Bay, April 10, 1920 SdaL x j? a m , , . T 1 - I I Dominion Linoleum is appropriate to every room. Living room, dining room, nursery, bedroom, hall, kitchen . . . artistic designs and colourings lend distinction and charm to each. . And' the cost is surprisingly moderate . . . especially when you think of the years of wear Dominion Linoleum always gives . . . and the hours of tiresome housework it saves you. Dominion Linoleum comes in convenient widths and is quick and easy to lay. Other Rciiutiful Dominion Floors Dominion Inlaid Linoleum, with the famous Domolac Finish, leads distinction to any room. Lasts a lifetime. Moderately priced. Dominion Linoleum Rues in standard sizes at popular prices enjoy wide favour for their notable beauty and durability. AtjIIousc Furnishing and Departmental i9K Storcs in 1rince Kupcrt MP V . Dign illuttruttd tj Dominion Lino Umm N: S267t wo4ist6 in on tolourinf, iiHOME OIL DISTRIBUTORS, LTD PRODUCERS REFINERS uisiw.-. 1 fry the meter I . oj Itt imi'iil w Oomlnlrm Bltt thlp Unittum ' eaMaVetfewji " - - ... .'JStlMWW . Ave fW&rf &X1PYM rlnllnrthat 1 i gets amy is a loss .&??xf i Jtm mutts i coiumow . WMM ;K Coheres no gas IM 1 U M !' V' dent of the J. R. Morjan Co. Ltd., SKIDEGATE, April 19: The has been here for a few days other evening all the boys were looking over the porapany's inter- sitting around in one of Dave esta in the inlet. Mlddleton's camps, telling bear stories, and it is believed Red F: Mitehell is to be manager at Morrison took first prize. tbo u., C. l'uckers soutn uay can eu mat ai one 01 me nery thi year. Mr. Mitchell has says been looking over' the cannery camps he was working at, a large and he : Iso went tq Jedway on bear used to come to the camp Hftsn iRrother'. launch Beatrice ery evening, to eat up the ill. 'M look over, t,h . company's. P- They thought up all kinds rnprx 7 THE DAILY" NEWS PAGE FIVE Victor Records Orthpjfionlc l! Deep Night Fox Trot Rudy ValUe and HI Connecticut YanVeet 2186$ CmiA. M lrtturfflpd rsbi 8. Cooper, forest tfpstr, has bean confined to his Kffiw for thej L wek with a aver5itarek ofi flu. U, K. Dix was in from KaliimL Lak on Tuesday. A. Carmtehael of Copper City was in tovn Wednesday. s- Capt, fjplthurst overturned his iliteh on tha narrow place .lust west of the tennis court ,on Tuesday evening. Neither he nor David, who wa with hlnuvejro hurt and the car was not, mtffch damaged. BRYAN WILLIAMS M I IS SLTED FOR THE GAME ADMINISTRATOR VICTORIA, April 19. A. Bryan William of Vancouver will be offered complete charge of (the game administration in British. Co lumbia as game commissioner un- f your News does not arrive before 6 o'clock Phone 98rJyttym Atu H WHj If I TROTSKY THE OUTCAST "Banished by Tarism banished by the Soviet I'm a second Wandering Jew!" " .. . Raemaekers iri De Telegraaf, Amsterdam, District flews , FIRST PRIZE I SKlDEGAtE E. Palmer, lotridnz superinten-1 TEKKACH , dLAKMUKi 'when finally one of the boys, m. of ' the ' local trollersvln- named Shorty, on account of his fish around seiwyn.iniei w u "wist, ougswi til li3ad about next week, mty aig a aeep noie ana cover me . mi'ifcatriri'O''pack foi the top thinly so the bear would fall '.FUftrollcfa. 'P t ite"'tWe 'nto ft. This they did, and during has Been no Miin oi sprmg sai- ib "j 'Ti'JS . i j.U.'m 'minniMI' nutaiit anH out thev all in me uucu,, .,, ., . . .. . went, and sure enough the Dear , ' iwas in the pit. Shorty and the h l . . f t, ,A.U.. ..4 Mi UUIIU hill, UHVl .J and AIeai J. jB. Colthurt , , . A , on!(ondy. from South-.;-. . . . , , , L ' . 'ran sKitriv'i KnV and nut nf th C. vim theyvhjiye been . . .' . idaying. ,WJul itt the south , ., ' .. . ' they bought- furnished. home at . ,. Sooke. twenty mi4 from Vic- wer- tori, and intend moving south one time this summer. The cap- in says he still intends to raid a part of each year here and at their slimmer home at La-! kejs Lake. 3f . Mrs. Chas. Raven Jtft-i Sunday for Prince Rap4 to vitjt Mrs, E. Hunter In thl, Trine Rupert Hospital. SJf Rev. ' A. W. Ro-binswi spent Tuda'y at llum Lakw A. II CteodWugh of SciKhere w in' tewn Jon Tuesday. 11. RrJy,ilotginK superintendent far the Laminated Iatexfala Ltd.. New Westminster, is mhe HUtriet on .one of his periffdkul trips in connection witbfth et 1 I 1 .. -a MS Try a Daily News WANT-AD. Vocal Waltz Button Up Your Overcoat Fox Trot Vocal Warlng's Pennsylvanlans Helen Kane Carolina Moon Gene Austin The Troubadours 2181 21863 218JJ 21847 My Motltr9s Eyes From the Motion Picture "Lucky Boy" Vocal George Jessel 21852 Fox Trot Waring's Pennsylranlans 21857 If I Had You Fox Trot Irving Aaronson and Ills Commanders Vocal Wlllard RobiJon Victor Talking Machine Co. 21867 21866 A Precious Little Thing Called Love Fox Trot Vocal George Olten and Ills Music Johnny Marvin-Ed. Smalle ORTHOPHONY VICTROLAS AND RECORDS That's why Kcllogg's Corn Flakes are the world's largest-selling ready-to-eat cereal. They have the original flavor and crispness Kellogg1 discovered and nobody else has ever been able to equal. Enjoy them at home in hotels, restaurants, on diners. tffJL $$ftiaJjf ' i sManiiTi r McRae Bros. Because tliey liave tli at wonder -g- JL CORN FLAKES CORN 218)2 2182 All the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists of Canada, limited VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS Kllo(c' Corn Flskst ara always light and extra criip. A wheltsome trtat Cor childran so aasy to dit. 12,000,000 paopla aacK dsf prefer Kellofi's ... the geoulaa and original Corn Flaket. It Iwy pajs to look for tka Kellogg package. Sold hf all groceri. Made hf Kellogg in London, Ontario. m 4 i 1 i. 1 1