.01; MM tctttt tfCUti'tr, Soup hmn poutd 1 SCMILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. Dr Alexander THOSE sis tiF.RKER I1LOCK DENTIST "Can't fool me, Mom. it's Clark's ' Pea Soup!" , MOM Is certainly some cook. Been cooking for our family for twenty yean (so Pop says). But when it comes to soup . .' . CLARK'S SOUP! ... she says she couldn't make such good soup no matter how she tried (and, if you knew my Mom that's some compliment). "Miss Crabbe (she's my teacher) says that there is nothing worse than being late for school . . . well! I wouldn't mind missing school, but gee ! I'd hate to miss a plate of this Clark's Pea Soup!" Here is a soup to satisfy a real husky child's appetite. A pure -wholesome food . . . made from big, garden-grown peas . . . seasoned to a nicety ... no adulterants added. Such delicious soup as this could be the only result. Ch&RK'S SOUPS TOMATO VECETABLX OXTAIL CK1CXZ PEA CREEK PEA MUTTON BROTH SCOTCH BROTH MOCK TURTLE JVLKKNS CELERT MBLUCATAWNT CONSOMME FELT MISERABLE ALL THE TIME Headaches and Tiredness Ended l7"FRUrr.A-TlVES" Boos people suffer for years with Beadaehes, without ever trying to find out what is the CAUSE of the pain. They get all run-down, and ecem to think this weak, depressed feeling is the result of the headaches. As a , matter of fact, chronic Headaches are 1 the result of poisoned blood, due to I faulty action of the bowels, kidneys 1 and elan. )"Fruit-a-tives" stops head-. aches because it regulates the bowels, kidneyi and skin frees the body of waste matter which poisons the blood T-aod thus keeps the blood pure and rich. ' As Mrs. 'Michael Coulis of Kill&loe, , Oct, writes "I used to feel tired out and run-down and had severe Head-1 aches. After using 'Fndt-a-UTes' the ! headaches and tiredness quickly dis-, appeared and for two years now I i have been in the best of health." And ' youT Do you suffer? Mrs. Coulis ' shows you the way to get well take I "Fruit-a-tirea." 25c and 60c a I j , box at dealers Terrwhere. UNITS FdiildftAL AGENT;,. r , sMxule in (ymada W. CLARK 1'mittjp. Xstalluhmads at MONTREAL, P.Q, ST. Rmn,'p.Q, and HARROW. ONT. Sport Chat i The all absorbing topic in local boxing circles today is the bout, tonight at Vancouver between Tod Morgan, junior lightweight cham pion ol the world, ana amy Townsend, young Vancouver com er. Morgan is the lavortte to win as far as clever boxing may be concerned. They are boosting Townsend, however, for a knockout It is generally conceded that is the only way he has a chance of winning. JUNIOR FOOTBALL Booth and Borden Street schools will meet In the Junior Football League tomorrow afternoon with line-ups as follows: Booth Suehiro; Gomez and Blake; Miller, Walters and Lawrence: Nakamoto, Hill, Cross, Iver- on and Cromp; spares, Colusi, Eby and Llndseth. Borden Morsan: Fisher and Currie; WilUscroft, Hardy and Al-llstone; Wilson, Fong, Dungate, Erickson and Campbell; spares, wooas ana tsnruosaii. How to take Advantage the opportunity offered by Blackhill Mining Co. Ltd. Northern Metals Holding Syndicate has a very favorable option on control of Blackhill Alining Co.'s treasury stock, which consists of two-thirds' of the capital of the company. OUtt FIRM IIAS BEEN ABLS TCkOBTAIN A FEW OF THESE rti. ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT BLACKHILL AND THEN SEE US. BUT ACT QUICKLY 1 NORTH COAST FINANCE CO. of t STOCKS REAL ESTATE STEWART. B.C. t Let the Daily News Classified Ads. work for you. book ... , . t !t DAILY news PAGE FOUR IIOWN am sr j Emm ' OppeithlaK' Copyright. 1927. by E Phillips Oppcnheim INSTALMENT FIVE The policeman looked around In every direction; Miss Brown's assailants had disappeared, also her deliverer. "Which way 'did they go. mlss?M he1 Inquired. "I cant tell," JShe answered impatiently. "Don't bother about them, please. Take me to -a taxi." "Any one see this affair?" the Doliceman persisted, addressing the small crowd of stragglers who had hurried up. "They went through to Curzon Street," one person declared. "No, they didn't. The man who snatched the young lady's hag bolted down Chapel Street," an other contradicted. The policeman shrugged hlsrnt? shoulders. He marched off with Miss Brown, summoned a taxlcab and waited until she got into It. She gave the address of the bank in South Audley Street which she had looked up In the telephone He elanced curiously at tatchel and' the "Will you unfasten this, please, AT YOUR SERVICE m1 I TUSCANIA lromniblHoi, N. S. Monday, Dm. 9th 10 f lymoulh, Hovr and londbo. 4. AT H E N I A from Solnl John, N. B. frlday, Dac Dth Iron Holiron, N.S. Sfwrday,D.14rii Id Btlfaft. llvtrpool and Plaigow, 4- Oirct train conae lionl from oy point 19 h tklp ld. '(mamber tha loit Ctinoraari toil Jfom Montr al this loo ton onNov.22nd.Wkly olllnj o that del. Some o.ie tried to snatch It away from me Just now," she explained. I have 500 here to open an account with you and a card from Colonel Desslter, but first of all will you please put that satchel somewhere safe." The young man smiled and placed It on a rack behind him. The manager, who had been walking round, strolled up, glanced at the single line written on Des-slter's card and passed the bundle of notes which Miss Brown had produced to the clerk. He looked at Miss Brown curiously. "We shall be delighted to open an account with you." he assured her. "Do you wish to put this 500 to a current or a deposit ac- A current account. If you o'ease " Miss Brown decided. "But first of all will you lock up that satchel and give me a receipt lor it." The .young man. at a word from the manager, took It :away vnn rmiwn't rnmp with m-Wand disappeared through a trap She asked the policeman, a Jittleloor behind the test of three hesitantly I iuuuwi a. iwhhi (jiuvwi gave a sign "Off my heat, miss," he re- relle and sat down. She be-plled. "Nothing wont happen to ?'an 10 realize that her wrist was you between here and the bank. harting. , t Name and address, please. I'm: yu ?nv instructions going back to see if I can hear about this precious packet of anything of those fellows." J"" tJ?e mger Inquired. She waited while he wrote It a s11?- , down, and then the taxlcab rat- i to JF1"1 up V? no one tied off. Outside the bank she was myself," she replied with in the act of descending when she f"1?"81; No written order for saw a man step out ol a follow-: It is to be accepted even if the In? vehicle as though hlmselt ! receipt Is produced. When I want about jto enter the building. She K JJ snau come tor it cauea me taxi criver irora nis; "v " ,s " wuw seat and offered him live shll-! 1P which , , .. Miss Brown signed, lines with her left hand. I81?1 a ton? breath of relief. "Will you -waller across to the' , It's down jn the valuta by this bank Hoot with -ana; . please," she, time, isn't it?" she asked, begged. I am, sure that -man has In a steel ftmpartment." he hm fniinnm. ,:nA t hro assured her. with his eyes fixed Something valuable with me " uPon her wrist. "Ifa just as safe, "That's alri-(iht:r 'miss." the as it would be in the Bank of fchaiiffmr nwiirpd Mt chrfuiiv i England, and It win be there un 'They know me all right, these 'tU you fetch it away yourself. In chaps?'I'm a nit of a bruiser. They, trie mpanume. please let my won't-itouch Vou as long as I'm clerk have two specimen stgna- .ibout. " Her Treasure Safe turn, ana ne wm -Bive vou a check-book and a paMbook. By the bye." he added, leaning over .t,Z-r'L "4;,the eounter, "Is Colonel Deaslter a her wrist and-'Ventfy guided her LyoufMt the Davement. The man .."rr' .."'" ." t,.4 f ntr i captiously. "I have .P?lShl?a.??"n -You You haw have h. u) nis laxicao. wun a Dream oi relief he crossed the threshold Sn.e looked at him for a mo tk. k,.iu.. , m.4 k.. liicin lit wivuec. uie maiideer way to the counter upon which "Jr "c,ci ?Tn -J she laid her satchel. A young roan ! P1' Ingenuous J blue wun oaxen hair and pince ner, y7' .X: S . X who Had been engaged in the "ft how mueh nad beUer !i!?lJiThwd somethlne about if orise aui she admitted. "I hope it Unt ser Ions" done some heard of his lllnesss?" and lock It up at once In your h.i "I h.fc. wasn't sure whether you vaUlU?" she begged. . , !fiihli LTV : He unfastened the stnm and ,kV started as he saw the condition raora,nl- of her twristi (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Book through Th Cungrd Sleom Ship Co.llmMd.422, Halting Si. W Voncowvar' (Tel.' Sy mouf iU$4)x or tuonihlp agon!. Spend this Christmas in the Old Country BOSHES... bui conductors, .liftmen...1 taxi drivers.Old'tlme chemist's shops,' butchersflshmongers. Ah old-fashion ed Christmas dinner. A pantomime on Boxing Day.. .you ought to run over for Christmas this year. And when you do, soil Cunard or Anchor-Donald son. Your ship is like on English .country ' house on Christmas Eve. Already you feel the atmosphere of home. CUNARD CANAOIAN SERVICE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ANCHOR-DONAIDSON. IINC x CABIN TOUKIST THUD CABIN THUD CUSS n ! in moderation I5"OR generations doctors have, paid tribute to the sustaining, invidoratinC and health giving qualities of beer when taken in moderation. There is no finer beverage than good beer for workers in every field of endea v or, whether mental or physical. The undermentioned beers are guaranteed to be absolutely pure. To safeguard the public they are constantly tested by Analytical Chemists employed by the B.C. Liquor Control Board. PHOENIX" EXPORT BLUE .HURON LAGER IMISENER LAGER ammJ ' m m i i twtttttst " "" This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 1 t Ufci'niyt run Mil .bJloDnoternio UPKIKIPCCV COGNAC BRANDY TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BEST PROCURABLE r T X. X- . 1 A. rt t' eOTTIlO 6UANTtlOJY rnoouct'or jcoiiano rat .fboo am. ucic-ii.uvtr ew" " Tlva Original Ubtl look for It at tha Vendor's and Uut ' GRANT'S "BEST PnOCURAILE" This advertisement is-irot published or displayed by tM IJquor Conlrql, Board, or by the Government of Mtish Columbia.