PAGE EIGHT Vict i Vocal ; WalU Orthogenic Vocal Fox Trot FoxTrot Vocal Victor Talking Machine Co. Records Carolina Moon Foi Trot Vocal Gene Austin 21833 The Troubadours .21847 Weary River Rudy Vatlee and Ills 2I86S Connecticut Yankees Gene Austin 21856 Rudy Vallfe My Mother's Eyes From the motion picture "Lucky Itoy" George Jessel - YVarlng'c rennsylvanlans Nat. ShllLret 21852 21857 Broadway and You Were Meant For Me From the motion picture "Uroaduay Melody" Fox TroU Nat MiilUre t and The 21886 Victor Orthettra If I Had You Irvlnft AjroiKM and Ilia Commander Willard kobison A Precious Little Thing Called Love FoxTrot George Olwivapd llteMjU ' Vocal Johnnlarvln-EdfSl.fli4 v) 21867 41866 mi v.. , GtMvilHW All the latest lied Seal rtcords by farrous Vic'or artiits. ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS McRae Bros. VICTOK RADIO RECEIVERS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED KaMJnfs Iroin I'rlncr Kuirrt lur VAMOLVEK. VICTOIUA, Hinwn lia. llutalalc, Alrrt Hjr. Tuesday, S:Su p. m lur VAMOli VtrrOKIA. Ilutedalc. Aim lit), etc.. lWr mMHlght Vr Ami: mtMiK, MiitvAitr, saah itivtlt. mtn, stM-p.m. Iji I'OIIT HlMIttON AM) IHUVt). Tliurwtay. n.m 1X3 liul Atenue It M SMITH Anit IHnre Ituum. II. C. It nuli ilrkflk uld to Victoria and Mantle .and Imuagr rhrtkrd thrnuxli tu domination. B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT IPiClflCi 1u Kl t, l,lk,- Wmngell. Juneau und Situs av April SO. ...... Y.V '" ll,u Vanm.T, VKUirla und Sraltle-Aiirtl It, it J" I'ltlMKSH KOVAL ( run lallh. rU.. Vancouver and Vle- r", ""'"J 10 I' 1,1 Aenit for all Mnunohlp Llnei. 3rd Af , Prince lturt. II C. OUCIIAKll, t.tM UAL AllKNT l'hone SI Canadian National cThc LargcSl Kailway Syfltm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE halllii(k Iriini PltlNCi: It in. It T lor VAMOIAEII. VICTOUU. KEATTLK. slid 1nternllate )xlntit, mcli ThurMlay mid Suiidn), 10:00 p.m. lur AXVOX und HTLM'aViT. earli and ttturdy, (MM) p.m. lur NOltTll AM SOt'TII tJUXN CIlAltLUTlt ISLANbS. lortnltWIJ. TRAIN'S l.EAVt PUINfE ItlTUlT Urh MOMtAY, WtDNEHUAV and SATUttDAV at 11:10 a m. fur rillME OtOKUE, tUMO.VTON, WI.VMltO, all point. tatero Canada, tnlted Statu. AOENCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2G0 Sergeant W. J. Service, chief ( f the Smithers district detachment of the provincial police, arrived in the city from the interior en yesterday ufternoon's train or official duties. He will return to Smithers tomorrow morning. Union steamer Cardena. Cant. A. Johnstone, arrived in port at V o clock this morning from Vancouver and way points and sailed about Hi) hour later for Port Simpson and Wales Island whence he will return here this evening and sail south at midnight. ROADS FIRST INTEREST OP PEOPLE NORTHERN AND CENTRAL B.C. URGES CON TRIBUTOR TO DAILY NEWS CONTEST. , (Continued from page Five) ghiven't srot the guts to get evenj a dirt road for yourselves. 1 Your merchants cannot afford : to employ your sons and daugh- 6r4: 9ik 8T. tVBLMBAT PASTE & for ., 96c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 9 for 96c Mussallem Grocery Co. LimHed 617-428 6th Ave. E. Phones 18&M P. 0. Box 675. SUITS!. SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Sty! All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Dtliver to Any Part of (hi City. Ling, the Tailor I phone 619 Our Special $50 Engagement Ring We'd like to show you how good value this is. Fine white diamond set in 18 K. gold in the newest patterns. We buy the diamonds by weight and we set them our selves. We save you money i this way. John Bulger, Ltd. THE JEWELLERS Kultaaa, Dark Fru THE DAILY NEWS Fridu "IT" GIRL IS A THRILLER IN ELINOR GLYN'S NEW STORY Clara Row is Better Than Ever In the Dashing, Romantic Comedy "Three Week - Ends" Why spend ters in their stores and : office.. learnJ ,0Vp wh They haven't got the business. Wwk Endt w.m teat teach wnn me surrounains couimum-, ,, one if.. xi.. . . a .tv,:. evening. lien ivr me oi a iuuu. -kuo lack of turnover forces them to," ' charge such prices as encour- Tjp )f T AP ages mail order business to the JjHj Jj l n ui aegree. na you, mr. tr-u-, tor do not get the advertising of the Prince Rupert merchants poods that any prairie village; weekly gets. More shame to the! Prince Rupert merchants. They, do not rjaliie the value of a good daily newspaper. All they deserve is a weekly edition. Why "Three Weeks" m f 4 5 . Cherry, ikb, per lb. Ginger Fruit, slab, per Banquet, slab, per lb hen "Three "it" in ('lava Bow's new ENTERTAINMENT Honey Macarooaa, S pkgs. Assorted Cookies 2 pkgs. 3 1 TEA I - Nabob, per H .COc Bulk, per lb. 60e COFFEE Fresh grattC fT kV 46c SUGAR Granulated, IS mm 96c EGGS Fresh extras, 8 doc. ..... .$1 .00 ORANGES Good siie, I doa $1.00 Sellars Grocery Third Avenue PHONES Z AND 571 L Elinor Glyn picture which opens :t the Capitol Theatre tonight is he latest thing from the Paramount studio, and is another sensation. "Three Wk Ends" is the new starring vehicle for the "mapcap it the screen," Clara Bow. It was written by the famous novelist, Ulinor Glyn, and directed by Clarence Badger, noted in the screen world for his deft direc-orial touches in comedy productions. This "bis three" of filmdom was brought together again by AT1 PaTHTAI i remount after the great public IX 1 I.Uf I Iff. acclaim given their pictures, "It and "Red Hair." - ' The story of "Three Week The week-end bill of entertain- Ends" concerns the trials and MAM mi- rnm'tnl ifl OH II Tl II till. U 1 n A m Ik.. .Mm don t you try it on them" Then , 1 " . - . . te om ""d promiae. t,ve girl of a cabaret chorus you'd hear them holler! To conclude. Get an automobile to8uf .I'Sff T' A ta tta ptayboy. of Broad-with P"? road to link up Prince Rupert f .ti " the surrounding communi- T S Z , , ake v P108'10 contains colorful ties and the rest of Canada and many sequences "all these things shall be added ?"!!" T . I IT "5 a,BO Arthur Button. Powell River, and esting parties in and around the unto sou" (This Contribution is not eli- th' be "e cwntry place, of the wealthy. tnr o if i. 'nterestlng events of its kind Two handsome men have im- too lonp. Ed.1) ! PEACHES 2a. 4 for... ! PINEAPPLE-Singapore . .96c 7 for 95c GRAPE FRUIT 2s. 8 f or . . .95t RTRAWBERKIES As. Z for 9.V-RASPBERRIES 2a. 3 for . .Of RED PUJMS-2Vi.. 4 for . . 95c PEACHES AND PEARS ZV. 8 for 95-. CLIMAX JAM 4-lfc. tin. ,2 for 96c : heard for some time. 'portant supporting roles in this 1 Then as U for the kiddies Elinor Glyn story. They are Neil ' ' ' ' there is an exceptionally good Hamilton and Harrison Ford. fS&!9SS3SSMJ "Big Boy" comedy, to aay noth- both well known for many stellar 95c. DAY FILL UP YOUR PANTRY THESE SPECIALS ON ing of the final episode of "Tar- performances. Julia Swayne Gor-zan" which has pleased the yoan- don ad Guy Oliver are In the per folks to much during the cast in catchy parts and KHvtb-nast aeveral weks. Chapman, beloved screen soother, Clara Bo in "Three Week "ires an excellent performance Ends" will trke care of the as Clara', "ma." grown-ups and Jack de Jaus- serand in violin solos, will com- MICCiAM AT DJID7ICT plete a bill that should not be UlUJiUJl 11 I),rllil ! missed. SARDINES Braoawkk. j 14 for Wej 1V SAR0lNS-;w Brand. .SATUHIM Fi is a m5n i CHURCH IS CONCLUDED Rev. Dr. P. W. Daffte Hmm CSIHIwnrk After S(endiBg Ten Day. Hero Rev. Dr. Fre'leric'' W. n-fo. .J of ChilLwack, after conducting t U Vn-diiy evangeueaJ mlanion 'r .46c wmm LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage I PJwneCS Carl'.gc, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel Wc Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 First B:ipti.t Church here, sailc1 by the Prince Gforge last niurh or !i)k return south. The conc'udinir r w tkj. meeting last evening was largely ar ended and Dr. Daxoe gave an imnressive address on the subject. JJAUr-, "Ahnort Persuaded." At the lb. cakes, ei ..75c CWK v- rm, we rain- ab iber H? v' c strr' tpre"sed the grrit tudp of 'F ' TV" the lorn I rnnirrciratinn in I)r D:i- Iab, per lb.".'. .4c ,, fnr hitt vi it an(1 Madeira, kfa, m, H.; , .65c prExwn it lb. ooc z ,-'JZi" .56c Luxury Saltana, 14-o. cakes, "f "IT T 1 T1 'B each .40c .45c .86c Specials BRAID'S BEST COFFEE Mb, tin 65c BROOKFIELD CREAMERY BUT-TEK S-lb. carton ..... .11.46 ROGER'S SYRUP 6-1 b. tin 45c PEACOCK BUCKW1BAT FLOUR Rkg 4ic INSTANT P08TUM Tin ...,60c ICING SUGAR 2-lb. pfcg. 80c CLARK'S CATCHUP . 2 bottle. .'...46c SHREDDED WHEAT I 2 pkgs 26c WHOLE WHEAT MUFFET8 Pkg 16c EGGS Fresh extra.. 8 dos. II . 10 .EGGS Pullet.. 8 dos 86c BKST FOODS RELISH SPREAD OR MAYONNAISE Jar ...86c CHATEAU CHEESE 1-lb. pkg 45c .HEINZ MUSTARD 8AUSE Jar.... 26c FRESH MIXED BISCUITS 1 3 lbs 88c FRESH GINGER SNAPS Si lbs 66c GOLD CROSS PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins 25 NABOB CAULIFLOWER 2Viis. Solid pack. Tin 80 RED PLUMS 4b, 3 tina...M)j SWEET ORANGES 6 doc. ..96c ROYAL CROWN WASHING POWDER Pkg 20c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Pioprlelor Fifth Street Phone 208 TONKiHT -7 AND 9 I' M Oratorical ConlC;t Saturday Mating CLARA BOW in "THREE WEEK ENDS" "Tarzan" Final Episode "HIG HOY" COMEDY Extra, Jack dc J u ' VIOLIN m i) s Adminsion Matinee . . COMING NEXT WEEK "TOMMY ATlvlV CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert YDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING. l il n HagtReefa, MachinUts, HoilermakerH, Hlatksmu.. i Makers Founders, Woodworkers. El. BLKCTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINw Our Plant U Equipped to Handle All Kind- .l MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES IS AND 35 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 KKW S1IUMEKT JUSiT ARRIVED Sllne Head Alberta Lump ; "' Mine Head Alberta Sootless Large Ejrtr N Mine Ilcud Sootless E?g x- I'embina Peerless Egg '. . ." v Also alt other cltmm oi eoai DRY IHIiCH, JACKPINE AND CED R Single luaul , Double load ..; Lame sack : " Box wood cuttings, ki'ge lod ... Piano and FarnrtUM Movfag. Expre. and It-.'" Day ttd Night tihe IM Se o id i 1 avjaasWaWaVVBVaaBaBWBBlaVgagMMBVWVaMs ' t f 1 Hl-m Since Sluperi, ( DEMAND Rupert Brand" ippers THE DAINTIEST RREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., LfA Prince Rupert. B.C r in . . . . . n I, liaily news Want Ads. bring quick Keu