lain the Moon .rfi Aim ,v I expected to see n your column about friends who were v. I fear you must . . ike a great many t . ) I awayby the gilt i , jr. ild. If'taot 'perhaps ;, ; ; ublisb the fpllowlng i - went into the went, . tin- west wept Uiey, l iiniip Rupert they stop- . ,1 nt every pore, . tariffs they .would their millions more. k for his text a dollar lil!, , hH a Mrmon flnp. - I'M . t every line. ' . mad Ten Years Ago In Pr nee Rupert August 11, 1919 iMt Mn jar Jimmy Robin-1 V.,n('ouver has been eon ! arly with Col. C. W. i . M P., in the matter of l " tires in the Issuance i iu s, ti .1 1 riminatei against, !:.!; -J has purchased 1 'it Tide from Oiler ! will nse the boat for, fupplies and mater-' i I. where he has " "I the contract for th6 r '!' a Ti. w lighthouse. "i. 13-yoar old Japan- li'd to death yeeter be considered unless be acecmpanled . me HiBMieroi 10'. of the amount CLASSIFIED AD winp polite role has IMXIWIMULmiO - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND h ,1 from,. cpcted,lhat'lhiB a subscriber TIHS.JS THE I'AGE WIHCII MOST PEOI'LE; KEj1) IlKCAUSE IT IS FlJth OF IIUMA'N UIJSINESS INTEREST .TO YOUNG AiVD-OLD ., ,1 try to heap risititig 'politicians .v..:.. off -f ;i nijrht and day. ,., !!,;!h"Ilil ires these orators Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy .able holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. K ITSUM G A LLUM LAKE IX) DOE Terrace, H.C. .Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake Good fishing, boating and bath- rr r ' w . . terrace v a.m., lonnay, day and Saturday. $2 return. ' I Rates, $3.25 pet dayjTwfte for. here just to tease us, special weekly rates, u.ird in palatial .yacht : '. n to an as ltgosui. j a that they have tdld ":r;r tale, marks to fool, back east to try to ! .,! i Tup of WOO. M.s ut In. rkAmltvlan 0 at tllnivlnff following Terrace. n.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME Fine beach and meadows for children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing. River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cusine. Partis can be met at Skklgate or Fort Clements. WirJi, far reservations. MRS. RAJOUT TIell, Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE AT BEAUTIFUL FRANCOIS LAKE Apply Mrs. Ilenkel Francois Lake Lodge Queen Charlotte-Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Cove sawmill, Clements and Queen Charlotte f lumber fell on city, hire cars and trucks from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate. B.C. LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT SPRINGS Is opened to guests. The lodge is 'situated on the shore at Lakelse uw addri to u Lake. Good fly fishihg for rain- . , . . . i.durwd "Tender tor 7 nupUrt. T. tow trout. The hot springs con- ' n,r tain Lithia which is fine for t r th oonMrmMo of rheumatism. Cottages for rent. i rnoce Hupen.i ,f... J. Bruce Johnston, Manager, ii rid tornu ot tender r purtmeai, t the I-' t Engineer, Port r:a. B.C.: The BuUd- 8KKHNA LAKH KKCOKMNO MSTRICT Hn'TvS:!. Ti?CmCK tb.t the Brm Co- street vTktorti ac . ' "d.. of VMicouyer, Wfioe. Prince Rupert B.C.. occupation, t me canaaiin ni- nn Lh no ni o commracrarem. .uu mpany will alto be ac-' talnlnr ten acres, more or less. v or oonds and a nnmmi rnt.Trii.miA F18HINU mi to make up an odd prima ean be obtained at "" by depositing an ac, '!." l sum of 10.0O." rcier of the Minister of 1 !in h will be returned If '' (tiler submit a regular i S B. O'BRIEN. . , . Secretary. , .' Public Works, l. 1929. ;lJ) Newer "TV" FOR SALE FOR SALE Studebafcer coach, mechanically guaranteed. Burps and Co. Ltd. tf 389 Fifth Avenue West . (tf ) FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulleys, also two pieces shafting. ApplyJJaily News, Doxxx. (tf) FOR SLE 3 sets adjustable iron hangers for shafting. Large size. $10. per set. Apply Box 00 Daily News Office. . (tf) FOR SALE Six II. P. 2-cylinder 2-cycle Wilson marine engine in good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Daily News Office. (tf) FOR SALE Maton and Risch f 1 . f t . . . . .... a rx'd with mony talk wg wcouhiui cenpr; twenty i piayer piano wun oencn ana 35 rdlls. Only used eight months. Snap for (ash. Dawes forfeiture Store. tf m PQV. SALE Fishing boat W. T., 52 feet long; beam, 13 feet. 30 h.p. Frisco Standard engine; eight years old, in No. 1 condition. Phone Blue 159. tf FOR SALE Solid oak table, enamelled kitchen table & chairs, smoking cabiset, bed, bedroom chairs, small rug, etc. Phone Blue 506 or apply 339 Fifth Avenue West. (tf) FOR SALE Snap. Modern six roomed bouse and household furniture, triple-mirror dresser, card table, small desk, tables, lino rugs, chair, electric hot plate, electric fixtures hammock. ' chair, set Books of Knowledge, bookcase. Monarch range, ajeighs, wagon etc B. Llpain, Fhone S59. tf WANTED WANTED lUmatitchlBg. Mrs WUrt. X For Rent By the WeelrWoml" Partly Furnished WANTED Cook for boarding house' by September 1. Tvro meals dily. Apply Boy 216 Daily News Office. WANTED Good home for high school girl in return for help In home or would pay part board with light duties. Apply Box 217 Daily News Office. 191 LAND ACT Notice of Intention ta Apply to Lrae ljnd flehlng na pcKing nwno. w wh'j peckuw Company. Limited, Limited, of or Utseett utsseti. for a iewe ine """r; . n " c . oeaupatlon. nlmoa Mnrvm. in mrMhon. altuate fronUnt on Lot ' v. ,A .JlT- ... . tMUU nt tt,nm n (-(lnaumvfi liniui . ' rauui j -w ----- bran'iut thence N.88K. to the pro- , ncrtherlr 10 ehalna: thence eat- I ucnariereaoMtK. pay- Huctlon aomneriy 01 tot wi e AGENTS WANTED $25 PER WEEK Made by our Personal Christmas Greeting Card Agents in their spare time. Write us for particulars today. Regal Art Co., 310 Spa-dips Ave., Toronto. ; 1 of Lot 2: theoce northerly to mean bt h chalnfc following ot water mark: rhence westerly and south- mttttj to point of erly mean high ter mrx. gimjn,; j cTes t PACKING CO., LTD. j. H. Bushnell. Agent. Dated JUl June 1929. BRINGING UP FATHER )VL M HERE. TBM AM ME OM vM eiCHTEEM- OAV OAt otrr- P,trr DIET" Blue 345. i FOR RENT FOR RKN'T Four room fiat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR 8ALE Hetetzman piano and FOR RENT Furnished bwich. Apply J. J.Muldoon.l Summit Apartments. suite, Phono (tf) FOR RENT Modern house near business section. $25.00. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and. sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT urnl.hed housekeeping rooms by the day. week, or month. Phone Red 607 tf FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phine Red 444. (tf) CHIROPRACTIC PItOGRESS .;The practice of chiropractic Is recognized in forty .states of the union. This recognition has been sought and gained by the- people who have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 19JG that legal, ' recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 283 Open Evenings 1 - r CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments give.tyiaef ojctung,, oir new Spin&l Indtotpto .pfodue better results ., t v .. .. hll.. Consultl.' . I R, E. EYOLFSON ' ( CHIROPRACTOR , 623 Third. Avgnu'e, . -. Office Telephone plue 85 Residence. Telephone i Red 589 Established 194 ' . ' ' " " J lit! !T- at Prince Rupert, B.C. ParUeutars of Lwuneti are. as foUewa: Length 1' 8" Breadth In the Qveen Cbinolte Land District, j Droit Land RsoaMlng District of Prince Rup- , Or0M rett Injet. Oraham Ialaad. t. Take nouce mat uingara nsmng JJ i m described lands: Foreshore Oommenclnx si a post planted near erly S ohalns; thence soutneriy 10 Dated May Uth. 1929. low water; lacncv onmmeo cement, and more or leu. LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINCI CO., LTD. Henry White. Agent. EDuamol'Ll' FORMBr HOUSE SCHOOlL FOR BOYS , Ganges Harbor, B.C.'-' Sound Modern Education ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Boys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application If 1 nmr.RNJIENT I'ltorERTV FOR Silt TENDER will be receleed by the UBderstsjOMl up to Monday, July Uth. 1MB, for the purchase of , the Prortn- etal Police Launch No. 2. now looated 9' 0" 4' 7" TOtIMc 18 RealsUred Tonnaae 12 Poweml with 20-24 H.P. Type PPP. Buffalo Engine. Boat may be inspected at Prince Bupert, B.C., on application to In spector W. SpUler. B.C. Pouee, Prince Rupert, B.C. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. V., A. ROLLINS, Purchasinc Agent. Patllament Bldaja.. VWtorla, B.C. June 14th. 1939. "Time for receiving tenders for the above launch ha been extended to Thnrtulaj, August 13th." 71 1 1 ""I COMMA, CPT MEELF )' j$$M II Oi CANT KICK VHfcJM IU.H ;-.SSTtJH 1 J nj II t-tR TVEY FORCED CORN- TIM6fi OCffAvtvl" ,0V POCB "TOO TO- BAT IT ' ' ' , "P. ' ' ' Clt tMl AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, soli or ox-change any kind or furniture or household goods, rnyHfc"! "instruments, rnachinery; etc. General repairs, crating, packing and ahlnnlntr. WnrlrmntioMr r I O ' . . ... ....Htiuii.i , ' . 1 1 T . t. Kuaranteeu. jusi pnone liiacK 120 and we will call GEORGE J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do It" PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dlvtng ant) General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of All descriptions for Charter. Utow Boats and Canoes for Jbire. Uarttains in Gas Fngine. AGENTS FOR Van Blerrk, Easthope, Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Phone. Day or Night. 554 P. O. Box 154 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers, Taints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 : SOME BARGAINS IN CERTH FIED USED CARS CHEVROLET Sedan .-$500 LCHEyROLET Sedan $150 FORD rSdan .-..$273 Good Terms and Sixty Days Service an All Used Cars : ROSS & MOORE. LTD. Chevrolet Dealers FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chesterfield Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. Mackenzie furniture PHONE 775 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 month. Phone Green 21C. LAND ACT Notice of Intenttan fo Apply to Leone Land YOO admit t'Ou BROKE TVIA.T WINDOW? IW OI V-w, -s. ' I per tf In the Queen Charlotte Land District, ', Land Recording District of Prniee Rup- ert. and situate at Amis ton Point. North Dunaae Island. Take notice that Laogsxa FlshlAg Packing Company. Limited, of Msssett.: B. C. occupation, euunsn, uuendsl to apply for a lease of the follow- j Ing described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post plaated at the 1 extremity ot land on Arnlston Point, thence westerly M ohalns'; thence north-1 erly ft Uialu to low water; thence easterly 20 chains; thence southerly to point of commencement, and containing 20 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent, John William Moorehouae. Dated June 71b, 1229. LNU ACT" Notice, ft intWitloD. to Apply ' -to . Lrae I .and Into the Taku River up-ttreun from the Alaski Boundary Line. Take notice that I. James B. Btapier of Los Aotfeles, oocupfcUon, mining engineer. Intend to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one half mile Easterly from the mouth of the Tulsequah River, thence. East 30 chains; thence North 20 chains: thence West 20 chains: thence South 20 chain and containing 40 acres, or lass. JAMBS Dated June 10th, 1929. B. STAPLER. 220 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Prince Rupert und Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the South West cout of Wales Island half mile South East of Baxtlett Pnlnt T.k. ynniiM that ATitftsi fViltim- ' bla Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C., occupation, Salmon Can-ners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a post planted on the South West coast of Wales Island half mile South East of Bartlett Point; thence South East forty chains following High water mark; thence South West five chains to low water mark; tnence norm west lorty cnains following low water mark; thence North E&fr; to locating post; and containing twenty acre, more or less. A NOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINC1 COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. O COME. ONi MCW ME I'M REACT TO DO me err- LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen. .Charlotte Land District. Land Recording Clstrtet of Prince Rupert, and situate near me mouth of Na- den Harbor, en Mazorredo. Island. Take notice that I, Author Robertson, ot 'MassetV B.C.. loocupatlon, mUI owner. Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Comxnenelnz at a rjoet Dlanted .near I the south ex t corner ot LotjJ7l9. Minor -redo Island: thence no.-thly 10 chains; I thence easterly 9 chains to low water. tcence following low water sou men y 10 chains; thence westerly to point of commencement ard- oomaiatmt four acres, more or less. , . ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By .Henry White. Agent. Dated May iJth. 1929. , LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lrae Land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Spit Point on the East ahore of Portland Canal. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited of Vancouver B.C., occupation, Salmon .Cancers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Cpmmenclng at a post planted one mUe South East of Spit Point on the East shore ot Portland Canal: hence Esst 40 chains following High water mark: thence South S chains to low water mark: thence West 40 chains following low water mark; thence North 8 chains to locating post; and containing 20 acres, more or less. ANGLO BRITISH COLOMBIA PACKING COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker.1 Agent. Duted May 22nd. 1929. S KEEN A LAND RKCORDINU DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Fishing tt Packing Company. Ltd., of VancouTer, B.C., occupation, fishing and packing, Intends to apply tor a lease of the following described fareebore. sKuate fronting on Lot 10, Range 6. Coast District: Commencing at a post plsnted at trie southwest corner of Lot 10, Range S, Coast District; thence south 5 ohalns: thence In a southeasterly direction IS ohalns; thenc In south-easterly direction 25 chains, more or less, to high water mark at a point distant 10 chains, more cr less, westerly from the southeast corner of Lot 10: thence northwesterly, following high water mark, to the point of commencement, and containing 18 acres, more or leM. BRITISH COLOMBIA n8HINO Ac PACKING CO.. LTD. J. H. Bushnell, Agent. Dated 20th June. 1929. LAXD ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. . 'f nn.3wX. 3 .n.t: n th pert Land Reoordln trltt of nrltltfj Cotma.xnd aluvle District of prince Rupert and ; situate about one hftU WUe KtAly ArSh tti oiwth South, West' coasof. Wales Ii-mth of t&e .TulwmW&Wi' which JMfl claa;Boston;lsland) , it sii nuiesi . ,- ..jrj. v. ." jr" mm. vn.jut vAjmpimy ijuaibea oi van-couyer, B.C., occupation. Saliqon Can. tiers. Intepda to a-pply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Oommenclnj? at a post planted on the South West Coast of Wales Island facing the Western extremity of Boston Islands; East forty chains following high water mark: thence South one chain to Low water mark; thence West forty chains following low water mark: thence North to locating post: and containing Ten seres, more or less. AKOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINd COMPANY. LIMITED. . "W. E. Walker." Agent. Uated A May 32nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Lir.d Recording District of Prince .Rupert, and situate at an unnamed point on the northeast ot Zayea Island, north Dl the eastern extremity ot the unnamed lake on Zayes Island; Take notice that Eugene H. Simpson and Author Robertson of Massett. B.C.. occupation, cannerymen. Intend to apnly for a lease of the following described lends: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted 209 feet south of high water at the extremity of the above-mentioned unnamed point; thence east 20 chains; thence north S ehslns to low water: thence westerly 30 chains: thence south to point of commencement, and containing 20 acres. -Tiore or less. COENE HCMPHRM SIMPSON, AUTHOR ROBEftTON. Bv the Apent, John William Moorehouae. Dated June 7th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. I Land Recording District of Prince Rup-'ert, and situate near KUashwun Point, i Graham Island. Take notice that Eugene H. Simpson lot Msssett, B.C., occupation, cannery-i man. Intends to apply for a lease ot the loiiowing aescriDea Unas : roresnore. Commencing at a post planted about ,20 engine aotrtheastern tram the N. W. 'corner of Lot NO. 2741', Oraham Island: thence west 10 chains; thence north 6 chains to low water; thence east 10 chains: the ice south S chains to point ; of commencement, and containing S acres, more or less. Dated May 11th. 1929. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leftse Land In the Queen GhsrloUe Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate near the mouth of Mas sett Inlet at Seven MUe Point. Take notice that Langara Fishing A Packing Company. Limited, of Massett, B.C., occupation, salmon eannera. Intends to apply for a lease of the follow-Ine described lands: Commencing at a post planted near the northeast corner of Lot 2259, Oraham Island: thence westerly 10 chains; thence northerly f ehslns; thence easterly 10 chains following low water: thence southerly S cnains to point of commencement, and containing 8 acres, more or less. LANOARA FISHINO Be rAgKJNO Henry White, Agent. Dated Mar 14th 1939. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and aMuate one mile South East ot Bartlett Point on the South West coast of Wales .Island. Take notice that Anglo British Columbia Packing Company limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Can-ners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: foreshore: Commencing at a pent planted one mile South East of Bartlett Pr'nt on the South West coast of Wales Island; thence East forty chains following high water mark: thence South West five ohalns to low water mark: thence West forty chains following low water mark; thence North East fire chains to locating post; and containing 20 acres, more or less ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. W. E. Walker," Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. By George McManus tOO O04u OO MO ST HifKi-HER TMATT- TOULO. JuW I W: i; MAVTi TO OACt" A, HEANTi' fi vf RIME AM" t3UT A NtWi V W-a,.- 9