fAGE FOUK : The Daily News PltfNCE KUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every. Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES jiuiu lit duvuiif b ttu jcuhj jieiiuu Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion Transient advenisirtg on front page, per inch Local readers, per insertion, vper line j ..j. . Classified advertising, per insertion, per'word ........ Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line , V A. City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month ......... , 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, i t Or four months for ... By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year By mail to all other countries, per year Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 3.00 1.40 2.80 .25 .02 DAILY EDlTipN , gif , Friday. .April, lfr 1929 , !,7 j ; : : r - , - - - v? PREPARE FOR CONVENTIONS Prince Ru-t has not yet had many conventions meet in the city. Being off the beaten track and rather far f rorii SALMON TRAP COMMISSION ' j It would be bad form, if not, illegal for any newspaper' to anticipate what action the commissioner will take as a result of the inquiry into the desirabfyity of placing fish traps in Pierce Sound on the Alaskan boundary. The fishermen put up a good case. It was well prepared and presented with ability. The canners refuted many of the arguments of the fishermen and also presented their case well. Doubtless the commissioner will give a finding in accordance with the whole of the evidence submitted i WHAT WOULD BE THE BEST MEANS TO ADVANCE INTERESTS OF NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B. C? PRIZES ARE OFFERED 1 !. ' 1 ' ' News invites suirrestions as to the best means of . . .incii.g th.. icU-WHts of northern and central British Colum . a. As a rc-ognition of our interest in the subject, we offer tHrec prie fm fl-,.- l.est supination put forward In a brief newspaper .trticl. not to exceed ,r00 words. First prise, 5-econd priv.c. a year's subscription to The Daily News; and' third, six nimi'.hs' subscript ion to the paper. ' ' A school boy r school girl is just as likely to win the priie for this as is a grownup. Write and mail addressed: Contest Editor, The Daiiy News, Prince Rupert, D.C. The Letter Box SALMON TRAP PROTEST Queen Charlotte City. Editor, Daily News, Prince .Vnfnunert. B. C J '. The following resolQlMfli. wa,s passed by the council the Queen Charlotte Board of Trade, protesting against the proposed fish traps in Northern British Columbia waters: ;.. j'Whereas, we leamjjrAhj Wss reports and other scsireea'um a movement is cm foot to establish Vjfish traps jn waters contiguous 6.00 7.50 to the Alaskan boundary, and whereas, the granting of such licenses would seriously add to the depletion of the fish already existing in these waters, and whereas, it would greatly affect the livelihood of many now in connection with the fishing industry, therefore, we, the council of the ueen Charlotte Board of TAf. strongly protest against tm establishment of any fish trans and would suggest that steps be taken to collaborate with th International Fisheries Board with a view to abollsfilnif' .'fish traps in American wafer! qtmtf- uuici ccuwciiuiiuuiiiiiii uiofvea il uuiikuiu mi we city KU0U8 to Northern British Colum-I to cater to bjyyems. A yedv or two ago the Hpspitais i3r vfift 0 Association m-awftul to meet frx Prince Rupert, butas the 'Thanking lyflUw advance wr:- time approahwl(illAvas changed to Vancouver. ( . publication, This yeaiPrince.Rupert has the Associated Boards of, Trade of Central British Columbia annual convention on June 27 and 28 and the convention of the Canadian Fisheries Association August 1 and 2. Both events are important. We mention them now to suggest that it will be well to make early preparations, so that the visitors may be made to feel that France Rupert is a good place to visit. Particularly, plana will have to be laid for housing the vis- if two in nnno In' A Vi rvf rl r n vr y-i rt f o V1 r 4-s l- n - 1 1 4t-. In.. M. E. NEWMAN, Secretary. ivui o in woe wic nuiuia i c nui, ciuic n.iimii! wie iui "u"- A meeting was held by our as- ber who will be here. The busy season will be on at the end sedation in Oi.n rwinit.. ra v of July and Will Still bevcontinuing at the beginning of on. April 8, and another. meeting fb8 at Prince Rupert 6ver KJR at AUgUSt. ANOTHER POIilTlOAL MEETING' HIPPS ISLAND TROLLERS Skidegate, B.C., April 14, 1929, Editor, Daily News, Rupert, B.C., in Skidegate, April 10 whereby a resolution was passed and un animously supported by ,75- mem ibers, protesting against (the pro During the Easier holiday? local tfeaple were apked to po6ed fish traP for Northern b. give up their5livities m order to attend a political m'ebt-P;;'. t. ; ,v . ' 1L' ins at whicMJB Jlrady,,M.P.;.was the speaker.-MittheKl 'd!5S,1f, ' are to be asked to attend dnother meting. ,T. D.Tattullo, which read in trt iu.UA., ana Lapt. lan iuacK.e2ie'arje nisnnlnpto arrive a "Judge E)1J is auyioriied . to THE DAILY NEWS Friday, April 10. 1929 the fish traps on the American side of the line are largely responsible for the drastic decrease of the sockeye output in the Fraser River District, from 837,-000 cases in 1905 to"l29,000 cases in 1919. The sarno is true of Alaska where fistoktra&s ,.r also used. .ifuVwho oSffvljcf' wants the fish transl reffhe citizens of the couot?ll5ltthe fisher- hjen? ThenfWeV isf no." It is the big-njonfcd interests the bigi fish combines, who want the fish r- trnpsi'And.yej, atjhisame time, I there arey Sa,map 'inquiries j About the .defitfqn iof the sal-1 mon.iand the& JsoTmuch talk! $)Qit theirAneFy'a'yoti, j If Ihe bigTmoines succeed In getting in. the thin.edge of the j wedge and establish one fish I trap, it won't be 'long till they have a dozen. Then the trolling fleet of Nor-1 them B.C., comprised of a thou- sand boats, valued at more than, a million dollars, and owned by j a thousand fishermen, will be-! come a thing of the past, and the silver hoard will be no more. I Yours for salmon, conservation. Hipps Island Unit of Northern B. C. Salmon Fishermen's Association, Skidegate, B. C. fi. F7 ROBERTS, N Secretary "in flPRES-HOOYER MAY BE HEARD Prince Rupert radio fans may have an opportunity to hear Pres ident Hoover Monday night. He is to speak for an hour or more at the annual luncheon of the Associated Press that evening and the Prince speech will be broadcast over the I combined Columbia and American yslems. .The president should be heard ;et&le commencing at 10:45 Pa cific standard time. Failing this, t may' be nicked un from KEX. ,t ,9rUand,')or',KUA,',SJdkar.e. ..qastj.Me,.u H igh McCIinchy pnner!)i , wjtU, the city police befe and) now sta(gned a( Mc-)i-id Ihe provincial iollce. weeK irom next Wednesday anu they will both speak at a inquire into the qutstiojn as to' nnr on rrived.,lp the city from the in- public meeting Which it is planned to hold. Mr. Pattullo. "Aether it is in the public in- 'rain and, v the local member, has been making a creat name for him- tereat t""1 trap for- erio self in thrsouth-asHeader of the opposition, and 3Qit.y;"JrtV?r.,1"10P 110. b er-. " -3 yesterday afternoon Si vill returWtbtha!6- r tomorrow morning, having j sway Joe eigmunu' oil Mackenz f, who : was a minister for a few weeks only m b.c ... . fm triaj I ot. a charge of fals the MacllMn auinmistration. has been an able, lieutenant' 1 Oll nrtuwer id "nn." In ,fnrf an lrptpurpn in fnnnwltnn with the i II I. -i . -1 J T ' Tr ... . - ana. IS a jpp SDaer. It IS prqpaple-fliat Pruice Rupert .mwy ia absolutely unneces- afctng cf, orders for picture en-i people Wl Wish to make a demonstration on that OCCa- ''- Everyone knows the des- j lanrements .In th McBride dis- sion which will indicate that the political prophet is not ruet,w ver of the fish traP.:trict lart fall, He k-as brought withnnt hnnnr Avon in mvn nltv nM,l o, bey kill large and small alike to the city from the Islands yes- , u WV "'o unii nd fl,i that , thpIr terdnv bv Provincial non(.tnhl people. FORCING RAILWAYS TO ACTION The railwaVS Will verv soon be forced tn nrtinn in tho Peace River through the fact that thousands of people are going in there and making homes for themselves and making it so important that the railways will not be able to stay out. If the big companies do not-undertake the work, private concm will and they will have the full support of the people of the country. ( There has been talk of opening th 'Peace for many years and now the time has arrived for action:' A move must be made soon, or the people will make themselves heard so emphatically that even tardy legislators ViU ba moved to action. way. It is a well known fact that Martin. I 1 I rg 71 sera tor j t ESTABLISHED 1770 PSL90-26G $3.50 'mm This advertliemtnt Is not published or displayed by tho Liquor Control Board or by tha Government of British Columbia BRITISH AFTUH SOVIET Ht'SINKSS Members oj' the Trade ii l-v.i ' .mn 'ion; ireat lirit.iin who are now in Uus.-i;i ufter the huge volume of business thai .. cxpiv't-d tn flo. iph t. ; K n.i'ry as its credit be- ome more firmly estabjished ni.i i .iiiit.'.ui Ukouik. mote tm,iu.A i 3 - i i ,.'1 ... -$y4At. as ,f h rsMsT? t 4 ' I Ml fill li:QiJ swfcieisf tm. m CANNObVUi FACIjpU IN f . , FLEET .Admiral ChaVChak JPPv - left), naval leader of the Chinese fleet, of which 'cruiser . "dying." or Flying Kagle ( above) is n important part. She is shown in Cnton Harbor . during recent ; . below (left) two manouvrjss, sr. Chinese "Un." on the 'Telylng" during machine gun practice. On the v ht, however, is a gunner aboard a Canton Miles boat about to light one of the ancient cannon still ..rrlcl on the, boats. Incidentally, of this type strike terror to the hearU of piraUs. and ar evei. nore numerous than guns " thelr w,,r,r prototypes. 14 .1 mi i Q jkf-WllBapplc!' In goi.; fresh Coc.oanut! ' A . .'. .... v Anrt out thty ccmc, tipped in delicious lato carj51tr. t.c utfa& Choict" Bar r JSanqti'-fyihg, delightful! A cltocolaf5 bar that louche the right spot MOIRS LIMITED HALIFAX