The Daily News' u PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA i i i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert ; . Daily News. Limited, third .Avenue . H. P. PULLEN ,idanagjng-Editor stmsritit-TinN 'rtVrtea City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance 55.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per tnohth ....... . M Or four months for LOO Rw mat in all nor-fa at Nnrthfirn nil A fVntra) British Columbia. paid in advance for yearly period , . . . . . . . t k Transient advertising, pet inch, Insertion . display per . . . " . . a .... . .r:w Tmnaipnt arivenisini nn front naire. ter men ......... Local readers, per Insertion, per line Classified advertising, per Insertion, per "word ................ Legal notices, each insertion, pet agate line ........ By inall to all other countries, per year . ... ....... ... By mall to at) other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid in DAILY EDITION Salmon Fishing Industry is Discussed by Richard Gosse r D T . 'per per cent cent of of the the catch catch la la in in traps, traps, at tSw Banquet in. Vancouver. xm at the farthest, ' ! miles from the canneries. Let u . . . .J . I 3.00 . . . . . ! IS . ............ V: .02! .13 JM.ItV ! advance, per year 6.00 Saturday. August 10. 1929 . I A V, fhlort excess of those needed to Of men Should be employed hospitality. Nvo doubt you feel as I do tnat contacts such as I afforded by this and similar gatherings of the past week are of great benefit to the industry. They give Us the opportunity of a greater under-etanding of each other's problems. The many and complex angles of our industry are often not appreciated and given the Consideration by those in (authority that is desired Salmon canning is ' j. ' There are three fundamental principles 4 that any gov- Ornment must Consider fof the proper administration of the salmon fishing industry, declared R. J. Gosse, chair- ai i i a n j u e man ui liiw taiiiicvi oaiiiiuii cctnuii ui viaiiauiaii iiiaiiuiciL- turers Association, at a banquet tendered to the Canadian ! Fiehpi'ipa Assnpintinn in Vnnrnnvpr'. Thpv nrpf i f,m from the ok waters which are m perpetuate the run. Secondly, only that number who can secure adequate return for their efforts. Thirdly, capital should be restricted (o that point where a fair return would be earned on the capital invested. Administration pf the first two! I strictly., a refle,raj )matter. Al the present time the department of fisheries have areas instituted in which they control the number of fish taken from the water Though the federal department! has control over fishing licenses, it fa not tenable for them to re strict the5e licenses, as it is impossible to grant one lJrItish sub-; jeel a license arid ryf Hse another . 1 Fishing Incensed have been in-1 creasing by leaps and bounds. The; to catch of fish Has to be divided by. a greater number tof fishermen. to Despite the high prices paid for raw fish, fishermen today are not securing an adequate return for . iouui linn suuauuii vol. be changed by Ihe propr admin- .vnll.i nt Ika tln.itotnn .on- Tl ..inviwii ui nc iiiiii.u.xu i v.ij- Ital invested in the Industry. . i J ... ...1, III UUfl 1.M?IUII At the present time we are wait k . . n ing for the privy council to render a decision on who has control over hecap ta invested. We presume that this decision will be given in favr of the Provincial Government, who will then have In their hands the power of stopping the drifting of this large Industry 'into a ruinous state and make It a real asset for the people of Canada. I would suggest most emphatically to the Provincial Government that Ihev recognize the areas already established by the Federal Government and to deter mine how plants each many J tyswaiko via via area uivu u-ih ,nnnrt w'i, .!. i.-. u:. !.i-. il.i 1-1- UU11C IUCJ BIIUUIU IIISISI Ulill US11 Meh are to be processed, other than bv freezing should W om- cessed in the area In which they ar taught. I make the exception of freezing for the reason that fish, solji In a froieh or fresh slate to the house- Wife is different from those pro- ceased in other manners, because the housewife can see what she U buying, which she cannot dn wbori buying the canned product. This action if taken by the Provincial Government will" establish the tltude of the fishermen, In which Co., which has been active in that they have the support of the territory for some time. The new 'Government, that the adoption of company to go in there is the At-i this method of fishing Is contrary; 'as Exploration Co., which laid to public policy. We do contend, its plans early this season to take '.however, and on this point par a hand in the development of a Ittcularlv I wish to be most e. considerable section of the, drain- no exception to tms ruie. which will compare fa voraUy Commercial salmon canning is with that turned out In other an industry peculiar to the Pa-; countries. , dfic Starting at the Sacramen In 1WT comi(tition aftlong River In 'California and coming canners led to their bringing fish up to the Columbia River, thence., 0 dia lo the vntt with the water, or 1 uget hound me Fraser Fraser River. River. Smiths Smiths and and R Rivers vers Inlets, the Skcena and Naas ni .1.- r .. ri i.ii. t siivrrs, me vuteu vjiariuiic is- ianu.1, VI1C Uiljil IIIU llCra Ul ka and Ihence over to Kamchatka I CII J i- iriiiiisum ill oiucu.i uuu on iu tl .waters arcmnd northern Japan,!.. . wia ij i-i. -L- -l.tii --i yvu win jinu saunuii ilIHUIl fJilllllCTI cauuerifs ICS packing annually In the aggregate tremendous volume of salmon it ciucMuvua ui uiuc v Daiiiiuii . - of halura. to the different di8trctB. Thi, represents an investment of . moh. of dollars and contrlbu-i11'?" fleeted ting, in employment, material pur chases, shipping and other ou,"Ulfr ... I lays, an addition to world commerce -which ranks In impo-tance "with any other food producing industry and one for the maintenance of which no effort would fteem to be too great. tluarler of Total the British Columbia pack of salmon represents one-fifth of the total output - of the world. ..w.v. British' iviou Poltinilil.i nnpvalnra . ui . lAraiio th m.iuj. i a .1. '. Hicinvua UIIJIIUSU use- 'here and in measures adopted In other countries for eonservini an maintaining their industry ana in tne quality of their output. Shipping to bver sixty countries plicit. that if we are to continue t employ our present methods nf fl.Mnf ihn ofon m.itf S taken to ensure the delivery of 1ia raw trtnloi-tal in ih .nnnorloa in. a condition which will make -aili Vhn nArWnt nf n nrH1 the ,nevitable bad resu,t , ,. ..... . ... ,. ioJThe TUt,y of.l!?e ??itl ii nas me lunusi in llie (lis- 'e t industry and the canners heard of it in no uncer- tain terms from their customers. situation became so serious the Federal Government -.... . "Ttll I I f 8h a not Ue . 7 ed a :?n? ?",d transpor . . . . . rtai" ars unices gutted ceU- The ixi re f ,th,is Z 'medJaAe,jr. r7, in the oualltv of h.rlri nA ...ii,.,, .i..i.i .i u i..- aim, n.iuuui uuuut, BIIUUIU JUS- u iTAniw-ii .nntinn cannot enforce this. They are : granby Mining. Shieltlng k Power j. Field, Vancouver; Bill Can-compelled by regulations to hare Co ',"nw Prodtleing slightly dad Keno , the word "Canada" . embossed oh every can. If only one small packer has Inferior quality it reflects on the entire pack British Columbia. , Closed Periods I The quantity of the pack ranks uual-'i" - . Equally with the question of Hv. Our tederal Go-emmpnt in . . - charKed ,- 'n the public interest w'th the conservation of the, fisheries as a national asset and !l inai enu maintain an organ! tlon for the purpose of ensUr!prk mine No new properties in the north have been recently our Pa has to compete on the an adequate escapement. The world markets With the pack 0r,method employed is to impose a the United States, Alaska, Siberia weekly closed period. Whenever, fundamental principle mentioned 'he government. It is self-evident have--been closed to fishing en-before for the proper adminlstra-' that If the Industry is not in al tlrely. The industry is as keenly Hon of our industry. It will give us assurance of perpetuity of the run of sal mon. It will enable fishermen to make a much better living wage. It will give stability to the capital invested in the industry, proving to the people of Canada that British Columbia has the stabilization of her natural resources at heart. Compliments Prince Rupert In opening his address, Mr. Gosse said ui part: "I amuure you enjoyed yourselveiat Prince Rupert. The citizens of PcejRupert are iiotetTTor thlrr gentrous anJJaPan- A decline in quantity f Our back, or In the Quality of our.pacjc teacts immedJateh' not . only oh'the Industry and Its share- , noiuers, but on its employees, on the business community and on healthy condition taxes and (ay-i ,roll8. both very necessary elements I hi the conduct of- gfivernment and, t)f the, ceuhtry, wilLiiot be forth coming. ConsldertJif. th many in lerests affefttel heScondltion of Ihe fishing Industry, a combined effort should be put forth to ensure its stability. That con- ditlon of stability (s by no means! assurrd. Consider the reasons: Frst of all we take for granted, that. III the case of canned salmon, ns with any other producti you mut have an. article of acceptable quality or you cannot sell it. If you do sell ah inferior qualify, you not only must take jtfjnJjlC feturir, but afcthe. same time ytfu-'Jbse what is harder to regaln-your reputation in world marketa. How fa the packing of Inferior quality cahned salmon to be avoided? In the opinion of operators and distributors alike, it is to compel the processing of j the fish in the immediate area In which they are taken rrom m ,,water. , i ; It is a well known fact, borne' out by scientific and practical .observation, that fish in their fresh state are particularly sus- ceptible to depreciation from handlimr and exposure. The fish- ng methods thiployed In Lntish, in the opinion of the department tal officers an insufficient es .apement la taking place, or when in ihqir , opinion too much equlp- mnt is used this closed period 'a extended and certain areas interested in conservation ns the department, but we must have conservation coupled with . eco- nomical production. Present re jruiauons nave permuted unre stricted com)etition to reach etfch a point where in certain areas oniy mrce days fishing a week were permitted. This is an Impossible position, which will nut permit enner llsnermcn or canners to exist and culminated in the disaster of 1927 when the Industry lost two million dollars. In 1928 a majority of the can-hers entered Into an agreement, the chief features of which were, the establishment of areas within: whieli certain plants should confine their operations and limiting f PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS -Saturday, August News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Satisfaction at Inspecting of Homeguard New Ore Strike Up Telkwa River; Atlas Exploration., i Co. Enters Finlay River District It is renorted that satisfactory results have been ob tained from a program of radiofe prospecting on the Hometrii&rri nroflertv at Alice Arm, the Dalhousie -Mining M;VJ 8 out big"ore .distances, in America waters to the Bouth, In Al laska( in Siberian and Japanese of the -fish traps. They are (warded to company headquarters in Victoria where plans unlet, the major-1 f or fuufe development will be definitely formulated . Ah I elSht "lario'enUrely new strike of ore somewhat similar to the Dolly ? Ai"'n A",' in ',:iVa:den ouartz and carrying con-' aiderable values was re and 75c more than the In.tla d v-ant .transported quickly to adjacent j copper end since he of divl-Jil and .Ve recessed while certify made in the Homeward gumption lR tnip u- fshest - iut- condition fc..ji,t, .. . .-. . .. ascertain i.idends about a year ago. The In quantities at a time, possible ensurihg a Hrst tjuahty product. We khovy from out ovn obser- vations that this Is the practic. to the north and to the south,! land we have It oh unquestionably authority that the same applies iln Siberian and Japanese opera jtiohs. On the Asiatic side, 95 compare this with our condition in U.C. wabrs. with the exce?- 'Hon of one isolated case the fish nioo percent taken in gill nets ahd selhes. i . i ., m . Let It be quite understood that I am not alvocatlng either universal or even greatly ,extended use of trhps ,n uc ,'t 'is true t,at traps could be USed ' to advantage In certain location- along our coast, but it is the at- f ,,; fVid fic In , nvb WUpc. 'bodies that are known to exist, (ne width not it being alt,,ough gom samples were n.ton fivo f-et. Several S'mithers and Telkwa prospectors recently reported the location of a promising outcrop of rich galena ore about thirty-five m miles up the Telkwa River. The sc scene is about five miles from the R Big ' Four property. Samples brought tb Smither looked so good that several others started out to explore the vicinity. The resident mining nK"ouiaa Layalso made aft Inspection or Ithe stakings. Another company is now inter tin itself in the mining district nortI, of Prince GeorKe, in addi- tion to the Ingenika Mines, Ltd., which pioneered it there, and the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Ke area of t,ie F,n,ay River' I'rwectors and locator -have been In Ihe field for several weeks na are creauea wun naving m covered apd acquired a large min- cral area hjh will be given close examination, this season Some Sask.; George A. Knapp, Mil- At-iWMkeej J p gl g LouJge McIntosh Seattle: Mrs. George Little, Miss Dorothy and mi Little and Gor Llt, Terraee . been . ., located in the Interests of the la company, it is reported. W lr r52Xfa"'e" "UJe..,an vJ'l Sanson Creek and Finlay Wwrt o-. e "'J mineral resources of the north should be speeded up greally and.' intth tka nrnmurt nf lofurltiff rit1. tP.n,ni,rt.iinn m.h i.ri.t- trough the acquisition of the Ca- 0,itnn v,tvlDur1 n ,!,..,. t the Consolidated Co. the new min- it t.iri BhnrtU i,rniiit in ......a wry qufckly' JIeahUme u'e u9 of ,,rp,,nM 4 w, ----- Ere-aUy facilitate nd 8impnfy the exploration of thearea. , The Rnnanza mine, near Anvnr ' . V which Is being operated by the over 11,000 tons of ore per month : i . "aTl - f A I 1 J!bAl l.aa A e ore ta'en direct by aerial concentrating mill, the tfam wurn- Ing two shifts per day. Develop-I ment of the Bonanza Is beinff car- ried out on the outh side of Ron- !anza Creek, where an Incline shaft I a . . , . . - eing driven a aistance oi 70U feet, vhlch. When comMetea. wu , , , . ha a wrtical depth of 400 feet. , The Granby Co. Is still carrying, on diamond drilling on the Han- na properly, adjoining the Hidden, ; i bonded by the company. Over 1200 meh are now oh the payroll's of the Granby Co. at Anyox and in the plant there is being operated to full capaclly." On August i j the company declaeu a dividend! at the rate of ?1.75 per share to; stockholders oq record July 12. j such garb becoming that the The payments will tbtnl $766,889. style advisory board of the Na-bringing the total dividend pay-jtional Association of Cotton menis oi me concern ciose to 813,000.000. The forthcoming disbursement will be 2Sc a share more than Its recent predecessors the amount of gear which should be employed. This plari, ' which had the approval of the fishermen, worked admirably In 1928 and is still in force. It made it possible not only for those .parties to the agreement, but others as well, to turn their deficits of 1927 Into profits in 1928. However, a gentleman's agreement such as this is not sufficient to cure our Ills. t)eflnHe govern mental action Is' necessary to put . our Industry on a sound, eco- nomlc basis. thnt mctvipr in fmwmv this Thf n-rnlind was me results nave oeenior- crease is made possible by the higher price of copper which lias resulted in- earnings of $940,364 Ing a taste for bread and jelly, in the first quarter of this year The after effects of a nail diet as compared with $55S,C05 in the are too annoying. corresponding period of 1928. The - - Granby still enjoys the position of , LOSSES FROM INSECTS the Empire's largest copper pro- y The ' Dominion Entomogist, ducer. Arthur Gibson, estimates that in the aggregate inftect cost Can- Thfe Terrace Hoard of Trade has 3,bwe"L ' 100.000.000 an-prepared a resolution for the Ca- ""J11- n,s is, ,he loM, to radian Chamber of Commerce. cLroP' nml to, 11 mut a convention in September askink ?he Ioi"s to, forMt and that body to use. its influence in fee' tored products, etc. While tecuring tlie establishment of n Mer o diffknlt copper refinery on Ihe Tacific 't-nwt they easily average coast. - HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert R. Rruce Abel, J. M. Collins, A. N. Dyer. D. C. Ritchie. F. E. Horrifion, John McPherson, R. lealy. Charles K. Rletsoe and J. . n. Wightman, Vancouver; R. It. Furlong, Toronto; Peter Gordon,1 Anyox; G. Orr, Saskntoon; M. Dahlquist, Cedarvale; Bert F. Smith Premier; Mrs. H. L. Purdy ind B. G. Weekes jr.. James II. Weekee, Oyster Bay. Long Is land: James Pullar and Miss pnnar, Winnipeg; Dr. K. M. , ci,.,,,- nnA MUa Sharpe. La.-! romhe AUa. A w Seitz. Detroit, Mich.; J. F. Smithson, Wapella.1 Royal C. McLellan, Vancouver: G. Johnson. Ketchikan: G. R Ppfprn and'U II. Aiviia. flN lLt F. II. Shipley, Old Hickory. Tnen.; Tnm Jnn nfnn- r r:m.arr. son and C. W. Reagan, Hump, WW llnv Savoy I i. ft R. Henry. 1 1 pnrv. Victoria: V lrinri Mrs. Th flnd Petersburg; W H Thorne cX R ; Mr. and . . . . a- -m I" Mrs - James ,,ame8 -'oneous PorteouL 5 bmlthers; Jamea Coivia. Rose Harbor. r.-.. , w - MARF TPntKJFRQ ARC iiiuiiu a AiuuuLiliu AilllJ COMING NEAR FUTURE AS GARB FOR WOMEN BOSTON Aug. 9t Trousers for women are becoming i an .,, tolly ff the cotton Industry In a fash- .-"n World which ha continuously Uecreed short Bkirts during the It few years, Beach pyjamas, overalls and trousers cut sailor fashion with pirate sash are the 1929 mode the evolution of trousers which began with the bloomers worn by the daring few during the bicycle craze. . so widespread, is the use of Manufacturers surest. In tta monthly report Issued today, that women throughout the Country will don pyjamas for house Wear, and even porch and lawn use, within a year. Mmani) for Wood steady Although each year sees more substitutes on the Canadian market, the amount of wood used remains practically constant. This is due to the hew uses being continually found for wood, as a result of the great amount of Aann mI . . . I . f . it-o tu. 1.11 now ui'inir cnrriprf nn with a view to finding new uses for wood In its natural tonditlon or by modifications. ehpmti.itw or mechanically. PREFERS NAILS TO GOOD FOOD Cal3$jfsnffi 9;- 2- year-old Jej Itessekijuie. She likes nailijf' Yesterday a frantic young mother ushered Baby Inez into the Central Emergency Hospital With the news that she had just -n j . .i In triune fh rhlld. Dr. Paul o ...,,.. "1" IJCaV 1 CICIH 11(1 - "Yesterday she swallowed big shingle nail," her mother de 4 dared. "I shook her by the and the nail was dislodged from j her throat. I thought I had all'. nails out of her reach, but she pried a bolt out of her kiddle car and ate it today." So now Baby Inez is cultivat- I. 10 10v TfceToi&nio CoieiVaiorijofMuKj COL A. E. GOO0ERHAM Chakmin. BoksO of CoVctMoai ERNEST MacKILLAN. B.A.. Mm. Doc.F.R.C.O, PuiNclf ai HEALEY WILLAN.Mus. Doc.F.R.C.O. Vict Psincimi Fall Term Opens September 2nrf PRIVATE TUITION lmiruction m all gradti and in all branrhn of Music. Special attrn(ion given to beginner. New counei havt bean arranged in Musical Compoucion. CLASSES Orchettral, Eruemblc and Choral claiiei for irutrumenral-ins and singers. Classes in Choir Training for organists; Sight-tinging and Ear-Training; Lectures in (ha History of Music, Rudiments of Music, Score Study and Analysis, Piano Pedagogy, etc., for all students Conversation Qasset in Italian, French and German for sinfters and others; Classes in Mutfc for CHUJrtn. Keyboard Harmony, Dal-ttoit Eurythmks, etc. n'ill-quipptj rrUence fir Veu-gUVmrii SttJtnli EXAMINATIONS H.U Iwsllr.ibrousheui Cmd, in Mjt. )wm ni Mr SCHOLARSHIPS Foe lull iuVoon m fast 3itSrSrRt hi! ll b au.Ui on tvaa!. , ADDKE33 Cwiwr UnimMsy Avnu mi CMf Strtt. Terame I, ." " 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 i , "Caterpillar Tractors" ! MEAN BETTER, QUICKER, CHEAPER LOGGING Sole Distributors for B C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. Branches: I'rlnce George, Kelowna. Nelson Is Your Wife Your Business Manager? IF YOU can answer "yes' to that question, you are fortunate. But if you cannot answer "yes", you ought to spend three or four evenings think Ing lover your family's financial position In the event of your death. Then you should write instructions for your wife to follow regarding the conduct of the family's affairs should necessity compel her to assume the burden. When you have discovered what a task it is to write out instructions, think how much greater a task it will be to follow them. One of the first questions will be, "Where is the money coming from to keep the family going" I The answer Is "from Life Insurance". We Issue a Pension Dond which guarantees a definite Income, to be paid to beneficiaries over . i period of years instead o'f in a lump sum. We . , . .' l 11 111. r 1 1. snaii dc picaseu to scnu particulars ot tnu pan to those who are interested. Write for booklet, "Your Key to Happiness", which tells lorrte thing about it. Address : Confederation Life TORONTO ' milk milk FreAh Pasteurized Milk tod Cream Dally. ; EAIHY DELIVERY Throughout Uje Oftytl VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. j S.9. Johnston Co.Ltd, Representatives for Miller court & co , Limited Through our connection! we can make prompt exu.. tioa of buying and Belling orders on the Vancouver, Cal. gary and Toronto stock ex. changes. Closing prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S. D.Johnston Co.Lti 610 2nd Avenue Phone Ui I'rlnce Rupert B.C. rtronrb ;rfi 6ll-t7 norrt Itulldlnjt Yam-oovrr Association