Walpesday, February 20, 1929 Man in the Moon Some people are so dumb they think in order to get whipped croam they have o whip the cow. T . The Norn Scotftv .nwn, wltb thirty children rnust be an optimist in regard t6 the future of the maritime provinces: You have to insult some people to keep them from borrowing from you. Wonder who Tolrnic sick. but made February 20, 1919 The police tonuniasion, trig yisterJay afternoon, Premier Perhaps it was why be personal? Ten Years Ago Jn. Prince K u pg rt . "V1 Mbi,ia-a j meet- a resolution asking the attorney Despatches carry the story of a fight with a grizzly bear by Rob Levac, husky Yukon fron tiersman. Though badly hurt, Levac escaped with his life. The death occurred this Burning at her home on Fourth Ave. of Mrs. George H. Arnold, pioneer woman of the city. " 8 ) ( High I jo w High I"W High Low AVwlhesd Fib'ruar 20 ' ' 4:80 -a.m. 1 Thursday, February 21 11:36 a.m. 5:31 a.m. 18: IT p.m. Friday, February 22 0:35 a.m. 196 ft. 12:2 p.m. 22.4 ft. 0:27 a.m. C.C ft. 19:02 p.m. 1.2 ft. UUULttUUU DODD nn iVn Anchor - Donaldson Smoklng-Koom Steward knows his Job aa well that you will long remember your smokes, chats, and games In these friendly rooms. HI nthulm and prldecru typljkAl ot -the service you ftct throughout the ship on the 'Letltln" or the Atllentl.,, . . . Sail Anchor - Donaldson I i. v ' 'S Book Ihrovth Th&Vunard Sham "f . St. W.t K.wTreiSryiw jfijS-p), or oy sUamtkif att. Weekly 9lilino'rom Montreal If--- (nd (wt) It Ireland, 3t Sielland and InjiUnii m VA conjunction with Cunird ANCHOR-DONALDSON LINE e KVA-J1& CWn,Tuilt Third Cabin and Thiol CUa. THE PAH.T NEWS PAQB SEVER CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. II. H. HOME QIL DISl'UJUXOHH, LIMITED, who, jmucipm piat oi uubiueiM i m-507 Burrtru Street, vauoouvtr. tiruwai Columbia, bMuy giva uncc turn it uaa unoar tMM)i.u 7 01 the uid Act d ...... ,.,..,. . . .... posited with the MJu.elr ol f u-nc Wor-a 1 p u,; ur;N I-AUlOJTUmueil. pianos Tin frrkfit vn 1,i in. va,rir iu at Oiiswa. uiiawa. aua ad in in Vitrified Tile WATEUS PROTECTION ACT" C. chapter 140 Uu luuuu. m l.. ..... r uwkh neRlatmr ol the Land Heltry that, ft .inake-s men lve up thir oiioioi hui, m,um ou.uu,-qu.'Htionauie n.iuiM P u,,, at ul in un u,t pl, J, girls from chumming with silly Ibuuoum and wiiarvu piopoaeu m l l .i.i.pra j built in ihe tmrbuur ui Prince .lupeu iu "''I'1 irout ol Uil a ul Wa.eriro.ii. BI-CK "U jPiliiee Rupert. 1 believe in co-education. I'm ' nJfl.-S' ; married. - i ux unt iiuuicttu oi uu uouve n w i 1 uu uuwiwatura, ym;m, win uuuer two- i vmiu i ui use aaia Act apply u uiu ...i-. VfiP " " " ..vans b um uu... ' .. ure titty of UUaWK lor approval ul tiie uul ut j.id pli.... ;tJr ick.c lo . ..... i u-cttid v.. mil ua ulweaaiu. UaII.U ai V.c;."JUVti, buu.li Uo.mu-biu. i..t. iKti; ua janua.y. i Jw ! riOMfc oil. UlaitUliolu.w. I i.ijuau ! By ilH bo.iciUjr, BOBKlcTSON DOUoi Ab bj4ao. 1KMIHH UATK I SeMtf TMMHW aua tod Sccuod Ma... a &o 1 be received up Ul 6 1.800 lb. Jut for double (hick Yitrlfie: Tile. ;, .' IntracttaM (6 MOdert sad tfee apeet-ficatlon may be aeen at the office c! tbe City Engineer Cltl HalL.Pnnce Rup- ert, BtC. or any tender not rne loweet loweef BToSina Jhupert and awAleof date otMer? ft be atated). D.J. UATHE6ON, Ptuetkaatna: Agent. mm Rupert B.C. .Valk-p ( lutention t .tpiriy m fxafe lmuh re anal fuf RMOKUnc.Dta- aiuiaie ai ue adMcent ta til (1 MEMiiatioa, nMBUlaasureta. iateoda ta a lettte iltta pjt). 0.0 ft. .atalbaal ItMa: the following 'de- namiimiiilna at tka rly northaaat rthaaat corner corner or 61 IU BM8. ft 8. CD., tbenoe aauth-lerlv SI deevkea 10 minutea eaat 800 feet. more or lea, to lev water tr mark; thence rouowtas lowuic 10 tow water man t n f H) a point due raat as the mot eaaterly " . naint ar an unearned laiand 7.3 It. IWf tfterH tollowlns the 1 a t iSttSiS to to tbe ewe thence ainuewltle of tbe moat northwMteeiv point ot Uaecc la a northweaterly dlree- Ittaa K) taa northeaaterlv Doint of an un-inajwd laUnd; theaue bortbweaterly to Ibiah Vrr mark; tbtaea In a nortbeut-1 alt) direetioo alon blah water mark to the O T P Rallwav rlght-of-wav; thence akinr aionr U tha aautbern southern r oounaarr or lloanee to take aodJ a lie iw 100.060 of water out of an Uhairwi stream, wh.ch Uow aowtneriv and drain into the head ot oolar fUrbouralf nilli. -in'thoiKt Of Lot 8889. lUHge 8. CD. NOTICE FOR RENT phonographs and aewjng mach ines. )Vaker Music Store. VOH RENT Modern house, near Prwbyterl.in church. Apply SIS Fourth Avenue E. tf HOUSE8 For rent P. W. Hart. 8-1 : NOTICE IS HERKBY OIVER ya( ii iniiliwlioii wiU . be aiilf to. Uie legislative Aaaembli at Uia frovUli OX Urlt-.a uoluibia at im pret U:aon by an Act empowering Um CUy ui aeli. free noon oi le.ruary lb. iKaa. .0. upp.yg , caWaaoU upon auch lerun J. n.tiy i p.-a..na.l. 1. dMn fit to Ihm Wu.u fVr. 1.W Uueal feet til" double thick umuon u uuuni. Li.mid 1 iva.rii.. v.ml.cu i.ir oewrr i-ice. i.jou Lineal .fi.r .h. p.,m,i.... ,v,. .nri and power de- r.. iS'S; , Ur" ' Prtment aa a going concern, and to Uuet VlwillecJ Tile Sewer Wpe; 88.000 1. rant to the Oomnan th aole and h. . general to cancel th Mcenap of Jfe " "I "lck VltrtlliaUciualv right, power, lloence and prli. 7. . . ., 5 . . .Tile 8wer Pipe. - flaea to cam on In the Clt of Prlnra I Livy enter into an agreement wiin uie 1 flfn&inT far aunnlvlnv It citizen electric light, beat and power , upon auch terma and condltlona aa the City may deem fit, and further empow- a jriHri MLNBR.tL, ACT (Form F) AND s Or" Ar-flJCATIQH CBKTIflCATE QP IUPKO VE.MKNT8 tJH PHAI7IIONA1. FRACTIONAL MINERAL CLAIMS, alt- nate In the Atlin kilning DltWJon of Caaalar District. Wbere located : The Bob Fractional Mineral Claim ol. Taku Arm, between the Speculation and Chawana Mineral Claim, and the Wann Fractional Mineral Claim on Winn River, adjoining and to the north of the Jack Pine Mineral Claim. lawful holder: EN01NETR GOLD MINES LIMITED. INC Number of the bolder' free miser certificate 87030. the aald rtrht-e4-y to the northweet CertUlcat No. U7030, Intend at tbe end corner of Lot BBSS; thence foLowlnc the atnuoaiuea of tbe aaid lot to tbe poiot oi (HMnmeneement. BILUIOR SPRUCE MILLS. LIMITTD. i B E Morcan. Agent i Dated December 23nd 19M. ! g" A- .IJtV- l." ' . . 1 tVATt.lt .NOTICE IMvrrran and I'm Tak notice th Limited. BuUdlM H.C Wl rnur 4 TO t BUlmar Boruoe MUl a addraa 1 111 Rotteaa OrMvUt St., ViBcoaver: si autv dv from th dato hereol to annlT to the Mining Recorder lor Certificate ol Improvement (or the pur-pom of obtaining Crown OranU ot the above derma. And ruither take notice that action under teetton 88 of th "Mineral Act" anuit be cemmenced before the lnuaiice .r u.h nlflf.tL Af ImnravHnellta. Datijd, M t li day rjanuanr, 1929. CNQINZIR . OQU MINES. LTD. INC. in Agent. MeN ftaaer, i ; 1...JJ1- i , IN FBOIttTE In.tha luanme Court ot BrUlah BRINGING UP FATHER &Ki MEU-O TO : . . . . . tr TBLl. Min TWWr . klAME HBUUO-MR' Co- lumbla in th malter or the AdmlnUtra Tbe watei will be diverted from th , -j, , ta matter of the Eatate .;', w r WMl ",i8tjt .day of Jnury. 1929, Edrd H. 'Thi, nntin waa txntfd on the " ground ' , Mortimer end Lvojiard Pe 0x were . ,, -hi ianuTofDJcenber iaBw appointed admlbUtrator ot th Etat A loiiv ol thin notice and an apollea- 'of Aaron W Edge, deceased, and all parti", uuwuant thereto and to the "Water; tie hrving claim Mains; ths "44 Estate Act" will be Hied in the office of the are hereby required to urnMQ same. Wter Krrorder . Prince Rupert. B.C. 1 properly verified UJ me oq or btfor the , Oblectloni to the anlloatton im v beu, dty 0f March. AD, 1939. and ill fl ed with the oaid Water He8T(ler or naetlea Indebted to the Batate are re- with th .comotroiier oi jxawr auired to pay the amount 61 their In- nnM of thu noUoe in lJ Mtt?Pr- rnwARn EDWARD tr H. Mnnnvirn MORTIMER. HILLMO! 9PRUCE MILUJ nv n K Th. data f the flrat subllee thi nofle to Januarv 8th. 19TJ Applicant. MORGAN. Aeent. . iron oi Exeeutor, 334 Second At., Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated tbe 7th day of Feb.. A D., 1929. S3 FOR SALE FOR RENT -r Hrn.lsb.ed house. FOR SALE Universal Marine kieping rooms by this day, wek, Engine, 45 H.P., complete with nr month. phone Red CQ7. tf eduction gear. Practically new. Apply Dr. Large ' Port Simpson, I).C, 1 j FOR SALT We offer fbr sale! together ox seperately three de-j slrable five roomed houses locate on Fifth Avenue West, to j be purchased on favorable j terms- Apply to McCaffery &l Gibbons, Ltd. 43. RENT Newly modernized F0R SALE Monarch stove in : llau-sea 0 and G roms, eonven- 'o0.r c0""10"! Urop-lear table ient location. r.onable rent. ; nd .Chalr.s: A chajr a"d C45 or !80. 40 woucn. rnone ttiue ; to. 4i . i poll SALB One line abaft 18 feet long and inches thick. One 20 Inch Hanger; Four 11 Inch hangers. Two hrge Iron I'tillevft, apod li to 12 roch, 3.V2 Jnch. belt. Two line shafts 8. feet long, I1!- inch thick. Three Iron Pulieya, three speeds jz Inch to 8 Inch- Two ('tfWn Wooden Pulleys. Apply Dally News. tf 1 . A Dally News want.adv will me 11. I. EMK'iai iuu ioiunving a. 14 only. 138" Junction double munm th. hi mm.. r . mht hui and : i,rn ...li. it.- conviction as a common gam- 'J iilfA'wTSr'mtJJ' VJ p0 "wpany. purpoan ' " . tloni double tblek Vitrified Tile; 8 only, to inaul. eitend. operate, repair and1 1 ' ing house. The resolution waS'lOxB" Junctiona double thick Vitrified 1 maintain In the aald Cltya atreeU. lane moved by Commissioner George n'edn,ni.!w ini MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Hill. i-wuwic vuw nvt,.w ana an otner equi S. 12 On). 1J10' RelUCr. double fnr Ch Ir.n.ml.. thick Vllrlflea Tile, ts only, 10x8" He- aale ot electric power aucera aouoie tnick vitnnea Tiie: 12 : mr numn. im . .mnnrimr th th. r ti -j t t;.., ;,...,). ..... r. onlT bS Beetneara douhle thick Vltrl- FTt. i 10 rT-Ti-ta .-..:trV -.k ,wi""u1cuu' "u "uih vuS, neo Tile 4 aw okIt. 6" loau Beada double thick VI trifled Tile: 380 only. 8" abort Bend, double thick Vitrified Tile s. XMl only, 8" Trapa. dauue thick enn uie cut to nereaner purchaae of: ontnin sp(i fllrifPa AmnMrt. take over the whole or any part 01 the --- Qcmpanv'a electric light heat and power yatem upon auch term aa may be agreed upon, and to validate a bylaw U a-aented to by the elector, to whom It 1 to be eubmltted) empowering the City to enter into an agreement with the Company authorizing the City to. enter tnt the aame and to validate the aald agreement and to grant and confirm to the Company all the power, privilege and right thereby conferred. 1 DATED at Priac RuperV. BC 5th day of February. A.D.. 1828? a ment A. MACKENZIE Phone 773 SALVAGE ANJ) TOWING BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. Jl.tke appointment by phoning Red 329. . j CHIROPRACTIC RELIEVE IIEA'IMCHES? CERTAINLY This distressing malady Is '.r-ry prcvah nt at this time of h -. ye;.r, ;uid as a rule is a ympt'im "f a deeper trouble, si'-h.iis -iffcetioiiH of the ''yef, v-r. kidneys, stomaen, etc. It y b' : Is'. d'ic bi the after I-H.-! of i fiiienzii. j 'Vmr.nlt tin Ch:'"iir.i.'.tnr in :tjl ( o- miU ', I1R. U C,t AKPIN'ALL C anJ 7 Krr.atrt! Iftocli 241 Ilionef jfhV: M llyeinsrs, RESULTS COUNT I Pain in the side, Indigestion, Gas on stomach. Headaches, Ner-jvousness, Insomnia, Catarrh and nt and annllaneM i V.nA. Cn,n. f.M I sic .uiuiiciei If rVugTht "2 ling Room Suites, Bedroom Suites, )!,evby ?ur, nw 4formfof d,etet" .niX,.; r,..r!c and spinal treatment to the city and Furniture of all kinds. We will ! now take your old furniture In trade for new as we are now head our National "Ad's," in the Liberty Magazine every week, j then consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Rlue 83, or Red 589 Open Evenings Lcrrta' mix coixcctions AM. Graham-A AtMa Ave. .,' ... u its on or unaer me water we ut Ay,, sth st. .... thu i PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE &lfth A TawM? st. aty of PrincefRuoert. General Salvager Work. 7-w. An H laUftt. Am a. 01jm aa. TOWING COMPANY LIMITED ,MB A fM Fully Equipped for Divips and Boats and Scows of all deiscrpi Itions for Charter.i jRqw Boats and Canoes for hire, i Bargains in Gas Engines. I AGENTS FOR xm Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks & wann Ballantyne Engines- Northern B, C. Distributors CooJidge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 SHELL FISH r c i si i tltu At- Ac Conrad 'sth Ave. Baya jwVe''Av.. ,8tAv; Myr m" CrrSe VJto Ate. & Oottru sr '. btt. Are. Qreon st. (Haptl;. isth Ave. t MBrM 8t. Prov. !f 1lMil ..... . Pro wTiAt: O.TJ Wharf 10.00 , O.TJ Sration ,, . lOuQS j .. a lad Ave. te taa st -.. 10.10 3rd Ave. FutUvji Bt. 10.U Jrt Ave,. 4 Btto At. .. i. 10 30 MAIL SfriEDULi: nar the East- iraou, onrimps, warns or anyi Monday. Wajnectfayi, Saturday., m.u TAKE NOTICE tnat ENQINEFB aOLD uu w uj'l'uw 1UI3U tsa MINES UMlffD. INC.. Free .Miner J ! Urge Of Small quantities. Urin te fast District Orders a Specialty I 8undvi Tuesday and Thunday. HANSON & WALLACE nu du sao pa Prince Rupert Phone: UIL 330 P.O. Rox 832; netted with Tlnsmlthlng QTK? eral handy work. Phone 3. W work guaranteed. PERRY AND ZUMKEHR C.N.R. TCAINS 53 FIXING & REPAIRING We are opening a Sheet,' Metal Shop, backed by tvyentyflre years experience. Any trouble with furnaces, stoves, drafts, cave troughs, leaks or anything m Vr the Et Mondaya, Wedneadara and Saturday at 11:30 ajn. rtiiin the Eat Sundaya, Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 pjn. H&Uf5.M MYlWHAT A PRETTY NAME 1 . Tu Vanntuvee. Vts train Wednesdays aftd Sitr- dyi ...10:30 a.m. lueadiy j u pm. Friday .8:11 in. Friday it pta C.P.B.-Fib. IS and 37 p.m.. MI .lllUUtlV . --- ?unday .- 4 pjn E.MBARRASSINT, MOMENTS i'mmmi tev? lemur ffewr a GkkAr swu4itfe4 938 8.28 i ISM ' 8.40 8 4J 89 4,i nWMWtUN 1 9 18 PJB IToni MeWarl anil I'rrinlrr Tuesdays ... Friday .... 11 M am 8 son r Naaa Hl-r eulutt- Sundays 7 pay from Nan Klver Fotn.K-- Tueaday 1130 in To (ueen Charlotirft Feb. 9 and 33 9 p.m. Itiuu (juero Char!wtfr Pwb. 7 and 21 a.m. T Alakka Ixilnl Feb. 9 and an a.m. Fruni Alalia I'.ilntx -Fwb IS and 27 p.m. usvt ummmmmii mi idii hnrai ic I eji " vmit hV irr mmdluvm I 8i3 81J 9jS0 $30 j . . ONCE there were two men who kept shop. Both shoplteeprrs were in the same mode of business, but their method differed widely. In fact it was only a ast'ter rf tine, a short time, beore one must close. frvow the other shopkeeper was different, he was prosperous. Hit store looked neat and dean, spruce, tidy and colorful, with s front that bespoke quality and service. Now this shopkeeper was a great community boater. His bid for patronage was based on selling his customers the product of his local industries first. He claimed that the industries in his locality employed men who earned wages, who spent wages, and kept others employed His pet theory was, the more of Pat's mouse traps he sold ths more Pat must make, and the more Pat would earn to buy nxidi from him, the wise shopkeeper. And so he wccasoW and becstae prosperous and popular, and his rJulnsophy and wise counsel spread rapidly. Totu, there's .aqral to this story: Every dollar raid for faretan made raids deoaru from your hanelarrd never to return ; but, each defkr ejeknged for a B.C.&roduct rest in in Dntish Columbia and ." V iV lJUU ,1 Uil eBrtefipen&n.fwii)dm ; tre-m Mewart, fremwr. Anyox and' Allre il ri!ails.. Jl f . . lrt,t . I'm -r-m tt1 v ; 3 .!U ?' iofutry. ensures i tospjpty$itfj the homes Tku u HijAW adarrtijemfnl tf t tenti .utaencrj bj tjB.CnVeSMM BaeatM of rke Usacewwr BoarJ ef f. ifj j ' ut''0"'i f BE PR0UDT0 BUYvYPRODUaS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated By George McManus r&WFVnH ' ryy-M-i'M i Mm, wa i BSSlJ'J GotNi to throw 1 dH XT fel K