PAGE SIX FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and HcmlockVCut 14 and 16-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD BOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDETRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE COAL DEMAND "Rupert Brand9 Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Prince Rupert Feed Co. Received fresh . supply Pratts' Baby Chick Food, Bulkley" Valley Hay and grain, Robin Hood Flour, Spratts' Do? and Bird Supplies and COAL guaranteed to please you. PHONES 58 AND 558 AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED Sitka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, and Rustic. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED . PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Head f)ffice, Seat Cove, Telephone,' 3G1 ,. Retail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 423 Dr Alexander ruoNr. 573 KESXER IILOCK DENTIST Daily News Want Ads. bring quick Results 1929 WEATHER IS IMPROVED Conditions This Year Have Been Better Than Last, Despite Unfavorable Summer In spite of a rather backward summer, weather figures sum- marizin g the present year to date show a considerable Improvement on the aggregate over 1928. Sun shine for the first seven months of this year, totalling 793.4 hours, is slightly ahead of the 784 hours durihg the corresponding period last year. There have been 37.82 inches of rain so far this year, as against 45.11 inches in the first six months of 1928. During July this year there were 99.9 hours of sunshine and G.19 inches of rain, as against figure in July last year of 117.3 hours and 4.62 inches, respectively. D. McD. Hunter returned to the city at the first of the week from a business trip to the Skeena River. Week-End Specials BLUE RIBBON TEA 1-Ib. pkg COc KELLOGG'S ALL BRAN Large pkg 20c CAMPBELL TOMATO SOUP 2 tins 25c CAMPBELL VEGETABLE SOUP Tin 15c PERFECT SEAL JARS Quarts. 'Doz $1.50 EAGLE LOBSTER 1 -Is. Tin 25c LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD jar 15c HORSESHOE SALMON Vis. 2 tins 45c EMPRESS NEW STRAWBERRY JAM 1-lb. tin 65c ROSEDALE SLICED PEACHES 2 Vis. Tin ,30c MALKIN'S SLICED PINEAPPLES 2 Vis. Tin 35e EMPRESS JELLY POWDER w 3 pkgs 20c CRISCO 1-lb. tin 30c HEINZ FRESH CUCUMBER PICKLE Large jar 30e SOM-MOR CAKE FLOUR ' Pkg SOc SEEDLESS RAISINS 2-lb. pkg 35c YELLOW SUGAR 4 lbs. .25c GROUND SPICES All kinds. , Tin M0c t SHELLED WALNUTS Halves. lb 45c Wc Sell Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at Jhe Lowest Possible Prices Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. , .)f ' Closing prices from those exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 . Prince Rupert, B.C. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Aur,,.i District News TERRACE BUSHS' r Kccp.the Flies Down by Using WHIZ j At These Special Prices Regular 40c tin 35C Regular 40c bottle 85c PUMP AND TIN WHIZ CHANEY APPEARS I IN STRANGE ROLE : Dramatic Heights Reached by Star in Drama of Many Thrills One of the severest Th t , of storms ever seen here passed . f he and the evcn this district on Saturday oyer iI)usions of vood night. It was accompanied by a A j , u, , t , . WliCTOLD twin UCtll nUlDUIIH'tlO ill heavy downpour of rain. ,(he jung,es of Africa are Rmong n n.i T .''the mysteries in LonChaney'slat- Materials Ltd New Westmin- SSSn4 therthe11 JH " looking after his company's' cot- As (Dead L Kllnr Chaney tonwopd. interests. . Jr8t , th(J ture flS fl xr..' ir t p...,., nf al'o magician, performing the- atre illusions and then, paralyzed p, Bay, v New v ork i was a visitor i u enemJ , fJ ht w,th aft , next here at the endof the week. scen lnthe Afrkan junge8 ruUng nr. - j nf n .,, . a tribe of savages by his strange Ja ' AfGIlbw as a "white voodoo" and s?,n and Mr. and Mrs W. , t A ,h time h traiU the Blake of the office staff of the L Sni. u nA t i i . a. r l fi. mail n"w uiiuicu iiui tfisu luuuii- u ord Motor Co., at Detroit, are . , . ... . . , spending a holiday in the district ESSr'L and are at present at the Kalum ,..:, j xti v p rui. oj Chaney's daughter, a dom- M. Ailard were in 'from Kalum ,"ant. figure. n th!8 unc?nny ruciur oi terrorism ana re- Lake at the week-end. . ivenge. narner uaxier, jane a"d other of note In Jas. II. Weeks and B. A. Weeks Vy appear jr.. of Oyster Bay. N.Y., are ine oasu holiday visitors irf the district at ' - -?ts?T'-"M "" present. , , t t t, Monday. They plan on a two n C. ,,7 W. xi tit ' Homer, provincial asses- !,.. ,..: i .i. .v, sor and collector business was a upcrvl8ion o Rev. T n Allan nsitor here at the week-end, nui, M. A. Donald of Smithers was i visitor here at the end of the week. Terrace C.G.I.T. girls, to the number of about 15, left for I H. 0. Fearn, Prince Rupert. ' spent the week-end in town. I NFV liAZELTON Miss Marv Wilson of Vancon. , ... ,. , , nev. i.ii. wngnt wb a visitor ter, Is spendinc her vacation nt , r.,.. ri i - , - , : in rnnce impen tan wk io Mra 7 imf1?; Mr'and "end the United Church Pros- bytery. Dr. Purdy and Dr. Simmons, well known Vancouver dntit, tare visitors in Hazelton for a week. 8fflm&ssm&&smin York. J Miss Deris Bunn of Prince Rupert is visiting here with Miss Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer, returned last week from a trip to Usk where he inspected the Columario and Sealy proper ties both of which are working. He has now left for the Babines to spend a few days. R. E. Allen, district forester, was a visitor here from Prinee Rupert last week, being aeeom panied by his daughters, Misses Alice and Teddy Alien. BURNS LAKE Clyde Smith is engaged in car- ""uwr wt 0C rvln ollt mnMprhl Imnrnvn. EUREKA BLEACH ments to the Burns Lake garage, Quart bottle I5e Including painting. i oUAr a. R. Brown left last week for 20 9 cakes.. $1,00 Grassy Plains to carry out some HEINZ VINEGARS (carpentry worki Small kettle 2fte Large bottle 40c Locke Quey, managing propri At Ar nf ill HmfiiMA lnfa Vioro SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE i left last week for an extended 2 tins' 2Sc visit to his home in Canton, , China. He will sail this week from xrr NO. r t,u.5 ow 5 P,BAS-2.tins 25c Vancouver on the Empress -of QUAKER CORN 7 tins ...$1.00 France. isabuij TOMAlOKb 2s. a. party of loeal girls compris- lor ' . t Ing Misses Gertrude Wahman, Z'is.tfn 15c Arnlene Smith, Zella Smith. Iona NEW POTATOES 7 lb. ..25 Sm'th Ino Smith and Olive .Nourse are encamped at the por HOTHOUSE TOMATOES Itage near the canal on Burns Basket 75c Lake Bush's Grocerteria KM PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 PRINCE GEORGE Paul Calder, who Is piloting a Western Canada Airways piano in photographic work of P.G.E, lands to the west of the Peace River Block, has moved his head quarters to Moberley Lake, just Inside the block boundary. A large area of land has already been photographed from tho plane. Aubrey St. J. Mildmay of Van couvcr was a visitor here r- ccntly organizing a centre hcrol for Trinity College of Music (London, England) examinations Rev. T. S. DsPencler. Anglican Church rector here, held services at Woodpecker on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. C. Wright of this city Is spending a month's vacation at Pjclnce Albert,' visiting with a sister. A. D. Cruickhank of the Wcs-! tern Canada Airways made a! flight at the end of last week to Ai m raant fit tm aaI 1 Ltnn ui4ti t m swot i' hid vviiiviuii nun a public works department car, driven by Robert Reid, Antoine James, an Indian, was fined $10 by Stipendiary Magistrate J. D Chnrleaen for driving to the common danger. He also made ood for the damage done, amounting to $85. STEWART A great reception was accorded Hon. R. B. Bennett, Conservative leader, on his visit here last Saturday. Mr. Bennett spoke at Premier at noon and here in the ""WW WED. &TIIUII, Two Shows 7 and 9p m, The Wonder of the Screen LON CHANEY -IN- "WEST OF ZANZIBAR" Comedies "LADY OF VICTORIES and "THUNDERING TOUPEES" PARAMOUNT NEWS ADMISSION, 13c and 50c the headwaters of the Mesilinka River with Ivan Gill of Smithers, representing the Atlas Explor ation Co. Coming back he brougfiU l T.t. iir-rt 1 - 4t-l Atlas Co. VANDERHOOF Robie L. Reid of Vancouver, Grand Master of the Masonic l0i?e of British Columbia, paid an official visit to Nechako Lodge here last Wednesday evening: Past Grand Master A. M. Manson was also in attendance. Improvements to both the United and Anglican Churches here have been carried out by Frank Bowman. The hay crop in the Noehako district this year is exceptionally light owing to prolonged dry weather earlier in the season but grain crops, however, are looking' very good and, providing there re several weeks of hot weather, should fill out well. AH crops are at least two weeks later than usuaI this season'. evening. An aft -r : held hare in honor .,f '), member. of the Ir-a-l, r . A bony of oxtroni' K I $xi has just been ri:. . i , No. I tunnel of thn M u .. mtne, 11C feet fnv. ' Twenty-one men are r w v in two shifts pn tv ; which Is giving e v. '. prprr)1se of becoming a mle. iiw auvisaointy rr w Woodbine holdings with the Premier Kxt',n , ing Co. Is under cnn.-nl. : is reported. ALICE ARM S. Moore, an h v. i this camp, arrived l.. ' Anyex to spend fc. ti!, Ole Hvideen ha tv,:l- . the. board of sch-of ; . as k Alice Arm. utnrr men t ixjru are ai rairntur - -i and II. F. Kergin Mr ! ' nor has been plfcte.i nlsce of Mrs. W M who has resigned. J. W. Strnmboek r. quired half intercut ' mine group from V - r-who is now in Or' . ! Do;ild is the ow n r c ' ' half. 1! 1 1 Countless homes in the Dominion i serve it "CANADA DRY The Qhatnpagne of Cjinger zfk . Catiai Dry Ctnw .11 UmittJ, Toronto, Edmonton ""'i"' 'Ill