if 8? f; i ft VP ? fiLGC FOUR THE DAILT NEWS Thursday, May 23, 1929 The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Evury Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ... . II. PJJI4.EN - rr. Managing-Edjtor. ,. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Citv delivery, bv mail or carrier, vearlv miriod. naid In advance S5.00 o au Qtner countries, per year .... .ou Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations , DAILY EDITION ELEVATOR SITUATION There are those who say it is, impossible.. to. form a ?t ,nt0 thc -:i "t - 1 ' is it posfiDie: vmyiinjo it is. in tnese democratic )evaqnieyea. l"B-pr attended, borne will go out on the water and finjoy life at the beaches or at the Salt Lakes. It should be a fine holiday if he weqther man is kind. IT DEPENDS ON YOUR POINT OF VIEW Tre of Homesteaders Into Peace Country Wo i , and working from sunup to dark. uuysinust ungsuit-poosiujiv n viiu norinern part op.jjre $ Deyond II ythe, we pulled off province is a uifitJcwdtfrnands forf a separate goverrihe road into the bush, for a chat BJ If the peo 'I regard to There is Ho dwibt but that fider, ul the Peace River block possibility of Sight For lesser period, paid. In advance; per mdrifh .50 Land of Open, Type Is Gone; Most Of Homesteads Left By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 1 Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion 1.10 Transient advertising on front page; perinch 2.80 Local readers, pet Insertion, per line"' . ! ....... .'. . . . J . .' . i .25 Have Rush; All Along Main Roads Settlers Working From Sunrise to Sunset fjiis is onejoj$5:serie8 of vSijc articles by H. Wul!et w,th.the rajltiiWncentraUon.oi &Ulersjn Csm&a&lriat "Inland each .15. empire," the Peace River district. Legal notices, insertion, per agate line Or four months for , 1.00' (Special to The Daily News and the Edmonton Journals-Copyright Bj mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance, per year ...G.00 Rv mnil t By II. F. MULLETT EDMONTON, May 23. Though there aremillions of acres of splendid land, available to the homesteader in the Peace River country, there remains today very little open prairie land. r l i ' A UaaV serves rves oi of ;i The terms "Grande Prairie, "rouce Loupe prairie, Rolla prairie," "Spirit River prairie," etc., are misnomers . 'today, so far as the homesteader is concerned. There is . . tnnA no more prairie left. The axe and the brush-work must m Thun,day' May 'precede the plow. r . .. J 'fhjf, applies, too, to the million ' ,icres or land in tne lorest re- untapped water power, Tower, and the precious minerals ! .vu,K jjiuyuaaw wiwwae c,nd Us environ8i which are rapid. , additJoni ito things V would, two f elevator 1 and the conduct of the business of the Alberta ly heing 8Urvc)-ed and thrown -it would stimfce Vtftiement 5 Wheat Pool. We do not think it WOUld t?e Wise to Carry1 open to homestead settlement, of the agricultural land of the Criticism any further at present. The Pool has publicly Squatters going in ahead of the j Teace still open, and it would a i ai Aiii " i ii l n r i i . . kkLi a. il. mtimaieu mat me Dusiness aone mrougn rnnce uupen surveys, n?nK aKo souKni oui me will iikely be better during the coming season. Until they ier lands and 8ttled them- slmvu thnt tW aiv. not malrinfT (rnnrl Wo ro oitrrn-oat The'r claims are prior ones when that criticism be withcld. Sho5de Pool again to TZZL i irivu i rinee iv nen a lair ueai we snan asK an irienns or i v, i, provide industrial growth, too, thus giving to the Peace River country, that happy dual develop ment of agriculture and industry. without which no country can be Prince Rupert to join in a barrage which will make it- there will be more or less brush- i Sell' ieit ngnt through the prairies. Let US all hold hack ing and light clearing to be done. optimistic spirit that peril our ammunition but store it carefully. . , Today, all the way along the 1 1 Iifn a ' tuer r main roads both north and south , . , . . n ' n . Incident Pouce h Lf at Coupe, when pa xr tt np nnvu? ru-r ur. ,iitn bush, clearing a land "iiivv office there, ilicic. to see which ay a "l a . i . . t i.i u' it ana fA rnr a nnnan u'ith vnA n vn separate proyuicA wuoqul tne 'ssuppoit ortne 'Southern'" V V , , wuid i the first one to file on part, "it cairf.BS doTi&i'' is then4 diatum. parently enjoying it. u - i vv-a (imii tiurMie, iivnrcviVOU hadi fallen vacant. I.enm! fortoUe rr?0raieiflOn thrM th? a car that had given him every; jb mi; iiiiKoitiniii ui i;i uvjiiwu. uiiu musir iJKUUie .Will t.! .l. ...j " ' " """J arree that it LheinD- exnlni erl for thp hpnpf iinr thon'r, " t " T '"j lfl". ",u?"CBi f'Mb e tMuf'e on th ot fl - -r, mvi , r-T " JI1ULII . ( . .... l . i a ai i. . r developed. .One .mine in Stewart navs over S100.000 in t4U" e up ne.re ,ni. in.Dn- . trek of himeseeker8 into the fer ijp taxes and the district'gets about $35,000, back in appro-' :,ef7hu .X e." llle ,ai?d" of the Peace- At tha sL Prince' which is the best blih and Hythe, priations. George, treated of the "Fairly heavy isn't it?' newtton'nFoirview districts, pays large sums into the provincial treasury and we commented. ' "V1 ur'Tfaw,ro f erei,,"et" gets nothing like as much back as it pays. So With the "It isn't anything at all to us c0try there a K h'!f j other districts. See what a stumpage is paid on the poles Joika who came originally fron, fire thJ imajrirMltior, atld 8tir the nu wco cuv,, uuu miaiuu ituub iu uc nic uuueiiii ictA uu . .. .. , . T , B'ooa, ior nere one senses the output of the mines at Smithers, Hazelton and Top- 18 u big.ger bruh thero-,and heartbeat of a new land in u,y uic dwuui auu ucv ciuiniciik win ue itiarueu oecause what you grow. Here, the land's Of the loss of the money which is sent SOUth. ours for the asking, and If they Tt. 1H fllf fifMllf tn SPPIIVP fimiroc tn nvnvo inot Virm munVi ran crrnw A 1 ui n money is collect in the north and sent south." "We are. ci. e en do it hre, I'!d'mn, hum "i18 with "?w:f.omer'1?01,c Vinvvnvpr. nnitr snrp tVinf wo rlr. nnf nrnf nrfffTsltrr-;1?T too. r t much as we Might or as much as we should if we, formed -Railroads itiir Factor our own province and expended our own money1. NATIONAL HOLIDAY Tomorrovi is a national holiday and doubtless Prince fa?Mnat on Ju Itupert peopldill enjoy it to the full. If .the weather is IV. 'S,!'1 oiiifoVtln ;tI,n tfeill .Mil Un V, A. A., .,.1 1 i i i. i. A :i? i; TtMl ttmi 1HI The farm goods, sidings are a jumble the the cr activity as their gaping maws disgorge still more assorted miscellanie to add to All talk In the north thb year lh? P" already there, is of railway and the specula- Cattle mill restlessly round the tion Is natural, in view of the corral and there ia n medW nf ne 1, the northern sound horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, be taken over from chickens, geese, turkeys all vo- province of Alberta, and op- cI!y protesting against this R rS"a the two trans- hurly-burly of activity which is n- ...... ..... t.v.. muijv uvv.uvi.kv. ijitt win uc ci loairnenuiis, as the big civic dance in the evening which will doubtless be well Alberta Railways. (As Germany would have us so her, h.hI an the Allies see her.) Doy!,: in the Philedelphia Record I have something you want; you have something I want. We BcMogcthc Northern the movement of settlers Into the on the Teace adjacent to Hud. I son's Hope, nn.il be thus continued ' as oiie line through the Rockies to the Pacific Coast is umlnuht. 1 edly a factor in the selllerai-nt north and south of (he river. Je--yond Rolla W, Ylil Johh oh j the south, nnd over the old Fort M. John trail, north of the river. I Pouce Coupe definitely counts' on a railroad through there,1 within thc next two or throe! years. Whether It will come first I by way of thc grade laid some years atro from Spirit River, or i up from thc south from the pres-lent end of steel at Hythe, the 'old-timers don't care much. All they know for certain Is that there will bo a railway Into Pouce Coupe in short order I Such a line nassinir through the highly mineralized ranges of the Rockies, with the best of j Cpal, unlimited timber, vust and new lands far bevond the end of Undoubtedly, the rush into the the steel, new lands both north and south Forty, fifty a hundred miles of the Peace this year, is In anti- beyond the railway north nnd c pttion of early railroad exten- south of thc Peace, the home sions and the later hope of a slenders are going in, confident coast outlet that thnt shining steel ribbon The possibility that the two will follow th-m. on some happy forks of the existing railway, dav In the fnt iZllTtn ""V'h 7?' Ilut lhen- a" ne of them put : Join again at some su.table point ,t to . ..lh( h(!re ,' mg. Why, look at the roads look at the trucks rushing out Just Receiv d! A shipment of TRAVELLERS' SAMPI.KS from Maslcr Me-thanlc. ConMih! it .1 MEN'S. YOUTH'S .AND ROYS' I.ON0 TROUSERS At my reduced nnd we them. price. Cnll Montreal Importers : THIRD AVENUE The Firm That Drought Eastern Prices to the West stuff to the railwayradio, tele-1 'graph, and what not. Y'orter seent our pioneering out in the western: states, years ago, and then ye'd know what real pioneering ' means" 3 of i implements, household bedding and all the Im- Had 17 Boils On His Neck Arms and Legs Mr. A. L. WilIo, Baplon, Man, write: "I had been bothered with boils for about two years. I had Mveatcen on my neck, arms and lefts. I tried all kinds of medicine, but non of them seemed to help tne any, I then used two bottles of 1 and I hare never been bothered with any boils since then." B. B. B. ia manufactured, only by , Th T. MObuxn Co, Ltd, Toronto, Opt GYPROC Makes ; Old Homes Young t, v - By nailing the smooth, rigid, fireproof Gyproc sheets right over the faded walls and ceilings and then decorating, you can make the oldest home look new and handsome. 2IO Fireproof Wallboard For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Saturday Mmmg-:-9 to.2Qock Once again Richmond's Liuvrc is making the customary monthly Clock Sale offering to their customers of high-class quality gjods at fractional prices. Helow are listed only a few of thc bargains which may be picked up by those who care to make their purchases between 9 and ?. o'clock on Saturday. Customers and friends of thc Louvre have appreciated these Clock Sales during thc past many m:nths and the prices quoted below should permit them to appreciate the Clock Sale still more. . Remember From J to 2 o'clock Saturday. THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, H. C. 30 ONLY, JiftDIES DRESSES-All sizes, alhjtyles. Clock Sale price $o.9. 50 ONLyJ LADIES DRESSES Every one of outstanding style and quality. Regular values uo to $29.50. Clpck Sale price. . . .$10.00 H ONLY, LADIES' RAINCOATS in different sizes. Regular values up to $9. Clock Sale price 9."c LADIES' SILK SHADOW-PROOF SLIPS Regular value up to $4. Clock "Sale price 95c 12 ONLY, LADIES' SILK AND WOOL AND WOOL SWEATERS Regular values up to $5. Clock Sale-price 95c 12 ONLY, LADIES' IIATS-ThU is a real special. Some of them worth $0.00. Clock Sale price 95c G ONLY, LADIES' DRESSES Reg ular value up to $20. Clock Sale price $.195 2 ONLY. LADIES' TAVEED COATS COATSSize " G. Clock Sale price " $.1.95 45 ONLY, LADIES' HATS The very latest in straws and felts Regular values up to $8. Clock Sale price $2.95 73 ONLY. LADIES' HATS IN ONF LOT No two alike. Regular values up to $12.50. Clock Sale price .$1.95 LADIES' TWEED TAILORED SUITS with wrap-around skirts. Regular value $29.50. Clock Sale price $12.75 ALL OUR SPRING SUITS reduced to less than cost. REMEiMRER-SATURDAY ONLY! NO DEALERS NO C. O. I). NO PHONE ORDERS CASH ONLY Richmond's Louvre THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, R.C. Sec Page 7. There are a lot of small advertisements there that make good reading. 11