1 PAGE TWO tiieIBailynews Frjday, Jul The Daily News PHINCE RUPEHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA .Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert f j-, Dalljj ftews, Limited. Third Avenue .' . ir'.- H, F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION tne rest 01 tne tiock. Friday, July 12, 192D. C. P. R, AND NORTHERN B. C. ' There is considerable discussion going on in regard to wtfaathe CiP.R. means by the purchase of the railway at; ' Stewart. Primarily doubt'ess the idea is to provide an out-i let for the George Copper and other mines which the Con-j sojidated already owns or controls. The railway was nec-i essary to them. ! But the subject of discussion is whether it t is the in-: tention of the railway company to continue the line through the mountain into the Groundhog country and! possibly on into the Peace. Very likely even the C . P . R . j heads do not themselves know what they will do in this1 regard. Much wilt depend upon what stand is taken byj the C.N. R. and what developments take place at other points . What is certain now is that the C . P . R . will have a northern outlet, whether it be at Stewart or at Prince! Rupert or at both, and that this will virtually attect the ; matter of northern transportation. The probability is that in years to come the output of Northern Alberta and . Northern B. C. will be divided between the Hudson Bay and Northern British Columbia. The man who thinks for himself is usually considered a freak. The tendency of the average person is to follow t SHIPMENT OF SILK At the present time the CP. R. ships its silk and tea and other Orinetal products through Vancouver. The trains have to climb the grade of the Kicking Horse valley which is costly and slow. By shipping through Prince Rupert or Stewart the trains could reach New York well ahead of the present schedule and without the expensive gradient. At Prince Rupert there are already docns that could serve the ships and doubtless the C . N . R . would gladly lease them their big doac for the purpose. The ships could take part cargoes dffivheat, if necessary, and also lumber. Developments .here Jn the matter of the lumber business and future developments in other lines all seem to indicate that this north country will be very busy, that it will get its share of shipping and tht eventually a big city will be built here that will be one of the big seaports of the world. A busy man does not hate anylfcvJ He has not time. But there is one exception. He hates iRe bore who utiiizes his time and gives nothing inueturn. . SNOWDEN AND THE PREFERENCE STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd.) Bay view, 31-2, 3. Big Mlaaourl, 1.43, 1.45. Cfcrk Prwrlne. IS, 11 1-2. Cotton Blt. 47, 50. DuUlte Minea, 52. Nil. George' Ccpper, 10.60, 10.65. Gcorfla River, 33, 34. Ohvdstone; Nil. 11. Orlconda, 1.12, 1.15. arandvlrw, 43. 43 1-2, Independence. 8, 8 1-2. Intern. Coal & Ceke, 33, 1.90. 38. Kootenay Florence, 14 1-4, 14 3-4. Kootenay KYag, 321-2, 35. L. & L. 2. 3. tusk j Jn, 10, 11. Mohawk. 3, 4. Morton Wooliey, 4 3-4. 51-4. Marmot River Oold, 3 1-2, 5. Marmct Metate, 3. 4. National Silver. 13. 14. Noble Five, 62 1-2. 63 1-2. Oregon OOfptr. 23 1-2. 28. Tend Oreille, 5.40. 5.53. Premier, 1.60, 1.65. Porter Idaho, 48. 63. Reeve Macdonald. 1.75, FtufiM Argcotft, 26 1-2, 1.80. 30. Rtrth Hope, S3. 37. Silver Crtt. 51-2. 6. Silverado, 70. 75. SUveratnltti. Nil. 12. Sl:en King. Nil. 5. Snowfla-ke. 40. 42. Sunlooh. Nil. 2.50. Terminu,' Nil, 7. Topky Richfield, 28, 30. TorW, 75, 1.40. Whitewater. 85. Nil. VKblne. 4( 5. Bluebird. 10. 12. Oeorge Enterprlae. 26, 291-2. OIN A. P. Oommtldated. 3.82, 3. Calmoot, 3.76. 3.80. Daibcufle. 4.00. 4.10. Fafefan Pete, 71-2, 8. Home, 22.70. 22.75. SHrllhf Pactfle. 1.87, .84. Freehold. 1.11 .1.20. Hanjal, 1.33 1.40. Dallaa. 1.95 '.Nil. Mercury, 1.08. 1.09. Kuttern Mork Sherrltt Oordon. 7.90, Nil. WEATHER REPORT Terrace Clear, calm. 62.' Ronwood Clear, calm. 60. Aiyarv Clear, oakm, eo. Alloe Arm Cloudy, calm, 58. Aryox Cloudy, calm, 68. Stewart Cloudy,' calm, 58. Hayrport Cloudy, calm, 58. Port Simpson Hazy, calm, 56. Haaelton Clear, calm, 60. 8mlthers Clear, calm, 60. Burna Lake Clear, calm. 64. Vanderhoof dear. calm. 60. QuesnH Part cloudy, cool. Atlln Part cloudy, south wind, White horses-Clear south wind. 57. 64. Carmacka Clear, ltgtat south wind, vnen nanceuor oi me rj.xcnequer anowaen spoke oi Airs. A. Duval and Mrs. A. the unsoundness of the preference, he was probably dis-1 christensen of Queen Charlotte cussing the tariffs as they applied to Britain and had no y Jwere ln Skidegate visiting thought of Canada. Mr. Snowden is a new minister andf-iend over theweek-end-possibly has not acquired the art of thinking imperia'ly. ! Several visitors have gone nP Also ther.e is a disposition for the Labor leaders to speak to Tieii to holiday at the Rajout for themselves iastead of for the government of which farm- they are a part. The general trend of the day is toward a fiscal policy for the Empire. Trade follows the flag and also the flag is kept waving by the trend of trade. At any rate, that is the view of Conservatives in Canada who turned down the Reciprocity Treaty with United States because of a fear that closer union would fol'ow. . Were it not for British sentiment it would be a great advantage to Canada to form a fiscal union by which there would be absolutely free trade between that country and this, but a tariff wall against the rest of the world 68. Dawson Part rioudy, alro, 60. , SKIDEGATE C. G. Mclntyre of Anyox arrived last week by way of Port C'ements and will spend the 'summer with his family at Skide- gate. RAISED $835 FOR HOSPITAL Big Kvent at Queen Charlotte City I CJreat Succejw i QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY. ;July 12. The afternoon of July 1 1 was triven over to a nlrnir nt Also there WOUld be freedom Of access from One part Of Queen Charlotte City, held under the continent to the other. The bar to that is the British the auspices of the Board of allegiance. If the British leaders are now going to throw I T"d,e' ,d of the skidegate in. .i.JL n i r i- il ...sit i.- it.! l ! let Hospital. uuwii uic uuvdiirca ih v,auaua, ii win ciur mis country fea.j SportB whlch were a b, to take such action as may bent forward her own interests. ! tm-e of the afternoon's festivities, However, we do not feci (hat Mr. Snowden is speaking attracted many competitors and for his Government. In other matters the Labor leaders afforded a great variety for both! have shown themselves to be imperialists and doubtless : 'tT lookln&n ",thos irn i, will 511 the : in this strength, skill or speed. they see light regard. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I'KINCE RUPERT, 11. C. fortunate y the dav turned nut warm and sunny and brought out I Sot only the townsfolk of Queen . harlotte. but also those from neighboring villages. The music furnished by the In dian band from Skidegate Mission , enlivened thegatherlng with appropriate numbers and added much to the success of the day. I In charge of booths there were : : Sirs. Cook, fancy wirk; C. G. I. i T. Girls, refreshments: W. M S I of Skidegate Mission, fancy work i and refreshments, VIrs. Fair-' bajrn,. Vrsh.ndJfe Ir. - JiIcKen-1 2ieV"hor uV' ?ti1id;hire John ! Dover took charge of the mystery ! booth. I Mrs. McKenzie was In charge of the supper arrangements which were hai-dled in cafeteria style. Charles Hartie convened the entertainment committee, who conducted a most enjoyable dance In the evening. A tribute to those who so ably helped to make the day a success and to those who showed by their generosity that they wished to maintain the present creditable condition of the hospital was shown In the resujlj:of the day's Il.ogram. Over $GQ0 was taken in on the grounds andVith the dance .proceeds and the,- subscriptions itaken ujfpreviousfy at all points ; on the njlet brought the total proceeds up to $835: With a few outlying points td he&r from in the campaign, it isj hoped that the aimed for f 1000 wilj be exceded, as it 'i "the Hospital Society's earnest endeavor tp equip the hospital with an X-ray thJs year, in addition to necessary imn WOMEN'S INSTITUTE OF TERRACE MEETS Number of Sublets Dealt With at .Meeting This Week TERRACE, July 12i monthly meeting pf the Terrace Women Institute was held on Tuesday afternoon. Pmjdent Mrs., C. 1. Giggey, was In the chair and there was a good attendance Arrangements wyre formulated for a lettttre on health topics, with moving pictures to be given here some time in September by the western organizer of the Canadian Social Hygiene Council. A splendid paper ea the work and program of the Crippled Children's Hospital in Vancou-j ter, wrftenaby 'Mrs. Sheasgreen, was read by:the' secretary. 'It was decided that the' Institute should, aid this work, in some way and' Mrs. C. R. Gilbert was appointed to get more information and take charge of the work required; to be done. ; Some further discussion on child welfare work -took place and it was decided to ask the village commrflefbnera to. irittal a curfew system in town. j Mrs. H, L. Smith gave a ro-i port on the last hospital board .meeting and it was decided to ' ask H. Halliwell, president of the hospital board, to attend the 'Alltrtl.t mo4in,r anrl - - n - ...v. ...ft, a in. uulii itc nit i ne i i . . , , , , ilishing of the hospital in Ter-irace. , ; i AllJOl IINKK FOU MONTH teceMMO Milton oAiiwBtt, eounl for the dtUnot, will be away from th ;lty. adJiffnuMut has bMn takn until August 15 In city p:llc court In b ctt of Matt Vlikck who l charged wit!) tteprng liquor for ale. sees They Can't Escape- J FLY-TOX ' Kills 'Em Dead ru soci rt.. mi Qi., iusi cj, mi ll.W lpr.J, Ik (.) CtU U Iut VOgS FRACRANT W ODOt Developed at Mellon iDbtitule of ImluilrUl Rrtearch Ly Ret FeL , lowlii. KILL-" FLIE MOQUITOE-T MOTH'RO ACHEy- AMS- FLEA FT IN . 4 Dr Alexander , MlOVlJr r.7S 'hrpkh UCV DENTIST Mil I'I'I'I I'l limn, 11 II 1 11 IIIINI MADE- TO ORDKR iiiiimK, ill niiiiiinilli anu Mj tt Deliver All Guaranteed SUITS KTKAM ri.PAVPIl It, I'RKSSF.D to Any City. tw .. ran oi u Linjj, the Tailor Phone 9 m i M Ml Intrigiiingly tailored, lovely Ensembles, Suits for sports and dress in the finest weaves. Dresses fashioned of delightful silks. Startling savings are offered on those coats, dresses and ensembles. See these wonderful garments before shopping elsewhere. suns ESEMBLES MESSES COATS At Exceptionally Low Prices $14.50 $19.50 $24.50 Richmond's Louvre THIRD AVENUE, PKINCE UUPEIIT, IJ.C. NO PHONE ORDERS CASH ONLY NO DEALERS NO C. Q, D, Friday and Saturday Si