TAGE SCC Week-End Specials NABOB TOMATOES 2 i2s. Tin GLOBE ROAST BEEF Is Tin NABOB STRAWBERRY JAM 40-02. Jar SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Pkg NABOB SLICED PINEAP PLES 2s. Tin ROYAL CITY RASPBERRIES Tin NABOB COFFEE 5-lb. tin ROGER'S SYRUP 5-lb. tin ICING SUGAR 2-lb. pkg GHIRARDELLI'S CHOCO LATE Mb. tin SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs SUNKIST ORANGES 5 dozen McINTOSH APPLES Per box HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLE! Jar MILD CANADIAN CHEESE Lb KM 15c DEL MAIZ FANCY CORN 2Q(J 25c 55c 40c 30c 35c $2.80 45c 20c 55c 25c 95c $2.90 McINTOSH RED APPLES 25(J QUAKER PORK AND BEANS 2s. 2 tins ... 25c NABOB ASPARAGUS TIPS ORn White. Tin 031, 30c 30c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 Some pecan trees in Texas are said to be 300 years old. Peace River Is Subject Discussed By Terrace Board Letters of Thanks'Tolne Sent Acknowledging Hospitality to Delegates TERRACE, Oct. II The meeting of the Terrace Board of Trade was held on Tuesday evening in the lower Q.W.V.A. hall to hear the reports of the Peace River delegates. E. T. Kenney presided. J. K. Gordon gave a good general description of the general features of the country covered and inci dentally claimed that the section of the country from Prince Rupert to Hazelton offered more difficulties in road building than any other part covered. He claimed that the Prince Rupert delegation while small in numbers were a force which could not be overlooked, and he was confident that much good would result from their efforts. The development of the Peace River district was bound to have a good effect on our own district by creating a market for our produce and he claimed he had no fears of there not eventually being an outlet from the Peace th the north. irough Mr. Kenny also presented splendid report of both the trip and the convention which followed. He likened the conference to a busl-i ness parliament and claimed that much good was bound to result! from the meeting of representatives of capital and labor, professions and tradesmen, manufacturer and producer, east and west, and repudiated a statement published by a coast paper that it was in reality a political gathering. Mr. Kenny claimed accommodation at Jasper was already overtaxed and he felt the time was ripe for a movment to be started to have the C.NJR. take over the LakeLse hotsprlngs and start development there to accommodate the overflow from JasDer. He rec ommended that the Board of Trade Interest themselves in this project. Both delegates paid high tribute to the hospitality extended, par- ticularly to the Prince Rupert del-I egatlon, by A. "E. Warren, vice-pres-I ldent of the C.N.R., and it was de-! elded to have the secretary write I him, as well as George McNicholl, i general passenger agent. Mr. Payne, secretary of the Vancouver I Board of Trade, and the secretary ! of the Peace .River Board of Trade thanking them for their hospitality and for the consideration and concern shown on behalf of the local delegation. A letter of aDnreela- tion uon was was ordered oraerea sent sent the the Prince Prince it possible for the local delegates to attend. George Little, the other member of the local delegation, was not present at the meeting. A vote of thanks wu passed to the speakers, after which refreshments were served and an Impromptu program was enjoyed. Following what was described as a real Peace River night. It was agreed to plan on making the next quarterly meeting a Terrace night. REMO Mrs. Harry King was the guest of Mrs. P. Murphy on' Friday and Saturday. to The first snow of the season appeared on the mountain tops 'on Saturday, which Is . about two weeks later than usual. A. Y. Wilson returned Rupert -Board of Trade for making Prince Rupert oh Saturday. You'll like the Easy-Riding Comfort of the Ford Car HP HE Ford car is one of the A easlest-ridlng cars on the road because of its low centre of gravity, minimum .unsprung weight, Houdallle hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique construction of its transverse springs. Furthermore, you are as comfortable in mind as in body when you drive the Ford car. You have confidence In the-pcriormanre of the car because you know something 1 1. of the quality that has been built into It. Kcmcbcr these two points when you select your next car. These are combined to an uncommon degree in the Ford. Come in and drive a Ford car yourself through thickest traffic, up steepest hills, over roughest roads. A thirty-minute demon' titration will convince you that there is nothing quite like, it any. 'where in simplicity of 'design, quality, price and performance. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 OUR TIME PAYMENT PL AN IS MOST ATTRA CTI VE from TIIE DAILY NEWS Friday, October 11, l92, No suspicion One of the great advantages oS baking your own cakes, biscuits, etc., is that you are in full control of everything used. And you won't use anything but the most wholesome ingredients. No suspicion to take the edge off enjoyment! MAGIC BAKING PWPE& Mere sold In Canada than of all other brands combined E. W. G1LLETT CO. LID. Toronto Canada USE OILLEX FOR ALL CLEANINO, LAUNDERING. DISHWASHING District News STEWART i The Crawford Transfer Co. L now engaged in the construction of a solid cement and concrete ; garage on the south side of Fourth street between Columbia and Vic 'torla Streets. The structure will be 60 feet long and 30 feet wide. Dan Mclntomlney of Anyov was a recent Visitor here, carrying out work' on his, Boundary , group of claims adjoining the Big' Missouri uv-ine saimon River section ; The Power Corporation of Is to carry out water rrnwer investigations throughout the win ter m me vicinity oi weziaaen Lake on the Naas divide. Rev. James Dewar of Anyox held United Church nervier In th Canadian Legion Hall here on bunday. He was accompanied - on bij visit-to Stewart Iy Mrs. Dewar. S. A. -McPherson of Anvox hi arrived here and intends, to give a. songurecital in the- near -future. The Stewart Citizens' Aoanniatlnn has elected officers for the year as follows: president. W. R. Tooth; vice-president, D. J. McLean; secretary treasurer, H. G. Marvin; executive, H. P. Gibson, George A. Cameron, G. W. Smith, George Mathleson and Miss Kate Ryan. George Bath left lat u-opIt nn a trip to Prince Rupert. Harrv Townsend mn.tult.inir n gineer for the Mountain Boy property. Is back after a trip to the Babine country. R. Dalbv Mnrklll loft 1at nr. for hi homn In Vanmnvtr of tor having spent two weeks here with uia sun, u. ti. AlorKlU a.ua. ALICE ARM T)r J T Mil-Ill r'M ing engineer, Prince Rupert, spent ovcjtti nays ( recently inspecting mining properties in the district. He arrived last Thursday and left again on Monday. Nell ForbAH,' flnH J Flvrm nthn recently atake'd gold claim's on uasungs Arm. SDent a few day In town last week. Another u-ll known Irvol Vih11h . 7 T "HUM- . ing has been moved to conform with the lot and street plan of the townaite. ' Mm. Helen Mtirlrh hi. moved her house off the street to her lot which Is nartlv occupied uy uie Angucan unurcn. NEW HAZELTON The Hazeltnn nnrtmlnfnn PInVi has been reorganized with officers as follows: president. S. Kincald; vice-president Mrs. Hazelton; sec- relai T DHillk. ........... I mittee, Mrs. Anderson, Miss Suth erland, b. j. Winshy and George Conner The nliih nliv ooVi Monday and Tuesday night. Mrs William Ornnf ratiiiiAl tn . ....UIIL Hazelton at the first of the week, after a visit in Smlthers. Miss Emma Lutz and Lon Belmont, both of New Hazelton. were united in marriage last Friday by uii ii. v. vvrincn. The first laree flnelr nf wIlH geese to go south was noticed here ui me urai oi in is week. Hon. Nels Lougheed, minister of public works, visiting here last weeK. stated that about October 15 a decision might be expected in the matter of the site for the new bridge across the Bulkley River to replace the old high level span at Hagwilget. The minister stated that the road from New Hazelton, part of the provincial highway, would be rebuilt next Mr TyiimhppH referred to Hazelton as the hub of the road system of the north. It was proposed to build hard' surface roads as far as possible, he said. Mrs. John Newtek returned home last week after having spent a holiday in the south. W. J. Larkworthy is a patient in the Hazelton Hospital suffering from an Injury sustained to his ankle In a fall, last Sunday. SMITIIERS The Smlthers District Board of Trade hopes to have a landlnsr field for airplanes established here by next summer. A site has already been partially prepared. Owing to early arrival of win ter conditions, the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. has dis continued work on the Emerald group in the Slbola district for the winter. Work will be resumed next spring. William J. Bonavla of Victoria. superintendent of Farmers Institutes for British Columbia, addressed the Telkwa Farmers' In stitute on Tuesday night. President J. G. Donaldson was In the chair and there were 65 present. Th Native 8ons of Canada hiv decided to sponsor th establishment of a town band here and a rwrrmlUe constating of A. C. Fow- er. H. G. Wlr-H and L. II. Ken ney now has the matter in hand. T T.. nimnelf mnnlelnal clerlr and treasurer, leaves this week-r.d for Harrison Hot Snrings "n! nvwlil reoregent Bnv'hcrs th- rrrenM'n of the Union ot B.C. Municipalities. A committee from the local ""-M.of tra1e. conMsting of P " 'Toxins. H. F. Noel. H. M. Mihw and L. B. Warner Inter viewed Hon. N. S. Lougheed minister of nubile works, here last Friday nlht in regard to the road situation In the district. Among requests made was one that gravel surfaces be put on the roads east of Smlthers. TERRACE SDeelal semi-annual neheknh services were conducted In the united Church on Sunday evening ana were aitenaea . oy a large gathering of the Rebekaha and their brother I.O.O.F. members. Dr. Leonard Wrinch of HasettonI ineni severu dam In town this weeks as the guest of Rev. A. W. n t-i nooinson. Mra. W. T 8inu of Smither formerly of Terrace, was a visitor 'n tAwn dnrlna- the ueV return. Ing to the interior on Wednesday. Oscar Olander and R n Fred erick were in from Kalntri Ialn at 'he beginning of the week. The Home OH Co. is eUbiiahlnc a yard here, with F. C. Bishop as me local agent in charge. Miss Ruby ' Llewellyn left on Tuesday for Prince Rupert where he is taking a position. Week-End Specials FOR Friday, Saturday and Monday CARRY & SAVE! JUICY ORANGES 3 doz McINTOSH RJED APPLES Per box PEARS 3a. 4 tins CHERRIES Red, pitted. Per tin 50c S2.50 95c 25c ASPARAGUS TIPS Square llTor 95c ASPARAGUS TIPS size. 5 for Picnic 95c Take advantage of these prices on asparagus and buy your' requirements now. MARMALADE Malkln's Best. 4s. Per tin 59c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Hupert, B.C. ! 66 CORK FLAKES Fid. AND SAT Two Shows 7 and 9 p.m. RAMON NOYARRO IN HIS GREAT SUCCESS The Pagan Comedies, PINK PAJAMAS, STRIPES & STARS ALSO SCENIC Admission, ISc & SOc; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & 35c. mm CEIP corn is one of nature's most appetizing and healthful grains. 12 million people every day enjoy the flavor of golden corn at its best . . . in crisp, delicious Kellogg's Corn Flakes. QORN FLAKES ,'-k Extra good with trtih r can.fj fruit$. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPKltATlMJ U. I. V. 20.000-TON FLOATING DKYUOCK Encineere. MnchlnisLs Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING t Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of X MAHINE AND COJIMEItCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 COAL! MINE HEAD LUMP Per ton $13.50 MINE HEAD EGG Per ton $12.50 PEMBINA EGG Per ton $12.00 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPLY HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST PIIO.NL 580 HEATED STORAGE BAG GAGE COAL MILK MILK ..... ...' f i Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Amoving. If you want anything try a classified ad.