PAGE JOUR n : AT YOUR SERVICE Last CUNARD Sailings From Montreal land Quebec! 4 4-rrlday, Nv. 32nd ANDANIA to Glasgow, Belfast dhd liverpool. . 4- ASCANIA to Plymouth, Havre and london. 4- Weekly sailings up to November 22nd. 'Enquire obout Cun-Ofd and Anchor- Doaeldtoh special Christmas Sailings. Book through The Canard Steam Ship Co. limited, 622. Hastings St. W., Voncouver (Tel, Seymour 3648-9), or any steamship agent. 1 Last cunard I 1 .1 . a, i SAILINGS THIS YEAR .... n, t:r:f:rri pwww FROM MONTREAL FRIDAY, NOV! 22nd LAST CALL! See the St. Lawrence in it autumn glory.. .as you cross to Europe, in Cunard comfort. Catch the last Cunard sailings from Montreal this season. Book on these famous ships. CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CABIN TOURIST TH I R 6 CABIN THIRD ClASS wltaldoclo rssau teoi in moderation FOR generations doctors hare, nairl trlhilfe to tho ntiinind invigorating and health giving qualities of beer when taken in moderation. There is no finer beverage than good beer for workers in every field of endeav. . or, whether mental or physical. The undermentioned beers aro guaranteed tobcabsolutcly pure-To safeguard the public they are constantly tested by Analytical Chemists employed by the B.C. Liquor Control Board. .i Tu Stir m rt Ominmm ItfitJ ' Umn i Bnt f-tnn 1 - ft PHOENIX fiXPORT BLUE ItlHRON LAGER PILSENER l-GER rs. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of B . C. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CHICAGO TOOK THIRD GAME WORLD'S SERIES BASEBALL FROM ATHLETICS TODAY. ,t (Continue' dTrom page one) plate, Earnshaw fanned. No runs, : 1. a. T- no mis. no errors. Seventh Inning Chlcaeo Grimm went out. Earnshaw to Foxx. Taylor filed out ; to Miller, Bush funned on outside pitch. No .runs, no hits, M errors. 1 rnuaaeipnia uisnop singiea 10 tight. BlshoD made second when Bush threw to first to catch him. Haas fouled out to Taylor behind the plate. Cochrano walked. Simmons hit a long fly to Wilson, both runners advancing. It was a tremendous clout, but high In the air. Foxx went out on a slow tol ler In front of the plate. No runs, one nit, no errors. Eighth Inning: Chlcaeo McMillan thrown out by Boley. English fanned, swing ing at third strike. Hornsby hit in to rignt lor two bases, wusoit walked. Cuyler fouled out to Foxx. No runs, one hit, no errors. PhlladelDhla Miller hit to Eng lish and was thrown out at first. ' Dykes filed out to Stephenson al most against left Held stands. Boley filed out to Cuyler. No ruhs, no hits, no errors. Ninth Stephenson hit two- bagger to left. Grimm thrown out at first, Stephenson holding sec ond. Taylor rued out to Bisnoo. Bush fanned, swinging. No runs, no hits, no errors. PhlladelDhla Summa batting for Earnshaw; fanned, swinging at tnira strnce. msnop tnrown out. Haas thtown out, No runs, no hits. No errors. Final score: ChlMcrn Thrpp mtis sIy hits one error. Philadelphia One run. nine hits, one error. Following Is the score by in nings: Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 03 Philadelphia .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Western Outlet (Financial Newst We know that .when the "an Dullness men visiti 'A .THE DAILY NEWS Friday, c I I! STOCK QUOTATIONS B. C, Silver, 1.30, 150. Beaver Silver, 11 Vi. 13 Vi. Big Missouri, 1.00, 1.01. Cork Province, 0, Nil. Duthle Mines, Nil, 50. George Copper, 4.50, 4.65. Georgia River, 25, Nil. Golconda, 85, 88. Grand vlewt 25 Vi, 26 Intern. Coal tt Coke, 31, 32. Kootenay Florence, 11 Vi, 13. Kootenay King, 19, 19 Vi. L. &,L., IVi. Nil. Lucky Jim, 12, 15. Mohawk, 34, 3Vi. Morton Woolsey, 3. Nil. Marmot River Gold, 2, Nil. Marmot Metals, 3, Nil. Noble Five, 54V2 55. Oregon Copper, 20, 23. Pend Oreille, 4.2D, 4.25. Premier, 1.75, 1.76. Porter-Idaho. 39. 40. Reeves Macdonald, 1.54, 1.63. RufusArgenta, 14, 15, Ruth-Hope, 34, 35. Silver Crest, 7, 7VJ. Silverado Cons., 7, Nil. SEunloch, 1.40. 1.60. Topley Richfield, 10, 11. Oils Advance Oil. 1.00, 155. A. P. Consolidated, 3.66, 3.67. Calmont Oils Ltd, 2.65, 2.67. Dalhousle Oil, 2.20. 2.25. Devenlsh Pet.. Ltd., 25, 30. Fabyan Pete. 8. 8V. Home Oil. 16.25. 16.50. Illinois-Alberta, 47, 48. McDoug.-SegUr exa 2.60, 3.00. McLeod, 2.90. 3.00.v New McDoUg.-Seg., 90, 1.00. Royalite. 80,00, 90,00. United, nil. 1.05. Hargal. 1.51, 1.55. Freehold. 1.45. 1.50. Sterling Pacific 1.46, 1.48. Dallas, 1.38. 1.40. Turner Valley, 1.10, 150. Mercury, 70, 73. ANADA- SHOULD BE PROUD OF HER NAVY. DECLARES COM MANDER MURRAY OF THE ESQUIMALT STATION IN AD DRESS. (Continued from page one) I did since the scrapping of the traln-ing college In this country, they , were treated with every respect and good positions. Two were commanders of de T i i.;imany iimany givei given Very Important isroyers . Canadians - .In the royal Two had been od.tne ,bitfe .cruiser th? other as torpedo of f Icet. One IW e nM MlfUaMii4UsMfUkriM' ftn Peace River country under the f .occasions Canad ans led the auspices of the Canadian Chamber i14. In Pincers examinations, two of Commerce, they returned to took seconds andpne third. An Calgary and voted in favor of equaUx.flrx)d record was made by branch lines for the Peace River tn me,n( M by the officers, country AND a direct outlet to the oi the two new destroy- Paclflc Coast forthwith. Thev ers which were being built for Can- onsMered the direct ouUet of "e l W"1CI was oe namea parkllel importance and urgency "l? fcl,11,11 the lhfi with thA Hmtnnmimt nf o hTonU, Wtf i VelT latest Vthlns Twrat, line system. r - .... -4iSH?' e5u5 " T rral TfA-tnc'51 IrlkvetueoirV1 .UCU ILCllld them to.combat the Farstad with accordlan and violin. J. B. Agar, Terrace hardware dealer.' was an overnight business Charles tomorrow night on her return to the Queen Charlotte Anyox and Stewart and left on this morning's train for the east. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WOMAn! Wanted for ' general housework! Phohc Blue: 421'.';' (238) were being DestrSVeTS hffrrioDe 'smalE tf.ovlng to the pccullaajrorli they did. tner Canadian , vsais would am to enaoie i ice conditions on the east coast in winter. Also. L.O.BA. whist drive and dance. 1 ihel had to be ted and shower Nnvpmhpr 14 i Dains were provided, wnicn me ' uiiiuii Auiuiiany uiu iiuk mills n w Tjmhiv miIph in .t. nirht nn ! necessary in their vessels. hB Prince Rupert for Vancouver. I .JJS" eAnnun4.n t t noi 10 Dc lauinea ai. ine van- Hall tomorrow night. Hanson. and. ftVRJJ? the Torreador In the British $t& navy, was tne rasiest in tne world. In conclusion, Commander Murray urged the people to take ah Interest In the navy, and. it was up to visitor In town, arriving from the ; the peopie u, decide what they interior on yesterday afternoon s wantcd. They could be a great as-traln and returning to Terrace this sistance to the government in an ...uwiiiiu. advisory capacity. - ' with Commander Murray at th For keeping a store open after luncheon yesterday was Lieut. 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon In Commander Wood of the Vancou- contravention of the Weekly Half- ver and Lieutenant Haworth of thd noiiuay aci, nwong sun unong local naval reserve. Co. was fined $10 in city police President Oeorge Bryant thank-court this morning. . ed the speaker, on behalf of the . . - -- ' ciuo, for nis address. A. P. Allison, well known Queen - Charlotte Island logging operator, sailed last night on the Prince pi) k XTDEDDICC Rupert for Vancouver, having ar- HiAllDLlllLiJ rived yesterday morning on the Prince Charles from, the Islands. CD AM M A CCUTT Mrs. Richardson of Tlell, who has ; KA0n vt.tttritf fnr th nnet tntn waalr. In the city as the guest of Mrs. S. E. Ne,.I"d"s'Ty ine .8U'led Jhite I Parker, win sail by the Prince, nnn irumisci so ucvcivp The Dally News has received; from C. Klrmls of Massett. a, sample box of cranberries grown' Miss Mae Delaney of Los Ang- on bis farm this year. The berries eles, who has been visiting here r vy ,ar& ?nd wou,.d Mem to; for the past two months with Mr. Indicate that the locality s an anri Mrs n a WnnrtinnH EMfth Ideal one for their culture. Avenue East, will sail by the Prln- M" Klrmls says that while this cess Mary this evening on her re- year they will supply only the lo turn to California. ' demand for the berries, he ! hopes next year to have sufficient Mr. and Mrs. David Wilton and to commence an export business, family, who have been located at It is a new crop in a new territory Sunnyslde cannery this summer, ?nd many obstacles have had to will sail tomorrow night on the be overcome In getting started. Prince Charles for Queen Charlotte Now, however, he feels It is likely City, where they will take up rest- to develop into an Industry of im-dence for the winter. portahce. Mr. Klrmls encloses a picture of Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Bulllvant and the plot from which the berries daughter of Sydney, Australia, pass- wefe taken and It certainly looks ed through tho city last evening wU. from train to boat. They have been 1 ; - on a trip to England and will em- JUNIOR PLAYERS bark from Vancouver to Australia. . The Borden Street football team By the time they reach home they w Play atxainst High School tomor-: will have circled the globe. : row at, 1:30 will be chasen from the ' following: II. Morgan, II. Fisher. J. P. W. Bates, travelling passenger perrv- W. Willlscroft, A. Hardy, D. I agent for the White Star Line in Alllstone. B. Brochu. L. Wilson. R. Vancouver, disembarked here last FonB- c Woods, C. Erlkson and J. evening from the Prince Rupert Campbell. I after Having made tho trip north , from Vancouver and around to Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up BRANSON anrflBESNEJl i ; I Proprietors!, fjf Sport Chat .Leaf u& cheer connle- Mack's Philadelphia Athletics for winning the first two games of the World Series on foreign ground. "Let us also commiserate with the Chicago Cubs In their loss for there is no gainsaying the fact that they might Just as well have won one or both of those two games Instead of losing all. When one team exceeds another in hitting in two games and loses both, that is our idea of bad luck. But, on tne other hand, it must be admitted that the A's outgeneralled the Bruins on both occasions for it is good management when a team, tnougn virtually outnit in two games, wins both games. Nevertheless, the Mackmen have staged a great surprise in winning Dotn cnicago games and start at home today with the series.On the estimation of most observers, a virtual cinch. The big preponderance of dopesters will tell you now that to take the next two winning games will be but a matter of form for the Athletics. In deed, it would appear quite probable up to today that Philadelphia win taice tne rour straight and end the series before the Quaker Sunday. Anyway the next two games are at home for thwn and the third If necessary. If It Is going to turn In new re cords in some respects, the 1929 World Series is at leant not going to constitute a nnancia record, it seems certain now. although at the start there wm rearan to believe that It might On the basis of- $200,000 per game, it looked before that it mtaht be another million dollar party If the battle went as lar as five games, six games might have topped the previous high record gate of $1207 864. set bv the Yankees and Cardinals in 1926. But prospects now are that It may not go five games, most certainly not six and much less seven. The nrMnt. ha trail mrU re opened the rivalry between phlla- aeipnia and cnicago of 19 vears ago and prospect nre that the 1929 outcome mav h mitrh th same as that of 1910 only wont- as rar as tne cum are concerned. That year the proud Bruin of rranK t-nances era were heavy Tavomes. only to be beaten in a ftvp tramp MrlM Tt wnnlH wam 'hat Joe McCarthy's Cubs' not so nroud as then, are to meet even with worse fate. History bktn fair to repeat Itself to make a Philadelphia holiday and the Athletics another wnnrier (Mm nt t. t That's the way it looks today, at least. Around The World' With Sport Fans (By Th Truno) Mayor Thompson did not go half far enough In his anti-British campaign In Chicago. Had It hot been for English the Chicago cups might have won the first two baseball games. Few. If any. men In the non- champion class have been able to make of boxing the source of revenue that Jack Sharkey. Boston utnunian with tne mh ring name, has during the past three years. The figures show that Sharkey, In his last 10 bouts, has drawn a total of $2,606,366, or an average of over $260,000 a bout, Sometimes the former tar has been cheered, but more often leer rd, yet he has gone oh collecting the dollars in ever-Increasing amounts. It Is estimated that his share of the above amount totals $600,000. FALL .sFS n T "X riHANGEOF SEASON brings troublesome stkia worries. Pimpled, irritating rashes, blotches, etc., ar often harbingers of fiery edema, psoriasis and other stubborn diteasa. A little Ztm-Duk will son put your skin right. Nothing else takes away pain and irritation so readily as this famous herbal healer. Sinking deep into the tissue, it destroys harmful germs, expels impurities and makes the skin healthy and clear. am-Iluk ensures quick antiseptic hetilintf and protects injuries against fettering and blood-poison, and is a widely mod remedy for pile. arrt-Iliit JJeUiuniJ Soap is a valuable aid 10 the treatment SO, kii ttsaleea smmlim. w J' m I GRANT'S Best PFOCiiFaWe' (tH ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT advtuM-Clcklivti DUttfWnu, rxii. swa-4 Clutmv. SctUd. Numbers made famous hy Quality Sth Ave, New York, by maintaining a moot exacting standard of quality year after rear, has won for this thoroughfare world-wide reputation and fame. -. tlo'l I'll .1 I L.I.'.U' J V jffl u-x iiu This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. The most exacting standards of quality, strictly maintained from year to year, has won an enviable reputation for 8T' Bottled from the oldest stocks 0 whiskey la C-tdt. The Government sttlp tells the ttoty. This advertisement is not published or displayed by ho Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 il HENNESSY COGNAC BRANDY i This advertisement Is not published or dispUyed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. I have somclhinff you want; you have somcUum want. We get together through the classified ads.