1 ;1 j... nfnv 2.1. 1929 Dttlt ittaitnti U Dominion Intoio. Unattam No. T04t, atsfatif aa In ont othtr oatouHnf DOMINV 3 If you seek something new and distinctive in floors; something out of the beaten path ... yet in perfect taste . . . choose Dominion Inlaid Linoleum. This modern floor puts character in your rooms. At House Furnhhtnf and Departmental Stores room 4. Here t U way to gt the moat for your money. Keep n hud-jet. Decide what you can afford to spend for each item, and hold youraelf within this amount. Then 10 jfet the moat for your budRet money rewrt adver-tUements carefully. The advertisements you read tell you what la newoat and bert. They give you the latest ideas and Improvement. They help you to get more from each dollar you have apportioned in your budget and so live better and dress better with the same income. The true purpow of ft budget i to enable you to spend windy and only by careful rwding of advertising can you hope to accompli)) tills rwiult, . 4." IJca.1 advertising regularly. It points Uic, way to' better living. llof 3 It is rich, compelling . . .yet never,, obtrucive. Dominion Inlaid' "r Linoleum is odourless: easy and quick to lay; easy to ff clean : comfortable. The pattern cannot wear off. In many designs ... at moderate prices. Other Ilcauliful Dominion Floors Wider choice than ever is offered in Dominion Linoleum rugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum, long-wearing, beautiful, easy to dean . . . priced even lowtr than v you expect . . ither V nWkes' an Ideal Joor for any rfa. ft - Hi 77i DOMOLAC FINISH This wonderful , Isesuer finish U spplitd t all Dntntntoa InUid Linoleum ddi alovtlrsoft tuotn (a sn mlitmij fc.satlful floor. Sutncroofl wr.r prosit polish with, ICIKt M V'" ' In Csnoda'hlht mmktr$ mfthm fatnnut Dominion BotlltihipUnolmm The true purpose of a Budget EV'HUY year you sd a larire proportion of the tyuncy you Koi. So much fur clothing. So mueh for shoos, So much far things to M for house furnishings, books and what not. t mr I - -i-'f i THE DAILY NEWS f AGE FIVE A N EW KIND OP TOST TO HIS MAJESTY KINO GEORGE a IS boat unoteon SLimWrger Hu m fMWi ( ml mat m.. w. op hull oyMi&AisHj -THE MARKET Following are retail prices cur-cent in the city today : Apples Yellow Newton $3.00 Wineaapa, C grade. .... '2.90 Fruit .. Naval oranges ...v';20e to .80 Lemons, Sunkist, doz, 86e to .40 California grapefruit; 2 for .25 Bananas, 2 lbs - 85 Extracted honey, per Jar. . . Comb hone ....... u Dates, bul Raisins, hi fthubarb. Vustraliai No. l ci No. 2 erei Chesse- "amembei Kraft Ui ntario si lb. Dutler- .i 2 lbs.' Ik) 2 lbm. i . itdoor, 8 11'. . . 1 '.t v'HI. !. . Imiiry .'v?.. '.'.!"... lery.tJ lbs."'. . ;. oquefortf . . X . J Twift's nqfrok field, lb. . . . . . orgonol, lb. ........... VIcLaren'a Cream, jars, 45c, Jrookfield Swiss, Mr lb. pkg. Pastry flour, ... . Lard Pure Cbmpoun Eggs 1 r B. C. frasti pullets B. C. fregji firsts, dot. B. C. frefh extras Local new laid Meatei ' Fowl, No. 1, lb., 38c and Roasting chicken, lb Broilers Ham, sliced, firt grade .... Ham, whole, first grade .... Pork, shoulder v.. Pork, dry cult . .'. . yrshire bacon, ilb Veal, shouloer '. . . . Si . . . best 25 05 .65 .70 : .75 .45 .75 .85 .30 Truyere 45 Drookfield Canadian Cheose, 'i-lb. pkg Oolden Loaf, lb. . . Jack, lb Romano Sardo, lb .05 Gammeloot, K-lb 30 Dravo Swiss, carton '. . .40 Chedlet, carton .35 Flouiv- . .25 .41; .50 .25 .25 .35 .40 .45 .40 .45 .45 .CO .42 Hum, picnic, lb 27 Cottage rails, lb Bacon, baok, sliced, lb. Bacon, side, sliced, ' HTadc Veal LEG) .R0 .50 ... I .GO shrdlu? or. .35 .35 Pork, leg rV Beef, pot rist J5c tftuft Beef, boiUffg 12ViiC to .18 Red smoked sulmon 45 Smoked black cod, lb. .20 Finnan baddies, lb .25 Barley . v Hwying mash .W 'Oyster saejl 1,40 Scratch food - c ' tteef'rferab ..... 8-o.- pk. . .C5 Ohuad oil cake mr. . IT:.' .35 IWby ehick feed mm? Above is a picture of a notice placed at the cross-roads a few nile outside Bognor, where Kin y,rve has been convalescing for the past two months, which has attracted the attention of jfflwadof passersby. Halibut .20 Salmon, fresh spring ...... .135 Nuts Almonds, shelled Valencias. Brazils Walnuts, broken shelled .... Walnuls, shelled halves .... .65 '.'85 .40 .50 Almonds 35 Peanuts .20 .Munchui'ian walnuts , . .25 California walnuts .45 No. 1 mixed nuts, lb .35 Filberts .25 25tOai Feed 100 lbs Wheat, No. 5 and Bulkley Valley 2.75 25 Draft ....... 25 8horts ' r. ' , . . . . . 2.75 2.00 Idg ;35 t ine oat enops ...... 3.2a ; d ssllita . .30 Gttiahed oaU 3.25 ttiffSn, 111 . .V. . J'.'?1.'.''.'. . '"'M fim barley thWo ft ........ TVriad f ru ta I: Garlic, imported, per lb. I New green onions, bunch O'nrOAfft MtaMM 111 . W .. V, . k. . ...... 2.10 2.00! 2:76! tt'. 65 2.10. 3.10' 4.50 '4:25 '4.56' 2.85. Lemon and oranue p- I ... .35 Citron peel ,40 RIaek cooking figs, lb. .... , ,15 White fig, 2 lb. : .25 Currants, lb. 20 App's 25 Peaches, peeled 25 Apricots, lb 25 ' Prunea, 90-100. 41bs. 35 , 2fi-lb. box 1.95 Prunes, C0-70 lb. 2 lbs 40-60, lb Prunes, 80-40, 2 lbs Evaporated pears, halves, lb .25 .15 .35 25 Vegetables Beets, 5 lbs ...I..... .25 Carrots, lb 05 ,71' ;nV o'rn Potatoes, sack 2.50to 3.0 n S" 5 A' 10 I9 " 2 ! rl.y. bunch .1 0 0 .35 .05 .50 New cabbage, per lbt .08 Turnips, 6 lbs 25 New Zealand onions, 8 lbs. .25 Aritona' head lettuce .15 Mexican tomatoes, lb 35 Victoria hothouse CO Cukea, hothouse, lb 25 California celery . . .20c and -25 Victoria carliflower, 20c and .25 feek, bunch 10 Sweet potatoes, 2 lbs 25 Parsnips, 4 lbs 25 Washington spinach, 2 lbs. .25 California asparagus, lb. .. .25 Water cress, bunch .15 Suyar White, 100 lbs 6.50 Yellow, 100 lbs: '6.00 TRYING TO BEAT ALL : , .ENDURANCE RECORDS I FORT WORTH, Texas, May 23. -rtfi military plane Fort Worth, j trying tij break the endurance record last night, passed the half. kBeefsteali. . iWto'I'Jo of 77' hours 50 minutes. The Reef. rr,t. nrlmo rih . .3S recoru is now nem oy me vUe9- T nm i,i.. na tion Mark with 150 hours. 14UI1IU, DllUUIVItl 1 . sw Lamb, leg .45 Lamb chops .45 Mutton chops . .40 Mutton sholder 30 Fish-Smoked kippers, lb. 15 Kippered white salmon, lb. .25 TUB WORM He May I have the first dance? She Rather early to ask, isn't it? "Oh, well, you- know, the early bird ditches the er er er " - Til Bits. LINDBERG IN MAINE TODAY Famous Flyer Orders His Wed-' I ding Clothes in New York ; NEW YORK, May 23. -Col. Churlcs Lindberg, .accompanied by Miss Anne Morrow and her j sisters, landed at Portland, Maine, i airport yesterday. Lindberg and Miss Morrow are planning to be married next month arid he has already purchased his ; wedding clothes, consisting of a regulation full evening dress with white waistcoat, a regular cut- i away for use if he should be mar-; ried in the morning or afternoon, j the coat and waistcoit of black Vicuna with srtr'ped grey and, whitp trousers of cashmere. The colonel iilso ordered four blue and grey street suits, a tuxedo . nd a black overcoat, the complete outfit costing $1200. CLEF SWGFRS cm mmi OF JMNE FOR TWO DAYS IN RUPERT The Gyro Club received word this morning that the Westminster Glee Singers would be in Prince Rupert for two days, June 13 and 14. They are booked up, until thut time, so could not come at an earlier date. ALMOST FRANTIC WITH HEADACHE 'Kidney Trouble' and Weakness Relieved by 'Truit-a-tives" MHS. TESSIER "I w verf vent becaute of Kld-hcjr Trouble nd suffered wltb terrible Keadachea." aa;a Mrs Romulus Teuler. St. Jean de Kfatha, P.Q. "I was treated (or a long time and waa lust about discouraged when I learned of Trult-a-tlvea" Improvement came with the first tew doses, and In six months the kidney trouble, weakness and headaches were gone." Trult-a-tlv:s" regulates the bonds, kid ntj and akin purlffts the blood -and brings sound, vigorous health. Try this wonderful medicine made of fruit Juices combined with the finest medicinal Ingredients. 35c. and SOc a box -at dealers OYPSY and Pirate, "vy J Toreador and Colleen, curtseying and swaggering past the judges. Revelry is abroad ... even the stewards and steward esses enter into the spirit of it, and help you. out T with your costume. After the judging, the delights of carnlval'and dance. A Tlcnty of re creation on a Cunarder Sail Cunard 1 1 ' i- " Vanxowr (Ttl. Seymol, .1043-0). or ant steamtmibtumi Weekly Halllngs to Eurorw from Montreal (and Quebec) CUNARD "v CANADIAN SERVICC s.ios Csbln. Tourist Third Csbln snd Third Cists Frigidaire Provides Better Refrigeration TN stores, restaurants, hotels, factories as well as homes, Frigidalro Automatic Refrigeration points the way to bigger profits and better satis fled customers. It preserves foods better. And at much less than the cost of Ice. Let us give 70a the facts. Can be operated from individual electric plants. BRUCE HOIMNSON ELECTKIC (B.C.) Limited Vancouver, Victoria C. J. ALGER Special IlcDrt-bcntative PRODUCT OF CENEIUL MOTORS I y'tZtTv 1 Soups and III IVi Chowders ill Y rc ever so j much richer, tastier.madewith I this doubly-rich J UNSWEETENED tend me free Recipe Book f NAME " I ADDRESS ... M The Horden Co. Limited, llomcr ArtJBlJ., M Vnoour The "NuBcet" tin opens with a twist t Men and women who realize that appearance counts always have well-polished shoes. Did YOU "Nutttt" your shoes this mornlngT Shoe Polish .ha .1 lt; ;: II'