Mi fAGE FOUK The Dau News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIj PubUihed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - but we might as fi Ait: croft . r rorn there over the . main lines of the iine is opera will be made to hai There is nothin.) ception in the pr centre that any Naturally Prince ft Vi4tm Cnrtre tn Vancouver. is"jCOI beat land route iorjwnnce liupwv south and will be Used a greattftal ai sieamsnip route. um Managing Editor. City Deliverj, by Aall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser period, paid ir atvanct per month By mail to ail parts of Northern arid Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly, period . Tranment umpia.v Advertising per inch, pIn&jrtion....... Transient Advertising on Front i'ge. P&fp Local Reiotr8. 11 insertion, per line . . Classified Adve'-tiin.g, pr insertion, per wore Legal Notices. tnc insert'ou per airate line ... Or tour mouths fnr . By mail ti all otter parts ot biiiiih Columbia, the British Empire and United States, p&id in advance per year .... Sy mail to all otfler countries, per yea Contract Uatee on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Ilepqrters Telephone - 86 &5ember of Audit Buieeu of Circulations DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Feb. 6, 1929 i.mmri jip oimvtm eyvpt)it)uvy r4tAeMilws Mint uromtafl. Y in. MM IMRt'ln frfrovt Trrflf . . n' ient to use m con- Black Still Leads in Fashion's Color Parade 1 w , .1 No matter how far afield Lady Fashion may go in her search for new atid'vivia-cblbrs, she al- P.-G r E, AND THE PEACE-. returns to black. It is the The Daily News has always held that the P . G . E . must ! ?!0T! X Jj t2T,r"' . , mam smart, in good taste. 1 1 tfj.i t 1 .1 1 be completed to Prince George, and if that were done there Here it is used again in a for-was every probability it would be continued to the Peace mai afternoon costume of crape-River country. It was the policy of the late Liberal gov- back satin, with wrap-aruond ernment and it seems to.be tie policy of the present Con- !!iirt "nd finKer;lenjrth jacket r.tivo government A i&fcr is to be made, jointly by CTSg the two railways and the government, and the probability jwith gportg ensembles. is tnac tne western ouuet win ue uuui aim upermeu jumuy by the two lines . Rumor also says that the C . P . R . will ff 17 A RT TTD rVTAlU interest itself in the fne to Prince Rupert and probably bLLfUVUI IiUh operate it jointly with the Canadian National. Because the two railway companies happen to disagree j as to the building of a few branch lines does not mean that they cannot work together in other respects. It is also very probable that one or both of the big rail way companies will take over and operate that part of the P.G.E. which necting with the mai AT EDMONTON EDMONTON, Feb. 6: Edmonton is in the throes of a cleanup. The forces of vice have been lushing thi'ir business too hard ays at or near Ash-1 d the police are busy. ' iir TMr Mny taxi-drivers have been itf ,7i? ' a"" rirr.inated and others connected! . 11 1 eilMSUIMCi w,th the underworld are liiV led and no.attempt under arrest. The actii of fee police is largely the result of a Upertican take ex-1 Jordid "tory told by one who had our is so big ai" a UM nun. up TOui u,. several weeks ago 1 ftfteen-' ,4 V lillUil 1 Qfe Whole,thinjr,;)rear old' girl was picked lip by' 1 ? ihe road from I Will Ov 111 itake native. V. trrtlrVtr trti Uml sht- visited I'rincr Rupert lias bet-n apparently ccinfiising Irinr( lUipt rl willi Norm1. Alaska, telling weird sUirie about it In various iounials, including one published in Loudon. Lukin Johnston, fornurly of Uie Daily Province staff of Vancouver, and ikjw representativo of the Soalliain Press in London, answered the w0111e.11. and liis""'efente or this city upKaml also 111 llie an-couver Province just to hand. We ure ulad to have had a cliampion in Loudon in the iersoii of Mr. Johnston, and the thanks of the community are due to him. tlie Soulliam Press ami the Daily Province for liaving set us rinlit Fiuilastic as are the tak't-to. it must be remeinlK-red that in far-away Knglaud they, may he Uliewl, aiul (juick action to che-.-k suoh stories is mvessary,,. ' ' & . . . 1 . -. "AV.ti" lit ILi IN EXPECTATION OF ANOTHER FLOOD niauv lb lii pro"!: tir.;' a devastating flood on the Pacific ot next yen: acrnunt "( t je rnmrant wirkln.M. Potif Inserted Soi Sinerr itr Made from fial b.' "- I " iff steel, and tempered V . (if J . Inr LW In our own crucible f?"1 111 f iiSSE2BM2 . e in I iiWj, the Alberta Provincial Police for vagrancy. The story which she told a Constable Coggies, A.C.I'.P land Mrs. Friekdahi of the city! police was (MM of the moat sor-' -did in Sdmoatda police records.! tComlijg to Ednwstoo from ber' borne in British Columbia the 1 tfl ot a poetflbriiin a store.! he met a taxi driver, was se-; 'uced by him, ued as a lure in! business and then passer) to at least six other taxi drivers' who used her in a similar way. I Broken in spirit and health' die was thrown out penniless on; the streets when her keepers de-; decided that they needed a new1 face in their disgraceful business of supplying glittering night life in the city. Those conversant with Edition-toifs underworld know that the onditions revealed in the 16-yor-oid girl's story are nothing new. Chief Shttte! hat aeveral times advised against the granting of taxi licenses to some of the smaller taxi concerns, but the operators have been able to get around this by Having tfcefr business placed in the name f sorre other person who has a clean record with the police. The investigation now under way has revealed that the larger and more responsible taxi firms are in no way connected with this underworld traffic. From time to time operator of small taxi establishemnts have been arrested, tried and convicted on charges of procuring and reduction, but until now thens has never been a systematic cleanup. Give Your Child Enough Vitamins For Good Health SCOTT'S EMULSION , Is the Agreeable Way To Obtain the Benefits of Cod-liver Oil Vitamins Boutt & Bowtw, Toronto. Out x-n i). THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, February G. 1929 BANK MANAGER IS TRANSFERRED C. Patterson to Become Manager of Trail Branch of Bank of Montreal I D. C. Paterson, who has been manager of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal since May, 1925, has received notice of his transfer to Trail tq take charge of the branch at that point. His successor at Prince Rupert, has not yet been named but Mr. Paterson, expects that tie will be leaving here within the next month. Many friends will regret the departure of Mr. Paterson but will be pleased to hear that the transfer is in the nature of promotion for the bank at Trail, where the big smelter of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. is located, is one of the most important individual branches in British .Columbia. Mr. Patersonl has enjoyed much popularity in business circles here generally iduring his residence in Prince Rupert and has also taken considerable part in public affairs. Mrs. Patterson has been active in social circles and her departure, will alsp be regretted. MAYOR IS CALLING MEETING REGARD TO LOCAL BOYS' BAND Acting Mayor t'olldrt announ ced this morning that he was calling a meeting of a few people particularly Interesri'd in the Boys' Band with a view to preventing disintegration of the organisation. The instruments and uniforms belong to the city, it seems, and have been in charge of a committee which has had supervision. The lack of a definite constitution for the institution has been rather a drawback. THEY CALL IT CHAINED LIGHTNING Iti ri- is the t'irst phit" to r MnJolm ( i-mi'lieH's "Bluebird" liis continent of Captain inch is soon to be shipped to South Africa for a try ut a new ipeed record, The cor. a Napier Arroi Aster, is huiit-a as tne uiti iate in streamlining jobs. Notice the "open face" prow. ivi f5 SGTi ZKc2XX V- 'Pfl S 1916t2Effi R : ll v We 1 i926i5b3j I w greatest asset . npHE material progress of our Province 13 known the world over. X We speak with pride . . . and rigbtly . . , of its vast natural resources awaiting conversion into merchandise and wealth. We take the figures of ten years ago and compare them with those of today . . . and the world agrees that our progress . . . considering our population f . . has been the brightest feature in the recovery of the British Empire from the war. And If this progress, of which wo are so Justly proud, is to continue, does not the mokt vital force of this country He In our children? Some day, they will take the helm. Events will follow their judgment, skill and decision. THEY ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET I The Boy of today is the Man of to-morrow . . . the Girl, the future Mother of our citizens. On us rests the responsibility of shaplnft their formative years so that when we hand over the reins, they may carry on the Torch of Progress, undimmed. How have we met our responsibility? Can wp look Young British-Columbia in the eye with the feeling that all will he well with the future of the province for which we have planned so carefully and labored so faithfully? SURELY 1 In the last ten years our school population has grown from 64,57Tto 101,688 . . 58. We have v i.voy i,uov scnoois scnoois mam manned by 3,376 thoroughly trained, competent teachers . 31.7 and 71 iwedtlvelvl . an Increase of Recently we have establ-hed special vocational schools far our girls and boys, where they may be fitted for those occupations for which they have a natuial bent. Higher education is amply provided for at our University of British Columbia, where two thousand students arc now enrolled, tho majority studying for their degree In Science and Agriculture. ' And to the school training of our children we add the powetful influence of Home, tho religious and other organizations, each oi which is contributing its full measure of the physical, mentul and character upbuilding of our d arest, most treasured asset ... OUR CHILDREN! With confidence and faith wo will hand over our beloved Province's future when the time comes! Ktiu t)H anntunttmtvii and understand vnur wminct's tT prtgrnt . . . tlip ihtm out and mi thtm f 'fritndj. IJ yt Jilirt tmra toptti of tht$t iwmmumIi not to tkit titvtpoptr will hinf thtm. Jdvtrlut your Province i British Columbia's progress