ihn ew Out tiling he told iiImhiI wus h new ore strike at Ksperanzu,, .vhere gold bearing ore wns GIRL DIED AFTER PARTY t i I.K. Feb. G: The death iriirr.-d yesterday of BH ,! d 21, stenographer who I;. re with her mother from r. Alberta, ten month No-ted an Investigation Into ' h id a week ago which ie . .! to have caused her lie coroner's jury announ-r the autopsy. virl's uncle, J. B. Fallts. a party from which MIm Imd returned violently 111, suit sult of of which which it it is is dis .i i i.sie poison. .. i . imrejia. wiK-never mu fiFJlK fc SIGNS PAPERS ON DON. Feb. G: King for the first time since Tornlin to be Lord of in Ordinary and a mem' the Privy Council. MPfiRT NURSES FROM ENGLAND lu Epidemic In France Becom Ing Vore, One Fifth of People Affected I'AUIS, France, Feb. C: Tho iurraa epidemic has uecome nous that it has been found r sary to Import nurses from ."bnd. One authority today iniutcd that about one fifth of Parisian population was af m! During the past two there has been an Increase iw umonia and a correspon turrets, in the death rate. ft-,ta (.ERMANY RATIFIES KELLOGG PEACE PACT lift w w iiiiiiivi, tliere is u pnijierly that sliows sufficient promise. Offer For Toric Among the deals talked of, the most important is the offer just made by a large Hritish mining concern for the Toric mine. The big coniiwHy k to iuv x,viunro cusn on inc sikii i ointment of councillors ,,,;. ,(r u option, a payment of ir (,n December 4 Ms been gHTSuiMl three mouths there-, ' sign several documents. Mfjcr, anit filrlltcf pyilcnl -ofj M . sty yesterday signed 1 250,000 in one year. Tlier also i.itt: papers appointing Mr.Lgrc. i, give tin- Toric Mining Co. ftuWHHi snares in ue new company that will lie formed to operate tlie mine. It is thought nrolMiliie mat uus oner " acceptel and that the Knghsh coiiiiwnv will he in control. The offer is' much letter than that made by the Britannia com-l)an- ... H. T. Alrev, representing me Uritanniu Mining Co.. who has been on Hh- gnminl for the jmst two months, went soutn on i ue (jilala yesterday, and Mr. Hayes is now in charge oi me mine. 'Cl in ,vri'tllllUt iulo coin siderntion, orif iiflcF discussing the outlook with a large nun-lu-r nf men on tlw ground and engineers and miiera tlie cum p. 3ir. wore w ion that Alice Ann will 1m? a very busy place during -' coming summer. TOPLEY RICHFIELD IS ACTIVE STOCK BERLIN, Feb. C:-The' VANCOUVER, Feb. C:-RiK Hi lehntnir tnrlav ndnnted a Missouri continued in demanU Hid ratifying-Germany's slg- yesterday and worked up to a 'laruiv to tho KMWir nact 'close of 10 cents firmer at i it... i. it - a !ti TM.v,fi.U flnlahed one lent un at 40 ob a trade of oi - u. - - iuuu minim. I W OFFER FO Gold Strike at Esperanza and New Offer Made for Toric Mine are Featured at Alice Arm Dore, Superintendent of Telegraphs, Tells of Unusual: WAMpM QT A Tp Promise for Activity This Year at Alice Arm I I j u t4 Hint 1 1 if people of the mining camjm are till very mi-lie and expect the highest year in their history. John !; r sipcrinlcndeul ot tiovcrnmenl telegraph, returned ves- ( rv after n tour of Alice Ann, Anyox and Stewart in connec-: with his ilcpiirtmentiil duties. Incidentally, he nientionel ! V,u y were improving the telegraph service nod renewing the but he whs full of the news of the great tilings that were i; 't'M -miia or expected to luippen in tne northern camps. was . iniMirtHnt lieenuse of the values :n the ore ImmIj' being pronouno ed by Dr. James to le HiTM nonv-rite. This is u new ore una it is the first lime it bus lictn en-votnileml either la I he Alice nii or Stewart camp. II itfins Hint some assay from' this lid"weiil very impair frhjfh-er, but until the oYr body is further WUtiitl, -hJ sampled ll SIK"t rTICWBIlOW JHi iW ItlHMiri unco or Hie strike, winch is more than 'Mi feet in width, cannot Ik- niudc. ! Another feature lliat struck Mr. Dore, urtirulurly in Alice (Ann, wus tlie number of big ! companies that lwd llieir repre-iscntnlivcs on (Ih ground inves- n ais- ,isj,,ing milK. t,c i ho girt died of the effects K.y 00jn, ,luil tH.y ,m. Not THEIR YIEWS TO MR. POOLEY In Favor of Suppressing Newspapers It is Explained VANCOUVER, Feb. C: Stat- ing that Attorney General Pooley r...i s v., 7 ii m bi aunuae wwiru me tensor .ihip of theatre advertising hud put a wrong interpretation on the resolution forwarded to him by the council. Mrs. M. O. Falli.i. president, at a meeting ot the oca I council of women, said that letter had been sent to the min-tu exfaUiing ' in detail the .MHIietr opt mW Some t'me ago the local coum il urged the censorship of tht:utrc advertising and bill boards because parts censored from moving pictures wre still used in "ads." fo prevent such sensational mat erial being used its members ask- .'d that advertising in any fornn be censored before appearing ic public. The council's letter stated hat it was not In favor of having an "ad killed" once it had been printed, for this would mean suppression of press. STOCK QUOTATIONS The following quotations were bid and asked: Bay view, 4,i,,'44. BIk. Mlesou'rl 2.0t, t&.. torn rrovince, at. Cotton Belt,. 45, 58. Dunwell, Nil. 16. . George Copper, Nil, 11 JQ.-Georgie River. 48. 49. , ,l Gladstone, 14, 14Vi. Golconda, LOS, 1.6-1. Grandvlew, TtVt, 78'. Independence, lOVi, 11. Indian, 7, 7V4. Inter. Coal & Coke. GMi, 87. Kootenay Florence, 28, 28V4, Kootway King. 38, 88. L. & I. 5, 5Vt. Lakeview, 1', 2V. Lucky Jim, 19", 20. Mohawk, 74, 8. Morton Woosley, 4, 5. Marmot River Gold, 7, 7"s. Marmot Metals, 7, 7y4. Nat Sil. G. S., 20 Vs. 21 ft. Noble Five, 09 Vi, 70. Oregon Copper, LOG, 1.08. Pend Oreille, 12.10, 12.G5. Premier, 2.15, 2.17. Porter-Idaho, CO, OS. Reeves Macdonuld, &80, 3.85., Rufus-Argenta, 3G, 39. Ruth-Hope, 54, 55. Silver Crest. 11, UVi. Silverado, 1.10, 1.15. Silversmith. 1G, IGVfc, Sloean King, 10, 10 Vi. Snowflake, 34, 34 V,. Suhloch, 8.G0, 3.75, Terminus, 10, Nil. Topley Richfield, 4S, 4G. Toric Mines, 2.00, 2.40. Whitewater. 1.10, 1.15. Woodbine, 3Vs, 4. Bluebird, 21, 22. Eastern Stocks Sherfitt-Gordon selling at 9,10, Nornnda, elllng at G3.75. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill i-m E7cryon read the Claaatfled Ad. -4 LARGE CAHARET If jou lose, advertlae tor it, Special Dinner Thursday and Slna, locate tht owner. Saturday If you Dancing trtrj Saturday nlht WLatever you need. advertise for it from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire xv PKINCfc KUHiKI Accommodation for lflvte (1FT THE CLASSIFIED HAUIT. Parti f'I7 Phone 457 0 '"'f'ao-j i and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ' I ... vi. on - - PRINCE RUPERT, , B. C. WEDKKSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS R T0R1C MINE AND So that "Lucky Lin iy"s" lone hop across the Atlantic Ocean to Prris won't be forgotten, rrnnK Vtttor, tne iamous bcuipior, imb modelled this fifty-foot hirh statue of brnnre in commemoration of the feat. It will lie placed either at Mineola Field, L.I., or at the French flying field at Le Bourgct, where Lindbergh landed. Ian McKenxie Attacks Policy of Surveying the P.G.E. Instead of i . . o : CRUISERS STRIKE A T ESPERANZA STATUE IMMORTALIZES LONE ATLANTIC FLIGHT United States' Senate A uthorizes Building i of Fifteen Cruisers WASHINGTON, Feb. G. The senate yesterday passed n bill authorizing the construction of 15 cruisers and un airplane carrier. The vote was 68 to 12. President Coolidgc had asked that decision regarding the' lime for beginning tlie construction be left with the president, but the bill provides only that the president" niay suspend operations in whole or part any time international agreement for arms limitation is reached. Under the bill the ships shall be laid down before July 1, 1931. The cost will be $27 1,000.000. The senate wrote into the bill that it favored a treaty witli the principal naval powers to regu late the conduct oi Imligcrcnts and neutrals at seu. I It wus announced today that although President Coolidgc does uot approve of the bill with Hie time restriction clause. In- doesn't wisli to be understood as saying positively that he would veto the measures. STRIKE RIOT IN CEYLON Four Killed and Thousands Injured When Mob Marches On Police nfe!- Lommencina Lonstructwn doon TDIDCCMCM DHMDCn w 1 UlULJillLU UUMDLU VICTOIHA. Feb. .The joint survey of the resources of the P.O.E. by Hie province. Hie C.P.H. and the CN.lt., a rtnnmmml COLOMBO, Ceylon, Feb. 6: Four people are dead and sixty in the hospital and it is estimated that three thousand others were injured in yesterday's strike riot here. The disturbance began when 15,000 striking harbor and railway workers marched on polJce headquarters. They subsided' during the night. IN PALESTINE BY BRITISH AIR FORCE by Premier Tohnie in the legislature on aiomiay in connecuon with Ws attempt to find u solution or the province's railway prob-i JERUSALEM, Feb, u. ailnrL-Ml in Hie house on Tuesduv bv hm MucKeiule, vices reaching here ..... . - . . stat(jd tht the muci-ni Mr. 6: tribesmen who 1 11.1. 1L. MAAAM MacKe.,ie said-lliat the UbemU were rea.fy to support ' te L dur , any comurelicnsive policy for ' 'which the Rev. Henry Bilker, railway Hint was in the interests K)rts fioni a source I tH-lieved American missionary was mur if the iieonlc, hut 'he prejudiced. In voicing the tie- 8rwi nad been severely bombed that Ik- saw lillle hope Tor 1J. U hef tliul ll was the ambition or uy tj,e British Air Force. Eighty in the announcement of a sur- ilu- two Canadian railways to flve ctmei drivers of Mutalr vey. He mleruud tils neiici ( secure control or every oilier g WPre killed tliul the nest course 10 pursue, road in tne nonunion. was tlutt advocated by Hie late iiovenimenl in the eleelion campaign, when immediate construction ol me one ironi Vancouver to Prince dcorge was promised. Willi that policy, he udded, should be linked alrcuuous cffortH to inleresl bolU the Canadian roads in ine: extension of I he line lo Hie1 Peace Hivcr ns a national un-j del taking. The North Vancouver member declared that the dale Premier Oliver made Ihe blunder several veai ago of calling in Hie C.P.Il.. and lie reminded the house that a survey of Ihe road was then conducted by three C. P. It. experts who compiled the Sullivan report. "I believe that the commission delayed Ihe solution of the P.tl.K. problem for vciirs and veal's." Mr. MacKen- zie declared. Mr. Mackenzie predicted Hint the future ol the P.Ci.K. in the ve irs now at hand would be de-laved and proirastinulcd until Hie government was again i-ciidy to go to the country. BEAT RECORD LONG FLIGHT SCHOOLBURNS NEW YORK, Feb. C: Captain the buiding. Frank Hawks set a new record of 18 hours 1 minute and 59 seconds for a non-stop transcontinental flight from Los Angeles to Roosevelt Fields. His time was 3G minutes 1 second faster than the flight made by Colonel Goe- bel. "We decided on the construe-i PRICE OF WHEAT lion when we weiv met bv en-i VANCOUVER, Feb. U WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER, Feb. 6: A sixteen room Richard Mc Bride School on Richmond and Hospital Streets, valued at $80, 000, was totally destroyed this morning by fire which started at R'li when nn phildren wero in TROOPS FIRED ON RIOTERS BOMBAY. India. Feb. G: Three were killed and six woun The dt:d last night when troops fired ginccring and colonization re-' price of wheat today was 81.2G. upon rioting Moslems. WATERPOWERS OWNERSHIP IS NOT SETTLED iuprcme Court of Canada Unable to Deal Definitely With .Matter OTTAWA, Feb. 5. The su premo court of Canada in a decision handed down today calls attention to the difficulty, indeed the impracticability, of answering in a precise manner the questions on water power and navigation submited to it. It does definitely declare that the provinces have a title to the use of the bed of navigable rivers subject to the public right of navigation, but even theie exception is made as regards special rights vested at Confederation or by subsequent legislation . The questions left unsettled are the power of the Dominion to use or occupy provincial navigable rivers without the content of the province or without torn perflations for the respective rights of parties with regard to water powers created or made available on works for the improvement of navigation by the Dominion since Confederation. Rights with re gard to water power in boundary waters and the right of the prov ince to use and develop water within the province, even though navigable, is not prejudiced. LABOR DISPUTES IN AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE, Feb. 5. A labor dispute in the timber trade now Involves 12.000 workers, of whom 5000 re idle in Victoria alone. It is feared tha dispute will develop into a prolonged struggle. Building trades are seriously affected by the stoppage of supplies. The trouble arose over the' reduction of working hours from 48 to 44 a week with a corresponding decrease In wages. Scottish Humor , l A . , . . Imported direct from tho Aberdeen Joke Factory THE ONLY ONE "I say, waiter, will you please get me a napkin," asked a customer in an Aberdeen Restaurant. "Yer ower late for that," replied the waiter, "anither customer's usin' it."