Wednesday, August 14, 1929 aSgJ No. 1 A. Folding Kodaks From .$12.25 No 2 C. Folding o(Jaks-r From .'. .'. . . . . .$18.50 3rd Ave THE DAILY NEWS ' PAGE THREE KODAK LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Kodak Films, asl'llV's all sizes In stock. DevelonrnirflniTm-intinn! . . foramaieurs. uauy service, yuamy nnlsh. Qrmes lM. yfio Pioneer Drupeisls THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing From rrlnee Rupert Tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. .Owatmon lUy, llutrdale. Alrrt Bay, etc.. Tuea-daf, 3:30 p.m. For VAMOOEU. VICTORIA. Iliitrdjle. Alert Hay. etc.. Friday mldnleht r AIJCE ARM, A.NYOX. HTtWART. .Nasi RHer, l'irt Slnipio r i Sunday, 8:00 p.m. For TOST SIMPSON AM WALES ISLAND. Tnuriday, D m 133 tod Avenue It. M SMITH Agent ITliiee Rupert. B.C. Ttroufh t'rketi told tv Victoria and Seattle jmU baggage checked Ihruufh to dettlnatlon. CAXA0IAN PACIFIC B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES haiiivoh nioM wince iutert To Ketchikan, Wranrell. Jnneau and Skarway Aujuot i, 3, 9, 13, 16, 19, 33, 30. To Vancouver. VI vria and 5ntlle August 3. 1. 10, U, 17. II. II, 28. I'KINCEMS MtltV Ocean Fall, elc . Vancouver and tktorla every ITIday 10 p.m. Agent for all Pteanutilp Llnea W C ORCHARD. OENKRAL AOENt I'rlirce Rupert. 11 C rhune 31 Ran ad ian National Qje Largcfl Railway Sylem in Anttrfca' STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE " Silling from r-KINCB Mt'PKRT for VANfOI'IFR, VlCIORU. F.TTi.K, and Intermediate polnta, Monday. Thursday. 4 BJii.: Saturday, 7 p.m','' For ANVOX and aitW'ARIIoudai.Jl.vm ; faja. 4 p.m. '' " . For MAMSETT INLET TORTS, MoixUja, p.m. lor SOtTII qtEKX CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly lor SKAUU'AV, tVrdneedara. 4 p.m. i I'AHSKNOEIt TIIAINH l.Kr. rUINCL fUTKIIT U.ULV EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11:30 a m for rillNCE tIEOIMIE. EDMONTON, HINNIi r.O, all point tutern Canada. I'nltrd Statu. I AUKNCV ALL OCEAN HTF AMMIIP lAxr. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave.. Prince Rupert Phone 260 SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT HKMNANT ROOM LOTS Jl GVtu 52.00 A. W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Retail Paint Distributors MILK Mil FrcHh PasUurled Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 CarUge, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel "e Specialize n Piano and - Firnltur Moving. TIME lit. Erownics;fromv. .,,...,. S2.25 . ves; rocKet Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks ?rom' SI 1.25 No. 3 A. Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kojdak (Movie),, f. 3.5. ' lens $100.00 ... ...r TELEPHONES 8? 6 200 Pre serving S pedals Thin Is the Time to Put UpYour Fruits for the Winter ' ? X- We Relieve Apricots Will Not Last Much Longer, Here Is Your Opportunity , Aprieots, per crate $1'.4'0 Raspberries, per crate $2.50 Rhubarb, per lb 5c Green Beans, 3 lbs. for ... .25c Wax Deans, 3 lbs. for 25c Fresh Peas, Remo, 3 lbs. for 25c I Tomatoes, outdoor, 2 lbs. for 35c Cherries, Lambert, per lb." . ,30c Sour Cherries, preserving, lb. 22c Black Currants, per crate .$2.75 FRUIT JARS Safety Seal quart,'per doz. $1.45 Safety Seal, pints, per doz $1.25 Economy Jars, quarts, per doz . $1.75 Economy. Jars, pints, per doz. ,...$1.40 Economy jar tops, 2 doz. ...75c Rubber Rubber ring; ringiU dot nei.. y .,j Ceito. rer ftjjM Pcors,'l'cAHiclt 'imrtarlaK 'Ajiplca, (Jrnpe, Watermelon, CanlcloupcM nrriving every boat at low price at Miissallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Box 675. . 4 4Tail Phone 4,Big " 4 Taxlj tf t v-i- , r , Watch? for Richmond's Louvre Ad. ii tomorrow's paper. This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Mrs. G. F. Cummigs and child will sail on the Princess Mary 1 Friday night for a month or six weeks' vacation' trip to Vancou- i ver. Miss Minerva Page R.N. of Vancouver passed through the city recently en route to Atlln !!.re, W,m ?k,VP nUrsln uuij in me iiusyuai uicic Mrs. John Bremner returned to the city at the first of the week On her return she found that her ! garden had been entered and partly destroyed. A. M. MansQn K.C., accompanied by his son, Alex jr., left on this, morning's train to resume his annual tour of his constituency of Omineca, after having spent a couple of days in the city. Miss Nellie Hubbard R.N., of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Nursing .staff returned to the city on the Prince John yesterday morning, after having spent a month's holiday visiting in Vancouver. Mrs. L. W. Kergin and famijy will sail Saturday evening for Vancouver en route to Toronto where they will spend a year. Many social events are being held in honor of Mrs. Kergin prior to her departure. ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Baiaar, October 2 and 3. 158 Preserving Time , Is Here GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS FROM US AT LOWEST PRICES SUGAR 100s. Per sack . .$G.G5 SUGAR 50s. Per sack ... $3.40 BULK SUGAR 15 lbs. ... .$1.00 SAFETY SEAL JARS Pints, doz $1.25 Quarts, doz $1.50 RUBBER RINGS 3 doz. .22c CERTO 3 bottles .-. ,95c RED AND BLACK CURRANTS Leave jour orders here ; for fresk-picked Red 'and Black Cur rants. Prices reasonable. APRICOTS The season is aboul over on this fruit. Crate $1.45 HEINZ PICKLING VINEGAR Gal 95c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP Made in Canada. 3 tins 35c McCORMICKIS PAIL SODAS Pail 50c CLASSIC CLEANSER Per tin 8c DELICO FRESH SLICED BACON lb. .4Gc HORSESHOE SOCKEYE SALMON Is. This season's pack. Tin 44c GOLDUST Large pkgs.' Per pkg 33c H SEE US FOR YOUR FRUIT ; " AND VEGETABLES 1 Hothouse Tomatoes 2' lbs. ..'.35c Corn on the Cob, per doz. . . .60r New Potatoes, 2 lbs 25c Seedless Grapes, per lb.' ....20c Remo Frosh peas, per lb 10c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices Right IMIONE 55 PHONE 5C Dentist Dr.. J. It. Gosse. Phone 686. Watch Jo. Richmond's Louvre Ad. in tpmoYrav8 paper. . Mrs. Ifia .'Robinson of Stewart arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from the north and left on this morning's train- for a trip to -her home In Regina, Sask. At the next regular meeting of the city coaricil on Monday night, Fire Chief D. II. McDonald will submit a report on the recent fire chiefs' convention in Vancouver which he attended, Owing to unfavorable weather, the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' SSnAh '? ? been held wast night, was post poned until later in the week. Capt. D;jn McKinnon, until last week chief' officer of the C.N.R. i steamer Prince Rupert, has now left that vessel to assume command of the freighter Canadian Observer.1 B. Owen Jones is relieving temporarily as chief officer on the Prince Rupert. N. P. Langford of Premier ar-! rived in the city on the Catala! yesterday afternoon from the' north and left by today's train for'. Montreal where be will embark' on August 23 aboard the Athenla fn o n 1.1 V T I w. a, .v ii.d uiu living iii ire- land. Tonight in the I.O.D.E. Hall, Dr. Lawson speaks on the Philosophy of Health. Hear America's most noted' dietitian and author, wholes..' a Avondetful message fi PHnce ( Rupert. Queatio atlsWirea at the close. D. 'S ' CBtheVon fisheries over' seer eer ior for the tne central ceoirai division, division, ac- ac- companies by Mrs. Cameron and .on arm m. v.,A- quarters ,i Sanson RaV .bSa;!?r4 the departmental cruiser Senepa this afternoon, after having spent since yesterday noon fn 'vi tVe city. . .;l'n, r: 17:N!RrHHnjier Prince Rupert, Capt. D. DonAd, with a full list of tourist Daenlreirts, oh board. arrived in post at 12 noon today from Vancouver, Powell River and rwn Pll . nnri .in .,,, .oil 4 o'clock this afternoon for Skag- way and other Alaska ports whence she will Return here Monday morning at 10:30 and sail at 4 p.m. that day for the south. G.P.R, steamer Princess Alice, ifctory progress following -an Capt Thomas Cliff. Is due in port operation yesterday afternoon In at 4 o'clock this afternoon from tnP Prince Rupert General Hos-Skapway and will sail at 5 p.m. pitnl for removal .of his tonsils. for Vancouver and Victoria. The vessel is expected to bring In an overflow of passengers from Ketchikan awaitinarj,- transportation outside who wilafremain here un- lieving for a few trips as as-Ml Frldny niriht . and proceed sistant purser aboard the Prince onth on the Princess Mary. An Exhibit of ! Beautiful Modern Watches To see this display Is to be. convinced that the correct watch I of today is not only an accurate' timekeeper but it is a work of; trt as well. I We cprry the most dependable makes standard watches that have won reputations for accur- cy and reliabll ty and these movements are (h cases of. rare benuty as modern as one's car r one's clothes. cJEYvELLEFp THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK HVliraii Get 1 'line i Most Out of Those Two Wires Two wires enter your- home. From them you get light. Let them also give you power. La-. bour-saving power to do the tiresome household tasks and give you greater leisure. Our retail Store carries a complete stock of Electrical Household Appliances Vacuum Power Watch for Richmond's Louvra Ad. in tomorrow's paper. Mrs. F. G. Dawson returned to tne city 6n the Prince Rupert today from a brief trip to Vancouver. Joee,p,h S. Rogers of the Rupert Mnrine Products Ltd.. returned . .. , . .the .city on the Prince Rupert todav, from a brief trip to Van- R. P. Wilmot. auditor of the t ,. . - .' . .. iu"r uuiiiiui iwaru, is a visit or in the city on official business, having arrived from Victoria on the Prince Rupert this morning. , JIi88 Mra"t A McLachlan, L, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. , ...... . , McLachlan, returned home on the Prince Rupert today after spending a few weeks in Van-Victoria. couver and Bobby Farks, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Parks, is making sat- A. Snape of the C.N.R. local audit office, Vancouver, and formerly stationed here, Is re Rupert in place of Gordon Gilli- land. There" were .some 225 passen gers aboard the steamer Prince Rupert which is in port today bound from Vancouver to Skag-way. Of these. 174 are going through to make the trip to Alaska. DOROTHY HAD LONG VOYAGE Halibut Schooner Here Yesterday En Route South After Scientific Trip to Arctic Ocean After a two months' trip to the Arctic Ocean beyond Wranarell Island with two young scientists f Chicago Museum of Natural History who were in quest of vari- otis specimens of northern animal I If ft' the well known halibut schooner Dorothy, Capt. Ole Hva- turn, spent yesterday in port'bound for Seattle. During the trip, forty walrus and six polar bears were shot and several walrus and bear carcasses as well as a quantity of ivory were being taken south on the boat. After her arrival at Seattle the Dorothy will go out on a salmon pacKing cnarter, and It is expect-; from Vancouver and will be ed will be again used by the In- here for the next few days mak-t.-rnational fisheries commissi 111 rcsnari n work on the halibut Krounds during the winter. k cleaners, Ranges, Washing Machines, Irons, Toasters all nationally known appliances guaranteed by their makers and by ourselves. , Call in. and inspect our slock and ask for free demonstration of nny appliance fn' which you are" Interested. Corporation of Limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtcftv S D. Johnston Co.) B. C. Silver. Nil, 1.45. Beaver Silver, toil, 13V2. Big Missouri, 1.52, 1.54. Chlcagoff Mines, Nil, 30. Cork Province, 10, Nil. Cotton Belt, Nil, 50. Duthie Mines, 48, 50. George Copper, 7.15, 7.20. ' ' Georgia Rlverr35 "35V2. " ' Golconda, 86, 88. Grandview, 41, 42. Inter. Coal & Coke, 36, 37. Kootenay Florence," 16, 17. Kootenay King, 40, 41. . Mohawk, 3, 4. Morton Woolsey, 4V4, 4. ' Marmot River Gold, 3V4, Nil. Marmot Metals, 3. Nil. Noble Five. 61, 62. Oregon Copper, 20Mt, 20V4. Pend Oreille, 6.25. 5.35. Pioneer Gold, 1.25, 1.35. Premier, 1.82, 1.84. Porter Idaho, Nil. 48. Reeves Macdonald, 1.60, 1.83. Rufus Argenta, 26V4, 29. Ruth Hope, 35VS, 37. Silver Crest, 5S4, 6. Silverado. 60, 80. Silversmith, 8, 10. Slocan King, 4, Nil. Slocan Rambler, 14Vi, 15. Snowflake, 45, 46. Sunloch. 2.05, Nil. Topley Richfield, 24, 25. Toric, 70, 75. Wellington. 6, 10. Woodbine, 4, Nil. George Enterprise, 25, 30. Bluebird. 9VV 10. Oils Advance, Nil, 4.23. Hnrgal, 1.71, 1.74. A. P. Consolidated, 4.49, 4.50, Dallas, 3.02, 3.05. United. 1.15, 1.19. Calmont, 5.15, 5.16. Dalhousie, 3.70. 3.75. Devenish. 42, 45. Fabyan Pete, 13, 14, Foothills Oil & Gas, 7.55, 7.G0. Home. 23.50, 23.65. Illinois Alberta. 95, 1.00. Mayland, 9.90, 10.00. MDoug. Segur, 455, 4.50. Mill City. 8.75, 9.0Q. New McDoug. Seg., 1.40. 1.60.1 Royalite, 140.00, 150.00. Freehold, 1.80. 1.82. Associated, Nil, 3.95. Sterling Pacific, 2.01, 2.04. Regent, Nil, 50,: Turner Valley, Nil, 95. Mertjuy. 1.29jt30i;;. , CapitolP oil Veil jgi !a ; 9ic ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland announces the opening of the Elite Beauty parlor on Second Street, next door to the Hays Block. Phone 499 for appointments. 188 Mrs. Adam Mackie arrived on the Prince Rupert this morning in w iMtinvaisiiif m iiivic yj Vancouver to talc un ? P nermflnont riCe Canada Summary American 69.000 pounds, 13.2c and 8c to 14.2c and 8c. Canadian 28,000 pounds,. 14c and 8c to 14.8c and 8c. American Middleton. 19.0.00, Booth, 13.2c Jthona, iy.uuu, uoia storage, 14.2c and 8c Portlock, 33,000. Atlin, 13.6c and 8c. Canadian Helen II. 6,000, Pacific, 14.8c and 8c. Pair of Jacks, 8,000, Atlln, 14.5c and 8c. W. T 7,000. Cold Storage, 14c and 8c. Impereuse. 7,000, Booth 14.8c and 8c. , Watch for Richmond's Louvra Ad. in tomorrow's paper. Your food doesn't doyou any good if you're tired At the end of s dai work, rtlierc nervous tendon before eating. Wriglcr! will refreth nj tone you up kj that you're ready to enjoy your food. Then, after xneati, Wrigley'i help digeitlon, deaniet the teeth, remove! all trace of eating or motlng weeteru the breath. WRIGLEYS AM i wzxr 'vcNssa FLIT kills Flies Quicker l