The delicious Slavour oS SALAD A has no equal. Do not be tempted by the price of cheap teas JOHNRlJUJERp Jewellers "It STORE WITH THE CLOCK I 11,1 a I nil nin TEA Fresh Srom the Gardens1 No 1 A Folding Kodaks Fnm $12.25 N) 2 C Folding Kodaks Fr.:m 18.50 it KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks-'rom $11.25 No 3 A. Folding Kodaks From $S4.00 Clne'Kodak (Movie), f. 3.5. lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. "Developing and printing for amateurs. Daily service. Quality finish. lines ufl. yie Pioneer Druoei&ts THIRD AVE. t SIXTH ST TELEPHONrS 8? o 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KalUntf from frlnrc Ituwrt lor VAVCOtttlt, VICTOItl.l, !inon luij, llutrdale. Alrrt liar, (Uu, Tun-dajr, 1:30 p.m. ror V.M OlVtlt. irrOHIA. Ilutedalf. Alrrt lla. rtc. Friday midnight lor .UICK A KM. ANYOX, STEWAKT, Nasi Ultrr, IMrt Sluion, Sunday, 8:0O p.m. 1m I'OUT SIJircON AND W.U.tS tHklNli. TnunOar. p.m. Hi 2nd Arnue II M SMITH Ajtrnl l'rlnre Kaprrt. II. O. Tlrouib llrkrts ould to Victoria and geoitla jiod baccate checked Ihniuch to declination. i. llcANAOIAN mzmzj Ird Ave Our flitch,, beam B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES t! HMIINOS IMOW PKINt K ItriT.KT r . l To Krirnlkan. WrancHI. Juneau and Slmrwat - Auut X. S. 9. 12. IS. 19. t3, 26 To Vancouver, Vl 'orla and Seattle . . AuUt S. 1. 10. 14, 17. 21. 31, 28. , rul.MT.SS .MAIIY-Amn Fall, rtc . Vanroutrr and Victoria, every I'rldaj 11) p.m. Arrnti for all Mramblp Line W r OltfllAUI). (.LNHKAI. AOEXT ITIncc Kupert, n C Tbone 31 Canadian National Ofo Largcft Kaihoay Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Killlnj. frnm PKINrK KI'IT.IIT tnr VI'TIIKIA, XKATTI.K and Intrrmrdlate point, Mondays, Tnundayi, 4 p.m.: Saturday!, 7 p.m. lor ANYOX and STF.WAItT. Monday. 8 p.m.; ITIdaya, 4 p.m. lor MASSETT INLKT IHlltT.H. Mond.iya, S p.m. lor MUTII (Jl EKN CIIAIll.OTTi: PLANUS, fortnljlitly lorkKAOWAY. Wrdnrrdaya, 4 p.m. rASMISOER TltAI.NM LEAVE rUINfl. rtlTEKt UAIIY EXt'EI'T HI' MIA Y at 11:30 a m Ir PK1NC E (lEOIUiE, El)MON- TON, HINMPEO, all polnti Eastern Canada I'nltrd Statei. , AOEXCY ALE OrEAN UTEAMHIP HXM City Ticket Officev528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 : Beautiful Wrist Watches TAT ARE REAL TIMEKEEPERS Mifj WriSt WatCh thllt nd0r"9 '' JU . ay s m must bo a thing of course J"! it also be a depend-JL , T' xVlr if she is to find cal Mfusuro in hnvlno If 'lection of Gruen wrist has been chosen both for y and reliability. . 1 ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erlkson picnic August 11. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. 158 SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpap er ,33 1-3 DISCOUNT i REMNANT ROOM LOTS ' $l.(iUto?2.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and RetaUyPalnt LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dcnlistt Dr. Gosse.f.Phons 686. t. ' a briel business visit. t'i: Robert Shrubsall arrived In the ' city from the Skecna River i on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. .and Mrs. Alonzo Haines and famjly left on this morning's train, lor. a vacation trip to lo- rontd. ti -, Given away I English Dinner Service. With every dollar purchase in Denny Allen's you get a chance to win. (185) Mrs. E. Hudema, who has been on a trip south, returned to the city on the Cardena yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. R. Moore. This afternoon's train, due from the cast at 3:80, was reported this morning to be two hours late, so will not be in until 5:30 p.m. N. C. Terry, Western Canada Vancouver to the aerial fishery patrol base at Swanson Bay. where Mr. tiiathtinrfrii i Mrs. W. D. Moxley and daugh ter; Eieariir;rilUrne'dlWltKe city bri : rwlorUarj faftlirriodn's train Jtbrn; a.,trW to' Emlthers. The Misses Lucas of Vancouver were 'am6ng passengers making the i round trip north aboard the Cardena this week. Mrs. P. A. Meuse and familv. who have, beeh' on' a trip to Vancouver", returned 'to' the' dity fi'Am' 11.. I -.. . m.1 . T.I trie soum- on me vraena 'yes terday, .j. G. A. Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co., returned to the city on the Cardena yes terday from a trip to Swanson Bya on company business. 'rr George McAfee, manager of the Big Bay Lumber Co., left yesterday on the Cardena for a brief trip to Georgetown. He will return to the city Monday, by gas boat. ; ... Mn and Mrs. Neville Cummfntrn. -a n lit 1i J- " 1 I i i t. b. Walton, uis.n. roan- 0f vanebuver. are now raAna master, returned to the city on at Swansqn Bay where Mr. Cum- yesterday aiternoons train irpm mings is incharge of the Western a brief trip to the interio on Canada Airway? fisheries patrol official duties. . ! jbase. Morris Dahjquist, Cedarvale g. A. Hunter returned to the timber man, arrived in the city city on the Cardena yesterday from the interior on yesterday from a three weeks' trip to Van- afternoon s train, being here tor couver Island. Mrs. Hunter and family will days' time. return home in 10 Airways air engineer, came north John R. Turner of the on the Cardena Friday from mining Interests:.' arrived F. G. Pyle will sail-'thia evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. ' Mrs. Sam Currie sailed last night on the Princess Mary for trip to Ocean Falls'.' ' - Mrs. N. Mussallem and ,;t"wo daughters will Bail this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. Goodrick are sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for Victoria on their annual vacation trip. '' ; J. Field Strang, commodore of the B. C. Packers, sailed last night on the Cardena for Namu after a visit to the Skeena River on company business. J. J. Little, local manager of the power Corporation of Can ada, sailed yetserday" afternoon on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Stewart on company business. Miss R. Plunkett of 'Ottawa, who has been visiting here with Mr- and Mrs. Douglas Stork, Atlin Avenue, will sail this eve ning on the Prince Rupert for Vnncouver. Passengers sailing from here for the south on . the steamer Cardena last night included: Mrs, Ramsay, Miss Ramsay and 'George McKee for Vancouver, and J. F. Strang, for Namu. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Gulick will sail tomorrow evening on the city - on yesterday afternoon's ! va the W0 Prince vu Charles; iiiv train from Pacific and proceeded aboard the steamer Prince Rup- C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise, ert to Stewart. Cant Arthur Slater, is due at -.- ...... M1 ....jj JAiL. .J. . .1 ft a. a I for Anvn pIv.1 August 12, at 3:00 p.m. The yacht for two Injured fingers, lie win uu uu w,and w, proceed Monday night1 go pacK to ine interior again. on the 1'rince John to South Bay about nex.t Wednesday. ennnery, Queen Charlotte Islahds' . I Mr. and .Mrs. Adam iMackie, Mrs. F. G. Dawson will sail have men up their flat in the K .J. Smith and his bride, Miss this evening -on the Princp ,Rup- ualdron Apartments, it Is posr Marjorie Lancaster, following ert fdr' 'Vancouver, V accemptfnj Bible.-that Mr. Mackie, former ttheir marriage this afternoon, Injr.ltar 'mother, Mrs. 'Mlllr, who' inspector oi tienenesi here, -may will sail this evening on the lr' returning" to 'her home in not return nere irom Vancouver Prir nftsr unendlnir tbft where he has been nnt fpw weeks here. .Mrs. Daw- nnnniiij ,joi iuc son will return to tne city next w uc- Wednesday. ,partmenL nee Rupert for a honeymoon stationed 1 trip to Vancouver, Victoria, Se-past few.attle and elsewhere In the south. Miss Edith Kergin will sail this evening on the Prince Rur- Provincinl Constable George1 After having been tied up for rt for Vancouver where she will Clarke, formerly of Prince Rup- a few weks n Vancouver, Union be joined next week by her ert. is now stationed at Alert freighter Chilkoot. with Capt. W.1 mother. Mrs. L. W. Kergin, and Bay. Provincial Constable It. P. w- bounce in command, is back other members of the family and Ponder, formerly of Prince Run- 'n service again and is due here proceed to Toronto for a year's ert and until a short time ago' at tomorrow from the south. The visit. Alert Bay, is now in the service Chilkoot had a narrow escape Inl of the game department at Vic- lne re which recent!? destroyed; Mrs. George Little and R. VISITOR HERE Bruce Abel of Vancouver, District Governor, Speaker at Dinner Last Night ver. PAGE THREE (Jhurch Services "''' christian science "CRnStlan" Science Society, 215 Second "Avenue , ThfaJ Society is a. branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock, Subject,' "SPIRIT." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordialy Invited. Reading room,'345' Second Avenue, open Mondays and Thursdays from 3 to 5 p.m. FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, II. A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "THE CROWNING QUALITY IN CHARACTER." Evening service at 7:30. Subject. "PUTTING OFF AND PUTTING ON." Organ solo by Ewart Lyne, "Gloria," from Twelfth Mass (Mozart) . ' PLANSMADE FOR VISIT OF MR. BENNETT players' defeat' the Elks 3 to 2 in a city league fixture. Mr., Abel and Mr. Lumsden will sail' by the Prince Rupert this eve- ning, on their return to Vancou LOCAL ITEMS Recention in Afternoon and Biir . Scandinavian dance in Uoston Theatre Meeting In the Hall at 9 o'clock tonight Evening ' Lief Erickson picnic to Tugwell Hon. R. B. Bennett and party. Island tomorrow. Boats leave will arrive in Prince Rupert from. Cow Bay at 10 a.m. Gentlemen Stewart and Anyox on Monday, $1.00. ladles and children free. Duthleprtv ti,.v will tiim to fho on wliich the party is travelling A long pending charge aeainst in the ,i will dock at the Pacific Salvage Matt Vidcck of keentnir linunr for a i wt AM . a m whart and it is requested tnat as sale was further adjourned In i.i((,nni a, iaIKlA rt n.aa. tl.. If L t . 1 . . " jiuooiuiv u. cjiy (juiilc cuuri una morning W. J. Larkworthy, well known1 ent to give Mr. Bennett and party until August 16. New Hazelton merchant, will ar-,a rousing reception. ; rive In the citv from the Interior The party will proceed from " Mrs. A. G. Bartlntt will sail 3:30 this afternoon from Skag- Miss Mae Delany of Los An-!0n this afternoon's train and there to the I.O.D.E. hall, where this evening for the south. Sha way and will sail at 5 p.m. for gelos, arrived Inl the city from j sail this evening on the Prince a reception will be held between will be away several months vis- Vancouver and victoria. ine eoutn on the cardena yeeihUupert for Vancouver. 3:30 and 4:30 p.m., and ail ladies iting in Oregon" as well as In terday and will pay brief visit , will be given an opportunity of Seattle, "Vfcto'Wa' and' Vancouver. Mrs. William Bevcridge, who'hore with her fcousin, G itrjert Morgan, manager of the meeting the distinguished visitors. vl' nu; .j-i has been spending several weeks Woodland: Fifth Avenue BwsU i grotto Cigar store, will sail with In the evening a public meet- Mike BJl6ik"(a1n4 'Henry NeI on a holiday visit to Vancouverj" ' ' n- tKi th Elk8. tomorrow eve- n win ,be held at the Capitol gon were'a'cK dfifmissed with a and Vancouver Island, will return ' Ward Smith, niAnager of' the inif on th Catala for Anvox Theatre at 8:15, where brief warning by "Magistrate McCIv- to the eJty from the outh on the Detroit Western Mining Co.!s Catala .on-. Sunday.. I operations at" KrrtitEe - Inlet., itdrned to that point down the Mrs; D. S. Cameron and son coast on the Cardena this week are in residence at Swanson Bay ater a holiday trip to Vantfouterj Cameron makes his; r- ' " fisheries over- . 'N. ' If Burdick, ''managing di,J - " ' a ill til a 1 1 rt rt " - " w returning to the city on the speecnes win ue given Dy air m0nt In city police court this rft-fPrinf Charles "Thtfrsday-morn- George reney, morning;'l6n- charged tf driving ing. Mcuae, ai.i .,,anu j. v. oruu,, to the common danger. M.P. Hon. R. B. Bennett will, ; be the Principal speaker and the jlias Ilarris,, who L W. Waugh, manager of Can- r, ( has adian National Telegraphs, left 'ha!rm,anior the evening wil1 be cn visjlfng W'X, G. Bartlett or this morning's train for Ter- Cyril II. urme- Orme. . for the pat mouth, will leave seer for central division, iney rector oi me racuic iTa'c where he will spend expect to return to Vancouver vo., and Mrs: aatdfck, will ber1, week-end with Mrs. Waugh and ancf frce but parents-are "" .-,---., respecuuiiy 0re ure., where wneje next month. passengers aboarcf the Prince daughter who are holidaying requested not to bring young cnn- her 9, 1, upen tonigni proceeding to there. William Beveridge, former, Vancouver after having spent the ' - resident and alderman of this past few weeks at 'Stewart where! Rev. William Deans, United city, is now a member 01 tne -nr. uuroicK is prominently id- Church pastor at Ocean Falls. staff of the -Powell Street gov- entlfied with the Georgia River jailed by the Princess Mary last ernment liquor store in Vanc6u- Gold Mines Ltd. ;nfght on his return to the smelter! ver in which city he has resided In recent years, Messrs. Aldr.fdge, Davis Huches, Rogers and Bland, dels- Arthur Davey, son of Mr. and ate from Eastern Canada to Mm J E Dnvev. rime in on a Sons of England convention town afte,r having attended thtt meetings of Prince Rupert Pres , bytery here this week. I J. D. Wightman of the B. C. which will be held next week n yesterday afternoon's train from Packerg dlsembarked here from Woodcock, where he is holiday- J'ctoria, wil arr ve in the4pity the Cnrdenfl ,ast n, ht hav, ing. to receive medical treatment frojn the eas on this afternoon s ome north from R,vers In,et the Admittance to tne meeting is this evening, fat .Mount Hood. .fipe, win visit witn dren. GYRO HEAD IS Harris. Mr.., and Mi Mrs. E. C. F. C. Good, formerly municipal engineer of Point Grey, and until recently identified with the Vancouver city engineering department, is expected to arrive on Monday morning to assume his duties as city engineer here, succeeding H. A. McLean. Gen. A. D. McRae's power 'yacht Creosus, which broke down R. Bruce Abel of Vancouver, out of Ocean Falls yesterday district governor of the Gyro Club, morning with Hon.: R. B. Bennett, paid a visit to the local club at uomtnion Conservative leader, u dinner last evening in the Com- and party on board, had not ar-modore Cafe with President Jo- rived hena up to noon today but seph Greer in the chair. Mr. it was expected, if repairs could Abel was the only speaker,- con- be effected, the vessel might pro-fining his remarks to Gyro topics ceed to Anyox or Stewart to pick and affairs. Only members of the the party up there again, club were present, another visitor from the Vancouver Gyro Club be-1 Chief Engineer Alex Monroe ing William Lumsden. has been moved from the steamer A pleasant feature of the eve- Prince George to the Prince ning's proceedings was the pres- Rupert. Chief Engineer Charles entation to Eddie Smith, on the Davis, regularly of the Prince eve of his marriage, of a hand- Charles, is now on the Prince some mantel clock. The presen- George while W. E. Balllie is tation was made on behalf of the ashore relieving Richard Knox, club by C. A. Kirkendall, who assistant superintednent engin-spoke suitably. Mr. Smith re- eer, who is on a trip to the Old sponded. Country on business in connec- After the dinner the members tion with the new shins which four proceeded to the Acropolis Hill are being built for the Canadian foria. la large portion or ..the Union -WHren, who have been on a' grounds to see the Gyro baseball National Coast Steamships. 1 - .Mv hi trip to ocatiie, spoKane and otner Inspector James M. Tupper R." ' " " " -points in. ithe south, arrived "In C. M. P.' ret'urnt'd' to the' city on": 001 v Cunningham, head the city from Vancouver ori the yesterday afternoon's train from of the Chatham Strait's Packing Princess Mary last evening and h' brief trip to Telkwa where he Co- operating the Humpback Bay ! proceeded by this morning's met and drove through part of cannery on Porcher Island, and train to their home in Terrace. the Interior with Superintendent Mrs- Cunningham came northj H. M. Newson. head of the Roval from Vancouver to the cannery H. B. Stiles of the Star Weld- Canadian Mounted' Police in on the Cardena this trip. Col. ing Works has taken over thei British 'Columbia. " Cunningham will return imme- blacksmith shop premises of Jas. .1,. -Mate ly Vncfluverwhit(r5lTs. ! Hupterii on- Market Place and is Sergeant-Major Jimmy Robrn-jCunnlngham will u rjum ,i(at .pablishingan automobilo spring son, inspector of harbor police, iiiVmpb'hctLBay' far ajyiujc,' , manufacturing plant . there. Mr. V)trt)uvei, "aria 'Mrs. 'KoblMon, M :- Hunter has joined the staff of were passengers making the S. C. Gordon, formerly of Alice the Linsay Cartage Co. garage, i round trip north aboard the Arm and Atyansh. enme from' steamer Cardena yesterday. Mr. Vancouver to Alert Bay aboard: Passengers sailing from here Robinson, who is one of the the Cardena this week, accom- for the south on the Princess most prominent ex-service men panying the remains of his .Mary last night included: Mrs. in British Columbia, is chairman brother, Lawrence J. Gordon, Sam Currie, for Ocean Falls; in charge of arrangements for who died In the Vancouver Gen- Fred Greene, J. E. Manning, the -.nntial reunion and dinper of ral Hospital on Monday of can- Stuart McLean, Frank G. Kenar the 7th Battalion C.E.F., which cer. The deceased vhs a carpen- nd Mr. and 'Mrs, J. R. Hamilton will be held in Vancouver on tir by trade and had nlso fished nd son, for Vancouver; P. D, August J7. He Is renewing many one season on. 'the ,eena River. TVmiiftrman, for Port Hardy; IL" old ''niHuialnth'nre's: oh his trip He Is survived by a.rjt(pw- ahis'J. Ive, for Butwlalp, and Rev. north. t il .ij i ii-.-iu ii j four-month old child. AVilliam Deans, for Ocean Falls. Flies lVj FrrrJom from rltri right wyl Simply pry the room full of Flit vapor, clewing doon and wlnJow j It will have full f tTecdvencii. Flit i!k ktll moncjulloct, roachci, bl bugi and anti. Guaranteed to kill or money back. I iTrSaaPi mm miik tkm faaaaaaaaaa laaal w a6rtii mil Siit w- v" ' pa