May 23, 1929 rh;j THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER JUan in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND li i. brothers, pray for a fine , m-rnow. Pray earnestly and THIS IS Till? PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULLr OF IIUMANi BUSINESSINTEREST- TO YOUNG --- AND OLD. . Vf 11 " ' " xiii-noif in-ill m..i I A-tvt' .... I ,".. t . ,, I amii! 'nil" U"YV f" ILL. i t;, i in't go to the ball games l,TfH acta. s in the evening and get the c v spirit. the confounded snake, i .i -t- .il ifit'd Auum, as ne tnrew the bottle. ltver' ... - i f . r--ar:c "t'ai c River cou cotfhtry Is f II- in spite of the prlee of lic stories about Scotch , di not come from Aber- -'. ptember at Banff walk .tul the athletic ground '. iiK-ouver editor, a Win- ibc found himself out . tics and stopped a braw t.-h piper who had Juit laying at the Highland . major, could' you oblige h a match?" - ot felt in hli pockets, r mature deliberation, I ha vena got but three vi wait till I fill ma pipe, i.m- wi' ye." It did hap- Ten Years Ago In Pr'nco Kupert May 23, 1919 ' D. Barrow, minister of i". was a visitor in i : 1 . i rt Idst' evening fol- ... a tour th-rough -th- en-J nor He stated that h 'U iii.d with the iprogressi 'i by the fsrmim;,ftoni-, f this district. '.-.a a colorful ball last 'In Prince Rupert Club r i Lieut. Col. and Mrs. i : k J. D. McAuley, Peter J V. Scott and J. B. iil'med the committee while jaiHi8.M - (J A. McMsbSlI, ilrs. M Mullin. Mrs. J. F. Kit- D G. Stewart and Mfs. Imvf wh IisM8 7GQc4 T... ,!onald.- May Pnnfle, ' " i. n, Marguerite Young, Kiilin. Grace Klllln ami art in as assistants. 'imp Rupert Baseball n .-U'cted officers as .t the annual meeting ' t . honorary president, ! I . W. Peck V. C; first ii cpresident, George D. "tul honorary vicepresl-II Pillsbury; president ii .'-president, J. Alex- 'retary trewurer, W. ; fxecutive, Fv Clement, shy. Harvey Eraser and Mning. niice Rupert Feed Co. voj fresh supply r Buby Chick Food. :: Valley Hay and Robin Hood Flour, '-"' Dog and Bird Suji-u'id COAL guaranteed j.-iu you . PHONES 58 AND 558 S.D Johnston Coltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections J'- make prompt execu- ,n f buyipg nnd Belling crdcr- on the Vancouver, Cal-Kr? and Toronto stock ex- r' '"tt prices from these hantrcs posted on our s ' ard twice daily. Orders from out-of-town . by wire or letter, will t va our prornpt atten- S-WohnstonCoM "J. 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, ILC. THE TENDERS WANTED A' KAIEN GARAGE Phone 52' "Servlce-Right Now" i.:w ACT Notice of Inlfllil to Apply to ' l-esine Land commencing at a post piantw on tec Per "V4 LAM) ACT Not Ire of Intention to Apply to I , l.rae IjiuiI , I In te Prtnee Rucert Ind Reo4te( DIMM of Frlhce Rypert. 'tiM attuata one mile South Eaat of BartloU Point FOR Take notice that The Analo Brltlah OotumMa Packing Oarnpany. Ulwd. o-t-VaneouTer. B.C.. occupation. Salmon Cantwra. Intend to apply for a leue of i the fouowtng leacrlbel laoda: OommetMlng t a post planted one mile South EwA of Baatlett Point on the 1 Coast of Wales Island: thenee North' SMt fifteen chains; thenoe Bast forty ,' attains: thence Smith Wast Hftrcn i chains to hlgb fater mark: thenee feJ- 1 . lowing high wtter mark back to staking I tMt: snd oontniij slity acres, more or , THE ANOLO BRITISH COUIUBU J-ACKlflU uuarAni, Wfiim. , Dttted May lTtfi, J1 Walk or.' UMI ACT Aajpt. Notice of Intention to Apply to Ism 1-and la the Prince Rupert Land Recording WANTED HS,italTen:.! WANTED Unfurnished room, Canada's Leading 'fire GOODYEAR SUPHUTWIST Sold at Vancouver Prices and Guaranteed , naroor view preierred. Apply I'U I inn v f uox uauy riews umce. 119 GRADING, Excavating, Concrete foundations. Nels Itokkjar, Room 9, C23 Third Avenue,' Phone Red C25 or Black 700. tf FOR RENT P. W. HART'S Office, Bloek. Take nrtlce thatThe A agio British! nf th mthod.a adopted. Columbia Packing Company. Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation. Salmon Oannara, Intenas to aooiy ror a iraw ui the following described lands: Commencing st s povt planted en the eart shsre of Portlsnd Canal oh mu south east of Spit Point: thence North ten obatna: tttenot mtn iony unu. Tilt MOAO BRITTSa OOMrtlBIA 1 A IJ PAOKINO COMPANY. UMlTbU. pes- "W. E Wslkor." Aseiw, V. UII.UI DR. W. C. ASPINAEL 6 and 7 Excnanjre Block Emad 124 FOR RUNT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Furnfihed apart' fronts and furnished phaek1. Apply Musaallem Grocery. tf 'F, OR Rl Furnished modern Dtttnot at prino lttspert. and situate ' ' four room flat, Clapp Block, m too WW ci win latand nau mue South Bast of BartKtt Point. Apply Westenhaver Bros. tf Jumbu packing company. LinvKed. of 1 OR RLNT Automobiles, pianos Vancouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Oannera. Intends to aoolr for s 1mm phonographs and sewing mach Ines. Walker Music Store. kuM'adii teh chains M-iuan water ,. o . hi ni.u . ooi thence Mlowln, high var mark " ... ....... Mck to staking p; aining ; Open "'Evenings' Dated May I?tta, . LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply l ese Unil t th Prince Rupert tan Bicotdlng District of Prinos Rupert, and Mi trve South West CoaaJ Of ww. - lawl facing , wwon --... Tske nonce ",iT15 Packing Company. Lg?f Columbia )hnnbU ?SZlr n c . occupation. Salmon Vsnoouv Cantiers. lntenos io hj th h following following a"' descrlbedUnds Commencing st t post L, 15 tlM1 j SSte K North Sn u"' VlV.. ui.h wter Mark vnarir,e itiisuwii.ii . Ge chIs CHIROPRACTIC results where other metii'K t i- t.:' .: : r Or Ik 'Constilt- R. E. EYOl.FSON CHIROPRACTOR C23 Third Avenue OffL-e Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red EsUblished 1924 and conUlning v ". to staking post; THiippyijjjErj, i Advertise your wants In FRINGING UP FATHER nnnY- WHY DOMT VOU TGV-U MOTHER FIND nr OUT AMD e MOT TK-Ut-IIVIU f-IEJ-N MATTER WHAT 1 TeLUH F" I T1' ; r 589 1 " f Walker." Agent. j D N caa9jfie(j C0lumn8, Dated May 17th. 19 I ' . . . .. - . V 1 FOR SALE TENDERS Are Invited for the i WANTED Second hand barber-i FOR SALE Five roomed house, ui uie concrete anu chair. Phone' Blue 5G1. 119 ..uu luuuuanuu ux me run Simpson General - dw!$U w)viftfiup to including May 25 Ty Dr. Large. Port Simpson. H.C. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. no furnished. All for 900. Phone Black 470. ,-, 123 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $35 per niopth. Phone Green 216, tf Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 '; PHONE 22 Queen Charlotte Islands ' ' 1 Visitors When travellings between: Port IN THE MATTER OF THE "t'O.MI'ANIF.S'ACT Palmer House. Phone Red 444. - I "GOVERNMENT LiqiTlR ACT" 1 FOR RENT Two modern houses, ' newly decerated; one well fur-1 of' Apjioa tor consent. to nished. Apply 215 Fourth Av-I Notice u tereby -given that, onttmt enue East cuiRoruAcnc You elrt make no mistake, jrW,-, adopting these scientific methods', as their use is now world wider in all cases of disease. , seventh dsy of June next, the Oontra! c6rlaent to BaKftf Bosra "for tar con RENT . To responsible BwT Ucence Number H58 tnd . in reeoecx or eternises Deimnmi 4 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply ' to LrOMt iJind ramler In Land Recordlne District of Prince Rupert, and situate south-west side of; Our svsfAm of druffless theranv 'Wajea Island. i ' - - Tlk. n a. In. ,V, f-W . -Ik n - 1 DUtrlc trw of of Prtnos Prtnos Rupwt Rumrt. and and situate JJ t does not Ive your recovery to ing Company, limited, of Vancouver. B. L ot Portland Osnal one ! c" onttxEL x , ,!,,. occuna lion, a corporation incorpor- mil south-east of opri nt. -.v v.. . . j und. th, Uw, Q-f th, pro,, ot flitian uHiunwi, invenos la PP.y .or 4 lease of the following described lands: I n Commencing st a post plsnted on an I unnamed point on the Muth-west side of Wales Iilsnd, opposite Proctor Islands: thence northerly S chains: thence westerly 90 cbslns: thence southerly 3 chain: thence easterly 30 chains along the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or less. THK CANADIAN FJSnwa CO.. LTD. Per w. W. Trotter, Agent. Dated AptRT20th. 1929. Letter Box Collections ham A. Atlln a. fat AvejIJc 8th Qt th Ave, Sc PuMai:. 8th Ave, & Thompson St. . 11th Ave, 'it Sherbrooke ... Ilth Ar- 4c Coorsd . 6lh Ave. St Hays Cov Ave MACCIE OAfttiN, HEAR OP Ml KIPl D6V.V-A IMA- h 1 l V 'ia v W0 7V iiBavwuJ r tn li.iri 111! k bb)v rv "V a IX , IB-. 1 r BSsWt.SaJMafltlUB boo Hio 8.05 T3 810: 7.4P 8.15 7.1b e ao 7.50 930 8.00 flth Aye. Ac Hsyt Osv Circle BSJ 8.0S Uth Av. Sr. Cotton Bt 8.00 7.00 8th AV. tt Green St. (Ibptl). 0.40 8.10 5th Ave. ft McBrld St. 8.41 8 IS Prov, Oovt.. Building . 0.80 8.30 Prov. Utr,. Whtrf t.U 8.38 O.T.P. Wharf 10.00 8JC Q.TJ Station 10.05 "" " " IJ5 2nd Ave, St Jnd St: 10.10 8.40 t"e Ird Ave. St Pulton St 10.18 8.48 Ird Ave. Sr otti 8t 10.20 8.60 INDEED I HAVE 3H6. t4j- LIGHTS OP i THir CTV-jl " DAf TO MEET t-IC3. ! BEAUTV; OPERATOR .MISS MARY MACF1E Experience (li-operat6r:-modern methodsjiiin all,-lines rof ybehiity i ' f Culture i and hair dreislngi Make appointment by phoning I Red 139. . ! I l' i T ' t 1 . DRESSMAKING . MISS E. S. SMITH Experienced dress and coat, maker. Room 5, Exchange Block. , SALVAGE AND TOWING 'If It's on or under the. water we .. do If. " j PACIFIC SAIA'AGE c): I'.'lMiTEn " FlVly ' Eqund for ,.yipg -'an4 Clements and Queeri .Chjfrlottef .Geiierql Salvage, Work, City, hire cars arid1 Trucks from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegate, B.C. I Boats and Scow of df. tionn for Charter . p.icrpi4 ,i, now i;oaiR ana ijinoejioijnire. Bargains In 'Gas' Engines. ' AGENTS FOR Van Blerck, Easthope, Hicks i i Rnltnntvnp t-'nirinp ooMt of wk bund half miie soush FOR RENT furnished house- notice is hereby given that the Kut of Brtiu Point, tbmcc North .. . ,l . undenigni wui apply to the BtgMrar Northern n B. C. Distributors B Mti chalo: tlxnoc South But forty Keping rooms by the day, week, of oompanle.. Vlctorti. B.Q., aftSrthe Coolidee Pronellem ohaloa: South Wart ten chain to High or month. Phone Red C07. tf pubUeaUon of tftia ' Notke for tour il, . , . Waur tatut. throe followtnc Hl(h weeks, to change Ita name to that of Phone. Day or Night, 564 .1 "SLK1 00- , FOR RENT litwi Furnighed rurnisnea nouse- houss. Hi":.0S dated u prime etSSTVifimZ Rutin, b.c. ' P. 0. Box 1 56 1 kNObo British otujmbia , keenlnv keeping aultn suite and ami slnirlo single 8 rooms rnnms 31st Jlit day dT of or May, A.D., a.d..-w. 1029 i I PACKING COMPANY. UMrreO. "! . . . iT7 Uccjapfery UeOAFPERYiQIBBONB.LIMrrHJ. 4 gibbons, umttbd WTTRVITITnT? Par "W. E. Walr Dated May 11th. IMS. Afant. i EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME i ' I p I n g, ,'ui(es, (CreWterfleld ' .Su'Ues, Bedgpringj fj, and. '. Mat-) tresses. Rflng, MnpIejUmlnds, ,CflrUMdH : r .v-: ! party, live roomea nai, com- ;bUlldtng known as Tourist Hotel SBjpata I MACKENZIE' FURNITURE pletely 'furnished, With piano. Terrace. B.O-., upon -the lands fle-r ' ' . ,.,,.),.. Availsble June 1. Apply Box!clS&W72: JlVfti- , , Phone Wjj . 102, Daily News Office. 125 Und Registraiioni district, m the tTovnv. , ,ul. , . t , ColbaCTtnl SidAgelo ElwUoshhi; '"iVTPTlhVfc'lT'rt' ' DateilYii 'Trrrx-n-iS sntJ .tan . PRINCE nnnM iwu rrn t uiittraas i i IU5J V, H T 1 . e i . A.U0TION sell or exJ furnitun orhousehoJd goods, mu,sjcal in .A WWm machinery, ,fifc, ben-it ' era!., reriaira, crating, packing i "arid . shipping. Workmanshin guaranteed. Just phone Black izu and we will can. (ittUKUH J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block L. HENDERSON, Auctioneer and appraiser. Cash for all goods and furniture. Emad Block. 124 High iT-Trr-Ngfl t ,. , PIliNCE RUPERT TIDES i . ,. .,, ' ... ; 4., .1 MJ I Low u t High Low ThursdayMay 23 1 7 0151 a.m."'!.! ft.' 1340 p.m. -18.2 ft. ....... 7S3 a.mV,,,34 ft. ' 19:29' p'rW.' ;,7.6 ft.' Friday, May 24 1:22 a.m. 21.1 ft. 14:17 p.m. 18.0 ft. 8:08 a.m. 3.1 ft- 20m p.m. 8.2 ft Saturday, .May 25 High ..... 1:54 a.m. 20.9 ft. 14:54 p.m. 17.7 ft. Low 8:42 a.m. 3iJ ft. 2():3G p.m. Typical ROUND TRIP FARES WINMI'Et; 75Ji MONTKEAI.. tla4.i" rule . . . imistos IJRONTO.. 1IUM NEWYOUK.. i:.I.7tt tWHlMOV, C.ILOAKV 4.,.IIO JAKl'Kl!, 3. S5 v..t ,Tr(anjle Tqur via YMfffift ,m 4.SS Otlirr' Points (brfrMMidlEt) Iw Full rtrtlMi-.m. l'iale sale. . Mmlts. Etc, CITY TICKET. OFFICE S?S THIItll AVK" 1 ' MIONB tGO DEMAND 1 "Rupert Bran d" ' 9 ,"ft: hi Ui 'il' J ;'' ' .WW ..DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." f...i r Smoked ' " ; Daily by EMBARRASSING MOMENTS IJSX mt rMni Sn'KM.. hi UNS1 Bfiui. kM .4 By Georg null Canadian ' Fish & Gold- Storage Ltd. mm saaaTW. W FJk.-gfc., fi0CDN& His kteATW. There are often gdad bargains in the Classified Coi- 8.7 ft. umns. ueau mem. e McManus "gf.7"-.-; A. .'illi. v ... '.MWWWHTOT" I ' ARETHE KIN O.OP PEOPLE W BE.CAUS HK MjiiHila '.'.'''. ''ll xt , A KE.E.P WRGiNTOU TO MARRIED r rwr '. Mp -;-! O VJ . n trs- toheetmpk oiKiT-T l Hf . A - 1 ' ! i lM66TMEIt:WRAR MOORE WEml 0 4 J I 1 . :!!"fl!",,"!H: ' !! ill . -"X 4 VTaa't.WliJ lJI ITN K ' f d 1 sr 1 I s all BM m Vt ( SSff!svT.l.i aSlw . TFA ;r T I o . ivil im , tofl b!h WV