lumuiuiuwo yw t'r. , Boston Grill Thursday, August 15 High . 10:59 a.m. 14.8 k 7 LA ROE CAHARET Bpecl-I Dinners Thursdays and Baturday 22:12 p.m. 17.4 ft. Danclnf Errrr Saturday Night, 9 to It Low 4:29 a.m. 7.3 ft. Dance HaU for Hire 1G:12 p.m. 11.4 ft. AcoommcxUtlozu for Private Part lea NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISII COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 451 1 XX.. No; 188. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, V.(t, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS Mayor, Chief of Police Young Girls Among Arrested in Chicago HAMMOND, Indiana, Aug. 14. One hundred and twenty-five men, women and children, including the mayor and chief of police, of east Chicago, were arrested last night on warrants charging violation and conspiracy to violate the Valstead Act. All those arrested were from east Chicago. An additional hundred warrants are to be executed. Amnnc the children whn won nrrnsrrrl In at nio-lir vtovp a number of young girls in whose arrest cnargeu them witn tending bars in the speak easies operated by their parents. B. C. SECURES $100,000 FOR I LIBRARY WORK Carnegie Fund Makes Donation Following Exhaustive Report on Conditions VICTORIA, Aug. 14. The Province of Dritlsh Columbia has received the sum of $100,000 from the Carnegie fund for the better carrying out of plans for bringing well-stocked libraries within the reach of the great mass of the people. The government accepted the grant after submission of an ex haustive report by the survey board of research. AIR SERVICE TO VICTORIA AND SEATTLE SEATTLE, Aug. 14 The Alaska-Washington Airways Inc. announced today that an aerial imxsnnger service between Seattle and Victoria will be started shortly A seven-passenger seaplane will be used during the winter months and fourlcen-passenger planes during the summer. HEALTH INSURANCE COMMISSION MEETS VICTORIA." Tug. 14. The '"" I commission investigating provincial health insurance meets hrre August 21 to consider data already collected and to map ou' a fulure course of Inquiry. TENNIS STARS4 DRAW NEW YORK. Aug. M. For the bijr tennis tournament at Forest HUls, Betty Nuthall has drawn for a playoff with Helen Wills. VANCOUVER. Aug. 14: The Price of wheat on exchange here today was $1.58. WIFE (to husband wh6 has n-w hat): "You-you horrible again!" HUBnY: "Huh! Trying to their teens, the warrants for TUTSMITHERS ON AIR MAP Area Secured for landing Field and This Will Re Cleared for Purpose SMITIIERS, Aug. 14. Smith-crs will soon be an airport if plans now being formulated take shape. The city has already secured a piece of rand 147 acres in extent which it has purchased for the low p ice of$2.50 an acre . The ground has to be cleared, or, at any rate, sufficient to make a good landing site, and the aviation committee will proceed with plans to have this done. . . .- WEATHER HOLDING UP - ROAD SURVEY FLIGHT Plane Unable Duriru' Past Two DayH to Make Final Re-conai.sxance For Highway Route n.... Weather has not Veen suitable since the plane arrived here on Monday from S wanton Bay to make the final survty flight for the Skeena River highway route. If it Is not aufficiently cleared this afternoon to carry out the work, the plane will go to Stewart where it has some work to do. and make the local flight on its return from the north. THE WEATHER Port Simpson Rain, calm, 68. Haysport Cloudy, calm 00. -Terrace Cloudy, calm, 68. Roatwftod Rain, ,c,alm.52. AlyanaK Ratn. o1i, W Alice vra-f Pyt 1 cloudy, calm, 58. Anyox Foggy, calm, 58. Stewart Foggy, calm, 58. HaWten Clotdly, wlady, M. Smit hers Cloudy, calm. 57. Burns Ike Rain, calm, 51. Vnnderhoof Cloudy, calm, 52. 59. Dawson Cloudy, calm, 55. W. K. Fisher sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a brief business trip to Victoria. definitely refused to buy her a thing! I'll never speak to jou bribe me now, ch?" ti Where 1,700 Prisoners Tried Here is an actual picture of sought their freedom bv force. T aft(.T $520,000 worth of damage suction which was unharmed. A INTER-EMPIRE CONFERENCE IS GIVEN A BOOST SI1ERRROOKE. Aug. 14: An later-empire conference as the fneanV of startfng a drfvey"! a manufacturer to cooperate and consolidate their trading efforts to meet the foreign invasion is unrent. statd Hon. Frank Car-! rel, when addressing the board of trade here. He suggested three' vibjects for discussion: Removal of the many irritating barriers new retarding trade witnin tne rapire; creating of a better un-denUndiog within the Dominions on the economic value of buying within the empire and the promotion of a drive to adopt or improve upon modern methods of lowering manufacturing costs aided by advertising and salesmanship. TORONTO STOCKS (MeCaffery, 0bHns & Collart, Ltd.) TORONTO, Aug. U: Th fol-lowlng are the closing priM of stocks on the exchange, here at noon today: Amulet, 2.08, 2.70. M.ndy, 06. 7a j Uollinger, C.S0, G.78. ; Hudson Ray, 19.26, 19.50. Intnl. Nickel. 52.50. It Mining Corporation, 4,36, 4.40. NIplB-dng, 2.7Q. 2.76. Noranda. 03.60. 63.75. .Abana, 1.90, 1.91. Ventures. 8.00, 8.15. Home Oli, 23.2C, 23.50. WORK PROCEEDING ON AMERICAN CREEK WORK J. J. Little, manager of Power Corporation Ltd. for Trlnco Rupert and Stewart, returned yesterday from the northern mining is town and reports work going on well in providing roads and trails for their work on American Creek. In regard to the local situation, Mr. Little says there is nothing to say at present. VANCOUVER OLD-TIMER DIED THIS MORNING VANCOUVER, Aug. 14. S. J. Emanuels, a prominent figure in real estato and one of tho first notaries public In the province, died here today. He was 79 years of nir He c:ume from Moose Jnw in 1888. the burning pn.Min at Auburn, prison i'orcc managed to hold hnd been done. n the foregrou 1 the inflammable buildings wit CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS THIS YEAR DECREASED Revenue Froth This Means for First Seven .Months of 1929 $23,000' Short of Last Year Customs ami excise collections at this port Jfor. the first seven decrease of ttlmost $25,000 from the same period in 1923, the total up to July 31 this year having been $134,180.60, as against $169,- 8J9.C7 in 1928. cistern eollectiona for the ,,, nf ,it,!i,ik,--,P .-.miwl (o $15,593.21, .:aS against $21.- 68C33 ,n t,le 8amc month last year. BIG AIRSHIP DUE TO LEAVE AT THREE A. M. FRIEDRICIISIIAFEN, Aug. 14 Final preparations have been completed to send the Graf Zeppelin away tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock on her long flight to Tokio. Twenty passengers will be carried. The dirigible has been overhauled and food supplies and mail stowed aboard, This second leg of her round the world flight is the most Interest-, ing the Graf will have yet taken. is also said to be the most difficult. It will be an extremely interesting ride for the passengers. CLASH BETWEEN RIVAL FORCES IN MANCHURIA SHANGHAI, Aug. 14. A clash between Chinese and Soviet troops reported to have taken place in Manchuria. While the Information is rather vague, it is understood there wore casualties on both sides. JAPANESE KILLED WHEN AIRPLANE FELL' TOKIO. Aug. 14. Seven offl-j cers of the general staff and one. non-commlssionedl officer were! killed today when a new bombing plane crashed from a height of 900 feet while on an inspection trip. Tho dead include Major-General Aburd. chief of the operating staff. to Escape Y. AiwVC I.' ;0 nrittonera the niujomy of the prisoners "i U:e picture is the women's thu walls were destroyed. BtMTlTOU) SAME STORY AT SMITIIERS SMITIIERS, Aug. 14: Sneak ins here last route to Trna UeoW, MiVWieStv.r,n- t ,, leader, R. B. Bennett, protested ;igainst the claim of the Dominion Government for responsibility for any prosperity in Canada. Mr. Bennett pointed out that the -mount of $l,S0O.OOO,000 received in the main was from the sale of products of the forest, mines and fisheries. Credit for this was duel to the governments of the dif-l foront provinces and the efforts of the Canadian people. DIIII nUJf TD ADC IP DUILUIHIj IKAUt 15 ! iuiei 0IIIFT m IN v.111 PITY MftW there had been thirty-three alarms nunturned ,n to the fjre department Permits So Far This Year Repre Kent Value of $69,890, as Against $111,975 in 1923 With no very large projects so ., , , wm..m.a i ha been qu'et in Prince Rupert during the year to date, the! value being placed ?t a total of ing the. first seven months of 1928. Last year's list included the Capitol Theatre then under construction. Permits for July this year represented a value of $15,G75, as against $16,500 in the same month last yea'. LIBERAL CHOSEN IN PRINCE ALBERT OVER THE CONSERVATIVE TRINCE ALBERT, Aug. 14. In the deferred Cumberland constituency election, D. A. Hall, Liberal, is conceded the victory over John Beda. Conservative, ni ne out of fifteen polls giving the e former a majority of 2o0. UNIFICATION OF ALL FORCES IN RUSSIA MOSCOW. Aug. 14. Unification of all armed forces under one h,eod is being brought about in Russia In view of the present situation. SENATOR JONES BETTER WASHINGTON, Aug. ' 14: Senator Jones, tho well known fiirure from Wnshington State, who has taken n prominent part in Pacific Count legislation, is convalescing afti-r a severe ill - ness. Forest Fires in South Proving Real Danger and Many Men are j Being Employed Fighting Them ; NELSON, Aug. 14 .With 150 fires burning, the forest fire situation in the southern interior is reported critical by local forestry officials. All avaijable unemployed men in this district have been called upon to fight the outbreaks. The most serious situation exists at Tunnel, in the boundary district, where firefighters are doing their best without the aid of water. The fire at Westbndge is also out of control . At Sheep Creek, on the international boundary, it is under control. Additional men have been taken there today. So dense is the - smoke that the forestry seaplane t f.n Tn.lT OTW A l?P Soupno:br,evLiS.the waterowing MAInMJN ortAKs VANCOUVER, Aug. 14. The, forest fire situation on the lower mainland and Vancouver Island is cxremely hazardous. Fires are menacing large tracts of standing timber in the vicinity of Campbell River and winds are fanning an outbreak at Thurston Bay. Four new fires are renortcd near Dun- at luncheon in the Commodore can and Nanaimo and crews from the Canadian Collieries at Well- Cafe yesterday, with Joseph Greer ington augmented the forestry Vidln from A- M- Manson, crews, so serious is the situation K.C., M.L. A., who chose to speak deemed around the coal centre. on 8ome of the problems of Can-Buildings have been destroyed ada as 8een at ,,,e inter-provincial near Alder, In the Fraser Valley, conference at Ottawa two years where several new outbreaks have a0' whIch he attended as attor. been reported. A fire near Mis- ney-general of British Cloumbia sion has been stopped all but the ft that tirae- ir- Manson was in burning top of the mountain after his ,usua' Sod orm and his re" burningover logged-off land. marks, though of impromptu na- ture, were greatly appreciated by - , the audience, which was nnusually The local forestry office reports iarge for a club Juncheon. tnai mere are no iires in mis district and have been none of any importance since June. lllVL LUJJ 111 till speaner uescnueu me pic-uKtAltK fDCATCD TIIIC VCAD 1111 J itAK turesque and Impressive setting of the inter-provincial conference Damage for First Seven Months of 1929 Estimated at $1415,- or press had been excluded in order About Double of Same that the representatives of the Do-Period Last Year minion and provinces might have 'no other concern than that of Fire damage in Prince Rupert for the first seven months of the present year is estimated in round figures to have amounted to $1415 las compared with $723 in the same per:od iast year. Up to July 31 this year, as against 41 in the cor-responding period of 1928. During July this year there were f,V? 01 S,fond d8mT T "n" mated a at $100. as against six calls and $141 In the same month last a ' year .' PATTULLO IS INVITED TO OPEN EXHIBITION Local M. L. A. Asked to Off!- date nt Inaugural of Annual Fair Here on August 27 T. D. Pattullo. M.L. A., for Prince Rupert, will again open the annual exhibition here this year if he accepts an Invitation that the fair board has decided to extend, him. Mr. Pattullo Is coming upj from Victoria on Friday of this week and is expected to be in the' city for the fair, which opens on August 27, in the evening. The fair board had its regular weekly meeting last night, with President A. J. Prudhomme in the ohnlr nnr! mlilu flnnl imlim. J ment; for fl number of features Lf the exhibition. ninionraimifl ruUl onUflflnu TELKWA RIVER SMITIIi'RS, Aug. 14. -Coming from a mineralized country about; thirty miles up the Telkwa River, Ed Eby recently returned after! having staked a number of claims. i He reports that there are sixteen largo veins of copper and galena, The ground there Is pretty well staked and the probabilities are that a rich mineral group has been discovered. Te,,s About Work Done at Inter- Provincial Conference Two Years Ago The Gyro Club members and many quests heard a fine address Before launching upon his discourse, Mr . Manson expressed his 'pleasure at being back, even if it upert among old Iner ml - 1 ' J 1 T 1 it. ! at Ottawa. He recalled how the (Continued On Page 2). COTTON STRIKE NOT SETTLED MANCHESTER, Aug. 14 Settlement of the great Lancashire 1 ff r atstrtrtarrA taamarl a Innir WAV 0" today, although the situation Improved by the agreement of nuo tin j'tuitu uj ' hue vviuvuii v. . t to -r . the , the master spinners accept p-inciple of arbitration. Meanwhile more than half a million workers are nearing the end of the third workless week as a re- 8Ult ot the,r refU8al t0 accePl wage reductions. ..,, lTVkl AhHIiR 1 Ltouuu nunuiiu FRASER RIVER Norwegian Steamer Expected to Get Off Today After Being Lightered VANCOUVER, Aug 14. The Norwegian steamar Hesteros, bound from New vwminster to the United Kingdom, has been the mouth of the Fraser Rjye .since yesterday: 6he failed in fro'n Vlpraplf nn the hiffh tide last night and .efforts are being made today aftr lightering tho cargo. The ship Is believed not to have been damaged. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joko FactorV , NO' PLEASIN' AN ABERDON- IAN An Aberdonlan who had re- celved a $500 prtzo in a sixpenny lottery was asked how he felt 5bout it. "It was n'rlcht " he replied, "but my second ticket didna get onvthing." . ,