i Monday.-May 20. 1929 it Be Y oung at Local M:. Sixty t i TWTANY a man with wife and chlln1 Xy.X tp support earns a salary thafci per? mits of only moderate savings. Month by month he is impressed with the necessity of . . pystematically budgeting his income so that a competence will be available for dependent yearswhen subsistence must be provided from income rather than earnings. Travel and play at 60 or 65. A Double . Maturity Endowment policy, taken NOW-will enable you to grow old gracefully. THE Manufacturers Life H.-aJu, insurance Company HEAD OFFICE, . .... . TORONTO, CANADA t Branch Of floe aoa- Bort Bid.. Vtncourtr . B. A. Twina. Branch UutMr XOUHIS W. l ltlMil.l., MHIItllT Ittl UK.VT.lUVE Prince Bupart. B. C. Kodak Time is Here I We have them fn stock from the tiny Brownie Jo the Cine Kodak' far meVies. Come In and see thm. We develop and print pictures. Daily service. fines JLMo 7fic Pioneer Drttcjcists THIRD AVE. fSIXTM ST TELEPI10NFS 84,200 Well Mannered Service to Motorists We want to make friends H and hold them. By courteous service wo can win "tliil. Let ys take care of your gag, oil and greasing needs. Guaranteed work. We make a specialty of pumping tires for ladies. Let us help you today. HUY DOMINION TIRES They Arc Good Tires S. E. PARKER Limited FOHI) DEALERS listed h IMiDff for a Tiousc? TTicre arc some Haily Is'cws classified columns. ''Stud' ;,iU. 4 a Tail Phone Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. .1, It. Gosse, Phone f86. Mr. George Hill sailed Saturday ' afterhbort'-orr1 the prince, Rupert for'SteWart.' " ' M. P. McCaffery returned to the -city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to Prince George In which dititrict he has timbering Interests. I R, W. Sinclair of Inverness j Cannery arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon' train from the likeens Kiver for a brief ! business visit in town. j George RJngstad, manager of, Port, Edward Cannery is a business visitor In town, having ar-! i rived frohi the Skwia Rfvr on' yeaterday afternoon's train. ! Sergeant and Mra. J: P. night on the -Prince " 1 Uupert for Ttt8 MILi NEWS Personal ' Iti Jn; Li i ji u'.t ONE BOX ENDED HIS SUFFERINGS Serious Bowel Condition Relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" MR. PACE Mr. James Page of Cabano, P.Q., was in a very daneorous condition. The Constipation fronj which h had suffered for five years was undermining his whole system. It was not only ruining his digestion and poisoning hia blood, but had also brought on painful piles: Various treatments failed to help him until he tried "Fruit-a-tivea." 7 ""r ""! maHe of intensified fruit juices to which elty Ser- bined with scientific medicmal inli- geant Hannah has been transfer-' Mt-. . "One 1kx of this wonderful red in the nrovincial nolice ser- mBuc,'. vmiti, -gave vice. Miss Phyllis Lamb of the local school teaching staff returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train, after having spent the week-end at Caasiar visiting with her father, James Lamb, eannery manager. Mr. and, Jfrs.,, Joseph, JJowe left on this mornlptr'a train yia Jasper I'ark fur.a tjrjp fl a,pftouver and Vietoriai I several )vitt V return tp llhe,, city ;in1.,iatyiut a fortnight's t,. , , i. . complete relief. wbste me 'Fruit-a-tives' gives results as nothing else does, and I sincerely recommend it to eve: sreat Teat mc erv nuu ferer." Try this medicine. 35c. and 50a. a lux t dealers every' Fv J. Smith sailed Saturday afternoon on the Prince. .Rupert for a brief business trip to, Anyox and Stewart. t G. A. McMillan, superintendent '' ) : ' mm'" 'L A nVrhiprrnt of Nanatmo-MiM,.OIga r i. Kelpsoff, . wbo has Wellington Coal ,and Beacon Hard been on (b t(f -of McRae Bros. Coa, h.. ' IU8f arrived for Albert store, her fpr,4 pmUW '"'r' i and ilcCaffejry Ltd. Phone your will luilo Ikli Jiut f.Hal.M' ..J i' -L ' .-t Ixxlge. in, the J,'ie yxrt1(,trtj " " where she, wilj v. bapje,. steno-j rgeant T. Van Dyk, Game grppher. in thefioes p 4he Ex- enXorcement , officer of the erimeRtfll ,Farra. : provincial police for thia district, . . . . returned to the city on yesterday Horace A. Porter of St John. nfternn'8 train rfrorrv a, trip to N.B.. supreme grand master of TtrrtJB!0n offfcUl duUM.4 the Sovereign great priory of Canada, Knights Templar, paid an Milton Gonzalea returned to official visit to Kineollth Precep- lhe cjty an yesterday afternoon's tory here on Saturday evening trin from Terrace where he ac-and left on thia morning's train led M defense counsel In the for Jasper Park where he will haaring of some fur cases under spend a few days before pro- the Game Act ceedlng to his home in the Mari-i . times, visiting various pointa en-' Havinir ben delayed twelve xoute in the course of his official j,ours jn leaving Vancouver, on touQL nf vyest, account of having had to go on ' NiVri,r7r.rl..r'1 n idry dock for'a change of propel- ;Savoy fl QtrnnlAr Di-aan Pnlla! P. Graha U-ti.Mr.. SteWart ton-.D. J. Zafforan, 4 Central - John RarJeth, George. Russell, iMifrtin Pajfcon and WIJHam:Mc-Nutt, cltjjffC. Dourqu Billmor Mill; J. Ft Ariia, Wiruilpef: J .ft.- Rird, Forestdale; Wilson A. Riggs, Lopgworth; II. Mills, New Zetiland; Kdward Duduette. J nd S. Hartley, C. N. Mrs. A. li Stone, A. Warren, Kdrnoh- McLean, VancouVcupj' an, city. I t K4 Prince Uupert W. II. Johnston and A. E. Collins, Victoria; A. L. McNaughton, H. T. Alrey, Mrs. Fremont Clarke and J. A. Card, Vancouver; Mr. and Mra. A. D. Balllle, Joseph R. Rogers and G. P. Lyons, city; R. W. Sinclair, Inverness; George Ringstad, Tort Edward; J. S. II. Wurtcle and C. N. Mitchell. Montreal; Rill Treston, Kltsumkalum Lake; D C'bJhora Jdnionton; Dr. Joseph T Mnndy, Anyox. News In ,if.' '' l! .!.. I.-.I. .I.Jl Meeting of Auto Owners In City Hall, Monday at 8 pjn. 116 D. A. Brown, of the. Swift-Canadian, Co. sailed, this .morning on the. Catala for a business trip to Any ox. and .Stewart.. Miss Mary Heal of Telkwa, after spending a few days in the rillr n r, M ,1 1 4 fL.l. 1L. Lwtj, oaiicru Hist uigm uii me - " Frank Morris, manager, of the B. C. Undertakers, left on this morning's train for a trip to Terrace on professional duties. F. D. Rice B.C.L.S. returned to train from a trip to the mouth i of the .Skeena ' Hlpr on ' profes-jeional business, ' .'tii, A. J. QaUand.of the excise de partment of,, the locaj customs service, returned, to. the t .city on yesterday : afternoon's train, from a trip tp the .Interior on tofficial duties. . , . Mrs. George J. Dawes success fully underwent a major operation in the Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning and friends will be glad to know that she is now doing nicejy. Announcements have been re- A. E. Dickson, arrived in port ati,n tl?f 8.thf ' ATi-L 0;OU II1IB lllllllllll illC DUUI1I and sailed at 6 a.m. for Anyox ToleikiOD. Urenscheit nnd Iat- Stwart; jther; n hern call-whence she will rick McKenna. city; D. A. David-of re- H.selton; II. Carlaen. Om&W j" tonjofrtw night south-jivr . .' Tlound for Vancbuver. 1 'i. Russell, Vletorte; C. A. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Hansen, A. V. Snellenlerg, H. SnirMtrir. A J Vnhr and K. Mc- Beatty Electric Washers. In coll. Vancouver: A. J. Haaheim. creased volume of business and salesman's proposition when he calls on you within the next few days. PARKIN AND WARD Local. Agents 118 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mooseheart Ladies bridge, .wJiist and darjee 'May .28, at 8:30 prompt, ),. Btrtoaay TlaTnticd , 'Chuf ch Hall, May 3oT ?' Fast Workers June 17 and 18. Fair Board. Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June 30. So bo preparaWbuy a bowl , K. of C Pc Sunday, July .ILDUby Inland. -- ,. . ' . V "" I follows: Brief IS'1;, nitht on:in.H lS?.;,bi?"CS5f fi' Z po Pounds, Cana- nt, will awlw. buginc8S trIp 0M JSL-Si,'1 dlan 'Fish ft Cold Storage t o.. ".' S''?""2v ",.0 14.9c Wrid 7c. io. aim was reuuuv ui ji,CLan-l,: ' . j ; at Seal Cove this snrin. .l4.00 Pounds. Booth Ms is the vessel's. : first trip Pl8Mes' 15.2c and 7c. nee that work was carried out. ,GTacier.. 1-.0() pounds. Atlin . . ,. Fiahones, T5.6c and 7c. ' hiru Qol,.o..o r' ,' - Cedric. 9.000 nounds. Pacific i 4IVI IIL iJU I MHC. . AvU. V: I iflJIlBI vessel Salvage Princpss.. Caaf, "sfceries. 15.9c and 7c. Frank Tj-ler,. left last night for 0nah- 000 Pounds, Royal Fish Ketchikan, having on board iW. Con J6 8c and 7c- A. Castleton Seattle business man Cora- 3-500 Punds, and Wave. who recently visited the. tiwen-'t"00 Pountls. fisheries, Lake mine in which he is inter- I-9e nd, 7c. ested. Mr. Castleton was to datch ,ea. 0-w pouna. Atlin the steamer Aleutian this morn- Fines. 15.9c and 7c. ing for Seattle. I Canadian " ! Dolphin II, 8,000 pounds, Atlin C. H. Orroe returned to the Fisheries. 13.9c and 6c. city on the Catala this morning Nuba, 4,000 pounds, and Pros-after having, spent a few weeks perity A., 12,000 pounds, Atlin holidaying around Vancouver and .Fisheries, 13.7c and 6c. Victoria. Mrs. Orme is remaining II. and R., 2.000 pounds, Royal in Vancouver for a while longer. Fish Co., 13.7c and 6c. The trip was a very enjoyable Cape Race, 1,900 pounds, Pac-one, Mr. Orme says, and he was ific Fisheries, 13.6c and 6c. surprised at the numbenof ?fof- Aiken. 7,000 pounds; Oslo. 7,000 mer Prince Kupert people he raft noqnds. and Scrub, $.U p.u-nds. being held-today by Government Agent Norman A. Watt, registrar. This will probably be the, last chance this year to get on the list but there is not much activity in the matter of registering as no election is in sight. Up to noon about half a dozen persons had called to get their names on Nev Westminster; W. Wilson. K more efficient production enables .the list. Applications will be re- . 1 m. 1 T P I ceived i. to n 5 K. a'aIaaI o'clock 4 this a after ltTnr- Land and R. W. Watson, city; .us to supply you wun me u.t. Dan lleaton and J. II . Peets.l Washer at a startling reaucea r.N.It.! il'. Malunik. Anvox: F.'price, on terms. Listen to our Castron. Premier; Usk. up noon. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. G. LePlne will sail tomorrow evening on the Catala for Vancouver enroute to Los Angeles where Mr. LePine will attend, an Imperial Shrine convention. They expect to spend i the summer In Nova Scotia but! otherwise, their plans for the fu-n ture are not yet definitely settled, j II. T. Alrey, field engineer for. the Britannia Mining Co., who has been spending the past two weeks inspecting mining proper ties in the Smithers. district fori his company, arrived,, In the city j from the interior op yesterdny nU ternoon's train, and proceeded, this morning on the Catala to the Tfllc mine at Alice Arm. NOT DECORATED ! Norman Walt, local Government Agent, stated this morning that he had hoped to escape discus- Gingham Dance to be held at slop of the matter of his Clements some time In June. I sal. but he wished to correct n statement of A. M. Manson who said he had peen decorated. He wished to say he had, not been decorated fo service overseas. Pacific Fisheries, lR.Vc and 6c. ' .Viking I. 7.000 rjounds. Roval The annual court of revision Fish Co., 13.8c and fie, on the provincial voters list is .:! Serve it Some way Every day WH 10 full-size XJm biscuits ED EAT1 With all the bran of the whole wheal Children like the crisp, crunchy shreds of baked whole wheat and It's so good for them makes good bones and sound Paper Tniert$ In tach package ofttt a iurprhe for tke children. MUCH CANADIAN : :FISH IN TODAY ITaliliut Lariarngs This Morning Total 188.900 Pounds From Twenty-Three Boats A large number of Canadian boats, fifteen in all, sold catches totalling 102,400 pounds at the local Fifth 1!TP1flntra tMa Tnrktmtnv Selma, 7,000 pounds, and vD. S. T., 6,000 pounds, Canadian. Fish Si Cold Storage Co., 13.8c and 6c. .Ingrid. .11., . 5,000 Bounds and HeJenJ ' 4.50 :lpjtriids. :. ooth Fisheries; 13i8e nrfd '6e. li Vera Beatrrce. 16,000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Coki Storage Co., 14c and 6c. Fanny F., 6,000 pounds, Atlin Fisheries, 13.8c and 6c. TAG DAY SUCCESSFUL l The substantial. sum of $121.44 ceived in the city of the recent and received bids of from 13.6c was realised as a result of the appointment of Fred S. VVeaver. ind 6,. to 14c and 6a. Eight Am- annual Self Denial campaign tag formerly United States viee-con- erican vessels, with 86,500 day of the Salvation Army on , V . ine "8a";a' Bia" P! pounds, were paid from 14.9c and Saturday. tm u Blyth & Co., a Vancouver brpktjTc up to 15.9c and 7c. erage eoncern. . ' I . Arrival n,i . "Howl got Rid : of Slccplessnesi" Mrt. A.Us. Dupuis, R R No. 1, Renfrew, Oni.. writes: "Som yr to I becim conipUis-ly run down, wm unabt to do mv own work rul eotsM not tbop. I uswd Or. Chaoc't Ntrvo Food with ouch tplemdid r suits that 1 was wm smuch rrongvr. bt to doirar own work. sJp wU at nights and fVuP tn tk mWiliiig rtatod and riittaW. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The Great Ntrv Rtitorative t COMPETITION ENDS THIS WEEK The suggestion." for improving conditions in northern and central British Columbia have mostly been along one linn. The building of a highway and the formation. of s new province. While some valuable suggestions have neen made, the last word has not been said and there is still plenty of roor)i for others. i The competition will end definitely on Saturday of thiji week, after which the articles will be judged. i HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 HAS MOV Ei to 171 3rd Avenue East 0pp. Stan Parker's Garage Heated Storage