\ tu, 91 cc eatin i ttt ee ‘1 NEDIGINE LABOR PLANKS ier PT RUn WANTED. FOR RENT al + Success which Part ~ ao Adopted at Big) WANTED—Three first-class car-|FOR RENT — Sewing machines, |. a j on Sian at Ottawa penters, returned soldiers pre- pianos, Gerhard Heintzman tat yas” Has Achieved ecently. ferred. Dalgarno & Watts, at| phonograph Singer Shop, the arury sl dl Kelly's job, Sixth Avenue and home of the Gerhard Heints- \ “Fruit-a-tives The planks : : ful | pi in the Liberal plat- latlow. 185. man piano, 329 Seeond Ave . nari successfu In fform recently forn ilated at Of . : ; ; Paeis ’ | . = . ’ . - } : those su a h ltawa and having ti vith labor GENTLEMAN WISHES ROOM with | FOR REN1 Furnished room with | rere oa “ |matters are as follows private family, convenient to| board if required, near ¥ harf. | ; "Pies te | A—-The introduction into the town. Box 288 Daily News Would suit one or two gentle. | e j eee | government of industry of prin office, 188; men. P.O. box 420. tf | : F ‘iples of presents ; \ spel 7 » | } as ial 1 th tation whereby| YOUNG LADY, with knowledge of |FOR RENT—4-room house with| abor ante » comm 7 . " inein | , - os “ nity, as well typewriting and shorthand, dé bath, electric light, apply box ices 7a6 Capitat, may be re prese nted sires work in business office 2890. Ne ws Office. 187.) mediciaal |/Mdustrial control, and th Apply box 287 Daily News xX : 5, oranges, | lerests safeguarded and promoted FOR RENT Room, with or with. er with the |in the shaping of industria pe WANTED Woman for kitchen out board. Phone Red 589. tf} ntisenties cies, work, Inlander, Seco 3. ntisoption of a ee ts : work, inlander, Second Av FOR RENT—Offices—W.J.Alder ; t 1 80 far as may : 0, trial e °5e, | prac ticable, having regard for]. FOR SALE LosT Rial ada’s financ wie deck WA Ma a EE . a eet om | Canada financial position, an FOR SALE—Northwest quarter o! owe’ jadequate system of insurance section 13, township 1 A (on LOST—Gray satin motor bonnet, | a unemployment, sickness 4 Range V Coast District er braid and silver hat | | dependence in old age and ot i price $10.00 per acre; $800.00 pil between reservoir and the | Phone 586 jdisability, which would include eight hundred dollars) cash SOver amen wharf. Finder | ) po a es eee «pele down, balance in one and twe please return to Daily, News| pj ; roger sions and ~miaternity benef years. If you are a buyer. g& —s | J eee be instituted by the Fe there and see it for yourself LOST at Salt Lakes on Saturday jera rovernment in conjunction and you will like it. Writ evening, lady's chatelaine bag, | 216 6th Ave. Ww. jwith the governments of the sev- Herbert Wagner. P. 0. box 1321 containing pocket toilet 1g eral provinces, and that, on mat r ; ‘ 4 a scat aan’ a ere i 7 = and tha =~ Bis , Arizona. 189 Finder please hand in to Daily , jlers pertaining to industrial and|————— ee Wow Hi al r business and ‘social legislation, an effort should} FOR SALE Three bed-roon ——$____—_—___. “| order. Buy jbe made to overcome any ques suiles, dining room set, piai LOST at Salt La , child’s knitted! tore; take tion of jurisdiction between the iprary furniture, also aa wooien coat. Finder please re.| cheap junk. iDominion and the Provinces by pjeces. Appointment by phone turn to Daily News office. effective co-operation between Mrs. M. Aivazoff, phone 133 Ses, cae ge Rape FoR YOUR ithe several governments MONI \ A'T 8 PER Ck ee | LOST—Bunch of keys with small or tae ' MOQ?! y AT 8 PER CENT “ whist] mn ring nde mae NEY AT | C—The representation of la- . ' we ya Sune whistle on ring. Finder please | : ing Loans. Apply Prince Ru- leave at News office tf ! 1; 4 ’ G come on Federal committees per- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W 4 ry te g to i atters . aie ; ' LINZeY S roce iining to labor matters. Nickerson, Secretary. tf FOUND | D—Effective legislation for —_ | ~4 srosrercosocceocooooooooooors | CONSETVALION of human life and|FOR SALE Evinrude and row| FOUND—Key ring with Yale and | |health. boat, good condition. Cheap.| post office box keys, Apply Daily | K—The representation of la Apply “Boat,” Daily News of-| News office. on¢ Green 507 1017 3rd Avenue bor on the board of directors of fice. } ' ice ole the Canadian National Railways. FO! . ; , f sspesommicid MISCELLANEOUS — } 5 : ano boxes, $5 Dal arno & Watts I That the system of re- RM SALE—3 pian boxes, ~ISEE McGOWAN, the Cycle man. | inn © soldlare fitted for their each! Lindsay Cartage. 91 : rat te : aining soldi unfitted for their ——j| for new and second-hand bi-| BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS {past work because of physical| FOR SALE—Old newspapers, ten| cycles, repairs and parts. Easy ate Cie injuries be extended to disab ed| cents a bundle. terms All kinds of light re-| j workers in industry. Work and | G More effective Chinese restriction | immigration. ! | H rhe Federal incorporation iof co operative l The - jprin ile of Estimates Cheerfully Given oF CK AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS associations. acceptance of the proportionate repre. sentation PO OPOLE LOL OPP OP OOROS ODOC LODO | j ] Immediate and drastic ac-| } A SHOCRE mires. a Stearens cette OF LIBERALS: THE DAILY NEWS. Oe ee EEE ee Oe te et ee ieee Daily News Classified Advertising | = | pair work. Second Avenue, near | museums and for scientists to McBride Phone Blue 421. } ; an . ea | study and report upon rHe NORTON—The place for a} In private hands such spec dMiieen cits Hairdressing Scalp | mens are soon lost or spoiled treatment 10 Fourth Street | Phey should become the property| 4, 10 a.m. or by appoint-| } pr a.m. ' app - of Canada and so the finders will nent. Phone 493 always have a share in them ar they will be cared for properly i the interests of the whole ec FARMS FOR SALE untry.| Will you not help to have this|' P. R. Faas USED ——e GENERAL CONTRACTOR land profiteering ldpecimen sent to the Government| ‘*™* well settled districts , Fraser St. K——Restoration of the contr mus: um at Ottawa together with n Western Canada; low prices; dings and jof the executive by Parliament lall facts as to where it was found, | twenty years to pay; irrigated lumber a and of Parliament by the peopl lhow deep and who found it if} lands in Sunny Sout oo \l stocn. through a discontinuance ©f/ not jet me know who has it now| norte, WHR jean af 93,000 -is byfe Smith's government by orders-in-council ue if possible send a photograph improvements to assist new a jand a just franchise and its exer- ” drawing. By all means “it| settlers Act now they are sin Given. icise under free conditions lshould not be Reet or -kest in zoing fast. For free booklet PAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN rhe resolution was UNANMMOUS~)orivate hands where only a few and fail latorsetion write :m, Phone Green 269. ly adopted | se aee th Oh ee On ee G. Loughran, Generali Land SO LOLO LLL EL LLL ALOE OLED pre : : agent, 744 Hastings St. West, PPOPPOPO POD owling Alley THIRD AVENUE iDER NEW ™m \NAGEMENT ie ~: In the Letter Box —~ _— KISPIOX TABLET otis To the Editor The Vaneouver Daily W ortd | jrefers to the finding of a carved | ; Sandstone tablet by road builders } Kispiox Hazelton. | * ~~ k Xe rcise Keep You Fit above SE nem ‘gars and Tobaccos j hear | While this may be of no value to} Rupert I could see it on my re turn. Vancouver, B.C. Advertise in the Daily News. HARLAN |. SMITH. Dominion Archaeologist. NEW RAILWAY Paris, August 12 rh first section of the trans-i’yrenneanu be 4 - TENDERS FOR COAL railway was day. inauguratea yestel TENDERS addressed | | TENDERS \VANTED } You will find all three flavours in air-tight sealed packages— but look for the name WRIGLEYS because it is your protection against inferior imitations, just as the sealed package is protec- tion against im- purity. SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT — ____£F SNARE RGA ATRL ees ili waidllll Dentistry One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Efficiency” reTPncry anergy se bea Ns Ldbbad titi i ’ Dr. Bayne OFFICE HOURS:— Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 only; Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 Dental Nurse in attendance. | Phone 109 for appointment {UOUIDAUUEEGAGEUNAGGAUUGSOGERSSUNGDGGAAAE SA HGNEUHEUOOCSOUCUSEROGEODUHAOOAAAOUASEAADAEULGEE AGOGO UUGAEANGEEUUAE : camt | ante ALeD rENDERS are invil ; ~ eo ce, : = ceccccccconcseanatiimm al te GEMM 10 Of reel | erat af tae Umitpers ell Compan SSounion Bulidiogs wees coun | {2 UPA MNTAAANTSATSRANEETEANAENAATETEAAA OT CEDARS REELS cma scientifie usefulness and should Plans and specifications may | : Dia. wil Fe soeeres sae 98 eles coe | neeeenet athe saved either in the Provincia orpatenice . iw, ; os. ad ul for the public buildings throughout! - r we OM LEE CO imuseum atl Victoria or in th A marke 1 for 1 f i I i ot Seeman tee eae = = —— i f tender must accompa ‘ Bee TE SCiicartl _ ' e sarcheological section of the Do 11 lowest r any tender will | der can be ee from ~. urs | ™ Second Avenue, West. minion Government collections | \ ih _ = ae on the ha iW orks, oteen onl" = ‘th caretakers | FOR SALE ithe Victoria Memorial museum | ry at Smithers, B.C., on o es See ee VEGETABLES ihuilding, Ottawa Band aie tan ties lian m the forms supplied by the Depart: | Lot 5, Block 14 Sectionf @............. $3,000.00 cash Wholesale and Retail | Fhe Dominion archeologist is) | Ns, will'be returned to them, = therein Siae aan Eat ¢, Block 146, Gestion € @ obs kc bs sane 3,000.00 ” ; / I carrying on explorations on Gra Smithers, B, C., June 14th, 1 a edt ete aa healt bat 9. Miaak &, Bostios © OF oii k, cca nas 600.00 ° wr ine and ham Island with headquarters at CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT able Le A Minister Ry Lot 10, Block 5, Section 1:@ ....c.sseese 600.00 ” Masset, during August and Sep RN sk la thi ee ar Le un b ni | FISHERMEN, LOOK |! ipert. B.C tember, but if _ BPOSAOR -06 Tende —T ~ = - the above . OF War Bonds end cheques t| Lot 16, Block 50, Section 8 @ .....seecce 100.00 ”" : 2 se oO ; t ‘ ci examine | work by 1e Cler 1 later thar ' i to make u an odd amount ; ae ani >: 2. Box 725 ; ws ar in eee and * Meus sth Specitieat ns ai } " on " _ SROCHERS, DAVID H HAYS 2 d A d 2 d St coeceseeneen wane uave photographs as well =: 1 any tend y meceeeua ak epted ainda Geille, eemiiie Secretary . , n ve. an n e — plaster casts made of it for 19 | City Purchasing Age , vwa, Ont., duly 7, 1919 atl Prince Rupert - -— ——= ce Kupert ? ;| IT’S A GREAT LIFE IF YOU DON’T WEAKEN By GENE BYRNES EUROPEAN PLA N | 50 per day and y Pp. ‘ FI . RST-CLASS CAFE WeLL \T WAS PLEASE (Ts A 4 La Carte, MR. SIMPSON ONLY Your GREAT LIFE wwreeteeeweserccoweoooees | “THE CRISIS \S WONDERFUL REMEMBER : eoreecoccocccccoascoes | OVER — THERES CONSTITOTION THAT DOCTOR \F You DONT id bartland’” Bo di NOTHING TO HAT POLLED WHEN YO WEAKEN | arding House cncieiend 1 ean MAKE OT "6 Sixth Avenue Bast” ROUT You THRE mY BILL by Mother eee | NOW es SG eck *hone Red 245 i x : eer Pern — pp; Cpas LAND Ag ' a ene | enter | | “ MSTHICT op} lark stnhaby of logger in —— ase tf . ' at th ‘orth am | . 4 : | hit f ' acre ne \WK AY 4 oO