1 r.r, -, . . t ...1.1 Jn: . ! .If -. Jlf . . fn. ....... J, . .U ..; Ji I I Iff ! ' 1 !,,.".' SJK 1 1 U a'ju MT ilS 03 I H'HUH lllX. .Philadelphia 0 0 Boston 0 0 Brooklyn 0 0 WALTER JOHNSONLOSES HIS FIRST BASEBALL GAME F OR WASHINGTON . ON ASSUMING MANAGEMENT THERE NEW YORK, April 18. Baseball got a start in the east yesterday when Walter Johnson made his managerial debut in Washington against Philadelphia. Johnson sent in ' -j "Sad" Sam Jones against Connie Mack's choice of Yerkes. i S Jphey were both' wrong, Walter more than Connie. Mack ! if ffeent for Eddie Rommell as the big train shuffled out of; Garland, BraxtpLj . . . JlrThe Athletick 'led &t6!f4 as the second choices settled jinto position after the second innings, but they continued ..their familiarity with senatorial pitching until the margin was l.s to 4 at tne end ot the nun. -Adolph Liska halted the debacle, but the score remained stationary to the finish. Detroit poured a neat dose of shellac down the throats of Cleve- and to win 16 tb 3,,'despite', Ave- rill's second homer in two days. Daw Howlet urged St. Louis troop to a second straight triumph TJTilVver the White !&x vjth k store ofjft ;; W J6 to 3. - " ,V.M..i' ; f,j I r, The power of the Cub bats struck Kremer where it hurt at the ; 1 1 . : 1 r . 1 . 1 u- it ' JB ' f!H' Pirate rout of 13 tn 2 ' 1 ' BASEBALL SCORES ,;; j National i Pittsburgh 2, Chicago 13. St. Louis 3, Cincinnati 8. - American Detrpit 15, Cleveland 3. Chicago 3, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 13, Washington 4. AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Pet. i St. Louis 2 0 1.000 Philadelphia ....... 1 0 1.000 rt i j -rA m 'ftG!' yOO. ,v 1 OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALf I English League, Division 1 Liverpool 0, Portsmouth 0. Chelsea 2. West Bromwich Scottish League, Division 1 Celtic. 1, Queen's Park 2. Motherwell 2, Rangers 4. REACHED KETCHIKAN . 1. CTl'TIlT.' A XT t 11 n i luiwnnnn, uru 10: L,ett than ten hours after leaving Se- nine ne uorst plane landed here on Wednesday afternoon enroute for Juneau. Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup is a highly concentrated extract of finest barley one of the most wholesome cereals the earth produces. Its uses for food products are many and varied. It is sold by grocers and dealers everywhere. Ask for it by name. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOUIS Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup This advertisement Is not published or dlspltyed by tho Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of vi British HARRY HILL j FLYWEIGHT j CHAMPION ; Roy 'Lost On Foul to Jackie Cohan of New York I , ... MONTREAL-, April 18. Harry Hill, former English . boxer, wrested the Canadian flyweight ihanipionshjn. from Frenchy Bel- angef ,oJ( TorApto,.heje last night fnyeh, Jiei took a -lO-roUnd decision .1't'filint Mm. . ' l Oji the sa,me card, Leo Roy of j Montreal, Canadian featherweight titleholder, lost on' a foul in the ninth round to Jackie Cohan of New York in a non-titular bout. 1 Sport Chat for the cup were played on Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. D. Stewart nd Mrs. Smith contested the la- 8ingle and ,Rred Brown and Tom Chfc tt'tn the men'B Cvent. , I, ,'v .. V rWffiig? weathfrwhlch has n TEmflyW recently at AnVoX M IrfJaftKjmpetus to prepar- pr,fjjaummer. The fleet of Ieqrt-.'JtjatB is receiving the annual renovations. The COll 'rnly uww more ana more wnue xennis enthusiasts are clamorimr for oltih arfinn in rawing ine courts readv for mv. The gymnasium will soon colse its doors. WALKER MAY FIGHT I ACE HUDKINS SOON LOS ANGELES. April 18. Efforts are being made to arrange a championship bout between llic- J(y Walker ... and Ace Hudkins to hftM. Oi k iiuxmir ti Vpectlve managers are already ne- gotiatlng and the nupstinn nf 1 '.. . . finance is the only one to De settled. ! I BM-U7 Columbia I.f 'Hi I TITLED ATHLETE AND TIIE DAILY NEWS Lord David Burfrhley, Olympic 400-meter hurdle champion, and his bride at the annual Cambridge Univerty sports carnival at Fanners' Ground. i PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Daily News by the Sports Editov Thomas J. Hickey, President Thomas J. Hickey, who( is pres-, league with others so much smal-ident of the American Associa-, ler. two circuits were formed :tion League, was also its organ-! the American Association an the izer. Born at Sandwich, 111., on1 Western League. Middle Wetern Detroit 1 i, '500 J" , .,y0X Uadrn,nton Clubs of a roller skating rfnk, at ly'ln- glbjg American League were ta-Washington ..'.".'.'. 0 1 '00O eh?m?,onfp nals tournament the fi- coin, Neb., Hickey was; looking ken into American Astocia- Chicago 0 2 .000 Jew lork .'. 0 0 .0( Boston: ;0:- 0 . 0003 STANDlKfiS I , W T. Pittsburgh 1 1 .Chicago ,,., 1 l St. Louis i l Cincinnati 1 ' 1 New York .'. '6'- 0 October 7, 1871, and the owner forward to the snratner of 13 With no baseball in 'his town to remedv the mAtii-r hv nrni?- insr a laRU. Althoufeh' nojL quit pap Awociatip League for two I'Hin nP'tairfi' a u,nl ricrhf... it. ....!..t. I mm 'ahead th' hls" 'baseball league and-namedMt the- Western, eiatinn: ThlrfV'n Winra xilUa were represented at times, in tjie league. This circuit struggled rilong until the end of the cen- tlirv Ann phorl Iks irvnr oi'floa balked against remaining in the "".'. ." ' ' BALAGNO HAS GOOD MARGIN Leading Fred Pyl e iiuz to izu in Final of City Senior Billiard Championship Charlie Balagno was playing a strong game last night In the sunlor ., w., cuy; , murium,! uimaru amPIohIP8 a '"K 502 ' block. Balagno plajrd a consist- ent game and had most of the by nearly a yard. breaka, while Pyle was more spas- Ethej Catherwood' cleared the modic and did not seem seem to bar at 4 feet 11 5-8 Inches, equal-get going. The latter made high ling the indoor' record, breaks of 4C and 34, while Balagno " made a SO and a number of --.-. twenty-fours. The final block of CUT All omp Tonur the 1000-polnt match will be played tonight. Jack. Judge was re"feree last night with J. Hillman scorer and W. II. Long, marker. TOILERS BEAT WESTMINSTER Four Thousand Fans Watch FTral Game Basket ball. Series NEW WESTMINSTER,'. April 18. In the first game of the final series of, the western Canada men's basketball title, the Winnipeg Toilers defeated New Westminster Adanncs 23 to 22 1.1st night before 4000 fi The final! gam? ishvu 'point couril anacs led at half ,tlme 9 to 7 FUNERAL FRIDAY SIR CLIFFORD SIFTON I TORONTO ' Aprjl 18.-The' funeral of oi- Sir nuttX. Clifford c.r. Slfton Is to be held from his residence f n j Lawrence Park nt, 2 o'clock Friday afternoon.- ! BRIDE AT COLLEGE MEET of American Association League cities droDDinir out of the struir- ,n." Tft ivtern League later rankarf amnmr ih mt .taKla nf mrk.v iarH k ao-; and then rgd, to, enter busl- in St. Pkul. and Minneapolis. in 1!)1K V10 , to ijje . presidency qt the American Association whfch has become one of the strongest leat-ues in the cmlntrti mi(ai.lo tk. leagues, under his guidance. " - WILLIAMS IS AGAIN VICTOR Equals Canadian Record: at Ottawa Last Night OTTAWA, April 18. Percy Williams. Vancouver flash, won the special Invitation sprint here last mm. night luxm at umji an Indoor inuoor track iracK meet. meet. running 50 yards in 5 1-5 seconds, 10 e,Juai ine ijiinauian record, lie defeated Fitinatrfck of H.imlltnn OlunLL OHLD WURl HALIBUT AT EXCHANGE Average Prices Paid With One Canadian Higher Than American There was a small tale at the exchange this morning and one of the Canadian boats sold for a higher price than the Ameri can. Sales were: , American ftaiidtak,' 25,000' to ' Royal Fish Co. at 11.9c and 6c. Ha'sel II., ll.SOO to Booth Fish-eriee at 12.6c and 7c. Harding. 4,000 to Cold Storage at 12.8c, and 7c. . Pegge,' 8,000 to Cold Storage at lZ.cc and 7c. Kennebec, ltvnrifi "KnUUntt nvnrJ Joe Baker. 4,000 to Atlln Fish-eriea at 11c and 8c. Bollnger, 1,800 to Royal -Fish Co. at 13c and 8c. Domino. 2,700 to Atlln Fisher- lies at 12.Gc and Royal HI. ' ' 4,000 to Atlln Fish- TV cries r at 12c and 8c. A Dally Newa want "ad" will bring results 1 TIIE ROYAL COMMISSION OF JUDOE ELLIS OPENS HERE MIT TESTIMONY. (Continued from page one). per by trap? Mr. Anderson ques- OTTAWA, April 18: A spe-tioned figures o'f 'tr'S'p' ?atthei',eia1 standing-tommittee of the which Mr. Motherwell read.. Hej House of Commons on C.N.R. af-suggested that these figures' fairs' was told yesterday by Hen-might be prepared to suit the ry Thornton that the railway cannery interests. There was an average of 1121 fishermen on the .skeena River and 300 'on the Naas, Mr. Anderson stated. Their earnings might average $1000 a year out of which axuenses might amount to $450; leaving only $530 to purchase the necessities of life. Even that was be low government standard. The 1 earnings of the fishermen stayed j in this country but he wo ld like to know where the profits of the j , canneries went. I Resolution Presented I ; Arthur Erooksbank. secretary I of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade, read resolutions from Onah stiver. Lewis Island, Oslund and ! Jap Inlet, protesting against flshj vawaC oui'v yApf caotw w.c vj inion that fish traps shoiild bej allowed so that the llsning;in- dustry might keep pace with modern .i developments of other indus tries. Aid. G. W. Rudderham appear? ed to lodge the protest of the city council against fish traps. He be-ieved that allowing fish traps on Portland Inlet would be but the thin end of the wedge which would lead to traps all over the district. As a result, the fish would be depleted and the fishermen deprived of their livelihood. William Beynon read a resolution from the natives of Port Simpson protesting against fish traps. Ambrose Reid deat further with the effect fish traps would have on the natives whose only means, of livelihood fishing had iiecome. Mr. Reid also declared that traps had been contributory to depleting the salmon fishery of the Fraser River, Mike Anderson presented petitions from Kitkatla and Metla-katla opposing fish traps.. " . R. R. Payne of the Canadian Fishing Co. told how his company had acquired Wales Island cannery in 1924 for $233.00, paying $72,000 for the putting In of traps which the government had functioned. American; traps In Steamboat Passage had taken 7S5.000 fish in 1928. AIL his company asked was permission to operate traps there so they could get a share of those fish. He did not think that traps would adversely affect fishermen in Portland Inlet. As for conservation, he believed that It could be attained by such regulations as the weekly close season. Fish traps were easier to regulate than any other mejhod of fishing. Mr. Payne gave figures to show that three of his .company's traps In 1925 had taken a total of 105,426 fish the most of which were pinks and chums. Over fishing could be caused by any kind of' jrear. Asked Questions Mr. Payne was being questioned by opponents of fish traps when adjournment was made. FOREST RESERVE IS SET ASIDE AT COWICHAN LAKE VICTORIA, April 18. As n field laboratory where the problem of timber conservation cart be' studied in miniature, the govern-' ment yesterday set aside a reserve of second growth timber on 'Cowlchan Lake, Vancouver Island, j A thousand acres on' the, south 'aide' of the lake, four miles from' Its outlet, will form the reserve to be known as the Cowlchan Lake; forest . CODE IS SECRETARY OF CONSERVATIVES OTTAWA, AptK IS: Official announcement has been made of i the appointment of Redmond Code as secretary of the Dominion Organization of the Conservative Association. Mr. Code is an officer nf tho ln-l rn..... tlve Association. Mrs. .1. W; Kllpatrick Is making satisfactory recovery following an operation for annendleltls In the Prince Rupert General Hos3 'lA pitnl this week. f)CCT VC A D TAD IflJl YfcAK ft THE RAILWAY showed the calendar year of 1928 to be the most satisfactory in us history, both financially and from an operating standpoint. Out of ivery dollar of traffic receipts earned by the C.N.R., 17.84 cents was available', for., interest. On the U.S. class-one vrhnwa'ys, only 15.21 cent" w1 -i-..)iaM 'erest. Sir Henry Thornton thought tlu.t th.s . w.j ..... factory as many of the lines were in new districts. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) jifc,. ... Big Missouri, 1.16, 1.17. Cork Province,' J5, Nil. Cotton Belt; Nil, 70. Duthle. 60, Nil. George Copper, Nil, 6.50. . George River, 39, 40. : Golconda, 1.45, 1.48. Grandview, 44, 44'. ' Independence, 8Vi, 81jm , Indian, 5. Nil. Inter. Coal &. Coke. 34, 36. Kootenay Florence, 15, 16. Kootenay King, 48, 49. Lucky Jim. 14, 15. Mohawk. 4' 2, 6. Morton Woolsey, 3Vi, Sty. Marmat River Gold, 7, 7V4- Marmot Metals, 4, 5. Nationai Silver, 15.' 16. Noble Five, 66. 68. Oregon Copper, 59, 60. Pend Oreille, Nil. 6.26. ,; Premier, 1.60, 1.66. Porter-Idaho. 46. 50. Reeves' Maedonald, 2.25, 2jS5. Rufus-Argenta, 26, 27. ' Ruth-Hope, 41, 42. Silver Creat. .7y4, 6V Silverado, 67, 75. Silversmith, 12, 13 Slocait King, Nil.-74. -Slocan Rambler, 1920. Sriowflake. 83; 25. Sunloch, .Nil, Z85. Terminus. ,fi Topjey Richfield, 30, 31. Whitewater, 1.01, 1.06. Woodbine, Nil. 64. Oils Advance, 9.00, 9.80. A. P. Consolidated, 3.76, 3.78. Calmont, 4.25. 4.27. Dalhousle, 5.60, 5.75. Devenish, 1.10, 1.12. Fabyon Pete, 13, 14. Home. 21.25. 21.75. Illlnois-Alberta, Nil, 1.674.' Mayland, 9.45, 9.50. McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 6.60. McLeod. 5.40, 5.65. New McDoug.- Segur, Nil, 4.75 Royallte, Nil, 152.00. Vulcan, Nil, 2.40. Freehold, 1.65, 1.80, Hargal, 1.7ft 864 Thursday, ApHl is Winners S"lCC 5' t CtKVia.The Govcr&sMiV rlBaWHBsWaBnnMMa This adverllsement is not U.ir 9?M Poardor. j Will II I II I UN II II II AND ; WW n Hi .M Wtomi wO V I.W.TIB GoootiHxvVoit7 This advertisement U aot published or displayed by tht Liquor Control Board cr bj '.overnment of Ui..i.-:a nlnmhl Ne Valley. Nil, 1.U8. UriNed 1-L76, 14.90. Stocks n, tLH. Nil, jMEMBERSPARLIAMENT Anril 18: Mc vytrom JflUtwIitlcal gru)-J It Hi Ijou fttCajmons in a 'so.: . f 3 momtojr tjittend the . eiicjil "oa- w J J held soiitf before m ti thirty tHls afternoon ih': ?eii fr Kingston. LITTLE GIRL CRUSHED BENEATH STREET CAR VICTORIA. April 18 7 J baMath the wheels of a car, 3-yaar-okl Joyc1 T daugther of Mr. and Mr T F Taylor f Victoria, was in-killed yesterday at the c (, St. Lawrence and C v Streets. SEAGRAM'S 83- has been a leader In popu-ur demand a coniiitent winner, year in and year out, tinct it wai firat made In the diatil-lerlei of Joieph E. Seagram & Sona, Ltd, Waterloo, Ontario. n Duhllh,i nr .... byah Gomnment of British Columlla