TOMORROW'S TIDES Tuesday, July 16 Alternative Schemes Discussed by Hon. W. A. McKcnzie, Who States Highway May Have to Go by South Side of River Great doubt has been thrown on the existence of a mute north of the Skeena." Hon. W. A. McKenzie. actinir Nr.- and was Waked years OTTAWA, July 15. The nm-pri ibian Untin Bowler, cn route " im Chicago to Berlin, was lost faturdav nitrht when it drifted cut to sea near Port Burwell. No lives were lost. i . WINNIPEG WHEAT TAKES 1110 JUMP WINNIPEG, July 15. Ex- tremcly hot weather with the fields in some sections re- Prted near ruin through lack of rain shoved wheat up for July delivery closing at 1.66. j to cover the route on foot, and pre pare a preliminary report, together with an estimate of .the cost of building a road there, j "In view of the great import-isirce of thin matter and the engineering difficulties involved, it is ; felt that the expense of an aerial 1 survey, the most modern form of Investigation which is Ibis instance will not be excessive is justified." An alternative to be investi gated by the department, Mr. Mc-Kenxie uid. in the nmiaihle rnh- the .fltrucUon of a road from Prince KO Runert eastward on the south Its other tjrmfniM smat of. the quired in any case, and it is planned to construct it as soon as possible. Eastern End If a route on thto south of the river is found to be practicable the new road would run direct to Terrace. From Terrace the de partment already is building a road eastward to apr.n the remaining gap between that point and Hazelton, while work also is pro- reeding on the Hazelton end. A highway from Prince George, west to Terrace, thus will be completed without delay, leaving only the route out to Prince Rupert to be built to form the second great road from the coaat to the interior, the other being the Cariboo road . If it is found that the expense or thia project would be so great that the government would not be justiiied in undertaking it at the nresent time, the minister stated. another plan to be investigated is the movement of automobiles between Tyee and Terrace on the Canadian National Railways as a temporary expedient, with some special arrangement lor automobile cars, low rates, and a service adequate to meet the needs of the travelling public. Major D. R. MacLaren, D.S.O., B. C. manager for the aviation company, states that Pilot Walter E. Gilbert, Who Is at present employed on a contract to carry freight rrom atewari to uowser Lake, will visit Prince Rupert on his way south and do the high way urvev from tnere. More than half the work at Stewart has been completed in suite of seme bad : vmtheh nml it is expected mi tn vmyp granhic palroivwiu week. . ... start ;"hext V.nA Runcrt Isolation "The government." Mr. McKen zie declared, "realize the importance of linking Prince Rupert with v, iniarinr and tntl ending UN present complete isolation. It con- s iders this connection vital to the progress of the northern city ana to the development of the north generally. Not only is such a connection justified by the Importance of the country which it would directly serve, but it will give It access to the rest of the province, in addition, will create an lliu, . . . important new tounsi rouic exceptional scenic grandeur. PRICE OF WHEAT of VANCOUVER. July 15: The price of wheat quoted here to day was 1.MK. minister of public works, in making announcement at the fna l,ne. w.oraf5". a a Jmanui?c-end of the week of the commencement of an aerial mr-JJSZ vey for a road route up the Skeena River from Prince The building were insured under Rupert. "But, as persons who have travelled there are ? blanket policy by the city of New convinced that a good location can be found, with low Ullt'' The arena aUo wa prades. we intend to prove or disprove this theory defin- - i itely from the air. If engineers are able to sight what NAAS VALLEY Reported Rich (round Where Orer Thirty iiaims nave icen Staked Ttxrc in reported to have been a --a! uuble strike oi aluminum marts in the Naas Valley which likely to prove of value. It a creek running into 'appears to De a pass through the mountains, tine department will , then place engineers in the field MILLION DOLLAR FIRE SATURDAY WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER. July 15. This city was the scene of a fire Saturday afternoon which caused damage to the extent of over a million dollars and threatened destruction to a large part of the city. The Western Paper Co.. Ltd., was entirely destroyed. With a strong wind blowing the blaze spread across the Marpole line of ria interest as a clay de- bank of the Skeena. The section , the B. C. Electric, cutting off that Now fourteen claims are from Galloway Ranids. to Tyee.' service, and burning a C.P.R. r.i-i-1 M Kenny Smith, at present WOuld be connected with the . box car that was on the siding. ' d on the snag scow Bobo-lMuth bank of the Skeena. by a ! Trolley and other pole were burn-, Assays have been made modern ferry, which would havcied and only the arrival of help; wing a very high percentage of from Vancouver and the fireboat! l TO VISIT HERE to See Salmon Packing and Attend Convention Hon. 8, L. Howe, provincial secretary and commissioner of fisheries, will come north shortly to inspect the salmon fisheries of the Naas and Skeena Rivers. He will attend the annual convention of the Canadian Fisheries Association here on August 1 and 2, at which he will deliver an address on the fisheries of the province and the Fraser River sockeye treaty . FRENCH PLANE HAS TO RETURN Back by Adverse Winds on Transatlantic Might VILLA COURLAY, France, July 15. Captain Dicudonne Coste and his companion, Bellonte, landed here Sunday morning after be;ng driven back by winds from the Azores on a Paris to New York flight. OPERATION ON KING GEORGE Portions of Two Ribs Removed in Order to Drain and Treat Abcess LONDON, July 15-. King George was operated on successfully this morning for drainage of the small abcess in his right chest and an offl-cialstatemci.tli.tir stated th t His Majesty was progressing satisfactorily. Seven doctors attended at Buckingham Pal ace, as did. also tne Prince of ' Wales. ! Portions of two ribs were ; removed In order that the abcess, which Is, one and a half inches across, might be i directly drained and treated. In court circles It is strongly hoped that the operation may pave the way for complete recovery. ; TO 'SS'ST MINING 1 ENGINEER OF RUPERT Herbert Carmichael, formerly assistant provincial- mineralogist, has been appointed to assist Dr. J. T. Mandy of Prince Rupert In connection with his duties as resident raining engineer. Mr. Carmichael wi!l visit Allin and other northern parts of tne province. TWO CHILDREN WERE BURNED Lost Lives in Ottawa Blaze; .Mother Jumped With Chil- uren ino jsianitci;num. sufficient to make Its mouth of the Ecstall River, which ! O. McCormacK preveaiea,. OTTAWA. JuM 15. Frank Vrrn' ...n profitable - J 4f& ftuV 4 44Af utiMipwadof the .fire - CuHer lcrar ofsW his eou- A:. hi r groupof 19 clalnrsflfnTRk in tWa ehem,TtMrr L, Meba Happerfield, aged 12. btm F'akod alongside the original lo bum woud jje between the1 Iir.1T uniT P n I i fTAiim fTAlim u,.r,. bumrd burned to death and four t , . NEW YORK TO NOME EIGHT WASHINGTON. July 15. F. . t, ,tv llnnA tndav annroved : i ! for a flight from Mitchell New York, to Nome by r j R G. Hoyt of the army air 1 o begin within ten days. Tito ' lane will refuel at Mlnneapo- dmontnn, White Horse. -. and thence to Nome with -hurt stopovers. POLISH PLANE FORCED DOWN Pilot Killed and Major Kuhala In jurcd In Transatlantic rliRiu HflllTA Ainrot. Julv 15. Ma'or Idiikowskl was killed and Maior Kulisla Initired when the r : -h plane en routo from Tans ti New York was forced down on ho wa'.er about 85 miles north of here Saturday night. UNTINBOWLER LOST AT SEA Airplane Drifted Out From Rurwell but no Lives Were Iot Port end of the present road at Gallo-1 HI IV X I fl 1 1 W P. unit Tv A hrMw.1 IlVll U U 11X7 111- across (.allowHy lUpids will be re-; f other persona received painful 'bnrns when fire destroyed four dwellings on the outskirts of the ritv this morninir. Mr. and Mrtf. Cutler received i severe burns and bruises, the Provincial Fisheries Commissioner mother with the two children jumping into DianKera neiu uy mv neighbors. SHIP ARRIVES POINT BARROW POINT BARROW. July 15. Bringing the first mail received here since March, the ship Patterson arrived Saturday. The ice Mr How 1 at nresent visiting wan exceedingly heavy, but a pilcher reduction plants on the single opening allowed the vessel west coast of Vancouver Islands, to dock. Should Use Every Other Method to Obtain Redress Before Action Taken to Obtain New Province That Is Hoard of Trade Attitude as Expressed in Letter Written to Southern Newspaper m Itcply to a Qucrt That northern British Columbia should use every other method to secure what is needed before resorting to- the extreme measure of demanding th6 formation; of a new nrovince seems to be the official attitude of the Prince Runert Board of Trade, as expressed in a letter sent by of the province is being held back through lack of highway facilities. The following is the letter: "I have yours of June 25th and contents are duly noted. Itt reply thereto I beg to say-that the feeling is general in nnrMiprn and central British Co- Got ns Far ns Azores but Driven lumbia that during the past twenty years all British Columbia Govern mcnts have neglected to encourage the development of the northern and central sections of the province in anything like an adequate degree. "This fact has been very pro-. nouncdly demonstrated since the automobile has developed Into Continued on Tago Four Boston Grill LARGE CAUAKET High 10:03 a.m. W Special Dinner Tbunulny and Saturday! 21:40. p.m. V Dancing Efriy Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Low 3:51 a.m. ' A. Dance Hall tor Hire 15:23 p.m. 9.! Accommodation lor Private Partla NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISn COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER rilONE 43? Vol, XX., No. 102. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1929 Government Plans for Skeena River Road all Outlined by Minister FAIR BUILDINGS AT WESTMINSTER ARE DESTROYED I'lre Took All but Stadium and Stock Buildings in Royal City NEW WESTMINSTER, July 15. The provincial exhibition here were destroyed yesterday by a fire which started at 6 a.m. 1 with a loss of $400,000. Only the stadium and some stock build-; ings escaped, i , Within an hour the agricultural Duuaing, in wnicn trie lire started, Famous St. Paul's Cathedral in Final Stage of Restoration The final stage in the long ta.k of restoring and renovating St. Paul's Cathedral, London, Eng., was ttarted this week with (he . mov:,l of thr grr?.t organ from the nave back to its original position in the choir, u work that i nv ted to oe-.-upy about four months. The work of restoration, which was d reeled to the strengthening and solidifying of the superstructure of the Cathedral, Vas begun in 191H, but it was not until 1924 that the big task began of grouting the eight main piers supporting the dome thus aiding, the engineers estimate, 200 or SO0 years to the life of the great ballding. Since the first appeal was made for funds in 191S a sum of approximately $2,-SOO.OOO'ftM been raised by contributions from all parts of the Empire. Above is an excellent view Of St. Paul's Cathedral, which is a great memorial to the work of Sir Chrisforpher Wren, wha de-sfgned the structure and supervised the building of the majority of it T ASK REPRESENTATIVE TO , LONDON CONFERENCE LONDON. July 15: An invitatJdn ' has been sent through the Norwegian Government to Russia by Great Britain to send a representative to London to discuss the resumption of trade and coirmerce relations, Foreign Secretary Right Hon. Arthur Henderson told Parliament today. that body to the editor of the Western Tribune, in reply at 8 p.m.. officers and delegates to a query as 10 me aguaiion nere ior a new province; The letter states that the people are discontented and ' that the development of this part DELEGATES TO ROYALPURLE , VISITINGCITYij Tea This Afternoon and Social Event This Evening ns Openers to Convention BANQUET WEDNESDAY Between Sixty and Seventy Women Here From All Parts of Canada for Big Event Between sixty and seventy su preme officers and delegates from i .. . - -. - all parts of Canada arrived in the I , city by steamers this morning and f I IT f7 I ft PC train this afternoon to attend the Vjl LuUkJ Dominion convention nere ini weej of the Ladies of the Royal Furple. After registration of delegates will be welcomed at a social to be held this evening in the Elks' Hall by local ladies of the Royal Purple, assisted by members of the Elks' lodge. The first convention session win ranged. ing by Affalr at Dorreen Results in Death of One Man and Another is Undef Arrest Metri Smiledich is dead and Steve Doljkovac is under arrest on a charge of murder following a stabbing affray at 7 o'clock yesterday morning at Dorreen, a Canadian Nationa! Railway station six miles east of Pacific. Smiledich was a section man on the railway and Doljkovac, a fellow workman. While details received by police headquarters here in the matter are very meagre, it is understood that a quarrel between the two men led up to the stabbing, which resulted in almost instant death for Smiledich . Doljkovac was placed under arrest soon after the kill- Itoyal Canadian Mounted'- Police officers at Kltwenga, who were caiiea. provincial ponce fficers, headed by Sergeant W. Service, were toon on the scene and have taken accused hi charge. Inspector William Spiller. officer commanding of "D" division hia cut biy together, 3miledich locked the door. Denied entrance, Doljkavoc returned to the bunkhoese, took, his suitcase and started off up the trsck. He is alleged to have changed his clothes at Mosauito Creek, aooar- of the provincial police, left this M th-ow nu lMh and morning for Haielton to take ..he butcner knife, with which he charge of the case. aid to have committed the Smiledich. whose body was stabbing, into the creak, slashed through nearly to the Brought back to the scene of backbone, was 25 years of age. the Dy the Mounted Police, Staggering from the bunkhouse Doljkavoc remained stolid and in- into the waiting room as he held different, making no statement. PRINCE GEORGE DISTRICT LARGE The log scale in Prince George district for the month of June, tMnnrrnw mnrnlnir In totalling 11.288.552 board feet, was the Elks' Home, following which one of the largest qn record andj there w ill: be "i r.tiliss' luncheon tjmugni me uuhi ir mm umn 4 if lH M A? r .L. . , U .. lMt Unit nt itx I MTV in the uornmruioreiwaie. in tne r nm " r aftern()orfthe,wlll'be a tea at to 56,200,688 feet, as ' compared the home of Mrs. George Frimll, with 41.ttt.961 (tot Irithe corn-Seventh Street, and in the evening sponrilng period In 1928. there will be another business ses- i ne prospects are wiui itui 8jon George district will have a record There will be convention ses- log scale this year, as the new Gale sions all day Wednesday and that I Trick mill ht Hansard is now evening a banquet and dance will logging, as is also the Alexander be held. mill nt Prince George, while the On Thursday morning there second new Prince George mill, will be the Hsal business session, that of the Foreman Lumber Co.. social entertainment for that day will be logging even if the mill is having not yet been definitely ar- not in operation before the close .of the year. Both the dead man aid the ac- cused were natives of Czecho slovakia and have families there. Motive for the crime has not been disclosed. The remains of the dead man and the accused hare been taken to Hazelton, where an Inquest w II be opened tonight, the preliminary trial taking place Scottish Humor Imported direct Aberdeen Joke from the Faetory THE TOOTH BRUSH Hotel Guest (to Aberdonlsn at wash basin): "Excuse me, sir, but that's my tooth brush you are using. I left it behind by mistake." Aberdonian (handing it over): "Oh, that's a' richt, I thocht it belanged tae the hotel." r