeholil, 1.75, 1.80. Turner Valley, 1.35. Nil. .United, 12.00, 12.10. Eastern Stocks Sherritt-Gordon, 7.85. Nil. . , Noranda,. 54.70, 55.00. REGIMENT LINE.UP i The Regiment will field the following team tomorrow evening in the Gilhuly Cup football fixture against the Empress Social Club: Brand; Kelsey and Hunt; Ross. Beaumont and "(tinker; Wilson. Russef JMurray Burdett "and ' Norringtotu? spares, -A. Hadan and Walters. JBvotr Brother John John now now at at Plymouth Plymouth Hoc, Hoe, jll J rrf observes observes that that the the high high naval navql officers officers of the great fleet of His Majesty's Ships assembled there, arc much intrigued with the pleasing qualities of Vickers' Gin, many cases of which have been ordered for the Flagship. VICKERS FINEST IiONDON DRY GIN rtHBLISMED BY JOSEPH t JOHN VICKERS f CO., Lti LONDON 1750 ENGLAND Cut 430 rtrds, Par 4. I 11 J I I 17. I j . - - - - BABY'S OWN SOAP , Pflre Jlujrt is f:i r r; inals! TbeVe seem t : ':i (.:.. ) t Ivrti everywhere. 1752 "$tadogs" th world over swtar by thi flavor, purity and vi!ui of this rare spirit, hat gained popularity in every port of the Seven Seas, , This advertisement Is not published or displayed by tfie LlqUbVCon'trol Board or by the" Government of British Columbia '