«4 THE DAILY NEWS ts Valuable TA XI Phone 76 and 35 We Never Sleep 707 Second Avenue M. H. LARGE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. W EDPNESDAY, AUGUST 13. 1049, eee Industry For This Port PRIOF MEVR OWT Machinery Ordered For New Pianing Mills, Shingle Mill, And Finishing Plant in City V.Ccowper Young Has Leased ~3 3 210 Shipyard Adjoining the Drydock and will Conduct New Industry there, Working Throughout the Year; Drying Kilns to be Erected. Prince Rupert is-to have a planing mill V. Cowper Young, formerly of the Ministry of Munitions, who is well known here, has leased the old ship- yard adjoining the drydock, where it was formerly in- to build wooden ships, and is about to establish a planing for the re-manufacture of all kinds of lumber. within a few weeks. building tended mill there also erect a shingle mill. Mr. will six weeks. country mill is also part of the project. location hat point quite easily ocation | ind. | shipbuilding concern. Mr. Cowper tropiane spruce to the British uiure p rince Rupert. ity here rospect anc honey here, CE ARM MINING MEN yd. Han cock of United Metals Going North and Taking Horses. Inanager and ” Lnited Metal ame in on the nd is leaving for With Mr, Han prominent \ uve vl a 1 i ti ance It i how McGrath and Jos us as repre Proposes buy- FMPRES a New Show * Onight eee — TT Eth Storey «‘The Claim Fight fo Milions” Cre Manari: : Magaz| A Fine Comedy a md 9 NCAN Cowper Young, when seen last night in regard to the project, said that he had already ordered the machinery for the mill and he expected to have it installed and in operation within Not only that, but the plant would work all through the winter, thus insuring a steady production throughout the year. ,; The planing mill will be of the most modern type and will } handle lumber of all kinds that are produced in this part of the in connection with it will be installed dry kiins, the only ones so far established north of Swanson Bay. iat he ha ' rth on the next Monday ea on their prop- and shingle mill L A shingle The lumber will not be obtained from any particular mill but | Mr. Cowper Young will be in the market for lumber from any of the mills of the district. It is quite probabie that a good deal { the produgt may eome from the Queen Charlotte Islands, the| of the yard making it possible to handle lumber from | Mi Boo i i The shipyard has been leased from the Mullen Construction | 0. who have it under lease from the Grand Trunk Pacific. looked upon as an ideal one for an industry of the be remembered that J. L. Buckley had been planning |... or a similar industry just before the plant was leased by the |; | Young was until recently connected with the inistry of Munitions, having charge of the work of supplying | Government from this district. luring those operations he seemed to have been struck with the sibilities and prospects of this coast and especially ‘ol He says that he feels sure there wil! be a big | Everything points to it. is showing his faith in the place by investing his He is enthused with the The | ‘Vs ipa} WS UF bute TWO FLYERS RETURN TODAY jeuts. J. W. Potts and Douglas Green in the City After Service Overseas. Lirose returning fron al nul late st ed will the G& back DY many riends on the de oda, hat was Mr Grre¢ wh at eo ul Van days here M G today ana comve early eler mone oft bfit enlisted early he Later he the Vas Royal Flying and fie COTS WORTH MILLION ARE REC™TRED Corps init OLD IN - es Get Much Sullicn From ENGLEWOOD ASHORE =| We of Lawrontic on ihe OFF THE THAMES ——— via elegraphs | | dor \ i the Ame ‘ as ati tl \ i? \ ’ 1} ! ‘ 7 - SI . . a ! | ia stand bys j l : B \ s} st { i é VICTORIA EDITOR IS VISITING THE CITY |: Vietor the ia Daily Tim and f , several yea parliamentary a for the att pap : ' n the eity } vr? and proposes f ‘ turn tomorrow night, Mr, Hodge viv with tf the fl London publishing houses He came to British Columbia for hi ith, spending yea or tw tt i KuOOp as ecditat } tla pri pret Lhere ia i) coampaligt duru whi i ' a prominent part in the ofethe Rowser forees, he Came the conat CHICAGO ACTORS ARE NOW OUT ON STRIKE | via ¢ a lelegraph (hicage, Au i: rt Ailmtusemen! danget Alreads ive i Lheatre are dark and other ie not pul on the limelight tonign Ladysmith Goal. The best. Prince = Rupert Coal Company, Phone 15. | PROFITEERING BILL . DISCOVERED BY PL LABOR HEN ARE OPPOSED TO A REGULAR ARMY Enviorse Resoiution Asking Pre- mier Borden to Stop Needless Waste of Money. | “Phe local Trades and. Lab | Goun at their regular cigin he | t sit reorganization, las eht endorsed the following reso ! sent them from Hamilton rnta Kesolved that this fan ades and Labor Coun ol ec d as protesting oti 7 the mobilization and naintenance of a standing army ; ‘' da, believing the mainte mn of such is wasteful ex wnditure of money, non-produc sulis, entirely Liverp! benelicial re opppsed to good ec mommy and ab- ; HBtelds unnecessary for the ace f the cout Pu thet be it re er “d that the Hamilton Trades and Labor Coun- | #all upon the Prethigs Sir Hebert Borden, and the menibers the Dominion Government to Sis on his wasteful expen- tur the people's money and ' ‘ ; it legitimat« means to ma ail peace an harmony a ~ Classes In his country 8. D. Macdonald presided ane Geet, Waddell was. seerctary The solution was moved by Ar- tht” Mis -eead seeondeduby Jp. Beatty and carried unanimously. ! Star g or fees were ap peval \ In addit i Cyri Vesta Artin H. Allisor Le slative | W. Grimble, J H. Meagher, C. Poole, J. R. Beatty} and George Waddell Finance—J. McKenzie, C. West ‘ Mille SHOE BOGEY IS NOW LAID i} (rovernment, he } Price of Hides is Dropping Since Embargo on Exports Was Piaced. i ! graph rv At st 1 Phe price mah it il s : ile I th a4 I td : iP i thd 1 : eaucinel This will lay the = sh | ie tia iz tht i ! pal tha il " i expens! : I tit 1 Lure SINN FEIN MEETING IS ALMOST UNANIMOUS iNE Belfas \ugust 12 By means Pavsed by British House of Com- irplane a secret Sinn mons With Only Eiant was discovered in} Opposing ue ale spersed bie Specia P. Teles r BASEBALL ‘ pa j Aimer an Leagmue St. Louis 10 id Detroit 9, Philadelphia 1, ‘veland New York 1; only , : ‘ games seheduled : ; \ ial League New York ; ‘ ied by al! lyn i only one game " ' ° led | 2 ee Presenting the pick of the world’s bes! A thrilling 8 Shows, 7 and 9.15 WESTHOLM E =— TONIGHT Alice > Brady’ in The Better Half” Big Sunshine Comedy - ——— — THEATRE scures and our ph masradasnnsth coucert orebestra ———— 7) wry of twin sisters “His Smashing Career” Admission, 30c and 15c AIR SERVICE SAVED MANY VALUABLE LIVES AND MUCH MONEY DURING CAMPAIGNS TWO BRITISH MINISTERS OF CROWN DEFEND POLICY OF GOVERNMENT IN REGARD TO EXPENDITURES ON ARMAMENTS —RETRENCHMENT 1S PROMISED (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) London, August 13.—In the iad to listen to i armaments. House of Gommons the ministers -trong criticisms of extravagance in the matter Right Hon. Winston Spencer Churchill, secretary for war, vecking in defence of the Government, said that he was able promise considerable retrenchment in this direction. The said, he popular demands for greater Major General K. E. B. made an effective hi ; y millions in money a ; et en wiht re Seeley, point to the effeet that the air force had saved with troubles in the was endeavoring, as far as possible, to meet economy. under secretary for the air, nd thousands in lives this year Agean peninsula and in Egypt, campaigns had been carried out at slight cost compared * aforetime heavy costs in money and life in similar campaigns Lord Roberts and L ucted pb SPECIAL TRAIN Duncan Orr Was Was Badly oe When Thrown From Speeder; Now in Hospital. eveniitg DutiCun Ger from ‘Lerrace by a and was admitted to t General he very Last ought in pectal train re Pt Kuper ital suffering from ead wounds. While returning work on his gasoline Orr, who is a painter . P. at Terrace, was Vio- lently thrown from his seat on he machine. As a result of the fall the man received a big sealp nuund on the back of head, nd a gash on the forehead which at the time of the flesh around the eye as torn but luckily the artery was not severed. One of the nasal bones was badly out of this morning the pati- favor- is— imece sovere from Mr. tie 4s home speeder for very ihe dd profusely spill The away lace bul Ware progressiie very ably SMOKE STOPS LAKE TRAFFIC Worst Tie up ‘of Susinees Ever Experienced at the Soo, Result of Fires. (Special via GT. P. Telegrapds Marie, August oft business 12 evel Sault Ste he worst tie up experienced as the result of forest rhe has been cut off by telegraph and tele- ires rm now on Lown iphone communication for the past }24 hours. Not a boat has passed through the cks and scores have an- chored in the riyer until the smoke pall lifts rhree big aground. DOMINION TRUST SHARE INSURANCE . Telegraphe. ) } all to share elghters are Special via G. T.P Mi Deo Vancouver, August Murphy ordered minion Trust ereditors lin the $20,000 Railway Passer. vers Assuranee Companys bond money Which has been held by the Justice government, . TROOPS CONCE NTRATING Paris, Aug. 12. Greek troops are reported concentrating on the frontier, presumably to the oceupation of Bulgarian preliminary Thrace, wast ord WwW ‘olsley. RUSHED IN ON YORKSHIRE MINERS MAY GO TO WORK Council Recommends That the 200,000 Men Who Have Been on Strike Resume. (Special via G.T.). Tetegraphs.) Aug. 13.—The York- shire miners’ council at a meet- ing yesterday decided to recom- mend that work be resumed by the 200,000 men who have on strike for several weeks. past. When the men went out they joined by the werbyshire men but the latter soon decided to return, while the Yorkshire men refused. UNIQUE DAMAGE SUIT BROUGHT BY A WIFE Deen were (Special via G.T. P. TVelegraphs,) Vancouver, Aug. 13.—Damages for alleged failure to keep his life insured is the claim made in a lawsuit commenced here by Mrs. Lillian May Price against her. husband, Frederiek George Price. Your opportunity now to pro- cure carpet squares at Tite's sale, 20 per cent reduction. 91 The ladies of Prince Ru- pert are invited to view the fall styles in coats and suits as tailored by the J. Gold- ston firm of Vancouver, to- morrow afternoon at Demers The firm will be Store, representative of the present, MACHINISTS Loeal 207 meets tonight in Carpenters’ Hall at 8:30, SHORETARY., FUNERAL FOR LATE CITY SOLICITOR TO BE TOMORROW The funeral service for the tate Hon. Fred. Peters, K.C., will be conducted to- morrow, Thursday, after- noon at 4 o'clock, at St, An- drew's Anglican Church.