going to explode and blow your poor head off. Why don t you laugh at yourself?" "Oh, I'll laugh,' said Summers with heavy sarcasm. "Kn von trnnVt Yfttl will Ant tive was quickly subdued "Caught him just as he jumped out the window," one of them triumphantly announced. - Summers Crawled .oyer the sill and dropped to tneMstreet humble HeV&lli heWf ana. Ar-In thedim light' hnced t merilavfvour Iauirh.r,Minet the prisoner. ..in wi li-J l "Oh. hell t he exclaimed with mil iuuc latcti - i - - With a slack and indolent gait 'heartfelt disgust. "That Isn't the he walked up to Summers, paus-iipicaroon! How In blazes did you Ing only when the captain's M out here. Axelson?" automatic touching his midriff. I The servant, limp and shaken "But before vou make the!nd disheveled, struggled for crownincr mUlaka of vour, life.", breath. he said gently, ''wouldn't you like "Some Bomcbody threw me me to show you the murderer of iout ne stammered. Mrs. Ferryman?" Q Summers uttered a hoarse bellow. Axelson lumbered fqrward. .Dr. Moffett's Ultimatum At 1 o'clock the following day, Captain Summers walked into The Picaroon had executed a restaurant In the Washington audden spring, light and awift as Square section and grumpily sat couraged. "You might be a little schooner Thomas. S. Gorton. Cap- more explicit. Was it a full moon tain Wallace Parsons, and the a three quarters moon, or what?" Mary, Captain Ben Pine. Three quarters. Of course. Ii . didn't measure it " From the babble of voices that cloudy last night.' To Be Continued Tomorrow Around The World With Sport Fans (By Tbe Trunp) iter. The machine has been in vented by Harry C. Pass, a To ronto mechanical engineer, and, while it has been criticized fav orably by racing interests in the United States and the British Isles, it remained for Mr. Orpen to. assist the young Inventor, by adopting the machine. It 'is, eaid that Mr. Pass encountered considerable opposition from firms whose business it is to sell the parimutual tiekct to racing associations. The machine consists of a battery of machines, electrically operated, built on the principle of the adding machine. The customer purchases his ticket, the clerk presses several buttons and hands the ticket to him. At the same time, the ticket is registered on a board. The mo ment each sale Is made. Indicators on the board, on the infield of the course, reveal to the public the a thought and now he' seized down at the table In the rear. J amount of wagering. i attend anv cricket match In Bos. I guess you didn't," Said vlolnttv miv nftnn he heard Summers dryly. He took a swal- woraB tn the effect that "Cricket- low of coffee. "And the reason ar mnv .Am- inH rrlrVMprj mnv you didn't was that there was ,f0j but they go on forever." no moon to measure. It was "rfc cm Pnn" Nlehnl - -!J. T " -- " - " 7 r . w inr.d his one time- playmate, John iF. Dixon. Nichols plays with the Mystic Lodge team, and Dixon sports' the emblems of the Everett team. These two have been out front In the cricket game around Boston for years and years. Nobody seems to know just how .long they have been on the job, but George Nichols will be 70 his 'next birthday which loaves the Announcement has been made world to figure It out. And judg- that A. M. Orpen, owner of the Ing from the vigor of his play he' Long Branch race course, would has many years to" go. Hecanstill equip his plant in 1930 with what, bowl them up -ln a very "easy"! is known .as the automatic total- manner, with no apparent effort on his part All that Nichols Is, so Is Dixon, except that in addition to his part as a player, Dixon performs the duties of president of.- the Bay State, League. FOOTBALL POSTPONED Because of Inclement weather, Idst night's league football fixture between the Empress Social Club and Regiment was postr poned. If necessay, it will be played in the fail at the conclusion of other Intervening competitions, v SOFTBALL POSTPONED On account of the rain, last night's C.N.R. Softball League fixture between Station and DryJ Dock had t6'tie put off nnd will be played this evening, weather permitting. ANYOX TAKES SECOND GAME Defeated Prince Kupert In Base-, ball Game Yesterday by Score of 2 to 1 The second baseball game at Anyox yesterday between Elks' teams of Prince Rupert and the smelter town resulted in a 2 to 1 victory for the home team, which thus evened up th series after having been defeated 4 to J in the first game. Prince Rup ert errors were responsible for the Anyox win yesterday. The looal players will return home on the Prince Charles to morrow morning. Quaker Puffed Wheat kA Different Flavour Puffed Wheat is the what min treated in the same wiv. All nourishment of the grain supreme is retained, including the bran, so valuable ss roughage. The wholesome whole wheat flavour is always, cntic- - ing because so deUdous'. Have both Puffed WhciTan'd Puffed Rice on the pantryhelf, and serve them alternately. M I) PAGE FOTO THE DAILY NEW3 Wednesday, August 14, 1929 Thrilling ' Mystery Story In-"SO chapters" f HAD OVf INSTALMENT TWENTY-ONE The Escape But Summers was feeling decidedly qualmish. The cigarette did not look like just an ordinary cigarette to him. Besides, he thought he saw a look of great intensity behind the cornered man's mocking smile. And he had seen many an apparently inno cent act of the Picaroon's turn out surprisingly in the past. While four pairs of eyes stared at him the Picaroon leaned light ly against the chair that served him as a bulwark, and continued blowing smoke with outward placidity. The handcuffs h.uns limply from Carrigan's hand-Summers' attention was divided between his pistol and the Picaroon's cigarette. Ferryman appeared extremely ill at ease. Ax-elson, his shoulders hunched up and his head hung low, moistened his lips and twisted his neck. Three of them had heard of the Picaroon's subtle little trickeries; one of them had experienced them in a personal and humiliating way. And as he smoked, the Pica roon's brain threw out thoughts Axelson by the scuff of the iieck and with a powerful swing brought him so close to-Summers that their faces all but touehed. "Here is the murderer," he said calmly. "Look him over." Axelson squirmed and puffed and bleated. He was like a figure of straw in the Picaroon's firm clutch. "Him?" Summers chortled de risively. "No, Dale, that trick won't work. You're playing for time." The Picaroon, still holding the servant so close to Summers that their noses almost rubbed together, cast a swift glance over, the room, and for an instant his eyes fastened on Ferryman, who was witnessing the scene with a look of jrapinjr stupefaction. Tel him," he whispered in Axelson's ear, but loud enough for Summers to hear, "about Miss Conway." Abruptly the servant's struggle ceased. It was as if the whisper had hurled a numbing jolt into his body. A look of terror came into his face, congealing into a grimace that showed a guilty conscience stirred to the depths. bummers stared at him. The as a beaten iron from the fire d.eri?,lon '??d"ffl,i of his face. throws out sparks. He was in no ,1" "? "WW"" w look of mood to enjoy the stupefaction astonish,nent and ""spiclon. For created by his cigarette. It gave a ttoment or two all his faculties him a little time for thought, but we" bent upon reading the secret his thoughts rebounded against ,nJ5he seIvnt 8 eyes-obstructions everywhere, and the ,The pcaon watched his spell might break any moment chnce ,In Another second the mtoit drop back , Ax. now. He could see no loophole. ever The Picaroon's star of luck ap- son' feature, concealing a peared to have set at last. bI"ck and t,w?ted ,heart'8 ,nvo1 Again his eyes roved about the revelationUth a vigor- room, fixed briefly -on Axelson's shoye from behind he knocked lowered face, and then he looked AxeIsn 8 head into the captain's at Summers' reddish countenance. ce' y the 8m Instant "Thanks for the delay." he ?'8 hand dared out nnd wrenched murmured with a shrug. "I'm en- e wntlc from Summers-joying this cigarette." !mhand,r- Then he pushed the chair aside' ! q,uftk " an rrow he and stepped out from the eorner. llded backward across the floor, p... ,v..t vn,aj n. Summers, reeling back from the If to form a barricade. The pistol 8udden Impact emitted howl of in Summers' hand rose a trifle ,ac "n. e wipea higher. He was about to call a a "aa'8nJ,tricki "m nl nose halt, but he desisted. Nothing the'and steadied himself. Axelson Picaroon might do would avail ?;as Picking hlmse f up from the him now. He was caught In the " took Carrigan a moment r two t recover from his daze, net. and there was a sportive in- stlnct In Summers which wanted ?ow' with automatic leveled, his to see the quarry's final, hopeless h.uge nouJdc,r ?"red for ac-flop against the meshes. he hur,ed himself at the The Picaroon flung the cigar- on- . , , , ette away. Three pair of eyes " witJ 80" and a followed its curve through the nht eaP "j8 Picaroon eluded the air and saw it land in the fire- charging giant A quick dodge, place. Carrigan made a motion a.nd he wa? t the valL A little with the steel links. Disgust and cHck' and darkness swooped down relief were Written in Rummers' UP a 8Cenf, W tumult. fce , The door" Summers bellowed "Rtimmpra" nfllH th PlfArftOTi "Dn't let him yff irentlv. "you are a blundering . A cra8.h;Vft breaking " glilsjrl drowned his shout nss.t j The captain reddened and' "The window! Quick! Ferry I,. nut M. tnnKuW lieiH IIVp mani the IlghtST a belligerent ox. I A hubbub sounded outside the "You have a genius for making window. The lights blazed up a fool of yourself." the Picaroon nunmed "But then vou are a' "We've got him!" cried a voice noliceman and the ratlnir of the outside. WIth a hoarse of relief police for intelligence was never cry vprv Mtrh. 'YduVfl 1iotip!pil - 1 Summers sprang.to the window. c have tried to educate you, but it's A street lmP balf a block distant no use. Whv. vou are such a revealed two uniformed men perpetual duffer that It ta man Sniggling with their prisoner. It lights a cigarette you think it's "UB wiei struggle, ineir cap "Soup, veal cutlet, coffee make it snappy," he growled at the waiter. , T,he soup. came. and. he consumed 'ft with a grim and petulenf air, as if it Irritated his esophagus." "lie'' attacked the "veal cutlet savagely, as if. to vent his i il! humor on it. Suddenly he I looked up. Hello, Hummers, drawled a familiar voice. I Summers stared. Ills eves d truded, his lips hung slack. "Say, where in the name of Sam Hill did you come from?" His voice was dull, hollow, full of flabbergastation. "Home," said Dale. He dusted the sent with the napkin and sat down with one of his little flourishes. He looked fresh and keen and without a care. "Don't look at me like that, old socks. I am full of serenity and cosmic harmonies, and you are trying to Inject gloom into my soul. Walter 1" He studied the card carefully and gave his order. "I've had men out looking for you all morning." said Summers weakly. "Too bad. Had I known It. I should have communicated with you. Anything special?" Summers swallojved hard. His emotions seemed too deep for words. In the end he resorted to heavy sarcasm. "Oh, no nothing special. Just wanted to listen to your bright patter and ask a question or two." "For instance?" "Well, I was just curious to know where you spent the hours between 2 o'clock and sunrise." "Your curiosity is Insatiable, old top." Dale studied the omelet that had just arrived and nodded approval. "Let me see. I spent the evening at a roof garden. Dreadful bore! Take my advice GIANTS BEATEN BY CINCINNATI Three Homers in Game Between Tigers nnd Athletics in Big League Baseball NEW YORK, Aug. 14. Rixey scattered ten Gianf hits in the final game of the series of five, of which the Reds won three, with the result 'that the Giants were beaten yesterday three to one. Carlson held the Braves to six hits, but in the fifth Boston took a two to nil lead, only to lose it in the next four innings, ending the game two runs down. These were the only two games in the National League. In the American, Wiley More, relief pitcher for the Yankees, was greeted by Hodapp's triple in the ninth, which brought two runs and .won the game for Cleveland. Hale, McManus and Fox socked homers in the game between the Tigers and Athletics, Philadelphia winning four runs to three. With only five hits Boston chalked up eight runs to beat Chicago, whose players, hit eight times. The scores of both leagues yesterday were: 'National league Cincinnati-3, New York 1. Chicago 4, Boston 2. American League New York 2, Cleveland 3 . Philadelphia 4, Detroit 3. Boston 8, Chicago 2. Washington 2, St. Louis 14. Sport Chat and don't spend your hard-earned i When the' flsherrriens' races are money to see "The Nude Vera-'neld off Gloucester, Mass., Aug. cities." Then oh, yes, I ordered, -31 and Sept. 2, It is very likely my car and took a spin out to that Captain Martin 'L. (Marty) City Island. Wonderful moonlight: Welch, most famous of Glouces- effects over the water! You Iter fishermen racing skippers, should have been along, you will be stn at the helm of one frostbitten old sour face. The' of the vessels. The schooner sight would have mellowed your Progress, owned by the United crusty temper." Fisheries Company, and reported "Yeah?" Summers peered feeb- to be one of; he fastest of the ly. "Tell me about the moon. ; nresejrt fleet in this section, has Maybe your description of It will been entered' ipr th"e '"races., do me as much good as If I had i Marian J. 'Cootfey, Who filed the seen the whole blame show." entry, declared that unless some "I fear I can't do it justice. A unforeseen development preven-sight of that sort requires a ted, Captain Welch would be at poet's wonderful touch. A meas- her wheel when the gun booms ureless expanse of water ripply- for the start. Captain Welch ing gently beneath a silver .brought fame to the international shimmer. A luminous track ex- races between Gloucester and tending seaward. A ship in the Nova Scotia and retired when the distance, a ghostly blur on the old. Elsie was beaten by the mod-horizon. The magic and sorcery ern Bluenose at Halifax in 1921. of the lunar radiance. No, Sum- The entry of the progress Drings mers' words fail me, I can't do the starting list to four. The it" I others are the schooner Elsie, to "Oh. try again." Summers en- be sailed by Capt. Norman Koss; Cktntt WuJxr, LOOK Don't let this bargain . event pass you by! The low prices at our sale will fairly take yiaur breath away! In order to sacrifice our stock, we have reduced prices to rock bottom. Our loss is your good fortune. Come expecting values you've never dreamed passible securing. Our Big Sale starts on Friday. Sc our advertisement in tomorrow's issue. x Jabour Bros. Ltd. Prince Rupert i t tastes like a (Ponfection DELICIOUS DAINTY, containing an A astonishing amount of nourishment is Quaker Puffed Rice. Tempting morsels that no appetite can resist; yet ful-of food elements in a form for easy digestion. Quaker Puffed Rice is the rice grain thoroughly cooked and steam exploded to eight times normal size. The millions of tiny food cells in cich grain are broken down, thus releasing for easy assimilation all the energy of fine white rice. The puffing gives the grains a crunchy, toasted texture with the flavour of nut meats. It tempts the appetite and satisfies it, too. Doth children and grown-ups relish Quaker Puffed Rice. When other foods fail to entice, it stirs up lagging appetites. Serve at any meal or between, meals, direct from the nackaget. warmed. Use milk or cream, or fruit, jVlly or jam. You will have delicious variety from ordinary foods. Quaker PUFFED RICE ADD BY THE MILLERS. OF QUAK B.,R OfA Cacktf (Ufriiof. Wrmin l, p'i" Mop. fcijUf W Mt l itK grtii lnvtrmonl tor litHttflifll ! Ubogf ttntmtn M j,, , -in which to exercise their inteHectual capacities. Passing Show. London.