M..V 20, 1929 .1 . THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Gardens and Gardening In Northern Rritiel. Pnl.irnk.a . . i it-. 1 1 M SUMMER TURNIPS NOW AnnubelC Annual r I i .1. 4 wing appreciation duct with the young and tender 'greens" in the oots. laimblc turnip top The discovery that baby vegc-.- An a matter of tubleB huto quite a different and 'td green com- eiy fine flavor . or -H with mustard be .much con- W ArUY - f25 PUR"IS TO . WJTA6AOX VP Of H xiTt tuMir roK ntihO. TEM OF A LEGUME ' NODULES WHKH OutH FOR PUN t u'Av bacteria -heir mature forms has led to he common use of the root crops .it a much younger age of their rowth than in former years, oung carrots, young beets, and oung turnips are now staple ar-cles of diet. The young turnip mlled and cooked when only an nch or two thick is a delightful egetable with a more delicate 'nvor than when fully grown. It Has proved to be an excellent Midsummer vejretabk:, to be cher- he! instead of reserving it ex- irom the air. In fere nee in the vigor and growth 1 of the two rows enee in the crops) the treated and. tin While the nitotojB is not necessarf fiji tion of good c H it-nt and it is nec- rkMnillv assisted ibii ulute it . 1 lung it To acconv wad-diffjjr- mam noil h fertile -and well worked, H is a Kua rants of good crops. If eas uad beanfe have boon grown in the soil in years past it is already inoculated with the bacteria and the' inoculation is less needed. In soil in which these crops have not heen previously grown, it is an excellent idea to try It. A can of the culture costs only a few cents and the operation is simple, requiring no tch- ar nical knowledge, so you may grow with a i,an. if vnu wish peas and It is an excellent plan . t eed is trotted be- the soil for thebeans in advancesK planting, digging in a h. maximum yield ' 910A supply of fertllimr and then I b ana, particuUrly : light working when it is time ! ii-n. the soed roa'to sow the seed. Beans are a with nitrogen oJT- warm weather crop and there is ..n seed houses, the beat I'omiilste elkee; tin. !F SABLES FOR HEALTH mash, one of the of vegetables for ui- and neglected 11 because It was nooked, is now ; Ml M PAUY PAM SOUAJHEJ AMt MAR ROW. a hi-aith il siturci the season by early plan- of supply of the great life giving and resistance building Vitamine A. It It contains contains 809 mm wr- calories per - purpose squash, which a t 1 )1 . The summer squasn is at u Iwst and of greatest value ns a food when eaten as a green vegetable and picked when only partly grown. In this manner boiled in ita skin and served with butter like aBjwragUB, it becomes a most attractive vegetable and one that ,..m i. n ru1 novelty when first freouentlv in markets, may be 1 readily grown In the home gar-1 den as it is one of the vegetable marrow branch of summer squashes. LAST YBAiTTsBBIlS "There now." said the subur- hnnit. to his wife, "you've or-1 dered flower seetls that take two years to bloom." "Well, that's where you w . aha M "Thin ic year's catalogue."-The Gardener. "REMIUM FLAT CVTCH CwiNCfE oa. i2jgr -b-- . petsai Savoy. FANCY HOME GARDEN CABBAGES Quality cabbages as well as by an occasional light applica- lusively as a follow cnon for quality irf tither vegetables canl tion of nitrate of soda to be pring vegetables, to be used only best be obtained by irrowlni: the i watered in after it is applied, 'n the fall when full grown and vegetables -yourself. ln this man' the plants two' feet' apart' ''t 'ng the winter. r nr you can 'select seed of the Plant turnips for the summer newest and.nati- introductions, crop now. Plant only the white Otherwise 'j$$imit depend o( Hortr. The yellow turnips or ruta- trie staple s4rte,gro bagas are a long season fall crop '.et njardehprs, : GROWING BETTER VEGETABLES iii iniH belong to a Uon for its use. The various letr .nu known botant- unM require different cultures. etevr" nd 'M '- They We the i'i;it- nf. ttitiag nun mm iron H.pvu na twam. TK nlnvura title m rliffaamnt pill. i- war at secreting ture from ,..t, wii the Bunion man ana yj httle bumps besjv. It would be an interesting phmt 'is cr.poritnent for tb home mr-are usually re- doner to plant a row of inocula- A special tod mos and beans and another na performs the row which has not had the nitro- l-,:unies, of taking's inoculation and note the dif- It is a bright dark green in coloring and the leaves are crinkled, giving it an unusually hand some apearance. the heads are solid and of the highest quality, v SWEET ALYSSUM in, the rows and Keep them well Cultivated, establishing a dust mulch and keeping i the moisture IW mat- 'r the soil which the cabbage it oot,of needs for "its best-growth. Cab- and not adapted for summer use the newest and fltwSt type, The 1 "age worms will come in spite when young. The turnip is a cooi finest quality Cfftbage for home:f everything. Arsenical poisons weather plant and should either growing .to ji'se fresh cut iroraiare ne most effective but often , m.wmik turnip Mum I. gown now for middummer use ui other better mat- ,. j mjd-Hummer for fall use. . m.iy consider six to ten weks will give roots .1 uKubk- by-pro- 0r UHUIt gzie the garden is the Savoy type. gardeners fear to use these This is not a popular market poisons for fear they will remain cabbage because it is not a lonif " the cabbage and be poisonous keeper like most of the types. It is quite different and altogether distinct to appearance from the common cabbage. when the cabbage is cooked. This danger is negligible, but there are nonpoisonous insecticides which may be used to equally good arivantnge and sll fear of poisoning will thus be obviated. Keep a close watch for the first flight of white butterflies and i Tive tne plants ft. ooa ousting trnirinsr 110 siiAti an than nn. Savoy.' standard main" crop 1 OUTDOOR SEED SOWING , ' I- ll- . n. 1 Kxett for the coarse seeds 'rows and ow" thinly. Merely outdoor MMd aowimr reauires con- Pre8 Ilne seTO " poppies rLfr Zft twi their thickness. Mark the to garden e -I rows plainly. After the seed is ?f fTLL ' 'n the plank, can be used to with the fine seeds. The main; dvantltf?e owr the row to care is to provide some kind I of , th ,u dryitut the protection so that if a heavy ra.n;, aa aB wed T?. bed !. quickly .,1 and a easily. u7 ! .theoil the Plants begin to break through ' This is a precaution that is nec- Make 'the wed bed in a shady' essary until the seedlings have at-' pOTitiori or one ghaded at least tained sufficient sise to stand up nalf the d,y for vegetables that under or-over. When aeeds vou expect to transplant. Vege-flrst Htnm'MmU hey have not mil- ,.- W.'r. thev ficiHt fOwt ystems to hold them gtmf Rr( ; robit. uuWy fairlv m u wuru umre( """"i cirae seeaeo ana no . not neea and in tlnjP-tiUnts greit quanti Mes or even ffi ple sowing are sometimes washeckwt. For eae of protect on it h most convenient lo sow the seed in tyig nws. "'anks can he obtained -fyjd lid alongside the seed row in which bricks orrflowor )ota are-d-laced it proqshS (HUtaHcoa an when rains threaten the plank can l tt over the row to break the downpour ene esti prec autione. The HI should 'be In good tilth for hem and ft-h-t fhy ore quHe Tpab'e of holding their own with Jhe elements. Sow thinly at the ttart and save u lot of extra work in thinning. Now iis the time to get seed into the ground, both vegetable and flower seed. The vegetable should have first call, for every dy lost is a day lost in the menu tv,o nll for the outdoor bed during the coming months The carefully nrenarod. well first bloom of the flowers i8 not pound aim a.uo por liroken up and leveled. Sow in of m much imjwrtance. to each iuu caior.en sary is to thin it to give the plants at least six inches of room and let them g" their way. They ieedlly develop a sheet of white thai, increases in depth and width ft, the season pro-gressoa. Alyssum .does not- trans- Sweet alyssum is ideal as an plant aa rewlrlj' as other an- ir l TI, vegetable marrows are edging plant. Nothing In the way nuale and there is little need to S;.,ilIrl T vaiuao valuable for this of annuals grows more easily transplant :it Sow it where it is particular!) ..reduces a greater wealth to grow and thin it out, to the The cocosem- - - . ... in seen now quite 01 uioom. me "'"j w '"M-'"1"! ni,- . lokakipd section mny all lust bo of special Interest to you today. ' 1 " HiiJl 1 URLtMsv&r u Husesas&CH u (etting Rctidy For Shows Start a garden of herbs this! year. A small icornar will give):a t tine supply of (Seasoning. j All hardy annual seed should iie Hown now asters, petunias, ilystum, calendulas, larkspurs, oachelor's , buttons, California poppies all manner of popples, in fact, and phlox drummondi. Get in a planting of peas at two weeks' intervals. It is time to begin scattering commercial fertilizer on the lawn and ic the garden to be washed down to plant roots by the spring rains. Don't forget to .anoint, Ahe currant bushes with. a, 004, dose pf tobacco insectide to. check, the spread of green plant Iiee. They will appear almost with the first leaves. Lettuce is next on their route. NEW ENGINES FOR AIRSHIP Graf Zeppelin Will Keturn Ilase in Germany For Renewals to TOULON, May 20: Sir Hu- sweet and mild flavored. Plant if ,i- u aZ a Deri wno was a passen- a row of Savoy cabbage sed nnw ,Laitjn on ititf! rAa.ni. the tlnv ' lfcr. , the Land vnu cn Tutvn n aunnlv in lU . .m :ii .. t, ...:n ''Week, Wh I j r,r, --. rccuHi Miiiirn w 'WHr(W WIU nob.. summer sod early tali;- iey, -hnI .Met r.H.;eartW career Jong quire exactly the: satne tf eeW y.h to ao.iaoy t damK, as the common cabbage, a goo3 Try 80me 0,, .haBM, -this Uweet..l&h.ril.Jli .sn exe41eivt moisture during their growing ,ariy 8ort. Marvin's f kt-ge period. They are greatly sped along on their way toward fine heads I -1 I T 1 i 1 4 1 1 iicnuyu pkj jy . nrwvj upy Amen- (an the Graf Zepptilln last en she was: forced to turn back and land in, France at the only moating past i the cotint-y, stated yesterday that two new motors were being snipped' from' Priedrkkshaven, and with the three good engines the airship would return to her home base. There, all new engines of the same type as the original .would be, installed and Jthe big ship would make another ' start across the Atlantic. &X8Xm PL NT Third Avenue for BEAUTY and UTIUTY Gardens for flowers as well as for vegetables! Seetls and plants must be bought with care to assure the perfect development of your "crops." Make sure -that your months of labor on your gardens will not be in vain. Buy-only the finest! They cost no more than inferior ones. Prince Rupert Floral Shop (MRS. It. MCCARTHY) Phone Red 183 Crescent Ground Crots-Cut Saw, No. 325 m TIm Ii am lH mol popular mwi on Ui nurktl (or cuttin pu!pwooL It to umJ ' I by Dm Lrgeat pulp wJ foUxn Mid Mnufacturtn. ll it mad with L&ncc Tooth, I I i 11ml, nd with tu kollow bk it cUll JIMO'DS CAUDA SAWC0.iI(IU J dind tar Ictlinf purpsMt. f T monkhi . vamcoovi". Jn The true purpose of "V') 1 i'llW t a Budget 'in ErUKY year you spend a large prei'wtton of thjaiju get, $0 much for clothing- So mueh for ahM. Se. much for things to oat for bouse furnishings, hooka i wat not. Here is the way to get the most for your money. Keep a budget. Decide what you cmn afford to spend for each item, and hold yourself wUhln this amount. Then to get the most for your budget money read adw tisements carefully. The advertisements you reed tall yon what is newest and best. They give you the latest ideas and improvements. They help you to get more from each dollar yeu have apportioned in ypur budgetand so. 2lve betr and'drHfc better with the same ineome. 1 . ' ' The true purpose of a budget is to enable y)u k P(d wiasV-r-and only by careful reading of a'dtertrtjl'g you hope to aoeomplish this result.' , v 1 1 . .'.J.M' nun- v i t.iK -ill: 'I. h-ir.fuvr",'A ! Keutl advertising regularly It poinU'tlic ; way to better living. 1 IJ v i ' it t ..'.111 4 t V t i-i at i