THE DAILY NEWs., Page 3 OCEAN FALLS ———_ = SS BALL TEAM | EMPLOYMENT SERVICE OF CANADA} LOSES FIRST| § ealth Insurance ‘ | eaccmatt Game Won by Local Se of Labour and the ag tm ary ae 3 One of the distinctive ualities of f qd tye ee cated with DrPrccstramsiSatme fl Coast to Coast for Returned Soldiers and all classes of workers--Men and Women —trained and-untrained. A Special Section exists for. Pro- fessional and Business workers. To look after the special needs of the RETURNED SOLDIER there is in each of these offices, a representative of the INFORMATION AND SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF SOLDIERS’ CIVIL RE-ESTABLISHMENT NEAREST OFFICES 10 Baker Street 162 Victoria Ave, 246 Victoria St Windsay Block Royal Bank Bidg., Baker St Jew Westminster, Board of Trade Bidg iticton Shatford Biock, Main Strect e Rupert, P. O. Drawer 1474 stoke, First St. W. Vancouver, 140 Cordova Street Vancouver, Alcazar Hotel, Dunsmuir St lictoria, Langley and Broughton Sts Vernon, 235 Barnard Ave. E D. W. MORRISSEY rince ‘ Phone 573 P. O. Box 1664. Rupert (jrocery Company more stock on hand than money WILFRID KELLY n bank, takes this 1 Ziving the public high grade value for their cold re e prices set forth below will be maintaned until tisement is changed, when a further list of good follow rhese prices are absolutely for cash yuunter. No C.O0.D. o urging to account | these prices Delivery will be made by auto on iceeeding purchase. Malcolia’s Best, is ....@0c. 2s ..$1.16 5s ..$2.85 } per ib : occec ekvieees oé 55c. a oy a ne , 2 for 35c. rk and Beans, tomato sauce ‘ 2 for 250. te BORED dA so eon . 5 ibs. for 50c. gar, per gallon ‘ (ties oes incy Biscuits, all varieties, per Ib. ................ 3@e. | J Strawberry, 4s $1.26. Black Currant, 4s, $1.00. Red $1.00. Raspberry, 4s, $1.20. Strawberry and | $1.00. ‘ireen gage, is, $1.00. i s, 2%s, per case $4.60, per dozen $2.40, per can, ] 2 for 450. ; : t 2s, per case $3.75, per doz., $2, per can 2 for 36c. \ Domoleo, 2s,.....3@e. 3s,. . 400. 5s 60c. BR, WP Ges a oa a % bao 016.000 6 des 0 ord. athig 0.04 5e. OOF CO ks Rea aU pipe 20c. LN! Mia hae Deh tee alelies dives . 1Be. MOOR ants ote ide Feed, on 0%} > soos Bee M . Gee a ee 2 for 25c. Prince Rupert Grocery Co. — fp —, \ THE LA CASSE BAKERY: for BREAD BUNS mene eee PASTRY PHONE 190 3rd Avenue Yesterday afternoon Prince Ru pert added still another vietory to her list of honors in baseball by Winning the game from Ocean Falls by a score of 8 to 3. The play throughout was excellent and up to the seventh the twe teams were about even. Both pitchers | were tossing in tine shape and | the infleld was air tight for both sides The fielders also showed | that they knew where to play ' The seore took a decided jump | in the home team’s favor in the} "When the centre fielder for the papep makers was eventh inning. unable to get under a fly from| Dravi my account of a straimed| musele reeeived in the previows | inning while start By a couple of errors th bases were filled and then Clem came to bat By smashing a two- bagger he brought two men home and other two runs were gained mn this innimeg. There was no score in the eighth and when} Ocean Falls was fanned