Thursday, May 23. 192$ SPECIALS! Heated ... mi-.... n.. iruitam spry oi u, minion secretary of Canadian Hubs, who Is known in Mncc li,., t t,.n.., vun bro. is to "' v " ' " V"""'4" 1 V...... ue married in Toronto on piui - l;iy to Miss Dorothy Bell of Win n'ppg who lrh)fbe ih Lavender Mentholated Shaving Cream, 50c, Lavep- dor- Talcum Powder, '35c-i-85c value. Bothfor 50c Klenzo Shaving Cream, 50c, Genuine Gillette Blades, ' 5Qe $1.00 value. Hoth for gQp Our Bathing Caps have arrived New, fresh stock. Va,ues from 15cT0 S1.00 VI lil 1T1 Pioneer THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST Well Service to We and this. your tar u i i i LJ V .of afifiPi..-v: - ' SPECIALS! .Ism nti .a Eat n m Drutfisls TCLEPIIONFS 8'f,200 i I 'twill i annerea Motorists want to make friends hold them. By courteous service wecan win Let lisjtajcojcare of gas, dilanhreasing i We makeare!ialty puniuingurop for you todav. ..-lathes. -ladies. Let Let. us uI j help BUV DO.MINION-TIUKS They Arc Good Tires ijr 5S; E. PARKER BOX CUTTINGS $3.50 per Large Load ' HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 171 3rd Avenue TUB LAlLi NEWS and ... ' ; t ersonal News In Brief -In ill -.MnM .. - ; i. i 4 "V ?. East Storage Mrs. Maryon - - of Edmonton, ar- rived in the cit from - the th. en pngt on yen f. "ffoVa and will he the guest lor a weia .n, ,J.iihter. Mrs. .(Aujuianv) ." .,,... , nroeeedina w nm ieri. uv..- 11 BISICI, ta LW ideB. 1 a taxi Phone 4, Wtf 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr.'M.'K. Gosse. Thone C8G. l Head Richmond's Louvrfe adver-tiittment. ' ' r " Setf-dur windows -fdr "kpeclals f ol -tht Slth. Js'boilr Brds. "Ltd. ropi Football tomorrow night, Ac- ropoli Hill at G:30. Regiment vs Thistle. , ' '5IIfe running shoes for the ' 21th in white and brown for 11.00. Special at Jubour's. Mr. and Mrs: David Wilton and family arrived in the city from the Skeena IllVer on yesterday afternoon's train. A new iliipment of Naaalmo-Welllngton Coal and Beacon Hard Coal has jufst arrives fbr Albert arid McCaffery Ltd. Ph'one your order now to 116 and 117. ti i I Allstalr J. ' Mathcson. 6W ThompWh Street successfully underwent a serious" Operation in the Prince Hupert General Hospital yesterday and is progressing aa well as can be expected Mrs. W. E. Denning and tw son will leave on Monday morning' train for Montreal when they will embark June 2 aboard the steamer Regina enroute to England where they will pay a four months' visit. A. St.fclair Tlrihdkf M. ., who haa beten 'looking dr some mining I jproiJeirtiefi'Yri the Terrace.' dift-trfct I aifiWeli iWW'crfrom the interior -onKbWef day ' 1ftfternp)C train anil wtll Mil by;th'e Prince George tonight on nltr 'return to Victoria, . ' , TherV wfll b '"an Important Victor broadcast tomorrow eve ning from 7&0 to 9 a which the Victor people will maM an an nouncerdent ip regard to a new . . . . I 1 L ,4 'I- ' 1 1 instrument tney are yrouucn and placing' on th tfiafket T( broadcnRV will go but tbrough stations all hooked up an i demonstration , will be a am ! worthy" one. Ponaibly it may be i difficult to hear it in Prince Hupert n usually radio does not come in that early at this time of yenr. V A in ma RflTATOF.S! We have just received a very fine consignment, by far the beat this season. Order early. NABOIl'ORANOE MARMALADE Is. Tin 50c PAYNE'S TEA Ceylon. ' lb. 75 CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS National. Per lb 49c 2 lbs 78c ! FIG BARS National . Par lb. 25c LOBSTER PASTE Per tin . .20c BREAD AND BUTTI4U PICKLEF (Made by the makers of Gold Medal Mayonnaise) . LQUAKHll CO UN Per tin .... 15c BEST JAP RICE8 lb. ....2Sc I DHL MON MONTIS DRI-PAK PRUNES Per tin 35c I VAN CAMP'S BEAN HOLE BEANS 2 tins . 35c NABOB JELLY POWDERS AN am? BUNCH CARROTS Per bunch 10c ' RHUBARB 6 lbs. 2c Watts' Grocery Quality Bight Prices Bight PHONE 55 PHONE 5G - apettntendent, returned to the ,. , . . . lty;on this afternoon's train Rutland, Indian, wis titer 'a trip over the line as far1f.,ned. 1 25,; with option of thirty : Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes DovvncastEyes ' Eyes tell Your Character Brown ey for itrength BIu for generosity Gray eye for jealouiy Sparkling eye indicate beauty, yet, and good health, too t Do your eye tparkle? Art the white dear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out-of-iortl condition due to constipa tionr u to, you need . period. YouryMUl 'A Vtpt.hl, leu Utt o7. rtodutt in Rtaithtmt rlvtcter trim Ikt Em m IHMt.Bt4diim Aihrrtuemtntt. Stltt Altnlt: Harold f. Riuia t Gal Umiu4, Toronto Read Richmond's Louvre adver tisement. ChfldraA's running shoes for the uporVs tomorrow. Special at 80c at Jabour Bros. ConsUble Robert Gibson, pro vincial police, returned to the :ity on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief trip to Hays-.-ort. Mason of Vancouver arrived rln1 Urf.JtHV yestferday from the LtLTllV IJLi. .V !! iUUIU W BUIIlitlVl ICftJCl taff of the C. N. auperlntednent's II " - ujji .. - :'V.'lH. Tobey, 'divisional as Sniithers- on itispectldr spectldn duties. ilev W. II. PLerce. i pioneer Kssing- to nlJwi t )h a a oa en xtUAul I fig con- ntnnn. In VononlM-fll" r ran f a.t Uh in the sumlay eve- hmiut Jit)-. . la Eby of Port ripion ' prtacn'f d at Lynn Val- Church, N6rth Vancouver, Rev. R. C. Scott of Queen Charlotte City at Knox Church; Rev. A. Wilson df Prince Rupert at Rivervlew, sJJM Rev. W R. Ash-ford of Burns Lake at St. James. ANNOUNCEMENTS Moosheart Ladies' bridge, whist and danee May 28, at 8:30 j prompt. Admission COc. Birthday Tan United Church lliall. May 30. Fast Workers June 17 and 18 Fair Board. ! ... Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June 30. i Gingham Dance to be held at Port Clements some time In June, So be prepared buy a bowl K. of C. picnic, Sunday, July 14, Digby Island. Nervous and Run Down The Least Hoist Would Bother Her Mrs. R. Burton, Oshawa, Ont., writes: "Three years ago I wu to nervous and run down I could hardly tiear to have the children make s noisa . i wold bother ,m so. friend advisfd tea to tale and after taking two boxes I begun to feel stronger, looked better and tlie. color came bark into my cheeks, and now I am feeling fine again " lVii-e f a Ins at all drug(ista and ileiiler, or mailed direot on reeeipt of tiri o t y The T. MUburn Co., Ltd., Torouto, Ont. ; Read Richmond's Louvre adver tisement. Rayon gingham dresses for $1.95. Special at Jabour Bros. i This afternoon's train, due? from the east at 3:30, ya's repbr- ' ted this morning to be ion time. Mrs. B. R. Wilson returned to , the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the interior. A. Richmond sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prinee George for a brief business trip to An- -yox and Stewart. Mrs. Annette Stone sailed yes terday afternoon on the Prince George for a brief business-trip to Anyox and Stewart. A number of Vcal teachers are leaving this afternoon for Met-lakatla Where they will spend the Victoria Day holiday weelc-end. Mrs. W. E. Eallantyne of An-yox' 'will be a passenger aboard the Prince George tonight going to Vancouver enroute to Toronto. The Victor Co. on Friday will make an announcement of great interest to all radio listeners. Tune in on KOMO. McRae Bros. Ltd. Government Agent Norman A. Watt sailed yesterday aftefriboh on the Prince George for a brief ,trip to Stewart on official busi ness. . . ,The caae of -Wong Won, Chinese, vho is : charged under the Bankruptcy Act, has been fur- thtr adjourned until May 28 in j clty P0"" court. "npnwnmrai, uy ugi - I 'r- kuun una uiuiiiiUK mr iiuviHK liquor in his possession. i Miss Olga Kolosbff sails to - ' night oh the Prinee George for Vancouver enroute to Beaver Lodge, Alta., In the Peace River district where she wjll join the staff of the Dominion Experimental Farm. Union freighter Chilkoot, with Capt W. W. Mounce in command, is leaving Vancouver tonight for the north on her first trip of the season. The vessel should be here about next Monday with general cargo. MUSIC FOR ROTARIANS Miss Wa's Pupils Assisted Uy W. Beaumont Gave Delightful Program at Luncheon The program at the weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club In the Commodore Cafe today took he form of a pleasantly diverting recital of piano selections by pupils of Miss M. A. Way with William Beaumont, 'cellist, as an assisting artist. Wallace C. Orchard was In 'charge of the arrangement of the program ana occupiea me cnair. The program was as follows: "At Evening," (A. Sartori) Miss Marybelle Stiles. t, "Sonaltina," ,Qp. 36 No 3, (dementi) Miss Jean McLeap. 'Cello solo "La Cinquantjhe," (Gabriel Marie) W. Beauraint, Miss M. Hellbroher. accompa'i ist. "Rigadon," (Edward McDowell) Miss Ruth Nelson. "Romance,"- (Frank La Forge) Miss Eliiabeth Sturgeon; ' 'NOTICE 1 The Prince Rupert Genera Hospital require sealed tenden for Vancouver Island coal. Con tlitions and specifications at sec retary's office. Bids close June I nt noon. II. W. BIRCH, 120 Secretar; IE you can be convinced one trial will do it 'Fresh from Emp re Day Celebration May 24, at Acropolis Hill UNDER AUSPICES OF FAIH BOARD 10:00 a.m. Children's sports. Cash prizes for each event. Admission free. 2:00 p.m. Baseball, doubleheader. vs. Elks. Winners vs. Gyros. m DANCE, 9 p.m. EXHIBITION HALL. FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA Gentlemen, 75c; Ladies, 50c. n..-. TQO LATE TO CLASSIFY (ijt.JTr - NEW Zealander, age 28, seeks anv kind of work. Store ex- prience. Cox 194. Daily News. - - WAKTED Voung man for de- livery car. Apply Munro Bros. 119 lyiifMimifl Women are saying: "rinkham'i Compound keeps me fit to do my work." "I was nervous and all run down. Now I eat better and sleep better". "It helped my thirteen year old daughter." "I took it before and after my baby was bora." "I am gaining every day." We are "Watching" Lots of People These Days You would hardly believe how our watch trade has grown and is growing. Of course, we understand why so will you, if you will examine our watch stock. We handle Waltham. El. gin, Hamilton and several makes of Swiss. One special we have now Is a 15-jewe! Swiss man's watch, in a nickel open face ense. A good timekeeper at ff.50. the gardens Native Sons Admission 50c. FLIT Kills Mosquitoes Qssstskeri naxi ai M-.Vim 'laasMaspssj "Ton Baatern women atem to bave the Idea, that . in tb Wast, are dependant on your manufacturer lor mort of our requlre-meaiU. But, my dear, Utat la not the oaae. Why, do you know that there "ire 1070 distinct articles maiu-faeturd right in B. C 'by B. O. wotIubmb? I ae tUtt a serin of abort talk tajfo be published In thU papar. east sue ckaJlac with Inrtjr-MUnff facU ooncemjng groufn ot these arttalt. Tou ahould read them."l 1 1 B.CJ3CODLCTS BLCIAU umL,if juiu. : jtmmmmm IUIlii THE JEWELIJ2RS r- milk milk I LINDSAY'S I Fresh PasU-urlrrd Milk and . i Cream Dally. Cartage & and Storage 5 rlt l,Ell' the , . Phone 68 i Throughout City. . CarUige, warehousing, ana ir 1 T riTTIl! H 1 THT j Distributing. Team or VAlxN llPi liAlKY . Motor Service Telephone 657. 1 Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ann . g It will bring results. 3