,turiayf June 15, 1D29. And i you'd have the finest tea--just try it. 'Fresh from the gardens' SPECIALS! SPECIALS! Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream, 50c,Laven-uer Talcum Powder, 85c 86c value. Both for ;50C kiciuo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, 00c $1.00 value. Both for gQ Our Bathing Caj have arrived New, fresh stock. Values from 15C T0 1.00 Qrmes Ltd. Tfic Pioneer Jrueyi.vs rHIRDAVE.fr SIXTH ST - Ttt FPMONl.S 200 - ' -. .... . -n ; - i. i .... , Yon Fav I nsft w m a i v w w j Your Diamond MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for B.C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STRinrr. VANCOUVER M.C. Branches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelwin ' ''i people a'"e wear'ng dia- r,,"' ! rniKst with the claws jusl 1 vv.; off. Some people do how thin the claws are mr 'he .stone drops out. Some l" ' !c hnve rings and jewellery hp n1, 'ionwl that thov hate to W(Mr them. j yf'" ran remodel old lookinir! i' i that you can have th- Voih . ii style at reasonable rate.;. I A diamond sot lnl& ' our ,,ow I "un'mgH makes an amazing ! liani:c . j Ves f5to $1B, but we allow: i for the jld gold. () UOHSlriJWHIr ; i - . & cJEWELLEl 1I1C STORE WITH THE CLOCK n.ar. wn.n f -- SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDUR Cutifng, Workmanship and Styl. All fiurnnted 8UIT6 STKAM CIJCANRD.ANC PRKSSEI) We UelUer to Any Part of Hit, City. Ling, the Tailor IM.iim- filO MILK MILK Fresh Pasteuriied Milk and Crenm Daily. EARLY DHLIViSRY Throughout the City. , We. hn,ve bean 9f$ a6le agents in lincev!ttitrt for the fiimou' RROOKS-BANK CKKTIFIKU XJILJi. Price. 25c iter quart. The game in Prince Rupert as in Vancouver. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Our classified section may be of special interest to you today Local Items 4 a Taxi l'hone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. C8G. , r sSa Tvmitotjr' J. II. Gosse. Phone Big fcuwe in Mrtropole Hall, Satur day June It, at 9 pm. Aooordlan mu c by Mr. Tysae. 138 It, one hundred dollars, on June 11. Twenty five dollar reward. Finder apply Dairy News. 138 Everything Teduced at Jabpur Bros, until Monday only. Kenny Smith returned to the city on yesterday afternoon' train from a trip up the Skeena River. Hear Rev. Geo. Webber at the Baptist Church Sunday evening at 7:30. Solot, H. Lincoln. Or. J. T. Mandy. resident mining engineer for the provincial government. ailed yesterday afternoon on the Prtnee Ruprt for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Cx-Oovemor D. W. Davis at Washington d.C. Is beck at Oedarvale on the Seven Slitera mining property near Cedarvade which will be operated this year by the Consolidated limine as Smelting Co. undi A. B. Jfettby. MUMflntauMrt of Usa.1 i. .... i . . t . - -. IMtOflsa smi MUMlng tfepaMmewt Canadian National Hallways, returned)! to the otty on yesterday train from a trip to the Interior mm ipMolal business. atSS of the Yukon li in the "Oold la now engaged in the maahraa aW aad garage busi ness near Prinee -ifrGraV Bask.. Is ding a rw idays & the city proceeding to MWwart where he has mining interest. Mr. Short Is a guest at the Savoy Hotel. Practically from the all cannery manager AN NO UN LAMENTS Rivers and part of the mainland were overnight visitors In town, being ac-oonauM In many eases by thctr wives. The Skeena Wver mer rr'.urn. :1 to their post on this morning's train While those from the Naas am main went out on their own boats. Catholic Wotnan's'Leaifue Socjali June 20. Admisaion, 50c. Mooae Annual Picnie at Digby June 30. Gingbam Da no to be held at Port Clements some time In June So be jtrfrl buy a bow! K. of C. picnic, Sunday, 14, Dlgby Island. . . . in- i-iir-iifrmr it July Catholic llasaar, October 2 uti.i 158 Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mrs. Fred A PugsW, East Southampton, N.8., writes: "I was bothered very much with my nerves and palpitation of the heart, and my sleep was broken at night. I decided to try and after I had taken six boxes I found that thoV had done me so much good I will gladly recommend them to all those who are, troubled with slreplMiies caused by their heart and nerves." IMre SOc. iter box at all drugltista and dealers, dealers, or or mailed mailed direct direct on on rercint rercint of of price by The T. Mllbura Co., Ltd, Toronto, OnU t THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Those Splitting Sick Headaches! M FRUIT -A-TIVES " Stop Those Health-Robbing Pains Mrs. Michael Ont- writes: ,. Coulis, KlUaloe Station,. 1 v ik . "AIW minf'Friiit-orfiTW h ndch. nd tired-out Inlinf I toon . duapoia'td, and fo . bow I bar baa ia in but ml baalii." Sick headaches that -come bad on you time after time -will yield to "Fruit-a-tives". Mrs. Coulis is only one of thousands who have discovered this. "Fruit-a-tives" is a natural medicine, made of intensified fresh fruit juices combined' with the finest medicinal Ingredients. It always relieves. Try it today. Mm. M. P. MaOaffery and young son and daughter will sad tonight on an Prince Rupert for Vaaaouver to spend vocation in the south. Walace's Anniversary Sale eta it Saturday and continues for one week. See Windows. J. B. Woedwortn. Who ha been on a visit of Inspection to M mining pro perty on Porober Island. wlU sail to night by the Prtnoe Rupert on his ; vurn sonth. No decision has yt been made as to which power sits tt Power Corporation of Canada will develop In connection with the service to Mil city. It v atVernooaW rtiUed at oorporatism office this mor- Weymarn Petroleum, Ltd., itn controlled by Norwegian capital ists. Investigate, then invest for future profits. Douglas Suther land, Broker, 2nd Avenue. Making bar earl last return from Wales Ward and Port SUnpcon stnoe she took up she present schedule. Onion stsa Gardens. Oapt. A. Johnatone. arrived In pert at B:SO last evening and sailed prompt on time at midnight for Van couver and waypointa. Mors than twelve hours late because or untoadlag Heavy freights at Skeena River cannery points. C.P.R. stea PUS) us. MeoUtnna, Capt. 8. K Oray arrived in port at 9 o'cloek this morn' Ing from the north and sailed about 130 KrrrrTWCT.eCJeturn to Vanoou C. P. R. ataaineaitarraee Adelaide Capt. C. C. BalnVef, Is due In port S o'clock tht afternoon front and will bo to the laaperSal Oil Co ee. t teke"i tueteWore preeeadlns' to her berth st the govern ment wharf? The vassal wUl sail awout 5 p.m. fori Vancouver and Victoala. This afternoon's train, due from tlx tst at 330, was reported this morn ing to be on time. tuag. Oeorge H the Power Kohl yevterdey for a on corporation Inflating engineer for of Canada, left trip M Prlnoe Oeorge lastMss. H is expected to return to the city about the middle of neat month. H. W. M. Holsson, Stewart publish and broker, after awnsUnc cmiple of days in the city following an w tended rejourn in toe south, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prtna Rupert for the north. Rev. W. H. Ptsase of Port Basing ton wss an overnight visitor in. town, hav ing come In with Ml aon. E. H Pierce, who sailed this morning on the Princess Macrulnna Sor Ocean Palls where be expects to Join the atsff of the Pacific Busines at the regular monthly meeting of the St. Andrew i Society last night wa largely of a routine nature. Decision was made to held the annual picnic at orassy Bag, out the Kaien Island highway, on Jtttv 14. President Howard Stecn was in ab chair. SALVATION ARMV TEA AND SALE IS BEING HELD THIS AFTERNOON The Salvation Arm Home League bt ttokung a tea and aale of home cooking and sewing this afternoon in the vaoaat store In the Xxohang Stock, formerly occupied by R. W. Cameron. The affair optned at S o'clook. Those In chsrge are: Tea tables Capt. E. Anderson, as-Mstad by Misses Svelyn Pieta and Dolly Smith. Home Co king air. Win am jt-t. Sewing Mr. Henry Smith and Mrs. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT Furnished flat. Ad- ply Mussallem Grocey. ttfl j FOR RENT Furniahed three : room flat with bath, July and! August. l'hone Blue 707. (140) j FOR SALE Equity in soldier's' houe. Atlin Avenue. Apply Ilo.x 197. Daily News Office. ' (140 1 ' - . I . July, I I ICO.M VI(V ."IU. At TO nnu- keuiioi .u. hUl'l'IIA.MI'TOSsANTM'EKI1 To IM.Vlnouth- ClierlmMrg nmit ' i, outdare ni)iton- June M, July S4 K. .Montcalm July IS .t; , . .Montru.se TO CIlKUIKIl Itll-Xll'TIIAMl'TON July 8 ; . . .Uucliesa of BcdtorU Tu Hcltat-IJvrriHiil-(lIaeuw. pstj J.uly Wv -afc. -.a,.'rL...Mellta ' TOM.fvrnvooiv. June 27 Duchess of York ntoM ((t EiiErJ I To ('liofliiMiri-Moullmnintoii July a, July as ampres ttt Australia July a, July SO . . . Knipre-s at BooUand ! TO CMSUOW-tlKI.I V.ST-i.lVr.Hl'((), i l-"iy u '. .Mohtfoyal j Anolv to Aicent evrrvwher or J. J. FOILSTER 8 8 (leieral Paa Agent C.P.R. Station VancQuvef ' Taleol one Srynirmi isno BIG BUSINESS KIRKPATRICK'S THIS MORNING Kirkpatrick's big sale of the ! wholesale stock of F. G. Dawson, Ltd., dry goods department started 1 off with a rush thin morning. The. prices advertised for the last two. days have been duly taken note of ; were not long in noticing thati Kirkpatrtek's bargains were bar- gains all right. There was a steady stream of blankets and men's wear particularly leaving the store all morning. Of course, the prices at which these necessi ties were offered attracted many. The whole 960,000 stock is on sale, and judging by this first morning, it will be disposed of in record time. Those who are wise ' will not put off too long in paying! a visit to Kirkpatrick's on Sixth Street. Just see the prices emoted! in the display ad. (Advt . ) i Included in a light pasasnger Hat rtain the south, the Princess Macrulnna Is morning brought the following commercial men to the city frcm var ious point along the coast: T. O Garrett and H. E. Ooul bourne of Vancouver and 3. C. Kelly and 0. A. Mao-UlUan of Edmonton. . SCOTS EXCURSION lo Scotland from Montreal July 26 vlsR again the "Land o' the Leal" .et 5t?ut 'frtens free -tias' on board Wit Scottish vassal, conducted by that well knowa Vatsmai) and travel eaiiun, Mr. Alt Boyte by the Aiicher-limwldwa S. S. ATHENIA Pull information from Local Agent, or from CUNARD 8TEAM8HIP CO. .. LTD. Z art llaatiags M , W , Vanasaver Jtti (Ihurch Services ff,!'I'ff U nfl I P I I I W I II nMIBalgligiSl all as m M 1 rrm nr mniiisiii i ? nnrr ttw m CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Science Society, 215 Second Kv'uWe This Society is a branch, of the-Mother- Churclr,-the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass-. Sunday morning service at II o'clock. Subject, "GOD, THE PRESERVER OF MAN." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invite'd. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open Monday and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. ' PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. T. Ivon Jones, M.A. Morning wq-ship at 11 o'clock. Communion Service. Evening service at 7:80. Subject, "THE MAN WHO FINDS LIFE'S BIG THING." Sunday school at 10 o'clock. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B.A. ; Deaconess, Miss E. Elliott Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Rev. Geo. Webber will speak on "CANADA'S SUNDAY. WHAT IT IS WORTH." Sunday school at 10 a.m. Evening service at 7:30. The pastor will preach. Subject, "SIMPLICITY AND GREATNESS." Hf HINMI'KCi 75.KO .MONIUEAL. .U4.10 jwslj Bl CHIC (if) . . . 80J0 llOSTOX 157.TII ajB iHjl TOIIONTO.. llO.at) NEWVOUK.. 151.JI) Hf VSBI EDMONTON, CALUAUY SiS.IM) jWI yjKl IrluiiRle Tour via Vancouver 4S.SS IIWI K Other lulnt Correspondliigl) Low ' . n ItSl vB full l'artlUMr. Hate hale, Ifjf CITY TICKET OFFICE JM V MS TII1KD AVE. I'HONE 260 ffl jHri7.:: '"VMmiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i ii iiiiiniiiiiiiiNiiiU:iii;;;;:;v.!.'.V,"iSs. "Oh, Fm Just Feeling Fine Since I Used the Nerve Food." "Isn't it great to be well in the springtime to get out into the sunshine and fresh air when all nature is renewing its youth." "How fortunate it would be if all women, and men too. only knew about Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and realized the benefits to be obtained from its use when they are tired out and run down in health, nervous, irritable, sleepless and restless.'" . "It is wonderful how quickly tired,, languid feelings disappear when this great restorative is -, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food The greatest of nerve restoratives. Wilt lot fold., anblkd "What Joy ia Caad Hultk" tt dmciibM the lympton. and imtnnl 4 samua diMiJra. Tk Dr. A. VC. CW Median Co Limited. Toronto. Han ad ian National