i m i I ! February C, 1929 OLD IKON BARQUE A RARE VISITOR TO LONDON .. ms Ki-i'.-nt's ranal dock. Lutuion. 'Jin's fi'ie old vessel .'a.-,)'ow in 186a as a passenger ship and is' now in i ruber trade. NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. JU;ItNS LAKE Vt UlSO i-pi'.al suffering from ;.- u.tu'ned while ski-st wrok. -iioi: were here last i '! ovley. Forestdftlc. k- ;ind Palling to at-i ; urnament. STEWART i Mr-, w. R. Tooth left th lust wek and will , .ndd motor trip i: - luthorn states.' hav- ing taken their car along with them. ui i. r. no-ycar old goal The annual da no in aid of the !., ta..ne here about Stewart Hospital was held last . o from Shelley, Wednesday nhrfat and was a , a art attack in the rm,t success. Music waa by the ""''' 'a1 Fri. He Stewart Orchestra under the i .-.li i-.i- of Ontario and a leadership of 0. I. Hutching.. vung character. ana v. R. Tooth was master of ' ceremonies Much interest waa m from here to Fran- taken in tin raffles and E. Mon-i s bdng kept open by BBM of Hyder s&a to winner of V nison with the use of 60 i CMB. Many donations were ' .uhi mihw plow. made. i lion. son ana una t to- ..t .,., u,. , al. MBS HUHHSII w .0k J awaes n ir iopi.7 0f st. Mark's Anglican Church r. tlL-y will operate ,4tt fjj were elected as ioiiows : aciori wi irrived laaMfA A Rwswnm; bridge. t people.' war- secretary- um r t V to taae pirir;.. XsWr. P. H S. Jack; t.,rk, -v-nuti. ut Southbant, Mrfi r ra-w-. Urn. H. P. . Jk. . Gibson, H. G. Marrte, fl. Ben- M. M. Hutehings left Ust week for a trip to Anyox. George Arseneau is visiting in frlnce Rupert where Mrs. Arseneau has 'been for some time with her pareata, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Grstton. Ernest Musto left last week on a trip to Vancouver. ! C. McPhet left last week for ' U-J-kXi mx ntn mm m torn in him '" " " ' B hai wrt-- aB HAVOC! Tin- ITumorisl. London. Vancouver where he will join his wife. K. 0. Lynch of Lynch Bros, diamond drilling concern left last week for Seattle. Dave Allen, well known Hyder restaurant man, returned last week from a trip to Seattle. , . ,.( C. F. Tulley, Vancouver, city police inspector, returned south last week after a brief visit to the camp. i Tom Kennedy, well known local miner and trapper, left last week for a short visit in Vancouver. j. n farm tell at ALICE ARM Dr. H. T. James, resident mining engineer for the provincial government, paid a brief visit here last week on official duties. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons of Vancouver are visitors here. Mr. Lyons is interested in the Esper-insa mine. SKIDEGATE Rev. J. Scott of the United Church marine mission boat f nomas Crosby is on the way to Bella Bella ralllnc nt nil h vt. lages en route. He wil be away idoui mree weKs. It is reported here that the B. C. Packers will operate their floating cold storage again next nonth. J. Gillespie, who is operating i foicirintr eamti in Skldeirate Inlet. ay night and caught the l'riaeej 'ohn for Prince Rupert and wtn iroceed to Vancouver. j Inspector Haines of the Post! Office department "has been here j recently inspecting the post of-i . ,L J' iLllA i i J Beef j toaoraa. it M of the Last Chance? lUde Island made at Wsti in hilt Uimfi ira.says me siecK are II doias Well at his .place. ., Elmer Palmer, logging super intendent of the Bilimor Com-f tanv. has htr here loAkinir far snruce for their mills near Prims Rupert I fjef plans to return here seon. , 't J. Scott of the forestry denart ment wiui here last w?4c crtiiaflg vme timfewr- for II. Bearen W 3ueen Cbrtte City in the vlcfft-ty of Miller Creek. LOBSTERS AND CRABS THROW OFF LEGS AND GROM THEM AGAIN Dr. Wood Declares This No Sea Tale, for He Has Seen ' It Done , 4 NEW YORK, Feb. 6. -It liU mere sea tale that crabs, lobettra and erawflha can thrmr off atn nd crawfish, can throw (off a. I unconcernedly as lf.,U)c ,desertejd, limb were a piece of seaweed. ' j This fact not only hts ben vsr4; fied scientifically "but Dr. FIr-. ence Dowden Wood and Dr. Horace Elmer Wood II. of New York University, have found out howj the lobster and his kin do the trick. The method has long been) in dispute, as it is one of those moves in which the leg that dm it is quicker than the eye. - At one moment the fisherman hglds his lobster, and then without a visible move on the lobster's iwrt the captor suddenly is holding only an unattached leg. The Woods found that U crustacean flips off his leg ut will by flexing one muscle near the joint which parts company. Evan' if no one has hold of th- leg, this! muscle flexing is capable of cat-t ing It loose. Nor has an inhibitory barbeen found that would prevent a careless lobster, who might be taking hll morning ex-'rcise while still sleepy, from flexing too much and losing all; hip legs at once. j Even this does not much matter; to lobsters and crabs, for they are! able to grow new legs at the next' moult. At the joint where the; leg severs there Is only the tiniest opening sufficient for onu blood vessel and a' nerve to extend through 16 the extremity, and consequently them li no risk of. bleeding. j 4 THE DAILYNEWS PAGE FIVB ANYOX TORIES NAME OFFICERS Dr. D. R. Learoyd Elected iIYesid-ent With George E.W,axwlck , Secretary i(( ' j r ANYOX, Feb, 6:The Anyox Conservative Association, at its annual meeting last week, elected' officers as follows: Honorary President, Hon. Bennett; Honorary Vice-President, Hon. S. F.' Toimie ; Honorary $econd Vfce-j President, J. C. Brajjy il.p.; Hon.; ,orary Third Vice-President, T. V. Falconer (Alice Arm); President, Dr. D. R. Learoyd; Vice-President, B. M. Buck; Secretary, 'George E. Warwick; Treasurer, C. 0. Fricker; Executive, E. Blun-i dell. J. T. Kirkwood, P. Morley, ,H. B. Porteous, Dr. J. W. Lang, J. Peacock, R. BlundelL Mrs. J. W. Lang, Mrs. J. Kirkwood, F. Graham, B. Salter, Ttev. J. S. Brayfield, JV. Setwood, Dr. G. C. Payne, Mrs. D. R. Learoyd, Mrs. C. Yard, Mrs. C. 0. Fricker and Miss J. Stewart A William Fourth HTHE original Royal Charter of the Bank of Montreal, bearing the seal of William the Fourth, and renewing the charter previously granted by the Legislature of Lower Canada, b well preserved in the Bank's museum. During more than one hundred years since it was first incorporated, the Bank of Montreal has gone steadily on its course, serving the people of Canada and enjoying the unshaken confidence of successive generations. ' ' '. BANK OF MONTREAL Established l8l7 J?. ,'.:. Total Assets in excess of 830,000,000 TTT" i Greatest Man intheWorld. TO those dear to you, you are the greatest man In the world . . . thevvisest and the most far-sighted. They trust you to protect them from hardship and privation. And to the best of your . -nrjilltv voti would do so. jfi i iYet4here may come a day when you will no longer be here to shield them . . . to provide for their needs. Will their faith in you then be justified ? You realize that their confidence challenges you to greater vigilance in their behalf. Have you made the provision for them that you know to be necessary? Is your Life Insurance sufficient to meet their needs ? Do you realize that 5,000 invested at 6 yields an income of less than 6 per week? For the sake of those who love and respect and trust you . . those to whom you are the "greatest man in the world" . . . take pencil and paper, and figure how much you have done toward the building up of an estate. Then call in the representative of any Life Insurance Company and learn how little is the cost of adequate protection. fj m Live That ,'7r ' " H A'ever Diet ",1