he- a escaped J unharmed." u 1a noiT She thought : knows t, ne aiiair. fni, 1 anf interested - lu.i- ...uii- 1. iur a nine wimc, ner uxuuisiie "Ti, ,.i .1 face ... . c.jj i-'i.. waicittRer ai iie. ouuueiur sue 3t,.n7 in 2C2 Bank "You ,areEetting yourself into ker after a while. "I was hoping a lot Of' trouble on account of there would be a picture of the me,''8hro; .'remarked ruefully. I murdered woman, but I didn't "It'4 wortt JL"JPa!e declared find ahy. Don't the newspapers with enthusiasm. "Besides, life' usually print the photograph of would be dreadfully dull without (the victim In a sensational mur-a dash of excitement now and tier case?" thf"" , ! "Usually. If one Is available. 'I wonder 3 how Dr. Moffett Summers told me Ferryman car-knew that you had taken an in- rles one in his watch, but It may ESSEX the reliability Car of the year! "Reliability" is dominantly associated with all that Essex the Challenger stands for. The experience of more than 200,000 owners, with the lowest record of service cost and requirements, lias Established "if outstandingly as "the Reliability Car of the Year." The winning ol the Tour it France reliability classic, in hicj two Essex Challenceri Wrfe the only can to make perfect icorei, in a field of high-priced American ttnd European entries, it but dramatic eridence6fthe kind of reliability eVery Etex'c;wner knows. - ex records are country-wide. Ko matter where you lire, you will probably find the outstanding reliability event of your loCilky is held by Essex the Challenger. Wide choice of color at no extra cost 4 llydnttltc liock borbtrt- SUrttr anil tlcrlite gtug foe furl M i ti tkkh RidUtor llUUM Ut ktrt control All bright prt thlUntaM-pUtfd . wrUh!dl rlptl S;Uf.prao . .tt.( irnrn i,, Iff jJ unuormiy rntciive Mall wmumi 840 AND UP PrUti Windsor. toeJ extra DOVER, the Commercial Super-Six, Now Available Prince Rupert Auto Company atw if "Dr. Moffett, of course." Ppd the woodwork, or it might inning and netted the GvroS one Dale gave her a keen, look, mean something entirely differ- run, Vhile three more With a wondering if In that little sen n any event, It appeared to sacrifice netted them two more tence she had not sketched the nave escaped Axelsons notice, or and enough to win In the fifth looked up at him, her lips quiver , had a ta,k wJth him Iagt!tragedy of her young life. If he would have seen about having Farquhar made thre safe hits ! -"'Kht' 1 have my doubts about Dr Moffdtl" "Just what I have been think-.j ".iA unn" itlon one or two thinirS which rff. ci, 11. 1. 1 t u u .'turbed him wry much. My theor damning circle was complete. been doing in your apartment?" ,nf. Pry com- "Looking for something, I sup-'" , wlthtth eellenJt doc' .tor Moment I turned my pose. Papers, perhaps." "Papers'" joacK. "Well, if he had been lucky, or , B" h? voMr' Mofett made a more thorough search, he .kn. that 'ou are t.he P'roon?"! "ere 1 am umpep, said might have found spmething Da,e n in a Wr voice. "I haven't which would have gone a long way toward unmasking the Picaroon." ,n, noV of an ,dea- Unt" 'ast "OH," she said soberly. "Dr. C? ' "U,d h,ave Sworn, thal Moffett is joking for information I '!, LT" ? woriu who knew that, and vou l iii 1 1 he can use to blackmail you.". ohlyl '"J ,hfcd knoWj) ft n e "IntimidAte me. rather. I , Then there is another person who don't thing ,lt..is his plan to ex- suspects something of the sort, tort rnonjey frtlm menot for the. but It's not much more than a present at, any rate. All he guess with him." He chuckled, want me to do Is to fold my She grew thoughtful and silent arms and keep my hands off. It Sitting on the sofa, she leaned I am right in that theory, hi her dark head against her fine, visit last night was a compli- white hand, mqnt to me. He is afraid of me.i 'This morning I read all the so he wants to force me to let newspaper accounts of the mur-him alohe." :der on Bank Strwt." ,a ' to-.. i X J i). nr., if pannlfA.l Vn V. o f m.i.. lu- i it i ...,.. . .. ii aui in3uiin were vr. nioj- r"""' moi, manci, mc .n mree inns to me ninie. While fe'.t, and Dr. Moffett the mur- Picaroon s keen eyes had a habit Budinich. for the Elks got two derer of Miss Conway, then the noting details that eluded the Safeties In .three time up. G. average person. i Mitchell made a couple of hice . . ...1 1 1 murv iow ne ran nis nana aionff stons at itpcontl fnr fh Rli anA der a faithful confederate?" he lhe ""n, his mind divided be- Haveland nlai-ed a fine tame at, objected. tween- admiration or fine work- third for the Service Club. "How do you. know she was manshlp and a desire to krrow the ! gcore by innings-faithful?" she countered instant- meaning of the solitary flaw, 0 01 01 0 02 iy. iianuw biiu irregular Gyros ........ 1 0O02 uaie chuckled. "The feminine irevire ne insenea ine oiaae ot, Instinct again. You may have hit a 8ma'l penknife, and pried1 Box Soore the nail on the head. But you ahd rently. A little exclamation fell I ELKS ABU HPOA I are not especially Interpstpd from hi' lips. A portion of the Harold, 3b 3 1 In finding the murderer or dis- decorative strip yielded with an G. Mitchell. 2b. 3 covering, the motive. First of alt elastic vigor which suggested Arseneau, If. . 3 we want to prove to Dr. Moffett that a 8teel spring waS at work Lobliek. p, . . . 3 that blackmail is an unhealthy somewhere. Ah opening appeared A- Mitchell, ss. 3 practice." which proved big enough to admit Oosse, cf. A shadow came over .her face. 'he Picaroon's hand. He explored Stevens, lb. "Vou are still determined to go' th aperture, which' widened Gurvich. c. through with It, even after th downward, and suddenly a flng-j Budinich. rf, warning you received?" ling sensation war communicated! Totals .. Dale hesitated. He wondered to his fipger tips. YftOS what his going through with it IIls hand came out, and with;,,." would ultimately mean to Miss " came rope of pearls. Hejp ' Castle. A heartache now, or a 8tared damfounded at their pale, . , T' bitter awakening and years of bluish-gray radiance. A familiar, ,v""' misery later? tn""' was singing in his brain rv'Ci V.:. tr- ( J ma iave. ne iiiiKcruu "I owe Dr. Moffet An evp for an pvp. and iaw-rthat's mv motto." , , .things. They daziled him, charm- The Moving Panel !ed him. lulled hi. brain Into darkness, a shadowy form might have been seen outside the "wln dow,' wnlting and listening to make certain that the road was clear. Everything being reassur ingly still, the shadow Drydock Defeated Itound Houe in Scheduled Match In a scheduled Softball came passed lnf nvonlnir lh ilrvilnrlt iWrta!fH siienuy across me sm ana came lne roumJ hou?e ,n BCore 0f 15. lorwnra witn n sureness or jj, rn the fjt few Innings of movement which testified to a tno nm- it nnneared as if the previous exploration Of the ronml Lm. hurl thn iramo clnchod VWn..WXJMX MP ! n: hut the soljbaaemJUy-esented termittent flashing of light from tne game tp the hip biulders. The an eiectnc torch, ana one or Uneups W9V0 as follows: these flashes revealed two sliding n..j i....Tii.iiitn. luT't hnA, Hl-t?eni man,3b;Tullock, pj Cameron, 2b; Mid pull they soundlessly, open Peterson, lb; Bond, cf; Strntchan. ,,aaru hmuukii. -f. 9h-. Fprifimon. ss. Darkness again, and a pause. i)rVdock-Gawthorne, p; Kel Aiert enrs ann snarn eves rnKeci .. iu. nrtrn.u ik w.e Wnue i r oi miorcn icu lM ,f ; Herstromf, , pver the still f pares, '.and behind . h f T J tn$-torch stood the JIcaroon. Ixaeue Slandihg His shoulders Were bent and 1 v he moved with a little limp. He TjryUock C wore a soft hat hat had losMts station .,..,,.. 4 shape and a suit of unbecoming Supt, offlcY-. ' ...... 2 and neutral hue that did not fit ft ou nd hou'sc; 1 ' ' very well. There were gloves bn -V. - his hands nnd ff)flnspi with c. lb.. 3b. 3 . 3 . 3 . 3 .27 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 Ann 3 1 t.1. l nlllaifo ruillofa pellets, perfectly nrfrl, matched .t.LI n, his nia jaw. ia' ..finite Xrv ef "no n n somethl something. af" magnificent to the eye. He,,,I?,lfcl 'X I a jaw.forK"l at them, hot greedily, but hrVf'"' McVu MCNUIty, rf. .. 2 Z 1 1 1 2 . .. n as a a true nU Invor lover nf of K....t beautiful . Totals Summary: . .21 3 7 21 harned runs, 0 x-3 0 0 0 0' 2 2 12 1 0 4 1711 II PO A Elks, The hour was 2 in the morning. pleaant stupor with their sooth-10; Gyros. 3: two-base hit. iloran: The respectable portion of Hank sorcery, filling him with alsacrlfice hit, Haveland; stolen Street, whch meant the larger desire to possess them and call bases, Harold, 2, Gurvich; struck portion, had retired long since. them his own, if only for a little jout by Ijebliek. 2, Chenoskl, 5; Only here and there an Isolated while. left bn bases. KIks, 4, Gyros, 4 light gleamed rakishlv In an " was b familiar desire, one1 double nlay. Hill to Kajwon: upper window. No. 262 was dark he had rarely been able to resist. McKeowri hit by batted ball from attic to basement, and not 1,ul ln,s Wfl not an ordinary only dark but absolutely still as occasion in the Picaroon's life. He well. had not comf to Hank Street Ih Presently the stillness wa "rch nf loot, but rather In the broken. A slight sound. Ilk & hope of finding some clue, no gnawing on metal, came from one matter how Blight, which might of the windows In the rear, but eventually enable him to frus- it was too small to disturb any lrnte Motretrs villainous de-one. With now am! then a brief fKns- pause it continued for several To Be Continued Tomorrow minutes, and then it was followed by another sound, a sort of wooden sqUeak like that produced when a tightly fitting window Is bclhg slowly forced open. Soon this sound also ceased ahd there came an interval of silence. 1 Had there been eyes In "the' SOFTBALL GAME LAST EVENING In first inning; umpires, Mcnzies hnd Ratchford. League Standing The league standing to date Is as follows: W. L. Pet. (N. S. O. C 5 4 .556 Elks .' G 6 .500 Gyros 5 C .455 CRICKET GAMES REGINA FRIDAY REGtNA, Aug 10. British' Co lumbla scored 253 ruhs for eight wickets against Manitoba in re sponse to the score of 196 runs yesterday . Saskatchewan was the other winner of the cricket game against Alberts, making 147 to 1S7. The game between British Columbia ahd Saskatchewan today will decide the western Canada championship. Saskatchewan still leads by one point. BASEBALL TEAM FOR FAIR WEEK . The following local players have been selected to represent i nnce uupert m thu baseball fteries with Ocean Falls during rnlr Week: Slan Moran, captain, Cecil Downie, Charlie McKeown, Herman LJbllck, Oliver Havel-nhd, Nick ChehoskI, Vic Menzle, Benny Wendle, Bill Mitchell, mil Lamhle, George Arseneau, Jimmy heavy shell rims over his eyes. C.N.R.'' itehmer Prince Rupert,' Farquhar, Art Kasson, Bill Har-He save the Impression of belhg Capt. D Donald, la due back old, George Mitchell, Alex Mitch mild-mannered and soft-spoken, about fltfQ this evening rrom ell and Dido Gurvich. Hi appearance, If not his ac Anyox nriil Slewnrt and Is sche- The first practice In anticipations, suggested the lmpeeun duled to sail at 7 o'clock foMlon of the playing of the series Um pchplar or the soap-box Ocean Fills, Powell River dill be held tomorrow mornihg philosopher. In this queer get-up VacQuveV M the Acropolis Hill grounds. V.i ' t. IPAnE FOTJH TttE DATLY NEWS Saturday, August 0 thriHirtg Mystery Story In 30' chapter 1 ' & -HEftAAAN UN DON be l6o small or not dear ehough with Its complement of odd man- PIT I 1)1)17 ri a 11rn for reproduction. Biit there is no ners and mannerisms, Martin jlAr ri.hAlflLi doubt about Mrs. ferryman be- Dale, would scarcely have been, " vi3j Inflr the Miss Conway who took recognized even by his friends. fiF D A PI7D X I I you lb the house oh Bank Street. With, an unhurried air he sur- J UnuLUnhh AxejsonTpraeucairv aamittea iw t - huuuiiuiks, in me her Li. .Ia llirTlT nT the tAr.'Vi .fintifcir tho' "But ftV8 strange that pic- ture didnH appear in the paper handsome rugs, the books, the ane was a Deauuiui woman, j i wui, aiming me should imagine she had lots of latter the luxuriously unholstered;. photographs taken. one in "which the Alexander her- Dale straightened up abruptly, ryman has sat last night while "That's an ideal" he exclaimed., Dale questioned him concerning "Perhaps some one is Interested . Dr- Motfett !n preventing the picture froroi Last of all he turned his flash-. irettinfir Into the papers." Might oh a point In the hand Gyro Club Still In Running An '' Result of Win From Elks Last Evening In one of the snappiest games or the season, in the City Baseball League, last night, Gyros nosed out the Elks by a three to two score, the game was featured What would be the obiect?" carved oak Usnellng that at a'by hard hitting and air-tiarht "To conceal, the fact that Mrs. casual glance looked like a flaw fielding, several safe looking hits Ferryman and Miss Conway were n the otherwise perfect finish. Hieing cut off. McNulty, in right the same person. Just what bear- Martin Dale had noticed this field for the Cyras, pulled off a ing that fact has on the cas "ie peculiarity last night, and .sensational running catch in the isn't clean however. With the peculiarities, whether large or first inning of Arseneau's drive photograph suppressed .the wo- small, always celxted his curio-! which looked like a three bacreer. He-was not in love with her. He ret in tnv r0t,-. Iman's dual Identity could ba 9'ty. This curiosity was now Hill, playing his first srame of had loved once, and the one dis- "it's possible, for one thing,' concealed without great dlffl- about to be gratified by the Pic- the season for the Gyros in left1 astrous experience was enough, that he is havinir vou shadowed'' cultv. In all probability only s aroon. , 'field, took one off his shoe1 Besides, """i the Picaroon had au no hu Naturally, Vatnrallv after ftvr your vnnr ino-v,'o..f interview few Iew persons persons knew Knew Mrs. airs, Ferrv He stepped closer. The upper strings In the third, and turned right to look desiringly at the , with him the other day, he wants man aR MIss Conway. I Adele Castles of the world. And to know what you are doitlg anrd nolice aren't making much ye; what soVt of people come Ini wa- They can't tind a s see th oi ine wainscoting was a it into a double plav. Chenoskl. head- border of skillfully carved oak pitching for the Gvros. held ihe motivi. leaves. At one point this border Elks to four scattered ainirW Strange!" ,., she , murmured , when . .., .4i, tf. you .ti.i for the murder, and thev haven't had a broken appearance. It while Loblick. on the monnH fnr r had had finished finished . A green light, and j were watcned In the Vk'the finest clue to the mur- m'&ht mean that the slow rava- the Elks, allowed seven safeties. voice! i hat s exactly the same yesterday. Moreover Axelson ' dereK ges of time and weather had war- Three of these came in the first PARTY OFEKS VISIT ANYOX 1 I .,.A.At-fii iohte.tbing like 40 people lncludihg 25 Elks, will leave Ptlhw ItUperton the steam er Calala tomorrow evening on a visit to Ahyox, returning here Thursday on the Prince Charles by way of the islands. There is a baseball team going which will play Monday and Tuesday. There is als,o an Elks' degree , teairv that will put on some degVee 'wbrfc "for 'th'e Ahyox Elk. Accompanying them Is a drill tearm The visit of such a large party is important and Will doubtless result in a large number of AnyoX people making a return visit V Prince Rupevt. Sport Chat A series of ,,.m. haw been arranged to be p, luring fair week. Thc ... . entries and a tropnv i, tn v rom the Biological Station - ana nr mouses. Softball spre .apidly all over tin. more interest is being taken i u u every aay. Til 1 4 sTIVhaau it . .. iiuuii mere u swimming race ut Vi.toria wlmmera start Trom the h'ir front of thn Fmn.. .. - w" 10 nice pj the O evidence S A'- DEFORE you buy any car, be sure you have all the evidence. Check and weigh any car in the low-priced field against the value you know you can get In the Outstanding Chevrolet : - A smooth, powerful six-cylinder, valve-5n-head engine, capable of amazing per for-rnatice in all gears, instantly responsive to acceleration, unsurpvrd in economy and dependability. A sturdy chassis, built for endurance; with heavy, channel-steel frame, complete high-pressure lubrication, long em clliptic shock-absorber springs, safe, silent four-wheel braking system with independent emergency brakes. Bodies by fisher that reflect the latest vogue in style and coloring; luxurious in finish and appointments; interiors rest-fully quiet t.dcrp .nviting seats with rich, tasteful upliolst erics; handsome panelled .Instrument board, indirectly lighted. Prices so low, they are within teach of all. See Chevrolet, Drive it. Make h your standard of comparison. f tk about the GMAC Deferred Payment Urn c - -- CH EVIIHIl T PRODUCT OF GENliRAL MOTORS OP CANADA, UHK Kaien Garage Prince jflupert, B.C. IT'S HT.TM tIC KSS B 'T' Early Ad. Cdpy is appreciate A