BP lilt: STATION WON AT SOFTBALL In a softball fixture last night -4he -etatton took the roundhouse each case. Sport Chat ine cniiuren 11 . . 1 ..! e snou,a nrBW ine ,,u"11 the end with numerous.errors on usur Wnn nLi",T pi Ti ,ji An.. Anyox baseball team will Borden. Lawrence ran out once SW" M ftmomw to Alice Arm to pick up a loose shot but ther (o at iork Last ew ... conclusions i.j. with the , ai. ... v.w Mrs Mrs. Night ' InIet- While league baseball Mp'wi vnntr vr . o t(,fy The Chocolate, Negro bantamweight 1. 1 .". JI...(...u,1L.if!l r uricu ... in uie bii.cihti. iu... 1 ged at from r...i Cubfi. disposed of one.bf outstanding meh of 'his 'diVislbn a A, '"thousand persons. So close was It .j'Jfhat one judge voted it a draw. COUNTER CHARGES OF ASSAULT RESULT IN WOMEN'S DISMISSAL police court this morninir with as- to try dia-.was no further score at half! mond men further up Observa-; time. . . . AiWult rind Mrs. ThdmiJsoMaid a? :At the Baptist Church . v jtremnar. 'Ihe vounor neon e ac The funeral t)f the late Jack quitted themselves remarkably Sigxeoen oftbA , Ocean View Well. Agfnnfltota. mM, death oc- Combined with this there was cured i theWrinRupert Gen-'afgo a gocial for' the Junfor choir. erai uoapitai on messday morn- Several musical numbers Ing, was conducted this afternoon rendered; irom the chapel of the B. C. Un dertaker. to FaJrvlew Cemetery with Rev. John H. Hanson of St. Jaul'. Lutharan Chireb officiat-iSing. Friend, of the deceased acted a. pallbearers. TORONTO STOCKS JCourte.y of S. D. Johnston Home OR, 28.00. Iludaon IJay, 17.00. 'NUM. 4a:fo. SIandy, 90. : Newbec, 88V4. 1 I' rNoranda, 62.00. V,ki Sudbury Basin. 80. t- Sherritt-Gordbn, 740. Teck Hughe., 8.70! 1 it STOCKS RALLY NEW YORK, May 23:-Stocks staged a broad rally on exchange' second, half was equally renuously fought. Borden pres- the start and Smith forced itenm .ts: being mustered tor a corner that was cleared with 2-2. is trip to help Alice Arm stage difficulty. Booth was trying hard! 2 " ' usual Victoria Day celebration. I but it was Borden which scored I .."TnX forter3 fln h Fong .ent in, a. high lob V.ji-mr.inn n . Keiiiiig uaseuuii ko'"k i ""juA tnat swung in ior tne secona battle ?TllZABttel!LT witnessed this year but it is hoped that a counter. Wingham, Walters and by eighteen start will soon be made. PAGEANT GIVEN BAPTIST CHURCH M;.ry "llaydeft chafed fjable; Event Last Night Un-izabeth Elizabeth Thompson n Sty'. AusPces ot -Mission Hand Daly made headway but Vaccher cleared. Colussi narrowly missed but Booth was unable to score by two clear goals. Teams were: Booth Lawrence; Cross, Nelson; Greer, Colussi, Bartlett; Walters, Tobey, Daly, J. Murray, Wingham. JJorden Kanaya ; Vaccher, Kat let suyama; Lehto,' Nakamoto, Har- ,aB - j... , ... . .. i.M . . n . . J 1 t 1 . nlirkf hafnua lafita nllHlAnp. lha J I jsmun, Morgan, 'fong, a. cna OMHim aaure ur?..v i iVmHV, RrUVton Mrs. mth. Ilavden. jiayuen. Tha ine inci- children ol the senior mission ; iKuiH ant leading up Id "theTieanniroc- band presented: a misslbnary pa- Jack Campbell refereed. ' H--tairred in the Shamrock RoomsVof "geant entitled "Children -of Other From the spectator's view- j Catherine McMeeking, Vivian j the field and was well backed :Wrathall, Helen Fuller and Mary, by Hardy. Fong,was the pick of, COMPETITION ENDS THIS WEEK were "Vocal solo, Delphine Lemon. Cornet solo, Velma Thurnburn. 'Solo, David Houston. Song, Junior Choir with Enid Norris, Edith Johnstone and Katherine Watson taking solo parts. Accompanist, Miss Aletta Mc- Ktnley. - - . a, r.t. UittlMJqns weref-iB?yen by garet GUker. . Refreshments were provided by 5Ir4." J. B. Thurber, Mr.. George i Johnstone, Mrs. Vic Houston, Mm,J.. Watson, and George Sutherland. Those serving included Mliut Ellen Armstrong., Miss Enid i Morris, Miss Edith Johnstone, Miss Adelia Thurber and Miss Katherine Watson. Rev. W. F. Price presided. today making up a substantial! portion of the los. suffered yes- A Dally News want-ad will 'tfrday. bring results. The suggestions for improving conditions in northern and central British Columbia have mostly been along one line. The building of a highway and the formation of a new province. While some valuable suggestions have been made, the last word has not been said and there is still plenty of room for others. The competition will end definitely on Saturday of this week, after which the article, will be judged. TrMt trtrj tkia Injury with our utny(lc Zro-Dok, tbiiiM batal Ma Mtn.li im Infection, alUyi leBimmtto, rente, ill trie ol polaoa a& turM .well, rW WHoc, If HBP A HOT OF ZAM-RUK MiMTTTI " I the forwards, always bqring in. Erickson made a good showing at outside left. Woodcock plays good football and Smith is an mproving player. out oL-poSltjQrr but is doing bet FOOTBALL LINE-UPS THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, May 23, BORDEN BEATS i GIANTS JUST BOOTH SCHOOL ESCAPE CELLAR The Fair Board is planning an n T vim tl. s,i f iir.nhlP-lIenHer 4ua rpWW.,fpre cejerj. Efidelf T. fytfrTtt'o'fo NHt FfTmTtlrIyn ami Thus to count to the tune of 22 to 16. ",uuon "l ": ! Keep " From Bottom The game was hotly contested to. uujwix tomorrow. . .: The meeting of Borden .and Place BASEBALLSCORES National League New.iYork 20-7. Brooklyn 3-3 Philadelphia G-13, Boston 3-4. Cincinnati 2, Pittsburgh 11. American League Washington 10-3 New Boston 2 Philadelphia 6. Cleveland 7, Detroit 4. Chicago 3, St. Louis 7. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS W. L. Chicago 19 and Borden ran out the winner!- Louis which Mrs. Thompson is pro- Lands," the girls being dressed noint Borden had the. more as- rnn prietor anywhere Mrs: Hayden-to' represent different 'countries. Igressive Jeam,,. Vaccher was fast j Washington 19 lu JT nuer neanng i nose taxing pan were natnenne and sure. . Katsuyama was re-lBoston 8 he evidee, Magistrate McClyr Watson, Lilian Croxford, Mar- liable and kicked well. Nakamoto' raoni, aismwsea me charges In iraret fiilker. Eileen Himb n.lmin.t ni,,,,. u v, 1 ' uviiiiiiuvvu ic an itit vviui v wa Pittsburgh 15 Boston 14 Philadelphia 13 r?ew York 11 Cincinnatj 11 Brooklyn 9 9 10 12 14 13 15 18 20 AMERICAN LEAGUE STANDINGS ... . W.. L. Philadelphia 20 8 St. Louis, 19 11 New .York, ,16, 11 Detroit ...... 19 15 Cleveland 14 15 12 20 10 17 21 York' Pet .679 .655 .556 .500 .500 .42. -179 .310 Pet. .714 .633 .593 .553 .479 .375 .370 .276 ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ENJOY EVENT Lawrence did what little he ! had to do well. Cross was the Birthday Anniversary Is Cele-safer back Colussi played clever, brated in Old-Time Style j football all through and made a And Dance Followed splendid shot In the second half.! Bartlett and Greer are improv-' The Rebekahs and Oddfellows ing. Walters should have scored had a very enjoyable time last when he went through in the night. It was the occasion of the first half. Daly made a promising Rebekahs tenth anniversary of centre. Wingham was always their birthday. The Rebekah dangerou. but got. little support Lodge of this city was instituted j Ifrom Muny whjjWa.Jitftw and on May 28, 1919, with Mrs. lout of position. position, Tobey lobey also was Thomas Priest as Charter mem-i ber. The large number present illustrated how rapid had been The standing of the teams so ganizatoin. far is as follows: High . Borden Booth 4 2 2 W L 2 4 6 PITCHING OF HORSE D 1 1 0 p 9 5 4 Many members were dressed in very amusing and unique cos-. tumes, since they represented ten year olds. Numerous old fashioned games and contests were indulged in, which were suitable to the apparent .ages of the contestants. The nrize winners of SHOES IS POPULAR the contest. Included F. C. Blsh- op of Terrace, J. Boddie, Mrs. New Wm; She-man jr. and Miss May Sport Sponsored by C. N. It. Organization Attracting , Davis. .Many Devotees In ntd'tion was the following i program : Home shoe pitching, which Orchestral selection, orchestra sport is being sponsored by the of the combined lodge.. Canadian National Railways Ath- Recitation, Mrs. Priest, letic and Social Association, i&aH ; Spntfr Mr. Minn., accompanied tracting mahy devotees. Almost by "Mrs. Minns, any fine day quite a' number of Recitation, Mrs. McLean, men may be seen engaged in the' Duet, Mrs. Irvine and Mrs. Mc-sport on the' court which has been Neil, accompanied by Mrs. Mc-established near the station. i Kinley. Recitation, Mr. PhllKps. Recitation, Mr. .Mcintosh. This was followed by the Grand Following will be the line-up. March, headed by Mrs. McKinley for tomorrow evening's Gilhuly tfridMr. 'rrvine, which led the Cup football match between Regi- otheift participants to the beaut! ment and Thistles: fullyPVafmtedH' .banquet hall. Regiment Brand; Kelsey and There was an address by Mrs. Hunt; Ross, Beaumont and Tin- Priest. After a very hearty ''feed" ker; Wilson, Russell, Murray, they repaired to the dance hall Burdette and Norrington; spares, where dancing was enjoyed. Mr. Hadden and Walters. , Phillips was M.C. Thistles Lamble ; Erskine and The committee In charge of A. Halg (capt) ; G. Mitchell. Bap- the affair consisted of Mrs. tie, R. Woods; Alex. Mitchell. An- Priest, convener. Miss Earle, gus Macdonald, W. Mitchell, J. Mrs. Wilkinson, Mrs. Irvine and Campbell and D. Jack; spares, Mrs. Cox. Jack Campbell, T. Bussa.nlch and Mrs. Pelletler nnd Mrs. Mc- W. Murray. Kinley received. STALEMATE EXPECTED IN BRITISH ELECTION! I1Y BETTING CIRCLES bothsides. Z 0 young - hn Booth Schools in the Junior Foot-! ot-- .NEW EW YORK, YORK, Mi May 23:-The. ,tock ,ent'up three point.. Astoria, ior xne station, ana i- --- --- . . , , ovonntr rp911 t,i uiants narrowly escapeu going rnn..iiv. illo.for the shopvwere thrftnd.ng event of the day w. f'" R'jn tw0 ,t0 the cellar yesterday by tak-: V ih foiboth team. The lineiltf the opening 01 me oa.euau - . th gecond of a double . Was aS follows Station A Th&ipas, Skattebol 6i; Astoria oKinii with, 'a ' flAuhlp-header. " , . , , 1 . , i .1.1 ...... T.I . I i fi first game with Roundhouse DeMarco, Tullock, Cup football game between Regi . . Native-Sons Native, Sons i. Of of . Ca Canada . and 1 tii Elks tramp arne. ijicauci VitMlmmhn. ituui took uiuuaiju the decision v. i I SkaUebol, ' A. r: Mafn'Hortoh. moflihjc, In." th4 Mcintosh' and '.tho .winners tflayi; n.i. fi j. 1 . 1 . ww. . . 1 1 1 1 uuiueii suiriru icn ,uituir,' - . t . ..' l ''. i 1 1 ." J nAti ..lVlJ'llh'luii ihror Dnllina Knmna at in., tor f'lf r i . ip uiiiupv , 1 i . . n n nil iioiitru i nu im:i nu ri m 1 1 1 irir v 1 v. tvi - iv 1 r n vjh o n i 1 1 napii a mm inir th livro M,,v v-.v - , - Club in the" sVcond." The Gilhuly wn. A. Woodcock made the na d pucnea ne m. du .earn w M to 100. . most 01 an opening anu scoruu '" it with a fine cross drive, fcxcnan-i - ie imwuis hi xcierson, oiraicnan, ieison. ment and ihisues snouia aiso ;,, 1 1 t mnini fnr Thompson, Mc Teng. Veifg, Bond and urove interesting. It will be the p ere in n even w,, r , n?". ' l 1... :Jt... ftYPrrtA I :ininnTi KID CHOCOLATE . BEATLABARBA 1 1 1 . i.ii- irnnnefl i j i : e iu Jia iiiu 111c uciici uui iiiiuiuk ' ' 1 Kcona n,nK . . norf,p f1efenep verv safe. Vac their sixth straight game. Rip, teams and tne somiers are repor------ - - .,.rnll,na ntpuoA s. t.nlll, tn af leu iu nae suchisuicucu hick ... . t, line they a.i 1.., cw. ilar run to finish with a drive irom the Yankees. ' from six yards that crashed ag ainst the bar and. off-side saved LONDON, May 23: The t feature of the ...Stock. ..IJ!., change unofficial market In election piajorHJes today was a jump of five point. 'In Labor party stock. Liberal The following quotation) went Quotations now give the Conservatives from 271 (I to 275 members, Labor fnm STOCK QUOTATIONS t, Courtesy S. D, Johnston Co.) itid and asked: Bay view, 3'i, 4. Big Missouri,. 1.49, 1.50.1 Cork Province, 11, 12. f Cotton Belt, Nil, 50. -Duthie. 50, 55. George Copper, 5.25, Nil. Georgia River, 30, 31. Golconda, 1.40, 1.43. -Grandview, 37V4. 38Vfe. Independence, 7, 8Vi. Indian, 4V, 5. Inter. Coal & Coke, 29, 46. Kootenay Florence, 13'a, 14 Kootenay King, 39, 40. L. & L., Nil, 3. Lucky Jim, 13, 14. Mohawk, 4V&. 5. Morton Woolsey, 6, 6V4. Marmot River Gold, 6, GVfc. Marmot Metals, Nil, 5. National Silver. 15, 17. Noble Five. C3i, 65. Oregon Copper, 31, 34. ' Pend Oreille. 5.45, 5.50. , Premier, 1.70, 1.75. Porter-Idaho. Nil, 4Q. Reeves Macdonald, 1.70, Rufus-Argenta. 23, 23,Vfe. Ruth-Hope, 32,; Nil. Silver Crest, 6V4. 7. Silvercup, 35, 37. Silverado. Nil. 70. Silversmith, Nil, 15. . , Slocan Rambler. Nil. 18. Snowflake, 65, CC. Sunloch, 2.15, Nil. Terminus, 6, Nil. Topley Richfield, Nil. 31. Toric, 1.00, 1.25. Wellington. 10, Nil. Whitewater, 75, 80. Woodbine, 6Vi. 6V4. ! i Oils. Calgary Dallas, 2.45, Nil. Mercury, 1.55, Nil. Mid West, 95, Nil. Mill City, 9.50. Model, 85, Nil. t Okalta, new, 4.50, Nil. Regent, 68, Nil. Spooner, 2.90, Nil. Richfield. 1.15, Nil. 4 were Advance, 14.00, 14.50. A. P. Con?olidatedv4.71, 4,74. Calmont, 4.40(1 4.45. !' Dalhousle, 4.85, 4.90. ! Devenlsh. 1.23, 1.25. Fabyan Pee, 8, 9, y Home. 24.00. 24.25. " V ; Illinois-Alberta. Nil, 1.69.!, Mayland, 10.40, 10.50. 4 ! McDoug.-Segur, Nil, COO.teJaia .MClvCOd, 4.76, 4.tSU. New McDoug.-Segur, Nil, 2.95. Vulcan, Nil, 2.00. Hargal, 2.05. 2.10. . ' Sterling Pacific, 2.05, 2.10.. United, 1U5. 11.75. Turner Valley, 1.25, Nil. Eastern Stock. Sherrltt-Gordon, 7.45, Nil. LADY PRESIDENT OF AUTHORS' ASSOCIATION VANCOUVER, .May 23. Mrs A. M. Wlnslow ha. been elected president of the British Columbia division of the Canadian Authors A 1-AI . .. .. association, An objection was voiced at the annual meeting to the number of school books used In British Columbia which eman ate from the United State.. FELL THREE THOUSAND FEET AND YET ALIVE CHEHALIS, Wash., May 23. a local plane went Into a tall spin when 3000 feet from the ground here and fell. The pilot had a narrow escape from death. The plane turned bottom up and skidded along the rough ground and the pilot escaped with a few broken bones and bruises. Dally News "Classified" advertising bring, result... . WHIM TO OPCM ( 19 CORN Ik you wonder what to give the kiddies for supper, just serve them a bowl of crispy Kellogg's Corn Flakes with plenty 1 of milk or creani. Deli-cious and extra easy to digest. CORN FLAKES JL Th tlakti with A flavor that can't h. c.pUJl Always! in the pocket of my car "When you arc driving a car these days it's a question of eyes frontl" said a friend of mine recently. "That's why I smoke cigars when driving. You light up and imoke. I like a pipe and I imoke cigarettei too but these take more attention than a cigar. I buy a pocket pack of J Marguerite foil wrapped, factory-freh I drop it in the pocket of my car. I always have a agar handy and do you knov, he concluded, "the old t bus teems to run' smooth- er when you're 'amoking . Marguerite." TUCKETTS . " ' i jl 1 em VE -i MARGUERITE Foil'wrapned But still 10c MAN to MAN 1 rjf Mtrtwtitn t tlx Umy t-;:kil feki of i rift Ws'bestht Long Odds " white mm REAL OLD SCOTCH WHISKY 'ill IN ICCTl.nt TMI OlOIST MOMt IM THI WOMO UtdhltiiudMl ThiN udvertiseinctit is not published or displayed by tD Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of Rritlsh Columbia Try si Daily News Want Ad.