i'UUl UlUr M J.UUIMYVU. fJJ "Vor Everybody is The Daily News' Wish kJ TOMORROWS TIDES fiSTl. Tk.i Wednesday, December 25 High 9:13 ajn. lfl.7 21:56 p.m. 18.6 Low 2:40 am. 8.1 15:51 p.m. 6.7 Vol, XX., No. 299. Many Women Killed In Riots When Men Took Refuge Behind Them as Advanced Against British Troops LONDON, Dec. 24 -The number of persons killed in rioting in southeast Nigeria in British West Africa has grown to at least 45 women and one man, the under-secre-tary of colonies told the Houuse of Commons today. Native men armed with matchettes put groups of women in front of them while advancing on the British troops in expectation tjiat the soldiers would not fire on females. The troops withheld their fire until the last possible moment. SOVIET-IS ASKED AID I INSEARCH Messages Sent Last Night to Moscow and to Ships WASHINGTON. Dec 24 Mes-tascs of the United States government anDeallne unofficially to the RortH for assistance In Uat eeareh r Lieut Ben Elelson were flashed iaf nicht direct to Moscow and to j tiro Soviet ships In the vicinity wrc Elelson disappeared. . The message to Moscow was transmitted through the Tass Soviet News Agency. The messages to the ,m ships were to be sent by the governor of Alaska, the state de-irtment having Informed the hi-tc-lor department It had no objects to the appeal for assistance. Ignoring national usage. Becre-Ur- Wilbur, on the urgent appeal (1 Vjlhjamur Steffansson, sent the nrnmunicatlon direct to the Soviet riinltal. The state department was r railed upon to rule upon this message as ft was sent before the department was consulted. Another Plane Lost In North NOME. Dec24: Two passen-F r and Pilot Oraham, who took t rt in a plane from here for Ele-iV.nt Point Tuesday have not brrn heard from since. Pilot Frank Dcrbandt and Mechanic Pope ! pped off from Teller yesterday .1 search of the trio. The pas-rrntrers were U. D, Julian and W. B. Miller. Miner Killed r i in 1 1 KnLr onH I ROCK anQ I VOdl nn t'ANAIMO. Dec. 24: Ile Badp-r-nlr. 55 years of age, a miner, fc-ii Instantly killed by a cave-In ff rock and coal at Extension Mine yesterday. He had been a resident of the district for forty "cars. Jump In Price of Wheat Is Hailed With Delight in Western Canada; Large Quantities of Crop Unsold WINNIPEG, Dec 24. Western Canada anp auaen today as wheat prices jumped some five cents, following an unexpected low Argentine government estimate of Argentine wheat for the current year of three million nine hundred thousand metric tons, nearly four and half mi lion tons less than'last year. The drastic cut is a strong backing for the Wheat Pool's watchful waiting policy. m The prairie farmer with grain yet unsold sees higher prices in the offing and large sections of gram trade is waiting nowfor a general rise in values. the foe of however, Grain trade men are cognizant,. that Liverpool considers tne Argentine huci Berkeley, cai., Dec. 24 Helen 1 i-ji;nv0oitnnt irnnoS8lbletheSUaaen!vai3. the well-known tennis star. "waexaKgerawuauu jumpof four to six and half . . . ,, , 1 It. ft. ft. It. ROYAL BANK ROBBERY AT V Second Jlold-Up Today in City land Bandit F-.aped VANCOUVER. Dec. 21: Vancouver -second bank robbery in a few h ars took place early this afternoon when two armed men enured the brwinh of the Roal Bank ot CaiuRa JiL. Fit let nth Av-scooped ey in the teller's, crp ile good in r .escape., WW, amount taken was not mediately ' ascertained. The robbery was carried out by two men armed with revolvers. Entering the bank the bandits forced the staff and several customers to the rear. Including one woman, bound them with heavy wire and forced them to the floor, fate downward. The men then ransacked the cage and made a i getaway with approximately ! $7000. FREE TRADE FOR LABOR i , Snowdon Announces AH "Safeguarding" Duties of Late Government Will Go LONDON. Dec. 24. PhUlo Snowdon told the House this afternoon that the Government would renew none of tne iwy w1"" Import duties after the date of their raU,in He added that the Mc- Kenna sua ana augm " be repealed at the earliest practicable opportunity. The announcement Is a direct blow of Labor at the Conservative protectionist policies The Liberals had been in sympathy on this Issue with the Laborites. - " ""ri:mlrpd hunureaai at Liver iwiver - pence per 14- 00 jllootlf n flWlinP. wye jwmij ?w NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER m PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, Sacrament: of Christmas SHOULD we wrangle over theolorical the world over the great essential for the season is the Christmas spirit circle, brightening ijit lives of little children) peace radiating far and wide beyond the family, the community even the nallon. Here a little and there a. little of undoubtedly becoming Incarnate in ordinary men and visible expression In countless little the inward and spiritual grace manifested In fullness histori: Christ i for us 'the practical meaning of the Christmas. ' .'"." ; 4 DU VERNETjIN THE DAILY ' ' NEWS ' 'CHRISTMAS, 1921 : w: Christmas HY Everywhere in the home and good will and Christ 1 women. The daily lives of In the sacrament of ARCHBISHOP , Dominion Police Constable Loses Father In London KINCOLITH. B.C., Dm. 24: Much sympathy is felt by his many friends In the district with' Dominion Constable E. G. Newn-so-n n Kinco'h on receipt of the sad news of the death of his .a.ntr the late Chas. Newnham. !a retired official of the Bank ot England, London. England, which occurred In London on December 5. The news was cabled to relatives in Vancouver by Mrs. Newn- ham. the widow, and although i every effort was made to get through to the son at KineolithJ quickly, It did not reach him un- til over a week later. I E. 0. Newnham's efforts to .cable a reply have since been frustrated by the rough weather. Last summer the late Mr. Newnham and Mrs. Newnham came over on a visit to relatives In Vancouver , Victoria and the Gulf Islands and were joined by Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Newnham from KlncoUth. Shortly before his death the late Mr. Newnham was visited in London by Co'. C. W. Peck. V.C.. who expressed the hope that they would meet again at Galiano Island next summer. Heavy Snowfall OnSkeena River Snow riow Sent Out to Keep Railway Line Open; Telegraphy Wires Down Temporarily Heavy rains which have been falling here during the past day or so have come down as correspondingly heavy snowfalls In the lower valley of the Skeena River. This morning a snow plow Was sent from here1 to t1rt in keeping the railway line open! Th8"srow Interfered with telegraphld communication temporarily. Tennis Star Is Married To Broker yesterday to Frederick 1 1 w" 'p M(Jy a un(, Franclsco I lu-nlrnr PATTULLO SENDS GREETINGS TO CONSTITUENTS T. D. Pattullo, member for Prince Rupert and leader of the opposition in the Legislature, wires from Victoria as follows: "Dear Mr. Editor, May I again through the courtesy of your paper extend to all my Very best wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year." Motherwell Is I Holding His Own X-Ray Indicates I ! VANCOUVER Dec. 24. The con- dltion of Hon. W. R. Motherwell, suffering from pneumonia, Is de- scribed today as satisfactory follow- ing a consultation 01 pnysicians when X-rays were taken. One lung was found to be entirely free from trouble and the other has one spot of congestion which has not Increased slnee Sunday night, when the first indications of pneumonia were observed. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert Raining, fresh southeast wind. Temperature, 43. ; X CLOSE RELATIONS WITH RUSSIA BY BRITAIN: IXANNED LONDON, Deo 24: An- nouncement was made today that Great Britain has de- cided to re-establish commer- cial diplomatic posts In Rus- sla. In the new drive for Rus- sian trade, the government will send C. P. Paton, consul at Tamsul, Formosa, to Mos- ow to organize commercial headquarters and act as com- merclal secretary. DEC. 24, 1929 definitions? love shining ways In 4 GOVERNMENT TO BE SUED Refuses To Fay City Full Cost For Surfacing of Cow Bay Road On recommendation of the Board of Works, the city council decided last night to request the attorney- ; general for permission to sue the provincial government for a balance due In connection with the surfacing of Cow Bay road, which work was carried out In November, 1927. Mayor McMordle, In speaking to the report, explained to the councU that the account had been hanging fire for some eighteen months. The city had carried out the work at the request ot the provincial public works department which did not have the necessary tarvla equipment. He had understood following an Interview several months ago with the minister of public works that the government was willing to pay the account In full. However, t,iic uibjr iiau icveiicu a viicbh w $4666, which was some $1209 short of the total amount. The govern- i ment had claimed thatlt considered 1 the amount It had sent fair pay ment tor the work. The mayor took ; tne stand tnat mere was no reason why the city should do work at the request of the government and then not be paid the full cost of that work. It was true the Job had been a rather expensive one due to the wet weather prevailing while the work was being done. No charge, however, had ben asked for use of the equipment of the city. The council unanimously y decided to accept the recommendation with , a view 10 suing uie government. M. ing r Clemency rorUoukhobors CHILL OTTAWA, Dec 24. Members of the Sons of Freedom are making an appeal to the Prime Minister that the Doukhobors Imprisoned or In detention camps in British Columbia be released as an act of Christmas good will. Penny Postage South America OTTAWA. Dec. 24: Christmas Day will mark the inauguration of a two -cent letter rate from Canada to South America, It was announced today by Postmaster General Venlot. PREMIER S. F. TOLMIE SENDS A CHRISTMAS MESSAGE TO PEOPLE OF THE PROVINCE VICTORIA, Dec. 24. Premier Tolmie in a Christmas message today said: "As another decade in our history iraws to a close, it is with pleasure that, on behalf of the government, I wish all our people a merrv Christmas. It is he season that combines thankfulness for the past with 'indness for the present and hope for the future. No people have greater reason than those of British Columbia to be grateful for this closing year. Our mines have yielded heir treasures as never before ; from our forests has been Irawn the largest harvest on record, and our fields have been fruitful. In memory of all these blessings may our hands be opened and our hearts warmed by messages of oeace and goodwill which the season brings." Man Got Away With Cash but Captured Not Far From - -' - -Scene VANCOUVER, Dec. 24, Less than an hour after he held up and robbed the Robson and, Hornby Street branch' of .the, Dominion Bank, 'it .nun 'giving' it.. . vt-XUt, illna'. (lie J. till t: ui a iniiK t,i,v. M years of age. of Tancovrerl wa?' captured by the pollce after he s ta1 taken refuge In a house four blocks from the scene of the holdup. The police also recovered the money, estimated at $1500. Burlow made no attempt at resistance and had thrown away the revolver which he had c ''. Lining F. M. Broddy, manager, and E. C Cornish, teller, a-a'nst the wall the lone masked bandit entered the bank shortly after 10 o'clock this morning and escaped with a larce amount of cash. The man entered the bank. Jumped over the counter and quickly covered Broddy and Cornish, who were alone, with i a revolver. "Stlfk 'em up," was the terse i eoanpand as the bandit forced i the fien to the wall and reached into the teller's cage and scooped up available cash. Governments Co-operate In Finding Work EDMONTON. Dec. 24: The provincial and civic governments will co-operate to provide work for the obless men in Edmonton with the province bearing the expense, it was announced following a conference between Prunler Brownlee and Mayor Douglas. The Jobless married men are already provided for Royal Family Is QJ , ,. i uucuuiiiK liuuuay i ri. 0 . . i at oanaringnaniji 1 SANDRINGHAM. Dec. 24. The entire royal family, the King and Queen and their children and ' grandchildren, are spendlnit Chtist-I mas together at Sandrlngham. the ' first time the whole family have ; been together since the war. I The Christmas party will be a i farewell to the Prince of Wales, who leaves early In January for Africa. VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER. Dec. 24: The price of wheat here today Jumped to $U8. mis aiternoons tram, aue from the east at 3;30, was reported early this afternoon to be. on time. Boston Grill LAROE CABARET Special ntnnen Thuradayi and Baturdaya Dancing Errry Saturday Mbt, 9 to It Dance Hall for Hire Accommodation! for Private Parties 1UONE 457 FltlCE FIVE CENTS aTAR SANDS OF ALBERTA ARETREATEIL OTTAWA. Dec. : 5. Word of a successful separation plant for the treatment of tar sands of Alberta has been received here from the Research Council of Alberta-Last summer the largest plant 4wns removed to Clearwater Rlvef where trial runs were made during tne rail before the ireer.e-up and it is .expected large scale operations will be started next summer. Volcanoes Are Pouring Smoke And Fire Alaska SEWARD, Dec. 24. Although .the volcanoes In the Gulf of Alaska district were pouring out smoke and fire during the westward trip of the steamer Starr, officers of the vessel reported on arrival today that they neither felt nor heard comments on earthquakes accompanying the eruption. (BURGLARS NANAIM0 Capitol Theatre and Hardware Store Safes Rifled At Coal City NANAIMO. Dec. 84. Burglars Sunday night or Monday morning robbed safes In the Capitol Theatre of about $1000 and at the Sampson Hardware Co. of about $800. The culprits opened the safes through the combinations. No explosives were used. Bennett to Make Another Tour of Western Canada OTTAWA. Doc. 24: Hon. R. B. Bennett is likely to make a fur- her speaking tour In Western Canada next month. No definite arrangements have been made but t. is understood he may speak In Vancouver. . , , ; i- .'.'II , Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factnry A CHRISTMAS PRESENT What'll we gie Tammie for a i Christmas present? lasi year no got a bauoon. "So he did well, he's been a guld laddie a" the year so well let him blaw It up noo." in