to j PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Wedftesdiy, Ju " 26. 190 J.. The Daily News I'RINCE ItUPEltT - BRITISH COLUMBIA lA-bJhed.Evcry Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert r-ni) 'Daily New, Limited, Third Avenue f''. , H. F. PULLEN - - Managlnif-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance J5.00 For letter period, paid in advance, per month 60 By mail to all parts of Northern und Central British Columbia, RT. HON. W.S.FIELDING Future historians will nrobablv noint to the introdtic 4ltll' uucuon oi me unusn preierential tariff, it is unquestion- oKl inm v: ir i i Ai .. uv nvrc i icmuig miusseu regarueu me negoiia-tiofa otjL' treaty of recinrocitv with the Unitpd Rtntps in rest, born, of the conditions reciprocity was calculated to!r,'',a.upe remove, and it was typical of the man that with the break- ,Th. firSf ing away of the west from the News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Annual Report of Sebawke; Georgia" River Development Proceeding Satisfactorily; Deal on Stewart Property . Annual report of C. A. Banks, managing directoV, on the ebawke and District Mines, Ltd., states that during the - year the main drift was continued 56 feet to 222G feet paa in auvance lor yearly periou d.uu . i.40!lrom. f fh tne ma cross-cut, rm;wnt. whprp v ne re the ine ore ore zone zone was uas firstiBn- i"Wiei. TwtKiit ciMptey advertisinir, inch, insertion per. per Tranent Xnlsing on frontpage, pw inch 2.80 countered. Also on this level 200 feet of cross cuttinfrtoas Loc6i reo-iers, per insertion, per line 25'done, none of the work encountering any values. " A two- ciaiiied . advertising, per insertion, per word 02 'compartment vertical . underground shaft was sunk in the t I t It - a mm m a a a at m J A a 1 j.egui uniices. cacr. insemon. per agaie mie 10 hanging wall of the ore body on XMo. 4 level close to me Or four rnonths for j.oo maln cross-cut to a depth of 160 feet at which horizon No. $lJ&T'TJ?.l-iu .;:-J.V.L-: U 5 level was opened up. The Aaft passed through a wide mail to all other of British Columbia, the British Em B) parts pire and United States, paid in advance, per year Contract rates un application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION 6.00 IOi- Wednesday, June 2C, 1029. . ncllied and mineralized area which, though not commercial . a whole, carried in one place $15.75 across a width of six and one-half feet. Cross cutting on No. 5 level encountered a silici-fied and mineralized zone 90 feet from the shaft. This zone was ; about 50 feet wide and has to date been dVifted on 80 feet in a northerly direction and 414 feet in a ' southerly direction . In the north erly direction no values were encountered, but in the southerly ore has been exposed by inree tion of the British . preferential tariff in 1897 as the out- ,ltr, ?n N' imate i Atiirin f I Fill faaf Vnmhllttir in standing m achievement . of Kt. Hon. W. S. Fielding's career. ! uitawcu that uiaw the wit uic ore, would be of K rave fresh , impetus . to Canada's i . growing trade, and in good milling grade. its umpluioation a year or two later provided new bond? placv 10'eet ot,p le. In the best S20 ore was ex- ft, :: f i r. r, . poeetl and at another point zo feet xu tuc uiwiiLuuun in uie luimiiy growing unusn Lom- total of ?1i ore. The amount or monwealth, a problem that was already regarded as press-! development or on ng for solution among the academically inclined. More-!)" ;ear and ,n,u over, it inspired Kudyard Kipling to write one of his best known poems: A nation spoke to a nation, A Queen sent word to a throne: . , "Daughter am I in my mother's house, But Mistress in my own. The gates are mine to open, As the gates are mine to close. hi ,And I set my house in order," . .-. Sdid our Lady of the Snows. the property for luded 1730 feet of drifting cross-cutting, 1C0 fet of sinking and 50 feet of raising. Steady progress is being made with the freighting and installa tion of machinery at the Gecigia official "LP1T pnu River Gold Mines on Portland U ?UJ?Z": Preaa Canal below Stewart. At the mine et John tne engine room site nas Deer. ilea red and graded and the con- bac.1 beach. II. tion in that year on the promise to advocate a return, if .nh at,the need be. to the status ouo ant. Ami ton vn inf. wu ;G- MdI,B- ' Knra, Portfllil Air rnmnrcm. For Information, Apply DAILY NEWS OFFICE man- he yns called to Ottawa the economic problems confront- i ing Nova Scotia were perhaps uppermost in his mind But ' The Dominion Exploration Co..' it was net until 1911 that he was able to actually neuoti-iLt5;:,yan,?,uvcrh!' Pufcrchw,; ate a treatv. In the courso nf thn nnlit agreement n Nova Scotia in llr'e ,,ay a P1rom the """"" snrimr of opnng 01 make it! V tl'i- preliminary nat 10''? i ta f recorded .nn...i i it ;to exam on. A- i that he took to himself any The company win move its equip- Credit for his prophetic Words. ment to the propl ty without de- scription Fielding the ZZnTto7 party, following the death of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. ThelHuK'hn' 8 w-,Leon. uppwiuun wu coiiBcnpnon nat centered in the Provln-P nf ; v"" u 1U anu J - Quebec and it was 'the action of thS Quebec "e&i ,,B,,ee a" l!!ncouver-' which determined that the mantle of the great French-' Woodbine Gold Mining Co. di- Canadian should be Worn by William Lvnn ATnpVpn7?fiirectorB have received assurance of KiPJT. But the cnnvonHnn J,a ,, 'n JJ.i" backing in their devel- C "vfc,J "-""uiaiini ui in pany. f rom ' rangemenis lor me snipment oi 1 i the time he returned to the post of finance minister in tVin I ore from the P"Pty at Stewart Id TlV 115 1022 down to his last ill-neshe Modllominant on tlfe Government side of the House and the prime minister has never lost an opportunity of paying tribute to the invaluable help he received from h is first lieutenant during the early years of his 1 premiership. Perhaps the most striking characteristic of William Stevens Fielding was his disintcredness. Any honor within the attainment of a Canadian certainly was his, but he stoutly ofechewed all and in the days when his countrymen were no- adverse to knighthoods he preferred to remain plain Mr Yielding It was only in 1923 that he became a . , . ' "y oemg maue a member of the Im-i penal Vn y Council. j with all possible speed. MINING MACHINERY FOB SALE f Wt fl XT IMIEHrt I'ONI'KHKXCE UUi Edna KHU. Vtee-Prealdeftt TERRACE ot the Canadian Women' Preaa 0tu and repmenUtlre for th. wb la ttte4ai Oonference wMafc k Mu S B., ana moctb crete for the engine foundations Bired lhat the generai .hareto'ild- bas just been poured. The plant ... . . ha .... ,. , will consist pf Uo Petters oil en- , ,he ?on"M,nJr ' gines operating two air compre- the,r ful and complete control, so i fcAtwt Hollvprlnir Sf.fl riihlf trt at 'JeVmlotMnnt Will m pI '.n But as epoch making as was UndoubfedlVthe ihtro-'air Pr ""nute- for the time be- with as little additional financial carried on by hand and an aver- to use the money in a way wfcich age advance of 66 feet per month "ill bring almost immediate ev-4 being made on the southwest enue and to.. proceed In lucb. a A. Jlolmwood i(t on &tu(4ar for Pr m Rupm la vWH bla wUc and bakt aon In th hxpMal there. Mr. M Un. J. B. Afar aftd ma OkMMty ani Um. U. A. Ofstf a Ml Miaa Mana Orvlg t(t on gunrdaf far HacHMn ireot writen po4nt ttmy intend mitertng to Ontario. fll,..,l U ill ri .V vnuv fiiiik .iuiiiiuk omr .mitea, uiu., atwnd hr vaoattasi with ionowed he told a group of Canadian manufacturers and!whlch own" rouP ot six claim ntr m siukt. unanciai leaders m Montreal that if thev broueht ahmit ",ltuatd at he head of Glacier: wHiH Ugni .aD0"t i ( reek in the Portland Canal dis-1 the defeat of the t W mpmni-P e' they WOUUI live to the I? v see in trlct with an agreement to spend MMi mariLiint' rrovinces movements of un- atlaa )litn Onig Utt Satiatfaj t Un. A. O. Ml ReM ot lh tvteh atftoot staff la prvaMtnc at th Matt a a. on development work ""nnwowa ivr. period of five years pro-t property warrants it. I "M "r Wright of t puMto nrsfpwurt Tl.-iftan nn.l sehool uff lfft on Monday for JUw. strnirrlit straight linn line nnt-ino parties in ii 'Associates IumIiIu h.v. k t3n nrt ah will prrkl orer the the the election election of of 1921 1921 and and thp the dpinnml demand fn for a review of the th the Domln Dominion Exploration Co. to PftM Confederation fvlnxn'li... X X ... 1 till TUrv4 l ntlft !ov nut out a nrn(ra n l r. C. Btehop la having a larn ad , ?enerauv agreed that his act on h supporting con-! .V on A Urg ?,wd nt ,rom ir.H r i- i r n nn -not cost Mr piAii u kzW&e i i . .t-.1'11: nloration Co. Is capitallied at en Saturday mtht to th. on,ni are U. U. dance in it n pavilion which ba w. rons- i rrmm r n. e. dis in Motion wHh hli odg at Kalura Uk. STEWART ' A. Belmont, an old timer of t! north, arrived hr lat wrvk from La- In Stewart. Alaaka. to take up rtaltUiio It is de-! Dr. J. T. Uandr, realdent mlnln engineer, who .UlvUtllnr this camp oh efHelal dutlea. jhAt Inapeoted among other properties the Warroot Metala. ''rwpfrty. Porter Idaho ana HUk nm. Machine? Drill nnrl nil -.,i.'.. B,n1Jr Chilton. Ilemer neklin and n-mo. .. " ," Mn im iaat week for a proa Drill Steel lilacksmlth Tools Camp equipment Machinery Is In perfect order,. operated only three months. Will sel at sacrifice. peetlhg trip to the WhIU niver aec- tien. Hra. Bert Una hat left to vlalt with relative, in Victoria and Vernon. I 1911 as h& greatest Contribution to Canadian stfltPsmnn.''"- T!e. reuI 90 far 0,b.taln; an"er,.,8lU cofnplete!y restore j ea Ir0m worK a' consioerea ine coniioeneaq snarencwaer jhk' eliir. t.iV. J.,u t i 4v t , f. e Silip, and tfllS despite the fact that it Was subsequently re- satisfactory, as in the last hundred only In Canada but In Great Brit- jected by the Canadian people in a manner SO decisive asi feet driven on the vein the general ain. Good ore has been encoan-j to Carry With it the downfall of the Governm'p'nrllpd rv!,.v,raJre. of "mples taken every ttred in the main shaft and re- Sit- WilfVirl T .nurioi. T,l ...i,.., u S. ' IT lIuV "v 1m ?? v" wa lv?n ,rom lwo mpje snipnwo ...u.u .Jiiui 11.1 . HIUCCU, WilCli Slliime UL DHLLIR Inn Thu. 119 iim ir. nil f V Of nrp nvnrla Ktan v n. TV. II had cleared away, it was found that Mr. FieJding himself was among the slain. : Dream of His Life had befn the dream of the great Nova Scotian's life. Be-1 lieving that the best interests of his native province would noi i oe served by a confederation with the rest of Canada, he had opposed negotiations leading North America Act of 1SG7. Nova Scotia needed wider in gold, the silver content being smelter from'the Woodbine pve about two ounces to the ton with satisfactory values of $87.77 a -.1 lead averaging two per cent. 988.96 to the ton In gold, silver. Future plans include the d iving and other metals. Farther ship- . A. - I li. A 1 A I f - A 111 L 1 A, A Mx Anl i Xu . .1 , A , .1, 1 1 at V .... , oi iwtj auix lunneis on me vein ai icviua win ue niaue as soon as n i reciprocal vMiyi utui trade uuue agl-eement agreemeni With wun the ine United united States! states; an elevation of 3000 and SSOO feet possible, as there are thousand respectively. It is hoped by thl "f tons of good ore ready, means to definitely prove the prop- erty up during the coming sum- ,mer. At the beach additions un Up tn to trip the British Rritioh and improvements are being maae view to economically handling freight and an attrar- V i? i x l l,IU"uc r. rieiding Was lar-jtive summa home ts being built sighted enough to see that Ontario and Quebec could not fr N- T. Burdick, one of the di- pruviue inese on account ot their ceotrranhical nn? tinn irecior ine company. . As htP i m5 thnrofnL !, ,,. H to X be found t i po ,U.on St. Clair, formerly mill auperln-tt ? 1i'b:ttiieref?r1ei.he w3 Working Undent at the Illverslde mine, is I0r Ihe lineal Ot the legislation. Wlnilinir a nrnvinninl 1p. in dinrire of work at th mine and District News Quaker PuftJ Wheat kA Difftren- Flatvur Puffed Wheat is the wheat grain treated in the time way. All noumhraem f the grain supreme is rtturu-J, including the bran, so valiatle J roughage. The vhclwomc whole wheat flavour it always enticing because o delicious. Have both Puffed What and Puffed Rice or the pantry thelf, and serve them alternately. t tastes like a Gonfection DAINTY, containing an ADEUCIOUS astonishing amount of nourishment is Quaker Puffed Rice. Tempting morsels that no appetite can resist, yet full of food elements in a form for easy digestion. Quaker Puffed Rice is the fice grain thoroughly cooked and steam exploded to eiaht times normal size. The millions of tiny food cells in each grain are broken down, thus releasing for easy assimilation all the energy of fine white rice. The puffing gives the grains a crunchy, toasted texture with the flavour of nut meats. It tempts the appetite and satisfies it, too. Doth children and grown-ups relish Quaker Puffed Rice. When other foods fail to entice, it stirs up lagging appetites. Serve at any meal or between meals, direct from the package or warmed. Use milk or cream, or fruit, jelly or jam. You will have delicious variety from ordinary foods. Quaker PUFFED RICE MADE BY THE MILLERS CM OF QUAKER OATS A little fresher ... a little purer . . - like a breath of mountain air WHEN you've had the thrill of ... a method of carbonation cooling air that blows through which is secret . . . and the mountain pines ... if your purest Jamaica ginger . . . re- blcod bas tingled with life and suit in making "Canada Dry" vigor at you've looked from a the champagne of ginger ales, mountain's top . . . then you This fine old beverage is as know the new kind of thrill mellow as the shadows of a pine r , . anaaa flfea forcst . . . yet ury orings to you. A Jittlc higher quality of ingredients ... a little better blending of those injrcdicnts llath ...TTn v... ? bWwrm Brtthtwtll and (Xmwar iut b.n rrz::. .ior mwcantu. ncrn or tn -T " "'! uampo.ii and Duk.. I A Kovcrrimnnt caterpillar tractor, ConatrurUon haa Juat atarted of a hauling a trailer icadeU with (ravel. M 30 trjr to foot OA. and a balf plungcu into ib caaal iaat Ml but waa aalvaged without much damage being done. Mra. J. E. Douvllle avflered a paln-nu accident Iaat week when, aha Jumped from aldewalk near her home and broke her left leg and dlalocated tti knee joint. havingthezestand vigor of the air you breathe. It is a purer, finer, more delightful beverage. Have you tried it? CANADA DRY The Qhampagtw of Cjingcr Ahs Canada bry Gingtr Alt Limittd, Tortnlt, Edmonton and Montreal f$rmtttf J. J. MtUufhlim LimittJ, and CaltJtnia Sfringi CtrfttaiUn Umtii 1K.UN M.I(1HTLV LATK Delayed In reaching tKi. afternoon 'a train, due thla divUlon, fi -in n ,t. ml .... 0 WV, TWfW - - - to be t.;ij minutea lata ao arm untU M J.m,