if.mday. July 16; 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE Man in the Moon at CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & E0UN1 to aru.i'ici'i "oj " And many jovini' of yourself, thene.pte new, THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. 'Hi. Eat there' nothing like the old, old game, Such an pitching an old horseshoe. There's one thing about life la Prince Rupert, you do not have to Al itor In a crowded street car or p't scared to ileath In a traf f-,r jam. -ome of our great men have r - . (1 through' several transport nun phases. They first learned walk anl practiced on th railway ties; they next learned ,, tide in a train, finally emerp-int' in the obserration room: i,..n in order to save time they mh-p their own cars; next they " I have a runabout airplane so '', may look down on the rest of n. unkind. That gambling. Is inherent Inl rnn numan ruce is eviueni iruirj ho number of marriages one boars of. Ten Years Ago In Pr'nce Rupert July 15, 1919 The local Trade & Labor um il is to be reorganized un-!' r the Trades Conferee of Canada. An auction of city lots will " held next raoflth. Returned rn. n will be given the preference m the bidding. Mayor MtClymont will com-n in irate with Hon. T. D. Pat-' ill", minister of lands, seeking financial aMitlilRee from the w vinrial government in connee-i i'-n with tbe new public school i planned to build on Aero. : li HH1. - COLUMBIA ICE-FIELD 'I ho Columbia ice-Held In the 1 ; radian Reekie is one of the ni"-t remarkable alpine features t that grwt region. It Is situ-in Jasper National Park, Alta, and covers an approximate area of 10 square mile. It upon the eret of the main 1 'j vide and represents the cul-n nation of the immense snow ;nd ice deposits which crown the ct of these ranges. USD ACT Notice of lutentlon to Apply to lw Land In the Queen Chsrlotts Land District. Uiid ReeorwIBg Dtstrtet of PrMce Hup-( snd situate near the mouth of Mas- ': lain at Seven MUe Point. I Take notice that Lsuigara Fuhing ,i l .x'kitiK Oompany, Limited, of Massett, 1 (icrupatlon. salmon canners, In- C'Kl to pvy for lease of the followi . dearHbed lands: ' ominenclmt at A post planted near I "' ia-tis.t corner of Lot 2239.1 t.ruiiam Istand: thence westerly 10 iu.i; thence northeTty 5 ehalnt; thence f .-:..,ir to chains following low .waur; -nee souiherty S ehalMto point of iimieiicemetit. and eonuinlng S aeres. or lees. 1 ANGARA tISHINO A rACKlO Henry White. Aitnt. Is ted May 14th 1929. LIND ACT Notle of Intention to Apply to Imh Ijind In the Prlnoe Rupert Land Reeordlng I t net of Prince Rupert, and situate mile Santh East of 8plt Point on Rant shore of Portland Canal, l xke notice that Anglo British Colum- i .i ra-aing uotnpany umim oi u- 'uver B.C , occupation, Salmon Can-intends to apply for a lease Of the !' Mowing described lands: forrsnore: Oxnnienclng at a post planted one mile South East of Spit Point on the y ist Khore ot Portland banal; hence East " rlialns following High water mark: tiwnce South S chains ,to k watet mark; thence West 40 chains following I- w water mark; thence North S chains t orung post; and containing 20 t' tty more or lets. anolo nnmsit Colombia packino COMPANY, LIMITED, . "W. E. Walker," Agent. Ditted May Wnd, 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Appl to lsie iMni jtn; tW'Prlnoe Rupvrt Lan Recording pimirt of Prrnee Rupert, and situs t4f , u oouin, west cosst oi waiea it-imid tacuig Boston IsUnds. . Taks notice that Anglo Britlah Oolum-fia Packing Company Limited of Van-"-uver. BC, occupation, Salmon Can-J";ra Intends to apply for a lease of th "owing described lands: foreshore; ' ornmencing at a post planted on the no'ith West Ooast of Wales Inland facing -i!.W",rn tremlt of Ikwton Islands; J., ..,ori' eh'n following high water ""fk; thence South one ehaln to Low E n r,wr: thence West forty ehaln t .? low thence North L ?l'iln Pnat! and eonuinlng Tea more tt hm. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMrrED. Su mmer Resort Where to spend an enjoy able holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMGALLUM LAKE ' LODGE Terrace, B.C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath- lng; beautiful scenery; twenty i miles from Terrace. Stage leaves Terraee 9 a.m., Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, ?2 return . Rates, $3 .25 per day. Write for special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME" Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. v River and Sea Bathing. Excellent Curiae. Parties ran be met at Skklegate or Port Clements. Wirelefts for reervat!ons. MRS. RAJOUT Tlell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE , at nFAirnrm. vnAvmic s,,s.js4i ul.- aL4 t g oa j w swatr For Rent ny the Week or Month Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. ilenkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucxs from YOUNG BROTHERS Skldegate. n.C. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representative for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through iur connections we can make prompt execution of buylnjf and selling i orders on tho Vancouver, Calgary I ! and Toronto stock exchanges. ! I Closing prices from these exchanges posted on wur stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. ' I S D Johnston Co.Ltd. i 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, HC. BRINGING UP V . .. o jt to cuu oM I DOM T i v.Mo ea WAMT MB TO mm CaMT op FOR SALE rHACTICE Piano for sale. $75. Wione 7G4. 1C7 FOR' SALE Studebaker coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Seven roomed mod-! em house. Apply 147, corner! -Fifth and Dunsmulr. 164 FOR RENT Furnished ' '" Summit Apartments. FOR SALE Good Eats Cafe. ! m iak Good location; reasonable. I Phone Black 700. (170) FOR SALE Iron and wooden pul-i leys, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, Box xx. (tf) FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable Iron hangers for shafting. Large sire. $10 per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. FOR SALE Dining room suite, two sets bedroom furniture, Brunswick Panatrope phonograph, chesterfield, wicker sun room set, piano. Apply Douglas Stork, 1919 Atlin Avenue, or Stork's Hardware. (tf) FOR SALE two Gilchrist jacks, one new; two falling saws; one boom auger; one peavy, three falling wedges; one dozen ' dogs; one sledge; all in first; claM condition. Can be seen by ! appointment. Bargain. Box 205. Daily News. 1G1 FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester field Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and . Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. MacKENZIE FURNITURE PHONE 775 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply fa Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the coast ot Wales Island half mils South East of Bartlett Point. Take notice that The Anglo uniisn uo- ' lumbta Packing Company, Limited, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, oaunon i Canners. Intends to apply for a lease; of the foUowlng described lands: Commencing at a, post planted on the Coast ot Wales Island halt mile South East of Bartlett Point, thence North East tea chains; thence South East forty chains: South West ten chains to High I Water mark; thence following High ' Water Mark to staking post, and con- i ' talnlng forty acres, more or less, ( THE ANOLO BRIItSH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W E Walker," Agent. Dated May iTtn, ivzs. LANW AC1 Notice of Intention to Apply lo Lease Land a f In the Prince Rupert Land Recording j DUtrKa 01 ranee ttupcTi, ana siiusi on the East shore of Portland .Canal one mile south-east of Spit Point. ! Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia packing Company, Limned, of 'Vancouver, B.C., occupation, mat salmon, canners. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: east shore of Portland Canal one mile, south east of Spit Point; thence North an ahalna- thanr. Rant fnrtv chains: I thence South ten chains to High Water Mark: thence following high water mark back to staking post; and containing forty acres, more or less. THE ANOLO B1IT18H COt CMBM . PACKINO COM PANT, LJMJTEU. Per "W K . Walker," Agent, Dated May 17th. 1929. Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. ' FATHER iKy BATS M. them to ncht WANT w w i WO TOTAK& I'LL. -E THIS OPeLV VOL) "THINK cooc Tr oms evcoi j 7 rx i Yi es l a3 a i i v m k - a FOR RENT FOR RENT Two modern houses. Phone Dlack 44G. FOR ; RENT Furnished flat. Ap-. ply Mussallem Grocery. t; (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phono 547. tr. suite, Phone (tf) FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machine. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT rurnUhed house foeplnjr rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607 tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnish ed modern two and three rootl ed suites. Palmer Apartment. Phone Red 444. (175) FOR RENT Furnished two fam ily cottage close to new Lak- else Lodge, on lake shore. For rates apply to V. Soucie. Terrace. 1G9 WANTED WANTED ifemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. r 4- WANTED Partner with some capital, tn-g&ed paying busl-ne-. Anply 5ox 204, Daily News Office. tf BOARD AND ROOM A BOARD And Room 135 per month. Phone Green 216. tf CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS a nuvmiiuu The practice of chiropractic Is .i- iM f r.r , iv icvuKUitru lit iuiij 0mi iro union. This .recognition has beeh iougni ana gainea oy me peopie who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition was .11"1 f (.f accorueu. orrnrrle1 For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 ind 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 283 Open Evenings CHIROPRACTIC LOST (LOST Diamond link. Finder please return to Dally News office. Reward. (1C2) SALVAGE ANI TOWlNG "If It's on or under the water we do If PACIFIC SALVAGE iCO. LIMITED P Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrlp-i tlons for Charter i I Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR , Van Blerrk. Easthope, Hicks ! Kallantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Cool id ge Propellers Phone, Day or NIeht, S64 P. O. Box 1551 BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PROIiyCTSr (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) 1 De Luxe Smoked Salmon To cook, eut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, poor boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks Itself . Sold by-Burns & Co., Ltd., Frizell's, Bulkley Market, Watts' Grocery Makes nice lunch sandwiches for husband or picnics. LAND ACT il r Intention U Apply f)i 1 li i t ' to Leae Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rud- mrt mm illii.t. a IhiI.(ah Tl(n, . w I uumu iHsnq. Take notice" IHlt Lthgara Fishing VI Packing Comnany, Limited, of Massett, B. C. oocupstlon, canners. intends lease of the follow. Ins: described Unds: Foreshore. Oommenclni at a Dost nlanted at the 1 mity jt land on Arniston Point i triT cnama; inence norm erly 5 chains to low water: thence easterly 20 chains; 'thence southerly to point of commencement, and eonuinlng 90 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO ft PACKINO CO.. LTD. Br Its Aeent. John William UiorrhouM. 'Dated June 7th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Ltsm Land In the Queen Chariotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Massett Inlet, Oraham Island. Take notice that Langara Fishing ft OammenelBg at a post planted near the southern end of Hidden Island; thence northerly 10 chains; thence easterly S chains; thence southerly 10 Chains, following low waten thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing 4- aeres more ot leas. LANOARA F16U1NO ft PACKINO CO.. LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated Miy 11th. 1929. KKKKNA LIM KECOIthlMl DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that tbe Britltb Oo-lunibla Fishing ft Packing Company Ltd., of Vancouver. B.C., occupation.' tlahlng and packing intends to apply for a lease ct the fralowln? desert bed foreshore, altuate fronting on Lot 1 2. Range S. Coast District: Commencing ai a post planted ai a point on tne southerly boundary of Lot '2, Range i, i anient soou-i is cnains irom tne aoutn- esst corner thence N.OS'E. to the bra- ductlon southerly ot the east boundary water mark; thence westerly and Sou- jerly fcllowlng mean high water mark. to the point of commencement, and eon- tacking co., ltd. J. H. Bushneil. Aeent. Dated 24th June 120. Adjustments given aceoramg to , Packing ZSSSSSl' Company. .on'cSk Limited, of Masoett, new Spinal Indicator, produce i Jnd t?P'T, tw" ot the follow- better results. Consult R. E. EYOLFSOX CHIKOPUACTOR . G23 Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red 89 Established 1924 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION '"nIHi w tit We buy, sell or ex change any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. Genera! repairs, crating, packing und shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Ulaek J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. . Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and . ( on i Art Supplies : P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 ELEVEN YEARS OF KNOWING HOW Is applied to all work in our Mechanieal Department. A trial will convince you that there is no a: i ! or cxprruneiiuiitf, uui an actual sav- ing to the motorist to deal with us. ROSS & MOORE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers Goodyear Tires, Raybestos Linings Home Gas LAND ACT Notice ' of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In-trie Queen Charlotte Land District Land Recording District of Prince Rupert; and situate near the mouth of Na-den Harbor, on Maaorredo Island. Take notice that I. Author Robertson, of Massett, B.C., occupation; mill owner. Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng described lands: Commencing at a boat planted near the south fast corner of Lot 2719, Maxor-redo LUand: thence northly 10 chains: thence easterly S chains to low water: thence following low water southerly 10 ebalna: thence wester) to mint of com mencement, and containing four acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. Bt Heart White. Aient. Dated May 12th, 1029. XKIXNA LANl KLCOKDIsa DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the BrttMl Co lumbia Fishing & Packing Company, Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C., occupation. fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease of the foUowlng described foreshore, snorc. situate siiusie fronting ironuntr on on u Lot 10. Range S. Oowrt District: Commencing thence outta S ehsins; thence in a south- easterly direction IS chains; thence In ' south-easterly direction 23 chains, more : or less, to high water mark at a point distant tnt 10 10 chains, Chains, more more cr less, weiterty fnun tu MiitkuM litt in vMence. norm westerly, xouowing nign water mark, to the point of commence- meat, thd containing 13 acrea. more or , i leu. BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHING ti , PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Bushneil, Agent. Dated 20th June. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near Kkishwun Point. Oraham Island. Taks notice that Eugene H. BImDson of Msssett. B.C.. occupation, cannery-man. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Foreshore. Commencing st a post planted about 20 chains southeasterly from the N. W. corner of Lot No. 2741, Oratmun Island; thence west 10 chains; thence north B chains to low water; thence east 10 chains: the; ice south S chains to point ot commencement, and containing S acres, mora or leu. EUOENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. LAM) ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I .ruse Land In The bUklne Land BMordtag District of BrKMi Columbia, and situate about one halt utile Easterly from the mouth of the TuUrquan River, which into the Taku River efeout six mile up-stream from the Alaska Boundary Une. Take notice flat t, James B. Stapler at Iai Aiut.a (anuulifln mining en- ,mer muui to .nirror rrmi.ivn ' '... Vevuin iwmw lands Commencing at post planted one half mile Easterly from Uie mouth of I ehalns: thettee North 20 ebalna: thence ! West 20 ehalns; thence South 20 enaim ami containing so acres, more: or less. jim n RTrr. . . . . . . ""r"30 1 Dated June loth. 1929 . 220 UXD ACT Not Iff of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one ml!e South Eaat r,t naralat. Pnmt the South West coast of Wales Island. Take notice "that Anelo British Cnium. bla Packing Company Limited of Van-eouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Can-ners. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a port planted one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the South West coast of Wales Island: thence East forty chains following high water muV' thMv. Rmith , ehslna to low water mark: thence West i Ueg post; and containing 30 acres, more less. ANGLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. TJiriTEn . "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated Uay 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply tb Iae Land In the Prince Ruperv Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West coaH of Wales Island ball mUe South East of Bartlett Point. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Van-couter. B.C., occupation. Salmon Can-ners. Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on the South West coast of Wales bland half mile South East of Bartlett Point; thence South East forty chains following High water mark; thence South West fire chains to low water mark; thence North West forty ehRtrts following low water mark; thence North East to locating post; and containing twenty acres, mere or less. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY. LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. Pa ted May 22nd. 1929 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen 7HrLtf. r Land Recording District of Prince Rup- art an,, .,,... . . IZ.Z r ,,; ZSSt of jEe? tXZZC 7J. AT . . ' i".eKi "2 RobertsoB J2iLi:"w.nf . H 8l?I . of Massett. B.O.. . ii.-ct the ,V?J foUowlB ,i mrtnai lands! t Inmhm KL described oommencInK k .. nfthViiv,.. rZiZfZZZi !5 . V. rr - r -rr-.-r thence east 20 chains: thence north 5 chains to low water: thence westerly 30 cnami: uence soma to point oi commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. ECOENE HTTMPHtM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBERTON. By the Agent. John William Moorehouse. Dated June 7th, 1939. -..J0L UXD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I .ease Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Bartlett Point on the coast of Wales Island. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Oompany. Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon C oners. Intends to apply for a leae of the foUowlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted one mile South East of Bartlett Point oo the Coast of Wales Island; thence North East fifteen chains: thence East forty chains; thence South West fifteen chains to high wster mark; thence following high water mark back to staking post: and containing sixty sere., more or THE ANOLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per"W. E. Walker." Agent. D.vtrd May 17th, '929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Prince Rupert Land Reeordlng District at Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West Coast of Wales Island facing Boston Islands. (Tke notice that The Anglo British CAumbU Packing Company. Llnirted. of vsncouver. B.C.. occupation. .Salmon Canners, intends to apply tor a leave of tne louowing aeacriDea iana: Commencins at a uost nlanted on the South Went Ooast of Wales Island op- poalte Boston Islands; thence North tea South ten chains to High Water Mark: thence following High Water Mark West to staking post; and containing 40 acres. more or leas. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." Asent. Dated May 17th. 1929. By George McManus ft T3tKT Min J J ' SOME PtOOUE VsiR 11 MARO-toO f KlW fltT OUT WMSWf ""n fSCJ. f&: i CANTCAUU L..-i.m JUTWAMT Of COlM'TO lSSmp I TH,T4 A ' ' ii'' ' . - ' . mamaammmmm M ut ui.ik I Trtsjsa-''