It ie Man for nmif itv nf Rritish 1 1 it un0 tVio flnt.v nf tho officials to see that the influx Empire Day Celebrated Today by School Children Under Auspices of the I.O.D.E. of Prince Rupert QUEBEC WINNER ORATORYPRIZE Carss Chapter; Mrs Lean, standard bearer, Chapte-r; Mrs. t. l.unrpr Hill feot by the signing of a new postal convention between the two countries. Today the rates from Canada to France will be the same as those between Canada and of settlers was no greater than the country could really : Britain . From France to Canada fear that Canada was be- j the rate has been reduced absorb. In order to alleviate a exiting Mr. Forke as-,60 ier c c ir-mr overrun with foreign population, sertod that 76 per cent of the present uanacuan population Canadian born, 12 ner cent British bom, and only W per cent foreign of origin. NEW PULP MILL Mayor Wells (Jrny of New West minster Makes MHIIUaiM nv....... --- - , cutllUU Willi i ,ter: Mrs. William RraM. ! United' States. NEW WESTMINSTER, May 23' recover. Hundreds of public school children assembled at 1:45 :with three - minion dollars termirial in Montreal was passed . T by the house committee today. EXPLOSION IN JAM FACTORY : Score of People Injured in Plant at Hamilton Today FOR THF lOUTH han score of employees of Wag-1 Vil lliLl UlU lll staffe, Ltd., jam manufacturers, were burned or overcome by fumes today when the -cylinder head of a Compressor in the cold storage plant blew off. Two of the victims are being given oxygen at tha hospital. All are expected to Boston Grill The reads the clas- sified a g ents and uses LARGE CABARET Specltl Dinner Thursdays and Saturday them w e needs to sell H ft Dancing Every Saturday Nlfht, 9 to IZ or buy r- t, to find lost Dance Hall (or Hire goods i o j a . . n rr job. i -1 , Accommodation lor Private Part 1m ! NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S, NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 - ' - ri V rl XX., No. U ' COLONIZATION IS U MANY TO VISIT THE PEACE RIVER WITH CHAM HER COMMERGE The secretary of the Board of Trade has received word from Montreal that 80 eastern people have already enrolled for the tour to the Peace River country under the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at the end of August. Vancouver i also sending a large delegation. It l8uggMted that Prince this afternoon in the Capitol Theatre, which was loaned --djor th. establish- Q BdWeeil LdboY for the occasion by the manager, Mayor S. P. McMordie, at Quen8boroUKh an eftriy 8tart vmiVVMSy ueiwzen l.uuui to participate in the annual Victoria uay 'painoui. vuui- will be made to incorporate a r . , n T stration of Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters new concern and start construe- Lapital UVer I aXllt 'uiiu4 muuivM '', r iy. u lilrnn was tlon. Mavor A. Wells Gray an- hp r The feature of the program in thethatrewpatn address suitable to the occa- by G. G. Bushby. Mrs. Shcirord Darton, regent of Muni-;ra Chapter, presided, and also n hc platform wero Mrs. J. C; x'Lcnnan, Mrs. S. P. McMor-Mr3 A. T. Parkin and Mrs. Kubrn Blance, past regents of Municipal Chapter; Mrs. J. G. Mrcn regent of Queen Mary chap-,f'r Mrs. John Manson, regent bf 111) Sixty Chapter; Mrs. Murray, Prc icntin tho regent of Adulr FIRE EMPIRE DAY CELEBRATED TODAY BY CHILDREN McRae's Colonization Scheme j Discussed in Parliament and j Opposed by Hon. R. Forke Fear Exprcscd by Minister of Immigration That Country Alight Be Flooded With Immigrants Which Could Not Be Absorbed OTTAWA, May 23. The national development immigration scheme proposed by General A. D. McRae, Conservative of North Vancouver, is so vast and expensive that it should be carefully analyzed, declared the minister of immigration, Hon. Robert Forke, in the Houos of Commons last night, when he replied to the Vancouver member's want of confidence motion, which calls for immediate reorganization of the department of immigration and colonization. So far as he himself is concerned, he had doubU as to the practicability of Mr. McRae's scheme, said Mr. Forkr. In calling for national development of immigration and colonization, Mr. McRae dealt particularly with the Peace River country, opening up . of which should be undertaken as a sound national development, under which the government would becalled unon to finance a sum of $300,000,-000 with the object or settling 2,000.000 fmmurfants in wrst-nm Canada durintr a 10-vear neriod. Mr. Forke did r.ot believe that any fchen3einvolvingan expenditure qincw WOMEN VOTERS IN MAJORITY IN OLD COUNTRY LONDON. May 23: Elec- toral returns show that wo- men have a majority of 1,- 317.77C on the political reg- inters in England and Wales. The totals are 11.867.380 men and 18,225,150 women. The women have a majority of 1"3,056 in ScoUand, the to- tals being 1,413.002 mon and 1, 5C3.667 women. . : FRANCE POSTAL RATE REDUCED ORDEFOR CENOTAPH Memorial for Wr Dead Here to lie Made by Vancouver Company At a meeting last night In Canadian Legion. quartern, the cenotaph committee decided to place with the Art Monument Co. of Vancouver the order for the cenotaph, which will be unveiled here on Armistice Day next in . memory of the ploriMis dead of this city and district who laid down their lives in the rreat war. The location for the cenotaph will be on the court house grounds and the nature of the stone has already been .described. The cost will be $3500. of whlrh About $1000 remain to be raised 'in a re jewed drive whth will be inaugurated at once. S A. Jtlrd presided. at the meeting of the. cenotaph CANADIAN NATIONAL TERMINAliMONTREL. Itill Providing For $50,000,000 Ex pendirur Approved .atin.i ... i" ii - i.'-i i i( fo many million dollars would be successful. He did not w"i tanaaa. change incoming . . . . .. . ti.. t r.flrllv Tnriav wish it to be said that ne was opposed o xmmiKmym i.j Ottawa vmiO Immigration of the'lngTirpQWva esqntiai. wmrrnep KARIS M A reduction profid $fi0, for .the .con ; rVviof.r tn wna hrinrnW to Canada! irreater numneT ol , ' . xUt. pn tructiorMnf the Canadian National , ' V .. 1.4 V J II !. u. ""r O . .. . . Ill J'W 1 111 I II 1 UV.....M . . I ' I . . i t i - 1 I .1 J 4UI il,,afirko I nf tnn . 1 ...... Persons than COUKl De aosuryuu in ui umuswira w ,ana uanaaa was orougm into ei ration at their rate of growth and expansion. The department was continually criticized and blamed 'l' n.ii.Jl. ! immitrrants. : 4 - A( Mr. T.V..b FVke nnfnfnrl pointed nut out R-100 Soon to be Completed for Atlantic Flight Above, the U-luO, Britain's new giant dirigible, as it wii: appear when it is completed an ready to i.y to Canada this summer. This will accomodate 100 passengers in perfect gmlioit tfr,tU .ounoua eabins. The photo- below shows-a gondola -of the"mcuster being fajfeuW tb ItJt aide dirrinir tii e course of construct-on. Robert T. Pollock, inset, is the representative oi the buildeis and designers of this ship on this side of the Atlantic, and he will be a passenger on the craft when it makes the first flight. ' OTTAWA. ' May '23A.hnLtd- ? British Statesmen Support Policy of the Liberal Party Baldwin Declares For "Safety First" in British Election Campaign Now in Progress in Britain bearer. Queen Jy Chapier; ,rs. mil, w haVe & l lv n7tZ 'Iho Safcty first' manV lives' , i Ada letter that, hnt ii if the MpKonn-t MeKonna s. v. cox, standard beare; dai of m tons of pulpi Herbert made public a saying h 'rc(1 the progress of the railways. Carss chapter, chairman Thomas 1 were removed after a change of government, his 1 lJ f flcMr.K .ts were al- nrrnniin nf p i ! plant might have to close down. 7pnent by invitation. IMKUiNU riLR Robert Dennison, Labor candidate in King's .Nttrton INQUIRY INTO THE The program nldnS hit n I T milltT rIdIn' ln w.h,ch .h,,'Au8t n .work 77 t... iu. nkMi . ' Momorral enom uy iiiu -- it.i choir, a folk dance by l?lrlofthat school, and a dance by Borden Strpet School girls. : After the ceremony in the the-latre, there was a Kierln of ihigh school pupils in the auditor ium of Booth Memoria ou,w. TORONTO. Mv 2:1 Roche;,, similar nuriwse. Mrs. uarwn Jnard of Quebec last night won again presided and ian; Bjdrej. was Rev. T. hon Ion championship for sec-, given by cinr)... . '.. Ii pt Pi-aahvterian -.i Hcnooi Dunns, unanimous 'r ui t"i - , tori in- Thpre wero also vocal soios uj . nounced today on his return from the east. The plant will be on a 31-acrc site of the British Tim- ber Corporation, Limited, owned Di dALUWIINIv and Occupies . . - . 4LilClbl IB. v- - . , . ,, n . . . - -ii A(a . LONDON, May 23. Lord Reading, former viceroy of . IfrWfin O Mr I n AMtM ft 1 hiwn I fiffviMMAif rr I - i n I n rw-m m entation there as it cannot "m,n ""u " iUl1"" ucitii an-uincj-fcciiuiai,. m .u cuujijj' be expected that the line before the National Liberal Qlub of the. Liberal scheme for will come to Prince Rupert the solving of unemployment by means of gigantic road if the people do not take construction and improvement schemes, said nobody had some interest in the country. that could be sugf;ested unemployment completely re- .t t ; moved within a year. All that had been said was that the problem within a year could be reduced to one of normal proportions. Sir John Simon, chairman of the Indian statutory commission, in an address said: "I would have nothing to dq. witn this scheme it it were a mere electioneering stunt; I support it because, like Lord Grey, I am convinced the Limelight in Election Batt e policy is right and "g l be vigrously pursued. Baldwin Attitude V. A. JMC- i i m X'... Vl. I , ii .. ci!.. TT-.A 1. . . . VY llOWOril 1. I.UIC Ul lw luit.i T llMllflM lOVVJ f TnntrnVrSV nntWOnn Mir IierUtiri. tnirnn If hno Allinicttal i . . . i i , . uuiiuvt'i ij wwi.v.u..j oiuLim, ib iiiui Safety first has ceased to be meroiy a Conservative ' ",". line projeci is oeing promoieu uy ... , , , . . v nf niminrr- T nKnvUna nnft f tf r. liaiaKiiv. q Altick of Portland in asso- AUSlin, neau ui u iiucuiuuuuc im".u v v"""t Miuumso ov.u" k iw Sixty Chap-i ... A. trp nf in- Torv tvDe of mind." ' - 1 41t 1 1 l Vi become an election issue. Liberals and Cj down Wu.f tha.. . . I'nillip onowueii, un ! V1CTOIUA. May Z.A. N LEEDS, May 23. A strong i party th0 KOvernment L,nm(.nt would ,nu take oVo plea to put the welfare of the , ovcr control . country ahead of all party aims was made by Premier Baldwin in an election address here on Wed nesday. The prime minister de y- ieuten- as typical of what they term "The Premier Baldwin's retort is to com- ' J - 1 1 . . it.' i .t, ,1 u :i : teresbjn the election campaign today. It began when sir "''"fi-j" wui M ll w.v U!?"'K- he has save(l UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT Kt to Power oT the Libor'' nt of the Labor party, called at- Daykin of Vancouver has been ap-iL tention to the Emergency Powers Med commUsloner for the pur- Act by which tho government nf uA nnorB. PROSPEROUS MAN WAS ARRESTED ftN ANCIENT CHARGE CHICAGO, May 23. Robert El- could deal drastically with any tion and management of the uni- ,llott Rurn8 ex-convict and maga- Last night In a speech at Birm-jonc conspiring to interfere with ingham, Rt. Hon. Ramsay Mac- trade donnld! Labor leader, declared a I Sir Herbert, in making a reply plored the statements by rival po- Labor government would tolerate , today, said that ho held it his duty lltlenl leaders "which, he said, tend no threats or intimidation from ! to warn the electors and especially ed to blacken the reputation of capitalists in connection with the his own workers of the possible . . . . .. . ' . ... w Tr i i. .1 il .1 t versity of endowment of lands In Vancouver. VANCOUVER WHEAT aine writer, was arrosted yester day and was arruigned on a charge of jail breaking. Years ago he escaped in the east when doing time and coming to Chicago VANCOUVER, May 23. -Wheat got a job in the stockyards. He 5'uaing lfprViort .T Mnmnn of William Millar ano sen i . ij n,,t thn 1,11.. .o,,niilinir nn nulnmnhllM. tnrlnv nt Sl llVi a matraxlne "Greater Chicairo." Yl v.m... v...., - , . . , - - or,a. the high school orchestra.