"a * gli * NMLUSR SE s+ ie este gee (HE DAILY FEW. Victory Bonds have declined in during the past fortnight value very H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds * ° . , s y materially » pas ’ , and may go still lower, We buy them at highest market price. No delay. We will have for arrival this week Olivette Preserving | Cherries packed in 4 basket crates, at $2.90 per Crate \{ This is the time of year \f for preserving Cherries. Don’ t miss it. Auper Tavle Supply Co PHONES 211, 212 Prince Rupert Dry Dock & Engineering C0. Vessels of any sige Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats can making Several! section, fees te docked light. small repair together on one Large stock of materis|s is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonabie Prices. Machine aad Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plants, Mines, Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. | MI Stephens NOTARY PUBLIC FOR SALE 6-Room -d modern housg and lot English Hill, $2,625, terms. 6-Roomed semi-bungalo, 4th Ave., East, built in buffet, fireplace, etc., $3,500 terms. 8-~Roomed house 5th Ave., W., modern, $3,250 terms Double Corner Sixth Avenue and Tatlow St. $1,750. One nice lot near Drydock $200. M. M. Stephens LOANS - RENTALS - INSUKANCE BASEBALL BOYS ARRIVE TODAY : \Appear to be a Likely Bunch; Will Play Two Games In the City. | | ee | | This morning the crack base-| \ball team from Ocean Falls al rived on the Prince George | will play two matches with (he jlocal club. The team is heay Pithan the former one from he }south and it is expected that i }pert’s outtielders will be | py Kept 20 The | be in fine | home team is reported ts condition and are anx ireputation. They have a higl team average now and they want Lo continue the good work. There will be two games played Everybody is Not a Judge of Diamonds Most one's aren't up have to take some because most people on diamond values people say so’ We wish » tell you that every diamond we have in stock has Ppareta a ' eerveful examination at our hands > here absac person wh about diamonds Which makes buying lutely safe for the knows littl We are showing mond engagement $40.00, 875.00 and 8150.00 some nice dia rimgs at #25.00 Jd ohn Bulger Jeweler The Store of Worth and ' Beauty. this afternoon and an The tupert is Dravis ihere, other | Prince one Lomorrow, batters and lay DEMOCRATIZE RAILWAYS (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs Berlin, August 12. from Dresden says the Saxon rail ways will be run under the ‘rs’ councils. democratized officials and w ORPORATION tr iil ii i Vi ii : é lye in f the ag '» ation ine ' ' n i tei i ‘ + pion pondwe on Sth Avenue seetion 6, from the 7 plank road on t McBride 5 isting one on Dunsmuir mire Local Improvement and intend pecia Gsooss & part of the’ cost pon ti 1 abutting directly the following on the land Werk and Which is immed benefitted by the Work Sou the : li half of lot 24 and low z 7 sa, 2 7, Section & 2 The estimated cost wf the wo $5,856.00, Of which $740.26 is to be Dy the Corporation, and the estin FOR _ SALE 4 Room House Sewer connections 5th Avenue, Section 5 $1600 2 Lots, 6th Ave., Sec. 5 on the Sewer $600 each Terms McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Insurance - Real Estete Prince Rupert, B. C. | | ™ |day | | | ious to keep up their well earnes \ despa c 1Vaneo GERMANS TO CREATE MERCANTILE FLEE’ Berlin, August 13 In the Na tional Assembly at Weimar Mathias Erzberger said We ust immediately create a met! cantile and help the Germans idvicet’. ; lieet abroad with state Among those leaving for up the Mrs husband it jpermanentiy. In a short time }Monroe will join her the south, > . . rhrough passengers from Van- ecouver on the Prince included Mrs, Hazell and Misses Hazell of Lethbridge, Al- berta. Last week the party pass- ed through the city and while here guests of Dr. and Mrs Miss Nellie Hazel stop off and visit fo the sister rer ree Lo- were tlie H. R. Grant s gome to city whilst her refurh to the time in nother and prairies, some Masters Fred and Willie Kergin returned from the south today They hay been holidaying it i|\Vancouver and Victoria fro the 1] Ww AS ) : : st Mis Agnes McQuillan of th pan ! Thee staff returnec fr i visil with relatives in the sout m the G. T. P. boat today . * . Nurse Hughes, accompanied by itthe Enyd Morrie, ip to Vane Prince Geore today \liee Brady in “The Betle i Half and a rip roaring comedy, returned fron ja tr ouver Island on th at tl Westholme tonight o *. . : Tiny Tims baseball tean are Rivine a dance LoMmMorroy night in St. Andrew's Hall R' latk Bradbury returned ron iver on the boat this morn te ee es ert ~?@ Local News Notes io-~ ed | | Spirella Gorsetiere, Phone} Black 257 Congoleum squares clearing oul at cost, at Tite's. 01 * * . riny Tims’ dance, St. Andrew's Hall Thursday night. 18s . * . Morris chairs and rockers. Barrie's Furniture House 94 * * . rhursday—ALICE B. for Shaw Lake at 1 and 3 o'clock . . o ALICE B. for and 2:30 o'clock A, R. Holtby the line by last night's train atians Thursday Sali Lakes at 2 recurned from uj Mobley on the train last meht Harry arrived from th interiol congoleun Furniture ivi Carpet squares. squares, Barrie's House. . . Spec.al for Fishermen, Swivels, 50c. dozen; hooks 3c each. Ful ler’s, Ltd. Phone 45. ti ee ] ae, . CANVAS and RUBBER 0 | W A i q For Ladies, Boys and Girls ~ season advances we find we —— iy ‘ee As the odds and ends of various lines of canvas a: shoes and no large quantity in We are clearing these shoe lines out. \ al the space, so we are offering them at nd some less than « NOW IS YOUR CHANCE while they last, of securing bareai: ; - Jabour Bros., Ltd. Third Avenue line on the train today was Mrs Sons of Canada meet at 8 p.n Cc. L. Monroe and little son Lioyd|Thursday. Important business iwho are going as far as #ort ®s_|Full attendance requested B! sington, where Mrs. Monroe’ wil o 7 | visit foe @ short time with he Among those arriving from uy lsister before returning to the|Tiver on the train last night wos t city. Me Monroe laft for the R. S. Wright, who has just | south on the Camosun last night | turned irom 4 =. ? and will proceed as far as Vic- Mrs. D. H. Morrison = arrived | Mills and Canneries | ria where he expects to locate}, . 44 trom Seattle on the boat thir | morning. She has been spend the last few weeks in the for the benefit of her health. * * * Che beautiful Weber piano that soutl = © ee a a — NEW ARRIVALS IN was used on the stage of the Westholme Theatre is for a special price. The Prince Ru-| pert Music Store, opposite th post office. 01 . . . sale a A sale of home ice cream will be cooking, tea aut held at the he tit are Charies and Will Balagno an: Paul Edmunds. . * . Among the soldiers arriving from the old country or the Sat urnia was Corporal W. G. Hea! éf the Bulkley valley. The trooy train left for the west last Wod nesday and Corporal Heal is ox pected from the south in the nox few days. . . * The blasting which nas late to the const of Rupert's re site of the ferries. going on of nation of idents, is on the slip for car grading has to be necessitates the some Considerabl done wil remova! of large bluff alongside th jing raiiee - track. Novelty curtains, draperies. by Me ee the vard, at 20% reduction al Arrangements have been m rit sale y, |for the Telkwa and Anyox b ball teams to visit Pfimee Ru; Ask for Atkins’ Sausages , ;during the time of the gair. Th - : ~ ~ |should provide a very interest n ' . ,* ee ee 68 @ 4¢* Iseries of matches and will be on yg TOS LATE To a "lof the big drawing cards for (} arr we © a 2S annual event of the Agricg!! | Fé Kh SALE Manure ‘ w. | Association. | Will be searee in tl shoring a ” ° Pacifie Cartage. Lt« RH Brass beds at Tite's sale; | - == |per cent discount. 91 * * > Lieut. } D.S8-C., arrived in the Peters RN. Db.8.0 city tis } } special rate per foot frontage is # i Ir ‘ve t ; t u Fhe apecial sebesament is to be 1 lent cathartics, but takethe evening from England, ha live onane: instalinents made the long journey in fou undertaking the work mnel do lg teen days. Lieut, Peters is th "eed tes 1 one Sf Sapheniin " s guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L, Mc ate ils Sth da oO ugust | ERNEST A. WOODS, Clerk. | Intosh while here, and will a Silsseane : company the body of his fath coe, | a Fred Peters, K.C., on the “Prine: Brief F t i George to Vietoria tomer : . ; acts i night for burial. ) of ie . Largest Sale of Medicine ia the World Crockery and glassware Bis ; S | t A Crerywhere. jbargains al Tite's sale, 4 3 Valvation Army =| “* WATER NOTICE This afternoon the coxswaint!os } War Work i DIVERSION AND USI shell of the Prince Rupert Rowin ) aiaialiitiial land Yachting Club will be agai: FAKE NOTICE that W. KR. Tonkin, whos take fr t | r y i ; The Salvation .Army has abways acheive i kmpive Building, Seastie,| “ken trom its hangings tm thy : f : : felt it was iis duty ender aid tg an ‘psy nod - ae to Wake | Hazelton and a trial trip to ¢) i i oe er SOOKE ¥v5,000 wherever a need exist md was @ feet water out Clear Lake ai | Salt Lake will be made, Ste ; at work ten days after the tvasion knowh 48 Clearwat Lake, Which flows |g y , Dae an ean i teominaior aad sifhs' into ‘Meemaaibe datas King is anxious to meet any 4 ‘ . bout twenty-four p ' ' srience ar . ; } lering to the temporal and sf i }) The water will be d ver ted a trot the = = perienced oarsmen so that hi needs of the Allied trooy Ht @ point about i m the mouth Wery best four will be obtained | i¢ rwatet he at ! wi u De ri ‘ . ome ” : ner swo sniliien dollars apoms on Alain ee lame id will De Wied fo man the’ craft The probably war work by the Sulvation Arm qj min i ' Last Chance”; quartel for the trip will b seus ; ; a ca ié i f mineral claim : . Vation anal na ee ; : : © War posted on the ground bow, Unwin; No. Forsyth : ; war work 100,00 fi th day ine, 1449 ‘ copy’3, Robb; stroke, King. Salvationiat and adherents enlisted h befiee and un application pursuant allies ‘ hereto gud to th Water Let 1014,’ _—— mn lied arm Wil be filed in the offiee of the Water . . 65 Motor Ambulences provided a" urde at Prince Rupert, B, ¢ Kasy chairs rockers hed and operated by Salvation Arm nied “taka te sald Wailer Bement ie springs and mattresses. Tite's officers and experivuced workers j thie Heptrolier of Water Ki«ht Pari Big August Sale v1 Over 400,000 wounded men taken mend oe nh torla, BB, ¢ within from battlefields in Salvation Army thi , ti ‘ n ’ ' al ree & : i Salvation a meee 1D 6 lone) newspaper Just arrived, a car of Beave: ambulances \ Kh. TONKIN, Applicant ; . , By John Pedersen, Agent. Board, A, W. Kdge Co. distribu. rhe date of the first publication of this " | is July 18, 1019 oe bors. uf of Mrs. Harry Smith, seventh an Conrad, on August 14 from 3 ti! weteetebedies 6. Proceeds in aid of the Seal] f } iCove W. A. | 1 . iV | . . . , } The Westholme orchestra wer ‘ Specia! a lis § mn Children $ Shoes | up the line this morning to Haz ) elton where they will play fo: i ~ wares ree CPPCC OC Ors secetel big dance to be given at the Silver Come and be fitted by E xpert SI a : }Standard mine. The musician : —" Ladies Colored Shoes Now showing at the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. The Practical Shoemen hone wee mr BRU Vi <2 ow _ LLL tt r EDITH STOREY “in “THE CLAIM At the Empress The e t Slarring Lonight al the Westholm Subscribe for The Daily New