THE DAILY LABOR DAY SPORTS ARE noon Foljowed by Dance In the Evening. ARRANGED |Good Program Morning and After- | | | ing ich NEWS 07 me ealth Insurance One of the distinctive qu&lities of food baked with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder is wholesomeness. This is health imsurance of such vital importance that millions of women bake at home just to be sure that Dr. Price’s Baking Powder is used. For healthful food and the best re- sultsin baking, prudent housekeepers always use Dr. PRICEH’S CREA} BAKING POW Made from Cream of Tartar derived f a See Bit Oe oe .* Ty TC Be it rom grapes Contains No Alum—Leaves No Fitter Taste FOOTBALL AT First Full arrangements have, no peen made for the ports to be j held n Labor Day under the | pBUapicce of the local Trades and | jLabor Couneill There is going t j 1} rand re a f the old time UX and Your Sweater ay balkeieg ae , : m the ealenda Gon | ere is a delightful way of washing it—so easy you harge ar working hard i yourself—so pure that your sweater may be na un cel ition a ur ' d again and again and each time look like new. ul h rrabl eather i with oo rich creamy lather that the wonderful ' 7 me f al flakes make. No rubbing or twisting necessary. ; a Hem Of imerest % lu pping and rinsing. So pure is LUX that it Waeee er on port the utterm« st cleansing power. So genile that & which are belt : s nothing that pure water itself may touch. he Meaghe Prous is no substitute for LUX. va ne fst : rat ich a suc last i The l X is sold at grocers, departmental stores, etc y do ces, geal thi Recipe booklet, “The Care of vr ag , a wtp Dainty Clothes”’ sent on request 1” - e a yp LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO ~ ,, ind rowboats and ma ui in na eady tn nter tf entering | prob: it a handicap ra } i ai { i i thie laut proud iis i ' a ane \ L Pt nit lisplayu ee = =~ und the gaze it he { "hi publi D. W. MORRISSEY Phone 573 WILFRID KELLY \ large and eilicient e¢ P. O. Box 1664 nitt ‘hare tl iff > . neo ) which wil fol slong the gula iimnes rince Rupert (jrocery — ffi": sca ius a litt met nent Thos in charge are Ww. I Phomy Harry Webet S&. D. Maced j Company Uyril Westaway J McKenzir tock on hand than money in bank, takes thi iS. Pudney. A. Bll \. | Allisor the public high grade valus their cole iS. Massey, J. H. Meagher, R. O set forth below will be ned ti Miller, F. Grimbie, J. R. Beatt ment is changed, when aA g ad ¢ W addell Phese price Ih sing comn f No C.0.D sists -=. D. Macdonald ar Delivery v 1de | { () Mill ng purchase It day s Best, is ....@0c. 25 ..$1.45 5s . $2.86 pe eee oy Soo te oa 55c. | Cree Wadd ad I All oe 2 for 35c. I he das st | Beans, tomato sauce 2 for 25c. — 5 Ibs. for 50c. ae ee 60c \rieties, per Il aoc. {1 ALICE BRADY SHOWN is $1.26. Kia f i $1.00.. hed ‘“ ” $1.00. Raspberry $1.20 y and IN THE BETTER HALF 1.00. Green gage, is, $1.00. — pt ise $4.50, per dozen $2.40, an Complicated Story of Love and 2 for 45c. Adventure in Which Twin se $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 3c. Sisters are Featured. : 300, ‘is 40c. }« 60c. wae iin, guna \heabenie o ' . 5c. pictures in which Alice Bri xy has | al ul 20c ' ver been seet s he latest See 16c. Pict The Better Nall, wh 35c. mes the Westholme Theatre 2 for 26c. semiates Phe ‘ twin siste p 1 R = whoa i ir ure rrince Rupert Grocery Co. |), u's opt ' i 1 Micha Phwa Atte ha las ¢ j ed | | I t ! whi i ii twil i © ' ; i r " ° a& Los] ' ul Parkin & Ward Electric Co. 0.2%" So, a » vy butterfly type wih mt LIMITED Micha and ns away Wi Ele a ndtick Thurs bh idl Lectric cagineers and Coutractors a Ne Des lectric Ranges, Washi M h way to the h ital t a eaners, Hot Plates irilis, | ngs over W Louise, | st loasters, and Fixtures by thugs a bea hed on House wiring and Moto sla un sciot i he MARINE DEPARTMENT a iker he game 2 Agents for where | a | , ie & Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling is dist on that an oj ® Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries ary A ations ensue Mosler Spark Piug chosen for the Transatlantic tight department will help you to plan yo BLACK CURRANTS Equipment A full line of Dynamos : Batterie Switch boards, Conduit, Cable FROM METLAKATLA Lamps, Searchlights, et We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat a harged and 1 ired (no time | p Metlakatia Thi ing charged, we have one at vour di posal afte vkin idvanta rd A ; a «st “venue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 126 ere oe ' = rants and raspberries Ww! "O° 99 et tnoooee. A I i onditiol M c 4° " ; \ th Line lipere mic ‘ Jection One ' ots for Sale berries could be pieked ' . ann charge, but they were very q i ‘85 A wal ai 9/400 ld th trary bysthose 1m is 425 A u 1, 0 ; Phe customary me 7.804 : pas uu wm THEO. COLLART Laan et NOTARY PUDLIC Fin at ; WESTHOLME THEATRE BLOOK OOOD Orecene oe = eee C The *meeton Tea Rooms a 309 SECOND AVENUE wewrecscacecereresses aioe a Susinass Man’s Restauran KING. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH Made Bread and Cakes Always on Sale. ae _— RE/ Home he { s PICA ‘ . ‘ p o { i ot ) : Hines hut in either case the cond ‘ e, In the eventne ‘ e the adi we i | nt ive y we \ y much altraiad the ld hay io reman all ni@it aes the boats had a all the passele rs 5 i i carry wwe eh | ed f them late il the @ We want you to buy Bulk Coffee We are offering a very high grade Coffee at the Special Price of 50c. per pound. To get this Coffee to you we are raffling a beautiful HILL TONIGHT League Game of Season Between Sons of England and St. Andrew's. | gl | firs sos coil , NEW GRAPHAPHONE \cropolis 1 grounds: be One chance given to each purchaser of one pound he st am wn nite ! of our special the S&S s of nelan ere |} = eon eee 50c. COFFEE Coffee demonstrated and served free all the time COME IN! SEE OUR WINDOW! wu gw Cal & « Asmzes ET SUL. &- if ing hare res - uo the rest of the | When tl ! { lp ate f i 3 first time on Monday night a ; eleve will be heard from and the 34 Two Stores. 5 44, 45 and on three-cornered combination ought oO} ve a ere t drawing cara ill fand Supporters for both = ———= tean gome be on th " —\ groun onight in good time t i 34 h playol’ which takes a ; by I St. Andrew's team for to- a. | I backs, Wililiscroft and Po McGregor: half backs Mitchel Bennett and Murray; forwards ‘ ‘ Referes s. J. Winsby Last night after a delightful j While our stock lasts we will trip areund the harbor ana spectior of the cold stor nKere SI gave a pid i honot Miss \ Oe ee with every purchase of Rexall Preparations iss ( rth . trator to nurs hie value One Dollar or over. Vancouvel neral Hosp rs g her stay in th -i| Come early and take your choice y much IN’ PROBATE Phones 82 and 200 Store P.O. Box 1680 OUPRR oanie 3rd Avenue and 6th Street ’ MATTER 0 HE ADMINISTRA . + - ’ t ‘ 4) and MATTER OF THE EST/.TE* O ae WILLIAM CLARK, DECEASEi i i see ' NOTICI that in order ad ° - iil Sout‘ nitie'tie' SS PP yynce Rupert VMiusic Store i wa appointed Adt b he Hele Ss ae OPPOSITE POST OFFICE alt a Mir tic i e © said state | he ! ! Me ce, “properiy_ 38 7 WILL EDMUNDS, Proprietor ! more ud u . 9 on oF betore the 2 “Everything in Music, A.D. 1090, and ab part! LATEST POPULAR SONGS AND DANOES, VICTROLAS tof thelr Indebtednes AND VICTOR RECORDS 6 1b AAS Me rH Repairs to Phonographs, Violins, Etc. Bows rehatred. seed tan a jue 1011 mis MASTER 6 FOS Woodwind tnstruments repadded and edjusted, . ° THE BES) KNOWN TRACT Prince Rupert Academy of Music in Connection IN PROBATI ARE te TRE Cee With the Store. oe MECOLI MBIA ae The Largest Stock of Pianos and Organs £ | MATTBR OF THE Al North of Vancouver hil : ~ en en sas The Heintzman & Co. Piano rR ‘ED ERI ‘K / it RISEN eke ‘ The Weber Piano ee Thomas Organs j — ! atin young ~ mh All High-grade Guaranteed Instruments ' | July A.D v iw ut? intec - - ; sirator to the estate of | W. J. Pitman, Piano Dept. AG ! erteen che ahi ‘ pa it claims asain the sald estat are Expert Piano T i and Tepairing, 7 ae ae ural sain , E. a VAUGHAN Players a Specialty pat A.D. 1019. and a parti ’ "y | to the estate are juired to pa . M ° : articnt of elr rdebtedhn ; es Prince Rupert Music Store 40 ul MeMULI | ’ OMetal Adiministrat Dated this Sist day of July, 191¥