Friday, October 11, 1929 All that shower and sun can give In fragrance if a a. orangeL Fresh rom . I ,,.i.iU SPECIAL! SPECIAL! L. T. PIVER'S FACE POWDER Assorted odors and shades. Formerly $1.00, ndw 60cl Oram Pioneer Drureists THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tUllln t'lcni ITIm-f Kurert tor VAMOtAEK. VIUTOKIX .Hnitnwn tu). Ilutrdale. Alert Uay. en, Tue. day, 3 '3d p m. fur VAM'Ol LK. VIL'IOIIH. Iltiledrilr. Alert liar, rte.. Irlilif midnight lor ALICE A KM, ANYOX, STUV.tlU. Muii Kher. INrt Mmpcou, bun-S:uu p.m. UJ 2nd Atenue K M SMITH Ajfnt Prime Kupert. U.C. Ilrouth tHke!i, sold tu Victoria and. Seattl .and UUOir checked tbruugu lo deulruttloii. ' cAKAD!An VACinc B. C. Coast Steamship 'Services SAILINGS fiiom rRiNCB'HUrKti'rtc v To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau anal Skagway-4 Oct. 9, 19, 30. J To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle Oet 2,43, 2f prfncels Mary Oceans rails, etc.; Vancouver and? Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m AecntK For All S.teamahio Linas W. C. Orchard, General A;ent, Canadian CThc Large fl Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Saillncs rrom PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate point, each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 4 p.m. For STEWART and KETCHIKAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, forlnithll. I'AH.SEXflCK THAI! I.EAVB ritN'E rtlTKIU DAILY EXCEPT SlMlAY t ll:Su tin In PHINCE (IKOKOF., EIM(. TON, WlNMItO, all joints fcavlerii Canada, Inlted Stales. ' AOEM'Y Atj. nrEAN SJIAMMIIT tww City Ticket Otf Ire. 528 Third Ave, Prince Ruperl-Phone 26t LUMBER lxG No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 lxG No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 1x10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2x4 and 2x0, 8 to M S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14 S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceilwig and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PllINCE KUPERT, H. C. Sawmill and Head Office, Seal Co vo, Telephone, 361 ICctail Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 123 the gardens9 C8J H - TELEPMONFS 8200 3rd Are., Prince Kupert, I'htfne 31 National Dr Alexander niONC &7S IIF.SNEU IHOCK Coal? Coal? Tk advantage of low price lut In your whiter supply. M'MIN and C.l,S(lly.Vfll.I.VO-T0 In any quantities. Also Hour, llu)M4(raln and leed. nr.ce Rupert Feed Co mm DENTIST Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. I- Girls', daneincr sliooers. all sizes. uaoours. iu pianoiorte, nas resumed teacning. R. E. Allen, district forester, re turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. A. J. Qalland. excise officer, turned to the city on yesterday at ternoon's train from a trip to the Prince George district on official duties. W. R. Munro, CNH. superintendent at Winnipeg, and Mrs. Munro and family, arrived in the citv on this afternoon's train In the course of a holiday trip to the Pacific Coast. They will board the steamer Prince Oeoree tomorrow afternoon to make the trip to Stewart and Ketchikan and thence to Vancouver. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. William- Thomas, arrived In Dort early yesterday afternoon irom the south and. after dis charging a parcel of lumber at the dry dock, sailed last night for Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands. The vessel will pick 'id nassensers and canned salmon at the Islands. During his stay In the city yesterday afternoon, Tom Moore, oresldent of the Trades and Labor Congress of Canada, visited the dry dock, cold storage plant, elevator and other Industrial n'aces alon the waterfront In all of whlsh he evinced much interest. He was escorted bv such prominent members of the Trades ii , r abor Council as Aid. W. M. Brown, James ' Black, J. J. Glllls and frank Deny. Lieut. Col. Peacock, chief secre-trv of the Sa'vation Armv for Canada West, will arrive In Prince Rupert from the east on Friday of next wek and Droceed the nxt day by the steamer Princess Alice o Petersburg. Alaska, where he will conduct the annual Ataaka national congress, also visiting other Alaska points while In the "orth. On his return from Alaska. Lieut. Col. Peacock will days In the city be fori Grain Handlers' Union. Prince Rupert, will hold a meeting Sunday nt 7 pm. In the King George Hotel. All interested please attend. (338V i 1 ! POWDER DEAL 1 Doc. McLaren's Jelly Powder, 1 Wedgewood Cake Plate (choice of three colon). Q-f or For vJLaUtJ SESDLK8S UAI81N8 35c Presh stock. 3 lbs. CANNED PEAS Slae 4. Sn per tin At)Z CANNED CORN Quaker 4 rrt Brand. Pen tin awv PAYNE'S TEA Oeylon 72c Per lb CLARK'S CATSUP QAp Per bottle flut, ' I . SPECIAL ON VITONE . fc-lb. tins, each 30c l-io. tins, each 54c An excellent healthful drink for i cold, wet days. Lay In a supply at i BONELESS PIOS' FEET n n Pickled. Per jar LIFEBUOY SOAP 5UI. 83c WHiTE SUGAB- 64c 10 lbs. .. BROWN SUGAR- 0l 5 lbs.. .'. tiC ORANGES Real value. 1.08 Big and juicy. 3 doz. V HEINZ CUKE FICKLE Per bottle 23c HEINZ CUKE RELISII-Per 23c bottle .... r CRISCO 3. i Per tin 82C SEE US FOR APPLES ; llfl-.? P . Watts (jrocery . . J Quality Right Prices Right I'HONE 55 PHONE 56 UIUNES 58 AND 558 aVTiailiTiMB 1 aKSBrl THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Removal Sale at the Montreal Importers The Montreal Importers are moving. They are going to open up with a big sale tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock In their new premises In the Meeker Block, opposite the Em press Hotel. The building at their present location requires extensive repairs and the workmen will be In on Monday. Rather than put up with the Inconvenience and dislocation of business which such ex tensive alterations necessitate, the Montreal Importers Removal Sale starts wnn a Dang tomorrow trn- davi at their new store. Just pay a visit to the new store and see the variety and quality of the goods on sale. Everything Is of the best procurable. And, remember, the Montreal Importers brought Montreal prices to Prince Rupert. They have done no harm to Prince Rupert, but right along have saved their customers a whole lot of money. On this count alone they deserve your continued support. It will pay you, too, for most people like to save money. Not everybody, but most people. There will be a big ad In a day or two giving some of the bargain prices prevailing at this Removal Sale. If you can't get down town before that, watch for It, but don't wait for it unless you have to. Pay a visit to the new store and get your suDDlles while the range of sizes In everything Is still completed. There Is a great stock oi everytnmg lor men'3 wear overalls, underwear, shirts, and everything else. And all of the best quality possible to buy. This sale starts tomorrow morn Ine at 0 o'clock and everything Is not only at Montreal prices, but at Montreal sale rricee. aqvi. Navy chinchilla coats for girls, sizes from 4 to 18 years, at reason able prices at jaoours. (237) Classes in Jesso work, lamp shades, etc.. every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon and wednes day evening. Instruction free. Mc- tuae Bros., Ltd. (Z4U) A congregation social will be held in St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall on Friday at 8 pjn. Motion pictures of the work in the Dio cese will form, part of the pror gram. Admission iree. uiu Ewart Lynt will gjye an orgari reclUl ariBtJkrXhdrevt's Cathedral on SundaJ rit, OcWbef 13 at $1 i niv. wuiice inn last oppor-, tumty of.lriearhft MrlLyne on the: orPn, as"jie is iedYps here very .soon. A very fine bjogram Is arranged and the j.uill Cathedral SCnolr wlITasslst Do not miss this. treat. (238) Union freighter Chilliwack. Capt. V. ,W1 Mounce. arrived In Dort filwitfuoon yesterday1 from Stewr art where she discharged freight and alter unloading lumber lor Albert & McCaffery, and John Currle .k Sons, proceeded during the night to the Skeena River to load canned jjalmon. The oressel is excepted ''In port" this afternoon southbound. 1 The monthly meeting of the school board was held Wednesday evening In the city council chamber, about two hours being taken ur by the business on. the agenda. Those present: Thomas McMeekln, chairman: Mrs. T. M. Spencer, W'l'lara Ollchrist. James H. Thomson and W. J. E. Barrle, trustees; J. O. Williamson, secretary; D. H. t ANNOUNCEMENTS t . ... . sjr 4 4 IV Mooseheart ladles' t whist drive nnd dance, Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt. Admission 78c and 50c. Elk' Patrol Team dance in Elks Home, Oct. 16. Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance, Elks Home. Oelober T' 25. ,' Hill 60 Annual Bazaar, Novem- ber 2. Presbyterian Bazaar November 6. Raw ,ir. , Nonber 7 Rupert East United Church ba- zaar, November 7. Premier Orchestra Whoopee Dance Novmber 8 Anglican W. A. Bazaar, Novem- berl4 .r MoOSC AnnUal Dasaar Nov- 21 anJ 22- United Church Bazaar, December 5. - SUITS! SUITS! MAI)S T0 ORDER Cut,,n'' Workmanship and Slyl All ftunrnnleed 'SUITS STEAM CLEANED I AND We Deliver to Any t'nrt of thi City. Ling, the .Jailor ' ' Phone 649 ' ' ' Wl. .aiF. :y$&k v ii V Ilartneas. Drlneinal of Kins: Ed iward'j"Htgh School; Miss E. A. fAtercerr principal of Booth Memor ial scnooi; Mtss uuve MCArtnur. principal of Seal Cove School, and Mlsai Jessie Moffatt, Westview School. . Correspondence between the i school board and the city council: in the matter of the suggestion that a sidewalk be built on Sixth Avenue East between McBrlde Street and Seal Cove Circle was 'filed at Wednesday's school board j meeting. The council, as a result of the correspondence, decided at 1 Its last meeting to Introduce a by-'law closing the avenue to vehicular traffic at certain hours each school day. id Anglican Jea Is Successful Affair Held By Women's Auxil-iary at Home of Mrs. -G. A. Woodland Yesterday The Women's Auxllmry to St' Andrew's Anglican Cathedral held a very successful tea and sale of home cooking yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. O. A. Woodland. Fifth Avenue East. Mrs. Woodland was assisted In receiving by Mrs. W. J. Greer and Mrs. J. B. Gibson. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs A. T. Parkin poured and assisting in serving A r nil MmmijVfiMren, are jllway slippy The nutritive value of (kirn Syrup la recommended by doctors it'a known to be the' healthy food for ever) body-So why nut assure atren&th, energy and happlnesa by having Crown Brand Corn Sjrup always ready In your kitchen- It's delicious. EDWARDSDURG t All At.i .:lu to' -Plo01' tie I it . '...lo' !0l were Mrs. K. A. Rood, Mrs. R. M. Smith, Mrs. Bert West, Mrs. S. G. Rlx. Mrs. J. A. West and Mrs. E. W. Tucker. Mrs. A. E. Bazett-Jones acted as cashier and Mrs. H. Stamp-Vincent and Mrs. W. A. McLean had charge of the home cooking table. The tea tables were attractively adorned with pink carnations. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. CPJl. steamer Princess Mary, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port v. 4:30 this afternoon from Vancouver and waypolnts and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return outh. ProductsfeN CANADAARCI! CO. Famous Food