Man in the Moon Judging by the ages some of the ladles give, they must have left school when they were about five years of age. It takes face powder to catch a man. according to a recent authority. Also It takes baking powder to hold him and gun powder to get rid of him. He had Just commenced gambling on the stock exchange and thought about It a good deal; Qn Sunday he went to church and joined In a hymn singing, "Blest be the buy that climbs." "And will wo share all our little troubles when we're married?" "We'll have a nurse, dear." Phyllis 'yawning) Well, what shall we do this evening? Atey Let's think hard. "No, let's do something you can do, too." irr- Ten Years Ago In Pr'ncot Rupert October 10, 1919 The halibut schooners Sumner and Sitka, belonging to the Canadian Fish ti Cold Storage Co., are on the dry dock undergoing overhaul preparatory to netting out on long winter fishing trips. There nrc also many other fishing testis on the dock. The prevailing price for halibut on the local fish exchange this morning was 18c and 10c. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Orme returned to the city last nleht from London, Ont., where they attended! tnc funeral of Mr. orme's mother, Thousands tot Puffins Island Off Labrador Says Com. MacMillan SYDNEY. N., Oct. 11 An island swarming- with Puffin was discovered off the Labrador coast this rip by Commander MacMillan, who says that thousands of tbe picturesque little birds make the place their breeding ground each season. These birds build their hrsts by burrowing underground lylke foxes. They dig Into the soil ibrmt three feet a very convenient distance, as the investigators, by lying on the ground and shov- inp an arm in up to the shoulder! were lust able to reach the nest to secure specimen eggs for their collections The Puffin 13 a plc-tumsaue little creature with a brilliant red nose of such a shape that sailors generally call them Sri Parrots." N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Hoats For Sale I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 129 S.D. Johns ton Colt J. Representatives for MILLER COURT a CO., Limited Through our connections we an make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing prices from thess exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt alten-tlon. S.D. Johnston Co.Lt J. 610 2ntT 'Avenue Phone 139 Prince Rupert, B.C Dally News "Classified" adver-tiling- brings results. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR ROT, LOST & FOUND TIHSjlS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS'iNTEREST To'VoNG AND' OLD. MILADY BEAUTY SHOP For first-class hair dressing, per-nianent wavinjf and all kinds of beauty culture. PHONE 655 ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland Expert marcelling, finger water waving. Face massage scalp treatments. Phone 499 IJOATBUILDERS For Queen Charlotte Islands and and EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME We have a special on CONGOLEUM RUGS For this week. McKENZIE'S. FURNITURE Phone 775 KIY BOATnUILDERS, COW RAY Pleasure and Rowboats For Sale Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies p. o. nox 120 nioNE 22 Steamship Movements For Vancouver- Sundays ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. Tuesdays ss. cataia ....3:3U p.m. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m. Fridays ss. Cardena .. .Midnight Oct. 13 ss. Prln. Louis . 3 pxa Oct. 23 ss. Prln. Alice . 5 pjn From Vancouver- Rnnrinvs ss. Catala 4 DJn. Weds. ss. P. Rupert 1050 ajn. Fridays ss. Cardena i p.m. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 pjn. Bats. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 pjn. Oct. 9 ss. I'rin. wuise a.m. Oct. 19 ss. Prln. Louise a.m. Oct. 30 ss. Prln. Alice ajo For Naas R. and Port Simpson- Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. From Naas R. and Port Simpson- Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Premier- Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert ... 4 pjn, Sats. ss. Pr. Oeorge . 4 pjn. From Stewart and Premier Sundays ss. Pr. Oeorge 8 pjn, Tuesdays as. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert ...8 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays ss. Catala 8 pjn. Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert 4 pjn. Cam. Ancnv rt rl A 1 1f A A rtn ff.,ikJ Alia mm PAtllU t 1 irt'A m 1 UCWttJ' 'pa. vuvaia iirfu.uMii Thurs. ss. Pr. Rupert ....8 pjn. Oct. 12 ss. it. unanes o pjn. Oct. 23 &S. Pr. Charles .8 pjn. From Queen Charlotte Islands Oct. 10ss, Prince Charles am, Oct. 24 ss. Prince Charles ajn. From Alaska-Sundays ss. P. Oeorge 8 pjn. Oct. 13 ss. Prln. Louise ... pm. Oct. 23 as. Prln. Alice pjn. For Alaska Saturdavs . P. Oeorge 4 p.m. Oct. 9 ss. Prln. Louise ajn. Oct. 19 s. Prln. Alice ajn. Oct. 30 sa. Prin. Alice ajn. From Ocean Falls-Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 ajn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary ...4 pjn. Sats. ss. Pr. Oeorge 10:30 ajn. For Ocean Falls-Sundays ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 p.rru Thuri. ss. Pr. Rupert .10 pjn. Frldays-s. Prln. Mary 10 pjn. The total production of coal In the world In 1907 was about 1000 1 million tons. FOR SALE FOR SALE Heintzman piano in good condition. Bargain for cash. Phone Black 622. (tf ) FOR f - s itrf a. aAs l&lMltvU SMi 41 V VV mink stole and martin chocker. Apply 210, Fourth Street. FOR 8ALE or RENT Five-roomed house on Atlin Avenue. Apply Box 226, Dally News Office. (2271 FOR SALE Iron and wooden pul leys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Dally News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE 1929 'Model Royal Portable Typewriter. Slightly used. Going at reasonable cost. Dawes Furniture Store. (237) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable Iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Dally News Office. (tf) WANTED WOMAN Wanted for general housework. Phone Blue 421. (238) WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Cha?. Edwards, at Wallace's. 179 THE MASSETT Hospital offers1 home to man and wife. Wife; must be qualified nurse. Re-' numeration for attendance to patient only. Write for further Notice ut Appropriation and Storage of Water ,'t ft1 ;j'.v"J1:j ; h:w; ir ALASKA JTJNKAU GOLD MINlNd COM-' FANY Intends to apply (or a ttrerUe tai divert, nor, mm use water. ar ln.1 uu eonnecfion, sires ine following particular: (a). The nun and addrew of the Company, addre Juneau, Alaska, wlUi an oince en we uaneuie Claims on tbe Northerly bnk of the Tuku River. about four 14) miles Easterly from the.. mouth of the Tulsequah. ...;! i . (b) . The Water Recorder's 9Ulq. n iiy wnten the application is to oe the water Reeoraer a- ouM DUtrlct In which said appllf m4 Atlln R Ci ' (e. The name or a. clear! dmftip- uon of the atream of water. ne ' of which 1 to be stored, diverted. . left limit of the Taku River, and forms the high water falls flowing into the Tku River about five (S) miles up tine Taku from the mouth of the Tulsequah River. U The quantity of water applied for In acre-feet per annum, cubic feet per seeend. gallon per day, of miners' Uveoes Is: 23 million gallons per day. for use. 51-2 million gallons per day for atorafe. (e). The proposed point of diver-ton and the location of atorage dam is a short distance above the falls herein referred to about two thousand (2000) feet above the river level, and the eapaclty of the reservoir to be created by the dam la about 2 billion gallons and will flood about 360 Acres of tend. (tl The purpose for which the water la to be used la tor mining and power purposes. (gl. The name of the mine or land upon which htnd or mine the water or power Is to be used ts the Manvllle Oof lode mining claims situate on ortherlir bank of tbe Taku River about four (4) miles up the river from the place where the Tulsequah flaws into the Taku. (h). The date when the notice was posted on the ground Is: September 90. 1. ' ALASKA 4I7NE.M' OOLI MINIXO COMPANY. By L. II. Meager, Oeseral Superintendent. The date of the first publication ot this notice Is October 4, 1929. Less than 2500 stars can be seen with the unaided eye on the clearest night from tho northern BRINGING UP FATHER o:AcenAKlEV i BUTVEfVCO DOWNj IM TV-tKlTCHB.S AMO EE If VOO 9wir4K ME WIU-OO iWni vc m WARD TO err AMV OF'&M TO DO I TH1NQ- jm taw WKACTft VOOR rlKMtt. AK WHAT OlO THEY CAUL ttJ IKl OOP IAT PlACE? FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Five-room suite, Summit Apts. Phone Blue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished apartment, two or three rooms. Apply Mus-sallem Grocery. (tf) FOR. RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Clean, well furnish-ed modern two and three room ed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phine Red 444. (tf) FOR RENT Cabin fully modern, fufnlshed. Suitable for one or two. Apply morning or between five and seven evenings. 241. Fifth Avenue West. (230) AGENTS WANTED DOUBLE YOUR SALARY. BY ADDING $35.00 weekly selling Imperial Art Personal Christmas Cards to. Friends, Business Associates, Club and Church members, from Magnificent Free sample book. Manufacturers, 51 Wellington West. Toronto. (227) FOUND particulars to secretary, Massett, I FOUND Sliver Maltese cross B.C. (248) brooch with letters W. A. AddIv WATER NOTICE Dally News Office. 'TYPEWRITER SPECIALIST WATER NOTICE Dlvrrtlen and l'"e .;fl Stream la at present unnamed tmV " '' W. C. ASPINALL D.C. nati 7 Change Bl. Phone Green 241 tre (3) mues Esstenr from the Man' vuie claims herein described, on the SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. EYOLFSON, D.a CHIROPRACTOR 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 5S9 TAKE NOTICE that, James B. Stapler, whose address Is Hotel Oastlneau, .TtinAall AlAalra will 1fll fftr ft llnKA to take and use 1004 cubic second feet i of water out af The East Fork of Tul-reqush River which flows Southerly and drains Into The Taku River, about 20 miles, above the mouth. The water wtM be diverted from the stream at a point about Three mUea up atream frwn the mouth of the East Pork and will be .used for Minimi Power purpose upon the Tulsequah Chief a roup Mineral Claims. This nolle was posted on the ground on the 6th day of August, 1929. A copy of this notice and an application thereto and to the "Water Act. 1914." wUl be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Atlln, August 22. .1920. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of thU notice Is October 10, 1929. JAUSa B. STAPLER, Applicant. By II. MeN. FRASER. Agent. lj voufo o. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture of, household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping-Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block THE ELECTRIC BAKERY . "The Store. That Quality Built! EAT ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There Is! P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 667 PRINCE RUFERT, B.C. SALVAGE ANU TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it," PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Ln.EuUy Equipped for. Diving, and uenerai salvage woric Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidgc Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity. ;uv.erd anywhere Dy water. ."-'Phone,, Day or Night 56 Sc?rtEl?, Typewriter 'fepak spe-l o. .,mrjst.,Freft estlmatlonum work.. 1 P-V Byal rowel, 239 1 1 J J- .unto An-. ,.m -W . ...., ,, , SINGING LESSONS Even Inn J. EL DAVEY PilbNE BLACK 33C CHIROPRACTIC : IUNSHIKE UI Box 1561 WM. GOLDBLOOM The Old Reliable Fur Man Furs at reduced, prices this week. prior to Duying:itrlp,, Special orders filled In East. Show Room,' Third Avenue SPRINGS fvlade and repaired for any Kind of Ants "t Tmii r ULTRA VIOLET RAY Pr-mnf RiaPVi,w finHcffiMIn aru nr. SfejWA HP'ULTnA KEU RAY (iantdirv an- . . iCHIROPRACTIC ,; t star Welding and Repair Works 'P.O. Box 764 Prince Rupert. B.C. LANn ACT Sliklne Land District; District of Casnlar TAKE Notice that I. Roy W. Moore of 1200 Pacific Mutual Bldg.. Los Angeles, Calif, occupation. Mining Engineer, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted'' about three-quarters ot a mile distant and In a Northerly direction from the mouth of the Tulsequah River, thence west 20 chains; thence north 20 chains; thence east 20 chains; thence south 20 chains to point of commencement, said parcel containing 40 acres more or lees, Lu-oated August 9th, 1929. Roy W. Moore Locator; jsmes a. stapler. Agent. JAMES B. ST Arum, Agent, Date: August 9th, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Turrhaoe Land In the Atlln Land Recording District, and attuate at Weat Taku Arm ot Tutehl Lake. Take notice that I. Otto II. Partridge, of Beri-my-Chree. Atlln. B.C.. occupation, mine owner. Intend to apply tor a purchase ot the following described landau Commencing at a post planted 4a rods south ot Ben-my-Chree Str. Lending, thence west 40 rods: thence south 40 rods; thence east 40 rods: thence north 40 rods and containing 160 acres, more or leu. OTTO H. PARTRIDGE. Dated: September 9th. 1929. A D.ily News want-ad will bring results. " WELL- 1 TVONlK. WEILL CO" ALOKtC I'M MOT HARO TO PLEE- r v J LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording, District of British Columbia, and situate on th North bank "of Skeeni Blver, near Mile 28.78 on Canadian National Railways, east of Prince Rupert, B.C. Take notice that Northern British Power Company. Limited of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation power Cor position Intends to. apply for a lease of the following devrtbed lands: commencing si a post planted about 0 ft. diatant, and in southerly direction, from centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 38.78 East of Prince Rupert, on the north bank of Skeena River thence South 2 chains, more or less, to Low Water Mark: thence Eavterljr along L.W.M. 5 chains; thence North 3 chains more or less to High Water Mark; thence We-terly along H W.M. 5 chains, more or less to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September Slst, 1629. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land Is Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot British Columbia, and situate between Low Water Mark on the North aide and Low Water Mark on South side of Skeena River opposite Mile 28.76 of Canadian National Railways, East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited ot Prince Rupert, B.C. occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ISO feet distant, and In a southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 28.79 East ot Prince Rupert thence South 9 deg. 40 mln. East 114 chains more or less to, L.W.M. on 3outh bank Skeena River) thence Easterly along L.W.M. 3 chains; thence North 0 deg. 40 mln west li chains, more or less to L.w. M. on North bank ana of of Skeena sseena River: River: tnence, westerly chatnsl more or meneement and more'or less. lets, tbpaint Af .com-fTOtaliig 45 acrea. NORTHERN BMXXTSII COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY. LIMITED Per: Thomas D ."McLean. Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. LAND ACy Notice of Intention to Apply io.theaer4-ana In,Trlnce RtrpertfJland Recording DUtrlojt ot BritlsnkColumbhr. and situate .on the SontKVBacX of Skeena River, ;oppo8lt'Uil1i'38'.7 on Canadian National Railway;' Eaf pf Prince Rupert, b.c. ii ; Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company. Limited ot Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation intends to apply for a lease of tbe following described lands k- Commencing at a post planted about 120 chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line ot Canadian National Railways, opposite mile 28.76 East of Prince Rupert, on the aoutn bank of the Skeena River, theace North 3 chains more or lest to Low Water Mark; thence Westerly along L.W.M. 6 chains; thence South S cnsins. more or less to H.W.M.: thence. Easterly along H.W.M. to point of commencement and containing two (2V acrea, more or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWXR COMPANY. LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean, Agent. Dated September 21t. 1929. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements NOTICE Smith Fractional Mineral Claim, situate in the Atlln Lake Mining Division ot Casslar District. Where located: Between the Daisy and Mickey Mineral Claims. Lawful holder: Engineer Gold Mines Limited Inc. Number of holder's free Jalneri certificate 19990-D. TAKE NOICE that Engineer Oold Mines Limited Inc., Free Miner's Certificate No. 19990-D Intend at the end ot sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder tor a Certificate oX Improvements for the purpose ot obtaining a Crown grant ot the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificate ot Improvements. Dated this 5th dsy of September. 1929. REGINALD 8YMES. Agent. 'Dally News "classified advr-ttsememV bring quick results! I rOJOVvJ THAT I eW VOUH i lutBtnaiaiutuai C 1. IM1 Fmv, srW, Lh. kU KriUkviJs- nmmI LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Purchase I .and In Prince' 'Rupert. Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situ, ate 'on the South Bank of the Skeena River opposite Mile 28.76 of Canadian National Railways, East of Prince Rupert. Take notice that Northern British Columbia Power Company, Limited, of Prince Rupert. B.C., occupation Power Corporation Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a pot planted 120 chains distant, and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, Mile 28.76, East of Prince Rupert, on the South bank of 8keena River; thence South 10 chains; thence West 10 chains; thence North 10 chains; more or less to High Water Mark; thence Easterly along H.W.M. 10 chains more or less to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres moss or less. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED. Per: Thomas D. McLean. Agent. Dated September 21st. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Pureliaae Land In.;The-'EtUUn Land Recording Dl-MstOn, Land Recording District ot Telegraph Creek, and situate in Maple Slough, one halt mUe north of the mala channel of the Taku River and about one mile In a North-easterly direction from the Junction of the Tulsequah and Taku Rivera. Take notice that Nell Forbes of Alice Arm, B.C., occupation Miner, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one half mile north ot the Taku River and about one mUe in a North-easterly direction from tbe Junctlea ot the Taku and Tulsequah Rivers; thence South 2 ohalna: thence east 20 chains; thence North 20 chains; thence West 20 chains and containing 40 aerei, more or lest. NEIL FORBES. Miner ot Alice Arm. B.C. ; Dated September 23rd. 1929. WATER NOTICE Diversion and t'se TAKE NOTICE that William Karl Lenta, Whose address ti 530 Smythe Street. Vancouver, B.C. wUl apply tor a license, to take and use water In a aumeVlt by 4 feet out ot an un-named -ereeav which flows southerly and drains tnto Kent Bay, Mussel Inlet. The water wUl be diverted from tbe stream at a point about fifteen hundred feet from tbe mtuth of the stream and will be used for mining purposes upon the land covered by mineral eteima "Olaru No. 1." qiant No. 2." Olent No. 3" and Olant No. This notice wss posted on tbe ground on the 7th dsy of 'August, 1929. A copy of this notice and an application pursuit thereto and to tbe Water Act 1914, wUi be filed in the Office of tbe Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with tbe Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date ot the tint miotics- Mton, of this notice to October 10. 1929. I OUGHT TO GIVE HIM APUKJCH IM THE BUT MElb RIGHT W. K. (LENTZ. Apol leant. WATER NOTICE Diversion and I'm TAKE NOTICE that Francis Ever-man Buchanan whose address Is 24 Water Street, Vancouver, B.C.. will apply (r a license to take and use water in a trume 4 feet by 4 feet out of an unnamed creek which flows into a bay on the north shore at the East Arm ot Mussel Inlet. B.C., about tour miles East of Matbison Channel. The water wUl be diverted from the atream at a point about fifteen hundred feet from the mouth of the atream and wBl be used for mining purposes Upon tfce land covered by mineral claims "Black Lead." "Black Lead No, 1." -Blaek Lead No. 2," "Black Lead No. 3. "Black Lead No. -4," "Black Lean No. 5." "Orten Olant." "Oreen Olant No. 1." "Orten Olant No. 2," "Oreen Olant No 3." This notice was posted on the ground on the 1st day of August, 1929. A Copy or this notice and an application pur-susnt thereto and to the Water Act 1914. will be nied In the Otflce of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, BO. Objections to the application may be tiled with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days after the tint appearance of this notice In a local news- Sipcr. The date of the first public-on of this notice la October 10. 1929. . FRA-NOIS EVER MAN BUCHANAN. Applicant. By George McManus