PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Monday. M r, ShoeFoiish IPJK "Nugget" your golf hoe end mount the teps of the clubhouse verandah with confidence! Most golfers use "Nugget" the hardest round will not take away the bright good looks it gives your shoes. THE 'foUGGET" TIN OPENS WITH A TWIST I " ICANADIA.' PACinc; 3rd Ate CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYARD , t, OPERATING G. T. I 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK . Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers Blacksmiths, Pattern i ih t"t ' Makers Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ' ' ., ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORhT ' PHONES 13 AND 385 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIGHTED Sailing I rom rrinr Rupert f ur VAMOI VtR. VIClOKl.t, Hwaimon IWr. IlatrtUIe. Alni IU. rtr.. Tun-day, 300 p.m. for VAM'orvEK. VtCiniUt. Ilutrdalr. Alrrt liar, ftr . rrtdar midnight tor Wirt: ARM. AN VOX, KTtHAItT. WAS MICK. .Hunrtay, :M) p.m. r.rPOKT SIMI'MIX AMI H'AIX.S IKI.ANO. ThureiUy. p.m. 123 Znd Atrnur R. M. SMITH Agent 1'rlnrr Rupert. R.C. Tt rough tlrkrt told to Victoria and Seattle jnd baggage chrtkrd through to drtllnatlon. , if B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FKOM PRINCE KUPEKT To KrU hlkan, lira n grit. J unfit u and Skagway Mar 1, 11, 3i To Yanromrr. Victoria and .Seattle Mar S. 1.1. t I'KINCESS KOVAL (Hrau rails, tit.. Vancourrr and Victoria rvrrj Friday 20 p.m. A(rnti tor all btramnhlp Linn. IV. r. ORCHARD, GENERAL, AGENT Prlnca lluprrt, C Phone 31 Ranadian National Q7id Largefl fiilway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE RalHnri from rlttXCE Ul'PERT for VANCOll En. VICTOR! I. MF.ATTLK. ami Intrrnirdlate polntf, each Thurnda; and fm&nSj(im p.m. lor ANVOX and STEWART, rath WrdntMUr and Kuturdaj, Am p.m. lor XgilTH AND bOL Til IJUXN ClIAIlLOTlC 1LVMC lurlnigtill) PASSENGER TRAIN'S LEAVE PRISTF. HITERT DAILY EXCEPT M'MlAY at ll:W a m tor PRINCE GEOItdE, EDMO.V-TON', W1NMI EO, all point! laiotrrn Canada. I nltrd Mates. AOENCY ALL OCEAN, STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 -r- . 5, LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OP HOUSES Hisifcr Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR 1RACT0RS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for B. C. M0KRISON TUACTOIt & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. Branches; Kelowna, B.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, B.C. PAGEANT GIVEN AT BAPTIST CHURCH PLACE OF SERMON Taking the place of the sermon at the Baptist fchurch last evening there wa a -very impressive rerjderinjf of the sacred pageant "The Challenge of the Cross" written by C. A. Marsh. j The character of Evangel, the messenger of God, was taken by Mrs, W. F. Pryce and the six- disciples were represented by Misses Katherlne Watson, Enid Morris, Jean Smith, Edith Johnson, Ellen Armstrong and Adeline Thurber. j All took their parts remarkably, well. Musical selections were given by the choir and a vocal solo,' "The Old Rugged Cross" by W.j Yaughan Davies. The large aud-J ience was deeply moved by the impressive spiritual messages conveyed. i GIRLS TAKE CHARGE OF CHURCH SERVICE C.G.LT. at First United Church Yesterday Morning; T.'J. Shenton Speaker in Evening In the absence of the minister, Rev. Alfred Wilson, who is at tending conference in Vancouver, more than twelve Canadian Girl in Training conducted a successful service yesterday morning in First United Church. The girls opened the service by ritual, repeating their purpose and reciting in unison the standard C. G. I. T. poem "A Girl." Miss Llnnea Hanson sang sweetly and Mise Elliott, the deaconess, ren JPred -fccceMably The Sparrow Song." Iff(3br EfilatH the jiorr of f MarjinrfArftAfbthei Warited"The se7viclwa- closed witji the rejyjlar C.G.LT. ritual. conducted by T. J- Shenton who took as his subject "I am the Re surrection and the Life" JAMS! Strawberry, 4s 73c Raspberry 4s 65c Plum, Greengage, Apricot, Gooseberry 60c Cherry, Red Currant, Black Currant, Pineapple 75c Orchard City Jama, -is 50c Marmalade, Orange, 4s 60c Jams, 2 45c Marmalade, li 25c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 7 for $1'00 Terrace Turnips. 8 lbs 25c All Fresh: Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Every Uoat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-423 Cth Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. Box 675. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Sty! AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM. CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of th City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Dr Alexander PHONE S71 BCSNCR BLOCK DENTIST PUREST MILK IN EXISTE er eight weeks later 'mfi been taken by a lady taking a bnby to England. She was six weeks on the way and on arrival Had two bottles left in which the niik wae perfectly sweet. The idea was not to kill the bacteria, but to nrevent them getting into he milk. The milk Is not pasteurized por treated in any manner, but is he natural product of the cow. It is proposed te market a lim ited amount of this milk in Prince Rupert, possibly through a local merchant. IMPORTANT NOTICE ; Radio Inaoeetor Gray arrives May 21. IVraons having any radio interference please notify Prince Rupert Rurtio Association at oaee. C. (,. HAM, SECRETARY, , Bus!nFs Phone 6. Residence Phpne Blue 587. 11G 3 GLASSES WATER HELP CONSTIPATION one giv of watar m n lake thw Rlaaaea oor hour More Ha-fat Murh batter sulU SM obtaliMd by adding u tcMpooe of atoapie flyoxln. nallne camp'iund (kaown Adtartka) to men niaM Adlerilm art oa BOTH uppar aad lower bowel and remote old waste matter you never thouiiht was to your ejratem Stop gju and -at atomaeh In TEN nknutea! Hellevea mnfltlfMUon In two hour. Ormea, Ltd . druge. Just Received! A shipment of TRAVELLERS' ! SAMPLES from Master Me-i chanics. ConitInR of MEN'S, YOUTH'S AND BOYS' LONG TROUSEItS At my reduced prices . Call and see them. ! Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE The Firm That Brought Eastern I Prices to the VS'est ' News want-ad. Try ;i Ii.n'ly lit will bring results. "THE TERROR" WILL GET YOU Proposal to Market in Prince Capitol Tonight and Tuesday; Rupert Product of tcrtl- i t Harry lllis Held Over fied Dairy One Week At the dlmu'r given by W. P. "The Terror," acknowledged to Jones, manager of the Brooksbank be one of the moat thrilling and ertif fc3 ' milk dairy at Lulu Is- at the same tirfte the most amusing hnd.the whole system of securing of all crook plays, cornea to the . ertlfied milk was discussed. In C pltoLtoniKht. - the first pacc it was stated that The kwale ia a dilapidated Eng- ;t pwaairt ' the dairy was not a Ifish niaWi;fu-e, yi)fPSd'o hWe lommercil success. It was both the loot of' a recent bank Urted foui' ypars ago and was not robbery and the looter. Crooks; raying dhrWends. The returns of various sorts, frightened and' were to improved health for the ' 'tviritulattatic ladies, copa aad immunity, .'"ecially among bi- vhat not, come to the okl bouse lies. In order to give a mHk where all are kept in chattering! hat was pure and practically free fw y " hidden and Biyaterious from bateria it was neeeasary to "Wirter who ia forever cotnmHting , "harge more for it as for the ordinary milk. That neceasarily limited the demand. -The babies at 4'ho Vinmawi' General Hosmul -'ere fed oa it all the tine. Mr. Jones abated that there were nnly fou recertified milk stations in Canada. To of these were in cm deea or ctner u put tne ai- pady raffged nerves of the bouse- j ' oH in a ttte of collapse. The1 wole anoiphere of "The Terror" s FngMb. thus making it alto "trer d'fferent from any play een on the screen here. "The Terror" was adapted by Vinnipoy, one at Toronto, and the Hirwv Gates from the pheooned-ther near Vancouver. latly SBccwsrful London play by Tellina; of the conditions of j production. M was claimed that ; he build iaete were of concrete and j teel, and no other animals, not ven rata or mice, wero allowed the farm . Dogs and cats were xchiried. They milked 63 cows 'dders of Che cows were tested. ' Vo. there were tests for T.B. -nd abortion. A superior class help bad to be engaged and hay had to undergo medical tests, j The cows were all washed before' ach milking from the shoulders beck, and the udders washed Tain just before milking. The bilkers wore clean white suite, Mhed daily, nnd the snilk was billed and- bottled directly it 8 me from the cows K'ghty per cent of the milk we .ar wamtce. it presents ZZJLa Z ZrT. iZZl I The announcement on Saturday ZLttZZ oftener Sni and i hat Harry C. WiHis. the versatile jiu iniissjayaiBiisi vsweavra caa miv foreign version of the bstrusion of the lawless nto society which both n settrnmT and action ia dis-Hnctly unlike the American crook play. Harry Will in Jlejd Over ventriloquist, would appear at the ' Capitol for another week greatly pleased local theatre-iroers. Mr. ', Willis will offer an entirely new act with each change of pictures during the week. -' CONVENT SATURDAY The last of a series of private s piano' recitals waa held at 81. , old under doctors' prescriptions. Josephs Academy ' on 8atnrday The mil has so few bacteria I afternoon. The program was 'iat H will keep a very long time. J given by the following pupils: A test had been made in sendiwr , Misses Matilda Van Dyke'; Pran- . . . ' m aV I. t a1. wl tM 1 i wriesro jisatiiainine i-nnirpincel, Moon, Gladys MeTHth, Viola nfid back Hiifl the milk was bybhaven, Jessie Giflin. Ellen weet on being opened at Vancou-. umm jMrm v., Vinra itMU,i, Rmwn u.. Uiwiwt ' A opply ;$ue (;u;jck Betty Brown rjorothy, Hemmel, Phyllis Brindle, Cecilia DeajarCines, Edith Kergln, Helen McCaffery and Aletta McKinley. "BUILD B. C." A Letter From Prince ! Rupert IB Mrs. V. of Prince Rupert in letter recently received says: "We have used Pacific Milk for nearly four rem. Its richness end flavor are so up to the mark that no one could want better milk. At least I can sot huurine a better. I use It in everything, aad always with satisfaction. I an really glad to write and tell you we like this milk." Many thunks, Mrs. V. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, B.C. We are "Watching" Lots of People These Days You would hardly believe how our watch trade has jrrpwn and is urawinc. ' Of coureev we understand why so wiU you, if you will examine our watch stock. We handle Waltham, Elgin, Hamilton and several miikes of Swiss. One special we have now is a 15-jewel Swiss man's watch, in a nickel open face case. A good timekeeper at $6.50. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS I! vv.w iiepi, . Held Over Dn V , ! HARRY I n,,K Yeral,ile Vcntrilot.u. t THREE YEARS ON THE LONDON KTV.j; "THE TERROR' WITH MAY McAVOY AND BIG SUPPORTING t ..f VAUDEVILLE 9 P.M. HARRY WILLIS. "THE VERSATILE VENTRIfn ,i NEWS HODGE PODGE COME i r n-tJ ViCtOf Victor Vonei Victor Reputation! Victor Tiiiiisnrimrsif S " S STRENGTH added to strength, tone aJ ; tone, beauty to beauty and at a pna v is itoelf a sensation! Eltrolynamic now qn the famous Victor Lowboy, alrv i teawn' most popular radio model, bring or Victor achievement to the centre of the sp" gkre. Tone i a great and vital factor in radio f records show that 80 of the present Vu boy owners bought because of tone qu further tribute to this conacjousness in Canada, V adds the electrc-dynamic f pc already wonderful Lowboy (fTt cf pn-nl He the assurance of tone suprt-mr ' Victor Radio W 1CIC icaiurcu uic u- - catMnet rpecHUy oesigneu -iied Victor Radio dealers bv them to vou equipped w ' Victor. Radio, Victor Elect'" i 1 C ! h.U r. ' ' s ia c(cdaci, seven vui.t -,jC L$ tube and plug-in cord, for only Wtor TalWnJ MatMna ConpV XI I ini Ucnui Ur fn-lt oflkt X,4u fttjuncy USHriit BaaBsVsWsWaBBaBLBBaS ORTHOUHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS McRae Bros. n If you want anythinjr, try a classified cd. I N.'W