The Wise lCC Tho wiso man reads the cla. M.norS. I. II nrmr, M. W k-rson P;t -"n have 'Iclir.-itt' of merit features. MtMorUW, AW, C. P McCaffery, 0. and Aid. F. G ,u. rt n.Mf ' anewi recora ior a ursru. Dcrri nee PREMIER CALLS FIELDING HOME OTTAWA. Juno 25. Premier ssr THREE WOMEN t t v..HtPPflav afternoon and went nelly to the residence of Hon. : W s . Fielding to exprees sym- j l-y in the death of the Canadian -a-.c-tmnn. Scores of messages; fi-im all parts of the Dominion! r '4'cd into the home of the vet- j 1 trun statesman today. SHOT AND DIED NEAR PETERSBURG, ALASKA JUNEAU, June 23.-01e Dlud- ?rth tin iimrilnvffA tf Port Waller speech from the throne. , . . .t.. a nonstop flkrht across Australia . ntrftl I( itish wtik. Vh i In thorn nre the iti tated itarl. uoarts ColumDia ilumbia official del- Look off In the Southern Cross to-1 - t u 4 i . LIaIV been appointed i-i i as X rvcn,,S:Va to Derby, where he wwild begin his overseaa flight. I 5 ' CHAINS OF LAKES ON nocrs as possible are exoeetW uvr nd the business session of invention ana aiso tne enier- BERANOFF ISLAND JUNEAU. June 25. R. H. Sargesnt, typographer for the geological survey, accompanying the naval expedition, today announced the discovery o two chains of lakes in the cenOal part of Beranoff Island. They average from one to three miles long. The first chain connists of four lakes and the second of two lakes. DROWN IN EAST sti' AWE DE BELLEVUE, Oiiebec. June 26. Miss Mabel ! Price. 36 years of age, lecturer in I history at Macdonaiu uouege nere tr. (iertruue. ano imo j.iin. Pnv were drowned he' . o.t.rrfav when a motor . launch overturned during a violent storm which swent over Montreal and vicinity. The three women were trapid "nder th U' i rinir Co. at Saginaw Hay, was OM H.neon who ha. boen on a trip -hnt Ut l.rht and died On the w, Atlln and Telegmph we aisw.., investiga- return to the olty wav to Pfltersburir. An will tion is being made. on the Frtn Adelaide tomorrow afternoon New British Parliament Was Opened Today, Speaker Chosen Adjournment Taken to July 1 t nxmnxT Tn 9R Tho new British Parliament held it und7r the Labor Governn,,. to ay an, .1 . a t.'if,..nv rnnservative, as spcaK Jt-ciecteti uapiam n. . m'.iimr nf ... xr , i! nonular presiding or fleer, who was lauded in tho nJ& impartiality. Ramsay Macdonald His appointment and seconded by formei p i lemicr mier Baldwin. . . ... Tho House adjourned shortly anvanU ami will go down to business next week with the reading STOCK QUOTATIONS "He baa left behind him a record of (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co.) B. 0. Silver. I'll. 1.35. Bylew, 31-2. 31-4. Big MaMOUli. 1.33. 1 33. Oork Prorlnay!. 13. 131-3. Cotton Belt. . Nil. Duthle Ulnea M. M. Oeotfe OcppM. 0.60. 9.7S. OeoraU River. 31, 34. Oolesnda. 1.14. 1.30. Orandrlew. 30 3-4, 401-3. Indapeadehce 73-4. 8. Indian Mines. Nil. 9. Intern. Ooai St Ctoke, 38, 40. Kooaenay riorence. IS. 151-3. Kooteaay Kins. 33. 3d, L. it L., 3. 3. Lucky Jim, 12. 13. Mohawk 31-2. 4. Milton Wocfccy, 51-2, 6. Marmot Mm OoW. Ml. 4 3-4. Marmot Metal. Nil. 5. National Silver. 12. 13. Oregon Oapper, 38. 39 Pend Oreille. 3.00, 5J0. Pioneer Ood. Nil. 1.43. rremler, 1.6S, 170. Porter Idaho 48 1-2, SO. Reeves Maedonald, 1.70, 1.73. Rufus Araenta. 31, 31 1-3. Ruth Hope. 40, 42. Silver Oreat, 8, 8 1-2. Sllvorado. 88, 80. Silversmith. 101-2, IS. flioeart Kln 5. 7. Stooae Rambler, 10, 12. Snowflake, 891-2, 60. Sunloeh, 2.23. 3.40. Terminus, Nil, 7. Topley RMtfleld. Nil, 31 1-3. Torle Mines, 1.00. 1.10. Wellington, 8, 12. Whitewater 00, 92. Woodbine,- 6 1-2. 33-4. Bluebird, 11, 12. nil Canary Dalle 1.43. MI. antaveet. 2.10. Nil. Mercury. 1.02. Nil. M14 West, 88. Nil. Mill Olty, 8 35, Nil. MMel, 57. Nil. Okalla New. 3.30, Nil. Rent. 44. Nil. p. At E. bands 9. 00, Nil. Advance. Nil. 18.60. A. P. OMMOildated. 3. 23, 3.23. Oalmont. 2.90, 2.92. Dalhousle, 3.88 3.95. DevrnHh. 421-2. .43. Home, 20.23. 20.40. v Illinois Alberta, Nil, 88. M.ylatvd. 8.00, 8.10. McDoug .-Srgur, Nil, 3.30. MrLeod. 3.75, 3.85. New MeDoug.- Segur, Nil, 1.60. vman, Nil. 1.02. HrJ. 1.31, 1.32. fVeehld. 1.10, 1.18. etefUMt PaelllC. 1.78. 1.80. Mid Weat, 60, Nil. liii.trrn Stock Sherrttt-Oorflon, 7.50, Nil. The Prince Rupert Museum Koaf at its regular meeting in the ; Dank of Commerce yesterday af ter- lYIme MUMrr Culel-a Ufe and Work noon fai chiefly with routine I el iMi MitfMM matters. The guestion of getting ; several important Indian relics for OTTAWA. June M -Wltei the ahn- tho institution was discussed and ipUclty which chracterrd hi ! tt fnr , -halrm-ini Rev. fiannn te.TWhsT nushbrook. V innate further Cant Kinesfonl Smith Planning Y,tery on behalf of the Oovern- and if xiecessni y .take action. j to 11 rSk K "ord to Kngtond i - King oKered to eatend A . in CuHhrrn fro to the uu atatmman the honor of a reported and .membership tickets in souincrn iross ' mwbpf, of the wefe ordered printed. 1 ...,..., v. c u, , ( dettn4 u thanka. Among questions discussed was 8YDNLY, N.S..,Jwa.r The ruherai berc tomorrow will be whether the name, of the organ!- WPUW Wiriii mm wb hi t prim nature. ., .houXA he ch.nced and it hould beEprneA'iqrxactive scieiin.. T , I beyond meae-re the public life of our clety w should remain vsimply a oxintr." In them word Rleht Hon. museum collecting organization. W. I.: Mackenaie Krng, Prime Mini. The matter was left open for the ter. concluded a tribute to the cnar- present and in the meantime -worli acter and works of the late Right . -nii,Hnr hrw.rimpn.-i will con- Hou. W. 6. Fielding. tinue as at present. Those tnter-ested will be asked to donate his toric articles or natural history specimens. Mr. UushbrooK snowea iniec est- Boston Grill LAKOE CABARET alfied advertisements and uses "V Special Dinner Thursday! tnd Saturdays Ilanrlng Every Saturday Mtit, 9 to I? whenever he them needs to sell Dance Hall lor Hire or buy, or rent, to find lost Accommodation (or Private r art lea goods or to get a job. riiovE : NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISILCOLUMMA'S NEWSPAPER ra ljui. Vol . XX., No. 146. l'KINCE HUPERT, U. O. TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1929. PU'CE FIVE r.KVT. .i i .mil 1. 1, i; Empire Trade Agreement is Planned by Canadian Government Says London, Eng., Newspaper LONDON, June 25. Reports that the Canadian Gov- !n iAtttnmJriTMn, i. 1. i. .crnuittiii ia ;uuti:uijiatiiig u nuvv c.jujjiru irauc agrueineiu I J. A. 1Vt. 1 1 1 f as a siep lowaru me uesireu goal 01 increasing mier- Empire trade was published in London papers yesterday without official confirmation. Commenting on the reports the Evening Standard said such a proposal would be welcomed by commerial men in London, especially those having Canadian interests. A conference between Great Britain and the Domin ions on the matter had been discussed for some time, the Standard said, and views had been exchanged between London and Ottawa. During his recent visit to Britain j Hon. Frank Carroll . . of Quebec City, newspaper publisher j i p ii v i t fl.A? r ?1 i. and memocr 01 me uuoec L-egisiituve council, inter-1 viewed most of the leaders in British finance and com-, mercc on the idea and met with encouragement, receiving ; promises of support. DELEGATES OF ! AUSTRALIAN TRADE BOARD! AGAIN FLIES Five Men Will Be Official Representatives of Iocal Hoard , at Convention This Week 4 V COMPETITION f OK SHE Or' CU'ITAL of .new ruoviNct: Information received laat ere- nlDg from Interior pir.U lndl- cats that In the event of a new province being formed for the north there will t cMpMerable competition for :Tje le of the new capita'.. Prince George will 5- claim that It la the tanMt elty 1 near the centre of the province out thla claim will be disputed bv VeixkrtK-of nod Barn Lake. aouthers and Haceltcn both will have t-.od arajurienu In favor of ttoetr rcapectlvt l cl.en. ! SIMPLE BURIAL FOR FIELDING RUM RUNNING CARRIED ON IN LEGAL MANNER WINDSOR, Ont., June 25. Ai clean bill of health, was given Essex county .border operators by Alfred E. Cuddy, deputy commissioner of the Ontario provincial police. "Short circuiting' of liquor in this district has been reduced to an appreciable minimum," he said. "There is p ob-ably very little of it, but certainly not much. After another check of the export docks in the imm-; cliate Windsor area, the deputy commissioner reiterated his belief that there was no gun-toting In oV around the Canadian docks by United States rum runners or their henchmen. jiMUSEUM'BOARD HELD MEETING Matters Connected With Increasing Collection Were Dealt With Yesterday ; Some Prominent Members of Britain's New Cabine Above are seven members of 'he Macdonald Cabiuet They are: Top left to rfght: Rt. Hon. Sidney Webb, famous Parllamentaxlan, W 13 tuv been appointed Mtntater of State for the Dominion and Colonies: Rt. lion i'iulip Sirawden. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rt. Han. Thoa. Shaw. Minister of War; and Rt. Hon O Lantbur). Flntt Commissioner of Works. Bottom, left to right: Rt. Hon. Arthur Hen-tietacn, who Looup.a .... w . , a. ul SeeHaVary of State for For Ifn Affairs; Rt. Hon. Margaret BtalMtd, Minister of -Laor, who a the Ant weoian to feoelTe a Cabinet appointment In any BrlUih U:vthuni, ad 4. Hu- J. R. Clyote. Uemo SecieUry. BORDER RAIDS ON CAN. STOCK SWIFT CUItRBNT, Ssk., June Ing photographs of native work, Orjran.zed xurnts who c oss includinir rock carvings. the border in trucks, steal and Those present were Kcv. uanon slaugnier came oeionginif to Rushbrook, Mrs. J. G. Gibson, nadian ranchers and rush the secretary,,!?. J. Mellish, Rev. W,. carcatsoa across the line neiore E. Collison, Miss Kuth Stewart tney are miscea are causing neavy onj h V Pnilpn. :losse: accordinit to a resolution PRICE Ol WHEAT VANCOUVER, June 25: The price at wan atOCK wheat today was 11.321-2. here. nut a Mop to the modern rustling uy uie ijauui uuvei jniienc vi uieai, uiiitim. it ja win- system passea py me oaaara-, mumcaiea wim tne iJominions in an eiiori to gain an ? Program Arranged for growers convention Annual Convention of Assd. Boards of Trade Many Delegates Expected to Arrive on Train Tomorrow Afternoon From Interior Points The following is the official program for the annual convention here this week of tho Associated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia: WEDNESDAY 3:30 p.m. Interior delegates arrive in tho city; by regular train. 7:00 p.m. Auto trip for visiting delegates over Kaicn Island Highway to Galloway Rapids. THURSDAY 10:00 a.m. Official opening and initial business session in City Hall. 2:00 p.m. Afternoon business session. 7:00 p.m. Banquet in Commodore Cafo by Prince Rupert Board-of Trade and City Council in honor ofiVisiting.,dclegatc8",'i v 1 YA(MM ! FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. Concluding businoss sossion; election of officers; selection of 1930. meeting place. 2:00 p.m. Harbor excursion and clam bake on neighboring beach. Evening-Delegates free for private entertainment. SATURDAY 11:30 a.m. Interior delegates will return to homes by regular train. British Empire May Join World Court at Macdonald's Request LONDON, June 25.Irhportant negotiations affect- 5BS !Sd the gUrnrnt t" ing Empire affairs are' reported to have beea indicated agreement on the signing of an optional clause of world court statutes under which questions of international law would be submitted to a permanent court of international justice at the Hague. The Labor-newspaper, the Daily Herald today said the Government had also informed the Dominion Govern- Iments it proposes to resume diplomatic relations with JWUOOIU. Australia hitherto was the only Dominion reluctant to sign the optional clause of the world court statutes and it is understood this reluctance has now been removed to a great extent. In any event, Premier Macdonald is hopeful of being able to show complete Empire agreement on joining the world court when he visits the League of Nations assembly in September. FINEST CROPS COVENTRY TO PEACE RIVER! GO TO LONDON t MONTREAL, June 25. Crop conditions throughout western Canada, although excellent in certain districts, arc not generally Son of Karl Will He Market Commissioner for British Columbia, VICTORIA. June 26. Hon. T. a Dromisintr as at this time last V. Hnvenlrv former member of lyear, stated Dr. W. J. Rlack, the Legislature for Saanich and i director of colonltation and agr- son 0f the Earl of Coventry, has 'culture for the Canadian Nation- oeen made market ccruolsloner al raHways, who has returned T,ondon for the IfWuatophlum-jfrwa nn official tour of the west, bla Government . It is unaet66d I Notwithstanding this, however. his main business will bej ! to build edBrllUtttll generally are more up B demand for 01nrf fruit. ! prosperous man ior some years in j western cities, said Dr. Dlack. I "Some of the finest clons we , j. rnom'Tiox or TiariiEUs saw In all the went," he continued, , rtrv canon Hon. 1. lUncheltire, '"were In the Peace River country, minuter ol tuflaUon, a ob?. There U a tremendous area under ' euiar letter to lady tawhera Hi rural ! cultivation this year throughout ciKi .tating that tty hjid umr no onlleratlon remain In the aehol Mho the until- entire l IVapp eace River uiver country country wlthout buUdl fMr hour, and land settlement has been go-tho ot one or mor, chudren ing forward thore at an enormous or frt,n(U 5nl rqdcaung aehooi boards Irate. Settlers have gone in largo to to arrange, h io urs that pro numbers even us far northwest as prr arranemnu be made to keep the 'the Fort St. John district." aehooi d-n. v