W mm M A. WN T J A 1PUJ II.: r, kintr l. tri.H w n ar be a member of the house of commons until' the general election pf 1911, when he withdrew and did not present himself for re-election. He represented Urandon, Manitoba, fn fYiA T)nmfninn nnrHimant H) 17 AT PA DEED from 189G until . J911..hi8 first UULni4V4"",L'"" ,,ection t0 the h'ofWbpmmons, being by tfcelamalibf,. following r, . upon his. call to the ministry at im" -" ""'n' 111 Broke Ottawa man of Henown I s Opposed Heciprocily ' Sir Clifford withdrew his sup- f . rt: ft 1 aii. . I ' w . w ... iv a V A VIII 1BI U 1 iTL L K I I I ItlllKlli. .M G . K f '.. of Toronto, privy in 1011, When the Taft-FIeldlng CUUI'L ' ' - " r" "fj -viiiu . nv nLCJ I 1 - aavuM, )HVltlv: I I iUillUFIVll died ycu r lay, wan tor maw -.optics, he not being la accord on c . or me most iiromiraim ?- mauer wiu tne leader, sir . cnibwr Iff". 1P96, as min- lature as Liberal . ' .. 11 v ..Viot v.wl wilk mat. .1 Til C. rt;ASA ..11 throughout the country on "The Conservation of Our National Resources." In 1909 he was elected chairman of the committee on forests and waterways in the house of commons. Sir "Clifford Sifton was the author of h book, "Atlas ot Western (Canada.'' , k He attended the imperial conference in London in 1907. Ho and Lady Sifton were present at the coronation of King George and Queen Mary, 1911, bj invitation. - t .i.e government of ;rfrcral and minister of education George on January h .. Territories (now n 'tt Orp' nway government until I w-r and A'licrta), and l.P(i. when he resigned to become' LIKE A WOMAN , itoi and all unorgan- minister of the interior and auper-j uitlying territories of intendent-fem-ral of Indian affairs; She insisted hotly that, ;ti lie introduced an for Canada. While a member of omy or no economy, she (fll flavoured corn flakes Wl f . you ever used .write m nl t us and we wilt gladly Hfjy VV re m ' t vou co s fc Im of bhe package 111 X TheQuakerOats JM ComDanv zffl -T UJl or with 1 .' i I THE DAILY NEWS Urges Forming New Province as Best Means to Forward Interest of&Northern British Columbia due f (Tills Ik the the irtlrlcti rrteltrd In (he competition now h-lns : 1 i t Ml liy til 1h yayrtltn try ' Hit a inraim of linprovlnr Hir iNmitlnn of tlij pal turt the country Flavour unmatched by any other corn flakes that is the broad guarantee bqhind every package of Quaker Corn Flakes. It is made by The Quaker .' Oats.Gompany, largest cereal millers in the world. This guarantee seal is printed in red on every package. The first helping always wins instant enthusiasm. Quaker Corn Flakes have become the favourite corn flake in millions of Canadian homes. Serve with milk or cream, And besides packages contain cou yaicer NumeS r the writers art withheld until Judclnc In completed). '" 4-.? as the no kept down, a laicrtoF und j,upwin- NwUi nrandon. He continued to ine nono nal came nis way in ent ffme. there wil nwWf rthj&n fruit, fresh or cooked. , Equally delicious at any, meal, or any time. The enspness and hne llavour arc triple-scaled in the sturdy, wax-vrapped package with the Quaker figure. Scrumptious 1 the children say. Give them these crisp, wholesome food morsels whenever they want "something to cat." ! pons with which you can secure high quality silverware and other household and personal articles you need. .Ml I lines are body, and part of B. the pres- advances ! .f Indian affair. reront BraaJon, In the local tne political arena. He was elect- whatever. All the vast iti- -Verior fce-W- 'ptr lure intil h' accepted th! eWBjf the OttawaRacin teg of the interior and along the vnrnniuB mmiKraoon ujvitaUon to the latiter sphere of T"'ai a..u ... coast do not matter ,i , i,i,.i ..cof ni-.Q.u . rnu.o the national bureau ... the Dominion. In Su:ceed:ng Hon. Joseph Martin I ""breeding. ! (-1 of h miniato' s Mttorney-goneral of Manitoba In1 IIe, wa! :rea.lf,d, Kn.ight ,CT .mander of St. Dd St Our local elevator has become a ui.'h legislation at Ot- the Manitoba government be In-, have , a new frock, and he, with and there will not be any either, as h regular warehouse. Our splendid drydock can'teven get the contract to build the police boat for our owr district. Our harobr, one of the very best and finest In the whole world, is practically lifeless. The fish trade econ- ( poor and so is everything else must .There is no life, no business. r-tpor.Mb! govern- troductd the act abolishing dlvt-; equal warmth, declined to pro- long as the people' of the north Northwest Terrl- 'ons between law and equity pro- dure the eaih. don't take the management into cedure in the court of king's bench "I'll never snak to you again!" thefr own bands. nun: "f a difference of and codifying and simplifying civil she said, angrily. 1 We cannot expect that the Do- w 'h tin- premier, Sir Wil- procedure in the courts. i "How like a woman!" he sigh- minion government shall guess , i ,,.-, over educational For some tune Sir Clifford was ed. "When everything else falls, what we want, or fulfill all our i t -ic sorthwe Territory chairman of the Canadian con- you try bribery!" Answers. wishes; neither.oan we expect thai. Kill Vii- PllfnrJ rm. u.m,.u L. V...tn k k...!na. m.rt .f Ik. D..V. ' . 1 1 ' ' I . H.ITC VUUIIHIMlUUi lV Mm T I II K IHO HUHUW II, VJ, "W MIC BUUVUi ti'r Kavernment KHb'" been appointed to tbb position In CoraeUttea. Cometa, GJhtles, shjIrWuvor this aerthem district.1 , 1 :ior . 'He clWtffl,-1 1909. He lectured W nWy placea iM iWallaceTr OvMBtf 'MM? did m., they twouM not be orn r iaices Made by the Millers of QuakerXiats TRIPLE SEALED WAX -WRAPPED 't - s ron- ia' According tg.rny idea3 re means of advancing the inter-! lntereJfiqf3fir" ; have been doneallqng time ago, as the northern part of im J f t . t ft I ft l Ann -T t dam kia l lilnnl n n ma a I X T -V AW VM, . VV U V VS VS IVil L U1VU blllil :::S, and KnT , K Sircnd'SrwaT' There are lotSof examples everywhere, but we needn't . . ... ,;J ,.,. ,l i i . known fn CnnaAtt ani the IInlta ffO OUtSUle Olir .Own tOWn. WllGre thinirs Wflll f hnvf hPPtl wl.. i, n ..f ihrgi.isr Vio ,.(. t 4u ;i i ii.. States, he beintr for manv vears mntn rliTTPrinf if tnp nrv rlnrk nnH fho olovafn- Viorl Vionn . fill.' . ... nn nf 1A...K.. UM.nv.An 1 II ll if '?' l!Jl1 1 .1 str j .i.ovo hip average posiu- agreement witn tiie unitea "'k ' i dusv au me ume, ana ii me worK on tne new nighwav nau Ottawa. Few men were States. tne principal races ana horse h n,,shPfl nn'.lS much ns nnssihlp inctpnrl nf eknr Hftwiv n in Canada. During Sir Clifford Sifton was an out- 8how ln the big Canadian and A . il activity he was re- standing political figure in Mani- American clt;e. lie was an im- No country whatever will pro-f.nc of the leaders of toba for a number of years before norter f English hunters. He grew without communications, lu.rty, and one of it he joined the Laurier government. WM a tfreot ,over of hfRn-bred, gailways, highwafl phones, tel- is. His political career in Manitoba nign-apinwa norses, anu prowoiy egraphs and stea i d was caJled by gir began in 1888. In that year he tn numerous iropma 'wmcii- m i4 veins of th wj j Linir.i r to UfcTtderal ei was elected to the Manitoba Manitoba legis- legis. W0fl ,n Arse compeptrons gw Asl(?nt lone i member mi, for him more more genuine genuine pleasure pleasure than than r q. U k I worthy the title of keen business men. Of course, they want all the business for Vancouver, consequently they can't assist us, even if they had the good will to do so. . ' There is only one thing to do1 for the people of the northwest. and that is to co-operate and stick together, and the earlier that can be done the better. If we possess the true spirit, will and perseverance, and, If we work in the interests of the country we are bound to succeed. And our wage will be the high est possible, when we see thej fruits of our pioneer work. PLANE MADE BRIEF STAY IN RUPERT Proceeded to Alaska Yesterday j Afternoon After Refuelling Here j Another fine flight was being! made by the Gorst Air Transport , Co.'s Boeing amphibian biplane which i&aue a briei stop here yesterday afternoon to refuel. Ike ship, an eight passenger carrier and one of the largest airplanes that has ever been aen hero, left Seattle at G:45 caterday morning, arrived at ampbell River at 9:15 and, af- .er refuelline there. hoDDed off! again at 10:15 and arrived here 4 2(44. The flight had., been Bade in six hours snd' fifty-five minutes actual flying time. The hip spent about an hour here eioee proceeding to Ketchikan. destination was Juneau. j On board the plane were five roofis- Verne Gorst, president of the owning company, Clayton Scott, pilot; Gordon Graham, aeehanic; R Greenwood, com-ttercial representative of the orst Air Transport Co., and A. 7. Ivarson. a mining man. In a brW conversation with he Daily News while here, Mr. Greenwood said that they had ad an excellent trip north un-lar Ideal weather conditions. The T. U'rlnkt rlAn. onn UA "un't'oned perfectly. They expected to reach Juneau today. This plane brought north the frt Seattle papers ever to bei distributed In Prince Rupert on! the day of publication. Copies of! the Seattle Post-Intelligencer of yeaterday morning were dropped j from the plane at settlements al-i ong the coast j New Seasons Prints 1 yds, for; $1.00. Wallace's. ! S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Kcprcsicntativcs for Ml LI. Kit COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buy'ng and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.LiJ. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 ITinre Rupert, &C il PAGE FIVE "Jf'i really too good for the kitchen now. Isn't it marvellous how Permalak transforms things?" The beauty of Permalak He3 not only in its colors, but in its soft satiny finish. The colors are beautiful the whole wide range of them. And the finish is beautiful too, so rich and lustrous. The easiest of all; finishes to apply. And it dries in no time. MKk nisliingjafQuer ; This thorough tittle treatise on home decorating it full of ideas for brightening every room In the houe. Free from your dealer or write direct to the company at Montreal RHANOPAM' -ENDEWSON Gordon's Hardware Good lessons come out of well-filled school lunch boxes No child can do rood i work ln school unlets he is veil-nourished. Too often, the school lunch box ii filled with whatever hap- mu tn r at hand, rather than with a definite plan to give a child fuel and energy and material Kir gnmn. In every school lunch box there should be a fruit of come sort This may be the usual apple or orange or other raw inut, or it tray oe a jar oi some cooKea fruit, a baked apple, stewed prunes, rhubarb, perhaps. There should be a vegetable. This.too.myberaw:raw cabbage and raw carrots diopped together make an appetizing salad and one that most children like. Other combinations will suggest themselves to you. A sandwich should be included, and varied from day to day as much as possible. A dessert such as custard or cookies should complete the lunch, which Is to be supplemented at school by a hot dish of some sort or a hot drink. How to get milk into the school lunch The most important food on the whole school lunch menu is, of course, milk. At a very great rrany schools milk is supplied the children. But it is always advisable to augment this, if possible, by including in the lunch box a dessert in which milk is used. Rice puddings, blanc mange, custards, bread puddings and tapioca all contribute a generous quantity of milk to the diet. You'll find Carnation Milk preferable for cookery In preparing dishes for the school lunch, in all your cookery, in fact, you will find Carnation Milk particularly convenient, dependable and economical. It ii simply pure, full-cream millc. evaporated to double richness, 'ana "homogenized" to give every drop its share of the double helping of cream. In cooking results it surpasses eVeti the finest bottled milk for flavor, richness, smooth, creamy texture and cerUintr of success. ,, Theonly way to realiie (uIIt how mailt advantages Carnation offers. Is to try it in soups and sauces, which It makes wonderfully smooth and creamy: IA candies and Ice creams, to which it rvw an excetrtionally velvet textured in cakes and puddings, to which it contributes both delicacy and richness. You'll find a host of excellent redoes in the Carnation Cook Book. Won't Vou send for it? It is free. Address Carnation Milk Products Co., limited. 13t Abbott Street, Vancouver, a C Carnation Cup Cu$tard 2 cups Carnation Milk, 2 cups water, 5 exs, I cup sugar. J tsp. salt, 1 tip. vanilla. Scald Carnation and water; beat eggs slightly, add sugar, salt, vanilla and scalded milk. Pour into Individual buttered custard cups, set in pan of hot water. Sprinkle with nut-mee and bake in a slow (223'F.) oven until knife inserted in center comes out deanabout 40 minutes. Serves eight. Smooth, Creamy, Custards PRODUCED IN CANADA "from Doubly rich in cream, Carnation Milk adds creamlness to any dish. "Homogenized" to break up the cream into finest particles, It makes the most velvety custards, soups, sauces, puddings, candies and let creams. You'll agree It's woo-derful. (Sti ttclp tbOYt) Contented Cows r.Tu-