I 12 TUII-SIXC bran of the DISCUltS whole wheat All the food elements for health and strength just the right tort of breakfast for children or grown-ups. Save the paper inserts in each package. OlloM Bueadt, BeHei1 BMad. 039 m m Ed m la Efesn 1 Lyly II Ira aBnraSsr KX?w m f 1 Selicious wheat flaCor is' retained Mwvk' mm n i in i it i ir -iti- i wn i , UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED v ,iallliiii From rrlnce Kupert lor VAW)I Vf;iC. VICTOItlA, Sttunuii Ujj. Itutnlule. Alert Iktjr. etc. runt-day, :J(t. p i , t) tor V.tNCOliVKlt; VIC'TlHtlA. Ilutfd.ilf. Alert Uajr. ete . I'ri'lar midnight Fur AI.ICK 4UM.MNVOXATt:VAIIT. WAS KM Kit. Sunday. 8:IM) p.m. tM I'OKT SlMI'M). AM)TH Al.tH ISLAM). Tliursday. p.m lt3 2nd Arcunr It ,M. SMITH Asent ITIncr Itupert. II C Tl rough (li-krts wild to Victoria and Seattle .and baccate checked through to declination. WoiPirip; B. C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Kct.-lilkan, Wraneell, Juneau and Kkagwav May 1. 11, 22 To Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle May S, 13, 6 I'ltlM KsS noVAL (Keuu KalU eu.. Vancouver and Victoria etery Friday ;o n m. Agrnti fit all steamship Lines. W. OKL'IIAKU, UtNKKAL AtlF.NT Srd Ae , ITInce Kuiiert. I C Phone 31 Canadian National CTlie Largeft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE "r-alllnaa trow rHINCK UtlPKKT for VAMMMVEU. VI"tfKIA MiTTI.H. and liitwamllate poind, each TliurwVay and hHiKtwy, Iftjoo p.m. lor ANVOX and 8T:VAItT. each tlneMtjr and Saturday. 4HK) p.m. lor SOUTH AM) MIUTII tJl l KN niAKMHlt laLAM. I urtmglili) lANftt:MIMC TltAINS l.i:tVE I'ltlF HI PF.KI DAILY i:N('tl'T Kt NDAY at 11:30 a til for I'ltlM'i: ii;lIK. KliMON-. TON, MINMIMl. all MilnU UMrrn Canada, t'nlted Ktulea. A(il;.N( V ALL tlt'LAN NTT.AMSIIII1 LIMvS City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Kupcrt l'hone 2f.lt LOGGING AT HALF THE COST OF HORSES lligpcr Production Economical Operation CATERPILLAR TRACTORS Make Bigger Profits Sole Distributors for II. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. 910 STATION STREET. VANCOUVER, B.C. Branches! Kelownn, K.C.; Nelson, B.C.; Prince George, B.C. Outlook For Victoria Day Not So Good : But i Best is IioHd For, Nevertheless The forecast this morning of III. D. Tee, Digby Island, Dominion meteorologist, of unsettled I weather conditions for the next 'few days is not very reassuring 'as far as prospects for the Victoria Day celebration tomorrow c' morning are concerned, but spon. sors of the event are, however, hoping for the best. Since 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the barometer has dropped 8-10 of nn inch to 29.90 at 8 o'clock this morning. The wind was in the southeast where it has been for the past few days. J Tomorrow will also mark the l opening of the angling season in , ' these parts and quite a number of fishing parties are planned, j Rain, if it should come, will not interfere to such a great extent I nv M M p P. " th the operations of the pat- Mr. ient anglers unless it is heavy. JAMS'ii I find it best" for cleanliness Don't ral) th plambtr whrn the "Ink driln t'U chok.d. A little l.ptrlf Lyr ill probrt'y cUr It in a frw mlnatax. Bcorta of "Hit m around th aiuury hume. GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE HOTEL ARRIVALS Prime Hupert Graham. Toronto; Mr. and W. 6. Mackenzie. Montreal; very . Hector Phillips. I. V. J. Jones, C. IE. lmean,J. B-lkin. A. St. Clair 1 : Brindle, J. A. Card and H. R. ' Ma"fi" Vancouver; Jack Bell, iijww iiaunL-iuu i)JLU"t LUS.UVH SSStiMmSfiS . Hamilton: Mrs. R. G. Johnston and I1U T. 1 . R. Wilson. Inverness: Mrs F. T. SaJabury and Mr, and Mra ilton, Sunnyside; F. C. Biah- Tcrrace ; Mrs. Hogan, For- Island; V. V enema, Seattle. Strawberry, 4s 75c I ' 9vy r' ',n8WI' nma; P. :utpberry ' 4s 65c , . . . J. Powers, Telkwa; N. L. Mae- lum. Greengage, Apricot, M m Q Upointe. Bpitler Gooseberry 60c j gjva. herry. Red Currant, Black Currant, Pineapple 75c ( Orchard1 City Jam, 4 50c' Marmalade, Orange, 4 60c' rnwlwTe, ls. . , . . ..2jc nmpbell's Tomato Soup, 7 for $1-00 Terrace Turnip, 8 tbs 25c AH Fresh FrtiltH and VegetableB .' Arriving Everi" Iioat Mussallem Grocery Cc. Limited 617-423 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&K4 P. 0. Box 575. Moyal T. Gustjfson, - Nelaoa; Lairs avreii pm J. Shannon, Seal Gove: A Qfrlstrom, citf. . f- On; raj , , 1 E. C. Bennett, Wilmihjtton, DeK IwaeM 1. a Le wi. Lmdon. Enir- Hani; .1. Wir. C.N.U. Li" OMELETTES Can be Made to each 2 Eggs Beat in e Teaspoonful o(M Week-End : Specials BUSH'S NAROB COFFEE 1-Ib. tin 60c RfjillN WOODkjUIGk OATS Pkg. r.....r. aoc CAMPBELL'S.. V HCETABLE CAMPBELL'S OXTAIL SOUP ; 8 tins 40c NABOB GREEN BEANS 8 tins 60c ; MCCORMICK'S SODA BISCUITS i IN PAILS Each 60c! NABOB T0MAT0B8 2 Vie. I 8 tins 80c rocerlena kkll(h;i; s corn flakes Pkt 10c RED AkKOW SODA BISCUITS 2 pkts 46c CHOCOLATE BCLA1BB BISCUITS lb , 40c MARKET DAY BMCDLBflft RAISINS -lb. pkt 26c 4-lb. pkt. 46c WHOLE WHEAT VEGETIZED 8INGAPORC PtVCAPfLE WAFERS Pkg 80c 2 tlnn 26c BLUE MOUNTAIN PINBAP- HE1N7 VIltfmnAM PLES-SIiced 2s.. 8 tins 40c bottle . . , 7.t!TT'. 26c UOYAL CITY SPINACH as. 3 tins 60c QUAKER CORN 2s. 8 tins 60c EGGS Fresh extras. 8 dot. $1.10 GOLDEN CHURN BUTER 3-lb. brick $1.40 NABOB PEACHES 8e. '8 tins TOc KING BEACH GREENGAGE PLUMS 2s. 8 tins 60c HEDLUNDS QUICK DINNER Mb. tin aOc BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins 25c HEINZ TOMATO SOUP Me- j 1 TWr. Trrr-is dlum. 3-tins 50c SUITS' SUITS' i -U bars . 50c We Handle largest AsKortmcnt of Cheese in Town Alberta Market i P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 20H SWEET JUJC ORANGES 4 doz 76c B. C. FKESH PULLET EXTRA EGGS :i dos $1.00 6-STRIN; BROOMS 40c Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 WE DELIVER MADBTq OKDEIt Cutting. Workmanship nnd Style AH Gunrnnteetl SUITS STIMM CLI1ANEI) ANf PRESSED We Deliver- to Any Part of thf City. Lin, the Tailor Phone 619 It has beer) said that "to6 many rooks spoil the broth," but using rt verse KngUflh, the reafuee of four c omt'dians in "Strong Boy" ;ias crammed this production so eiKHKiul of delightful meiT.meiit iliai tlie picture ought to satisfy the most hardened searcher for humor. I a laugh is worth money, so .ome tonight and enjoy a hundred laughs, und forffet the prfcva of mines and oil. EARLY SALE OF ! HALIBUT TODAY Bidding Over by 10 a.m.; Total of 77,200 Pounds Sold There was an early tale of halibut at the local fish exchange this morning, bidding being over by 16 i.m. A total of 77,200 ounda va sold, four American vessels receiving irom 14c and 7c to 14.9c ad 7c for 82,200 pounds, while .even Canadian boats were jmld .;.& and 7c to 14.1c and 7c for, 15,000 pounds. j Sitles were as follows : American I Lfcona, 16,000 pounds, BooH) ishericc, 14c and 7c. i Crld, 7200 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 14.8c and 7c. Tyee, 9000 pounds, Atlia Planer iaa, 14. te and 7c. ' IWaium Point litOA nnnia I Atlin Fisheries, 14.2c and Te. Canadian M. M. Christopher, 1000 pounds, Canadian Ffsh A Cold Storage Co., 18c and 7e. 1jn Fjsh ft Cold Btoraeje 13.4c and 7c. Rose SpH, 5000 pottnda, Canadian Fh ft Cold Storage C.-, 14.1c and 7c. Unome. 500 nound, Royal Pkm Co.. 13. Rc and 7c. I Melville, 10.000 pound. AAln : Fisheries, 18.1c and 7c. Atli, 2000 pounds, Booth Fisb- c-i-s. IS. 5c and 7c. Hinglender. 6000 pounds, Atlin r ishories, 12.8c and 7c. CELLAR'S Specials LOCAL EGGS .lust arrived. Per dos 40c I', dux $1J6 HUI K SUGAR 15 llm .Ok WKBTOBrS SODAS 2 3 4 lbs v net. Per eta 4k CHOCOLATE HCIHUb Just arrived. Per lb. . . . Mc 8 lbs .fl.(l GINGER SNAI Fresh and crisp. Per lb. tOc OYSTER CRACKERS Per lb tOc GRAHAM WAFERS Just arrived. Per lb 26c 2 lbs Me CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP Heine, small. 8 tins 86c BAKED BEANS T. S. Heine, small. 3 tins 86c 3 LARGE CAKES GLORY BATH SOAP AND WASH CLOTH All for 80c Frenh Vcgetnblett Provisions Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES 45 AND 574 Dr Alexander PHONE 875 I1F.NNKK ItLOCK DENTIST PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS ThurarK For breakfast WEATHER IS 1 STRONG BOY a glass of orange juice then UNSETTLED DELIGHTS CROWD GREAT COM ED V SPECIAL Tlll'USDAV "STRONG BOY" With Victor McLnglerf and Inlrice Joy VAUDEVILLE 8:13 P.M. IIAMKY WILLIS, "THE VERSATILE VENTiUl.rjun , NEWS COMEDY, "THE KANGAROO'S KiMO and THE VIRGIN (JUEEN Ctmtedy in (ului Adminsion, 50- and 15c Two Sho. FRIDAY "THE WHIP." fjn Aiutln Victor Tntklng Machine Co. ' P r Fo Trot Vooal Records Weary River Rudy Vallte and Ills Connecticut Yankees Gene Austin The King of Borneo Vocal Frank Crumlt 21899 Broadway Melody and 2!54J Kit -irct You Were-MeanFor Me , ,v From th motion plclutEroadunu Melody" Pox"f rott Nat ShUkret and "The Victor Orchestra 2'" A Garden m the Rain Vocal Gene Austin ' i . ' Mean To Me Foi Trot Leo ReUman snd Ills Orchcatra Carolina Moon Vocal Walu Gene Austin TlieTroubudourt 2ru All the latest lied Seal records by famous Victor crlitlt ORTHOPHONIC VKHROLAS AND RECORDS McRae Bros, i CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING (!. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING 1,,1,t'l.!) ' Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmith:--. Makers, Founders, Woodworkers Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE VEUlNi' Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle AH Ki' (,r MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385