Wednesday, June 5, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Man in the Moon I! j Friends, book, tloj? and hob-bios CLASSIFIE DAD VERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, L OST & FOUND should bo few and well i hoscn. THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ ISECAUSE IT IS FULL OP HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Peace neenjtp have again broken out In Mexico. Trince Rupert has the climate, Prince Itupert has the men; All that Prince Rupert needs to- ay , . Is to stop and start again. Jake says he likes the way the ;n-(. im ial government is building the- road to Tyace. It help en-( i.ouraye the iuiel life. . A si:ret society is an after-1 noon tea party wnere mey tell secrets. i i A three season bd is uuc vh-re there is bo spring. . 'a Never associate with inferiors i that is, if you have any. ! Did you even hear of the flap- ii-r iijat unu m """i He lad lots of money. An eloquent clergyman re- nibles a laumlryman. He is al-w bringing home to you some- hiiiK you never saw before. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.rue land I It , the Prince Rupert Land neeordtef rlli ot PTlnce Ruprtt. Deft, and and attuate attuate e mile Bourn nan oi m 77, - - , ,, , , - He ,c South - Weat eoaat of Wale I- , i tallowing deeorlbed Jm: commencing at a post planted on the l .k notice that Anglo British Oojura- ' goaat of WaJeeJ Uland half mile South tt ot Bartlet Point, thence North l-i-kmii Com Dent Limited of Van- v' r B C .JSLsSSt Can- l t ebato. thence South Baat tort, intends toSpJyfor a lease of the South Weet ten chain to Hg -:n bribed Unda: for whore: . Water mark: thence loUowlng HJgfr . ...mencin? at a port planted one Water Mart to staking poat and ton-m. Muth Eit of Bartiett iW or. the t?2lJ;J?S iTrr, . in. Wtrl coant of waiea uiana; ::r,. Tumi fortV chajB fOOOVtBaT high - mrrk; tbenre South Weat fjte I ,.na ' lo water mark; thence Weat; rhatnii followlnt low water mark; North Eaat five chain to loc-)-oat. and containing 30 acre, more ANGLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walkerr Agent. Cb ted May 32nd. lt LAND ACT Notlre of Intention t Apply to I-rae land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording 1 of Prince Rupert, and tttuate o :i.:le South Kaat of Sort point on . y.. aliore of Portland Canal. t ,k.' nonce that Anglo Britten Oolum-.i r.fkiux Company LteiKed of Van-fr B r orrupatton. Salmon Can-nd'to apply for a leaae of the ;ril! devrlbed land: foreahore: i r nn.onr:ng at a ot planted one, : Hmih Eat of Spit Point on the i 1 f Portland Oanal: hence Eart , ii.n'is following High water mark: i.-e South 5 chain to low water' s hence Wea 40 ehilft following ( x WKter mark: thence North S Cham i.xatttiK pot: and coMalnuig 30. more or lea. ANULO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO OOMPA?(T, UUIIUI. "W. E. Walker," Agent. D ted May 22nd. IBM. , LAND A CI Notlre of Intention to Apply ... I . I Bn.l . - ht Prince Rupert 1 Reoordlng t of pnnoa nujiert, u tmi ie South Went eoaet Ot Wftlea la- i ':i .UK B-jston n-jamn uiano . ce that Anglo Brtttah Oolum- i.,.,.i,u, nn.n T.imitMl of Van- ! . r B C ocoSpatlon. Salmon Can- s intend to acply for leaae of the, wii.g de-erlbed land: foreahore: ! n.inonclng at a poM pUMed on the II WCei tAJOai OJ ynwtrwt imauu av. W 'lern entremrtv of Boaton Uianosi tt.rty chain following high water ihvnr South one chain to Low f. r murk; thence Weat forty enain wing low water mark: thence North : lKting poat; and containing Ten; ... more or la n. nivtun -W. E Walker." Agent Gj'.rd May 32nd, 19S9- LM ACT Notlre or Intention to Apply to Lease Land ... . . . n I in -ne mnce itupen inert Land uina Recording iwui t of Prime feorwaltl lie Stolb Weet oaaM. ot i tuif mil South u taAiki ..k notk, that Anglo British Oolum- ( racking Company Limited of Van-' !". BC ocoapatlon. Salmon Can- -' intend to apply for a lease of the s ing described land: foreshore: iiisnencuut at a post puuitra mi " ... . X . . . 1 , i Wet conet ot Walea Uland half :o Smith East of Bartiett point: i"onre South Eat forty chains follow HlKh water mark: thence South V.i t live chain to low water mark; M.'o North Weet forty chain follow- i"W water mark; thence North Eaat i eating post; and containing twenty more or leas. H.'ULO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINQ COMPANY, LIMITED. "W E. Walker," Agent, ted May 22nd. 1929. Dr Alexander PHONE 873 BEHNCR BLOCK DENTIST WANTED MARCELLING COc. Mrs. Wither- L.l. Suite 3, Meeker Rlock. 1B2 ,..,., WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. inas. Edwards, at Wa nceV (150) LAND ACT Notice if Intention to Apply to Uiiid In Land Fleoordlhff TOaLrlAf. nt Mum Itupert, and situate aouth-weat lde of wsies uiand. Tike notice that The Canadian Flh-Ing Company, Limited, of Vancouver, B. C. occupation, a Corporation Incornor- Md WMter the laws of the Province of BrltUb Columbia, Intend to apply for I f At thj fnltnwlna MMthbl lat.i. Commencing at a poet planted on an unnamed point on tb eouth-weet aide of Wale Island, opposite Proctor U- landa; thence northerly S chain; thence chln.: enee more line to we point or aom- mencement. and containing 10 acre. root or lee miE CANADIAN FlSniltO CO.. LTD. Per W. W. Trotter. Agent. Dfttfd April 30th. 19J9. LAND ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to lae Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Dletrlct of Prince Rupert, and annate on the coast of Walea Island halt mUe txauwi Eaw or tsaruett rant. Take notice that The Anglo Brlttan Co- .jl"'1 company, umiiea. oi v,"JSUT'f; Vancouver, ? a. cr v., occupation, nanwon PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." AM. Dated May 17th. 1M9. L.NI1 ACT Notlre of Intention to Apply to Leaoe Land In the Prince .Rupert Land Reoardlne Dletnet of Prince Rupert, and aMuami one mile South Baat of BartMt Poifii on the coast ot Walea Uland. Take notice that The Ansto Brttiab OoluraMa Packing Company, LtmMrd. 61 Vancouver, B.C. occupation. Salmon Cannera, Intend to apply for a leaie of the toUowlnc deacrl' ineo Oonunencmg at a post planted one mile South East of BarUett Potat on the Cout of Wale 11 and: thence' North Eat fifteen chain: thence Eaat forty chain: thence South Wort fifteen chain to high water mark: thence following high water mark back to staking poet: and containing Uty acre, more or THE ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker," Aaeot. Dwtea May 17th, 1M9. LVM A CI Notlre of Intention to Apply to Leaae Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Dtatrtot of Prince Rupert, and attuate on the Baat ahore of Portland Oanal oee mu south-eaet of Spit Point. Tike notice that The Anglo Briateh Columbia Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, Salmon Conner. Intend to apply for a leane of the following described land: DUH rMt ahore of Portland Canal one mil thence North f"!.1..01' ten tktlM: thence EM forty chain: thence South tea chain to High Water vr.rk thMiee followlnc hlnh . water mark . . . . . back Jojetawng pow. ma oomon, forty acre, more or lew THE ANOLO BRIJIH OOLCMBIA PAOKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, Per "W Ewalker. Agent. j Daied May 17th, 1929. I.tMl ACT .Notlre of Intention to Apply fo Lrae l.and In the Prince Rupert liand Recording mm Ruriert. and altuate nurirf f ... . - , . . r. ...... nMtMi Talanda Take notice that The Anglo Brttleh Columbia Packing Corapany Umtt. of Vancouver. B.C., occupation. Salmon Conner, intend to apply for a lease of k fatlowln dencrlbed lands: Conunenclng at a poet planted on the , South We eoart of Wa Waad op- , notlte Boston Mlano; wenee nmo enaMw; thence Bast forty chain; live nee . Bnllin TMI CnHW W ' Vta.iM .--;,. , itwn iiSh v.t Water 'ater Mark Mark Weet M.WhoontW acres. trvnrt OF aM. .J .trt nBTTISH COLUMBIA PACKINO OOMPANT UMITED". per"W. ".Walker, Agent. Dated Msy 17th, 1929. . BRINGING UP FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with I bath. Furnished. Phone C47. it. FOR RENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms by the day, wfek, or month. Phone Red C07. tf FOR RENT Furnished ho-ise-keeplng suite and single rooms. Palmer House. Phone Red 444. 140 FOR RENTTwo modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply ?15 Fourth Avenue East. tf HOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per month. Phone Green 21C. tf CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC ELECTROTHERAPY You can make no mistake in dopting thfwe scientific methods, j is their use is now worm wiae n all cases of disease. Our system of drugleas therapy does not leave your recovery to chance, owing to the certainty of the methods adopted. Consult . DR. W. a ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block ireen) 241 Phone Black: 283 Open Evenings CHiRoruAcnc Gets results where other rneth wis fail. Consult R. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR 623 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 I Residence Telephone Red 589 i Established 1924 1 j Letter Box Collections . I 4 AM. PM. r.r.h.m a Atlln At. .. 9.00 7 JO M A & 8th B .. eos in Sth Ave. & Pulton a:. ...... S.10 7. I 8th Ave. tt Thompson St. .. 0.15 7.4t tlth Ave. ft Sherorooke .... 930 7.M tlth Av- tt Conrad bu 7.M 6th Ave. ft Hay Cov Ave... BJ0 (.00 6th Ave. ft Hay Cot Circle 9 Si (.05 Sth Ave. ft Gotten St 8.00 7.00 6th Ave. ft Green St. (Usptl). 0.40 8.10 (th Av. ft UcBrlde St 045 8.15 Prov. Hovt. BuUdlog 9-tO 0 Prov. Oavt. Wharf 0A5 (.23 ! O.T.P. Wharf 10.00 O.T.P. Station 10.06 - ilJ8 2nd Ave. ft ind St 10.10 8.40 Jr(1 ATe & fulton 8t. ,.. 10.16 8.45 ird Av. ft 6th 8t lo w 8 60 The hiss is the only sound , " I , A spool of thread wasjunknown 125 years ago. FATHER rt raa v i m l V I Ci U, ' WHY DIDM'T fOU TELA. ME aeFORE THST OIMT.V AMD Hl& TO THE OPERA Si ft vyEHE GOING v TO-NIGHT ,' GOIK4G MOW V FOR SALE H "U CRfiAM Wicker baby bugry for) sale cheap. Thone Red 4JC. 129 FOR SALE-Rtudebaker coach, meehanieally guaranteed. Hum's , J'. OA and Co. Ltd. , tfl Make appointment by phohlnw FOR SALE Furniture of a flve!RK1 m room suite. Annlv No. 10 Sum- 'mit Apartments or phone Green 232. 130,' FOR SALE Monareh range, practically new, bargain for quick sale. Also other furniture. Phone Red -717. 120 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Ranges, Dining Room Suies, Chesterfield Suites, Reds, SprinfS and Mattresses, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Carpets, Window Winds. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies . O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When, travelling between Port Clemects and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucks from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. GOODYEAR TIRES Raybestp, Ilrake Lining ? K'AlEN'fiARAGE Chevrolet Dealers Reliable Wrecking Super-Service HOME GAS f I 1 . LAND REGISTRY ACT NOTICE I ' RE: Certlfloate of TlUe No. 517-1 to Lot 20, Block 28. Section S. City ot Prtnre Rupert, Map 623. 80! June Jun of the above Certificate f Title iMuedj"4' filed In thh office, notice la hereby given that I anal! at the expiration of one month from the dale of the first publication hereof. Issue a provlalonal certificate In lieu of the MM lost Cer. tlfleele unless In the meantime valid -t1ectlon 1 made to me In writing. Doted at the Land Retatrv Office. Prince "mvrt, B.C. thai 29th day of Uay. 1029. II. F. MACLEOD, RrgMrarJ IV THE MATTER OF THE "COMPANIES ACT" Koncl IS HEREBY QIVEN that the iinirninri will aodv to the Registrar of OomDanJes. Victoria. B.C.. after the publication of this Notice for four ,u,wn, o chanre Its name to that of DATED at rruice Kupen, u.u., mis 21st day of May. A.D.. 1029. McOAFFERT ft OIBBON8. LIMITEO. C.N.R. TRAINS For th East Dally except Sunday, at 11:30 a.m. From the East Dally eieept Tuesday, 3:S0 p.m. WCUL-THAl WORKED F?IN1E-AKJ'I GT THE EVEfJiM' OPPTOJOiN OlKiTV- THAT p HE KIKI GT OUT- ImI ruun IwyV. I i , Qrasl Briula rtfhu tml .,,.,,1 BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lims of beauty culture and hair dreasing. DRESSMAKING MISS E. S. SMITH Experienced dress and coat maker, Westenharer Rlock Second Avenue. SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do if PACIFIC ' SALVAGE CO. . LIMITED Fully Equipped for DIvtcg and General Salvage .Work. Roats .and Scows of all' descrip tions for Charter. Row Roats and Canoes for hire. Rarifains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR Van Hlcrrk, Eastliope, Hicks 4L Itallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers-Phone. Day or Night, 561 P. 0. Ifc.x 1554 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical in struments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed, lust phone Black 120 .and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block CITY OF PRINCE KITERT Tender will be received br the City of Prince Rupert for the carrying out of the garbage and night aob collection In the Cttjr from July 3 to December 31, 1929. according to the contract and apee iflcaUona prepared by the City Engineer and City Solicitor which may be aeeo la the Office of the City Engineer. Tenders to be In the hand of the Otty Clerk not later than 12 o'clock noob June 10 and marked "Tender for Oar-base and Night Soil Collection. The lowest or any tender not neoea-aarUy accepted. E. P. JONES. City Cerk. Auction sale j AT 229 EIGHTH AVENUE; WEST j ON THURSDAY, JUNE 0. AT j 2:30 P.M. Instructed by the owners who' are leaving town, I will sell by PUBLIC AUCTION on the premises at 229 Eighth Avenue West, on Thursday, June G, at 2:30 p.m. two lots with cottage and shack; on one and two shacks on the! other,' complete with furniture, consisting of beds, dreftters, din-! ing room table and the usual J household furnishings. GEO. j. dawes Auctioneer ' Phone Rlack 120 TEP-ITOUD MAGGIE WELL' I 6EB "YOU TO SEAT GOT OUT OPERV WOULDN'T GO "Rt! DEMAND pert Brand" K. lppers "THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD. Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince Rupert. B.C. BOX CUTTINGS $3.50 per Large Load HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 171 3rd Avenue East Heated Storage O EX) ROE: "Do you believe in club-EARL: "Yes. If kind need fall." 'Advertise in "The Daily News' THAT fOO THE q WIFS YOU AKYOUR v. S WUX GOIN1' AN' 5HS GO 4 AM" WOULOWT CO - bO I E0 SHE 1 I UUT ; I wimen?" The Humorist, London. By George McManus NllCjV - T OFF . J