V TOMORROW'S V'1 Boston Grill HlTlRlAY.jy i. .ft'. LARGE CAMARET lllh 6!3I v J Special, Dinners Thursdayi and Saturday! Dsnrlng Every Saturday Night, 9 to It Dance Halt for Hlra low o:3S a.m. ' ', 1129 p.m. 6.J An. i. ' 4 Accommodation for Private Parties PHONE 4S7 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XX., No. ICO. Vol PKINCE RUPERT, H.O, FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1929. I'Rir.E FIVE r.KSTS Canada May to Liquor Result ATT A W A JnV 19 TV, that the Dominion Government may modify its policy in respect to granting liquor clearances to the United States. In fact, it would cause no great surprise to some observers if the cabinet went all the way and complied with the request of the United States to refuse altogether liquor clearances to that country. Whether these forecasts are correct or not, there can be no doubt that recent developments throughout the country along the Detroit River caused violent repurcus-sions. During the last session of Parliament there were severa! petitions from religious and temperance bodies asking that clearances be refused. These formal protestations were mild compared with the telegrams and letters which pour in on ministers of the crown these days. These are coming from every province and while they are not made public" it has become known that many of them do not mince words in expressing the opinions of the writers about the preserit policy ' of permitting clearance of liquor to the United States in contravention of the dry laws of that nation. The Government is accused of fearing the liquor interests. The accusations against them are said to take in a tremendous range. ARE PREPARING RADIO REPORT Chain of High Powered Stations Eipected to He Ktatlinea Aero Canada OTTAWA. July 12. The radio mmiMion having completed it ligation both in Canada t 1 in Europe and the United S'dV- i now preparing its re-; r While the Government will r rjr- report first and may hold until parliament assemble, it ;indrtood the commission will : 'lutlc in its recommendations t.a a rhain of high-powered all-' a? ;,r!ian broadcasting stations b (Htablised across Canada, ling nut all-Canadian or Brit-J-h programs. A one means of meeting the In--r,. , r0!,t i expected thers bp an increase In the licence f "i tind that machinery of collec-' r will be improved. SUCCESSFUL IN MUSIC EXAMS f . 'he theory, counterpoint and hfca-V 'f mualc etamlnatlon glen by I'niwMlty of Toronto. Toronto C' -wnatory of Mualc. the following r.'i is of 8t. Joxophs Aeadeany ri "esaful : ' nior History of Muslc-rirat elaa. r. Ruth Olflles; Honor. AletiA M Km ley; osm, Marie Murphy ' .nicr Oounterpolnt Honors. Alea M K :.,ejr and Ruth OUItes. T unary Theory rint claaa honora. Mi;v OTlrlen and Katharine Wataon: ! i, r BdtUi Kergtn: paaa. He Fimentary Theory Honon, Jean V, brruon: paaa, Oeellla DeajardUisa. DRY WEATHER MAKES WHEAT PRICESSOAR WINNIPEG. July 12. Dry weather with extremely high tem-PrHturea in some sections continued throughout the Canadian west today resulting In a bull movement, prices moving throe and a half to two and' five-eights above yesterday's close. July future touched 1 1.48 5-8 at pne PHod, a high record for the season The market closed with J'y $1.47 3-4, December $1.33 3-8. SEWAKD, Alaska. July 12. : oouy or luiph Miner, a noncommissioned officer in the "nance department of the United "tates alirnal v.... f,.A ihurjday lodged between rocks In KunMinn River. Refuse Clearance for the United States of Campaign in Its Favor PRINCESS FOR MOTORTRAVEL rormrr f Tarts C P I! Mramrr Hill lie Irtrj ivtacen stllt and Victoria vrrr-I 11: Aa a rult of "77 ' f 7tV touftat biKi- auJnd vwtorV. it h wMmJihii the steams Prinoraa Victoria is to be rebuiu ao to ai- low of he htndHne awramt manjf can and she will then 4e orat1 In the Vletorta-cVattle senrloe. The enmnfes In the ship will be taVJf furiam Um win-ter and the new'friawS wUl to Into force neat aprins With she arrival of the now ajeam-em froaa Bncland in the spring, toe Victoria will not toe needed on the triangular aerrloa so will be utUlsad for the purpose sta--ed COHOESAND 1 SOCKEYEARE : ' RUNNING WELL Halman fUhlng l very good In I lilt dl.lrkl. Xol only h there good run of rke)e III I he hkerna Itlvrr but there la I He blggrat mn of eelHiea s the trolling ground lf Imiido !! and the hlghrtt lrlre fifty renta earh oil h ground la being 'iW ; to Ihe f Khrtnif ii . Many wen are earning oer flsu s day regularly and Mme get even mmmt I two that. The failure ef the spring aalnmn run on the wrl ml ft ueeii ! (iMrMtr Mands l being more I than made up by I lie wonderful ' run of echoes ulilrh ha birn , going on far urteral weeks. j INCREASE IN 1 REVENUE OF i THE COUNTRY OTTAWA. July 12. The net UI. i nf ihn Dominion of Canada1 lecreased bv ?t2.C20.i:t:i in twelve! months ending June :?0. finance department figure issued j today ; stated. At tne ena or June debt stood at $2,214,142,150. Dur-ing the first three months of pres.-ont flanfll vear ordinary revenue showedtan increase of, $13H529,JIK over the corresponding period last vnnr he increase in "ruiiiaij expenditure is shown as $591,260. COASTGUARD HEAD DIES AT SEATTLE SEATTLE. July 12. Capt. John 0. Rerry. 08 yers of age, commander of the northern division of the United States coastguard, died here today following a brief Illness. PREFERENCES DISCUSSED IN SOUTH AFRICA Statement of British Chancel-lor Causes Concern at Capetown CAPETOWN, South Africa, July 11 .The British Govern-ment's proposal to abolish preferences is causing considerable concern in South ! Africa. "Without preferences we have no hope," said the i general manager of the Rhodes fruit farm. .The whole of our dried fruit industry has been built up on : preferences. " The opinion is expressed here that if the preferences are abolished, the example will be instantly followed by South Africa. i 1 VANCOUVER ISLAND BOARD OF TRADE MS PRESIDENT FOR YEAR VICTORIA. - July 12. - A f W? PfetWM 01 me Associaiea Bwr of Trade of Vancouver Island at a convention here jester- dy. ' i HON.H.MARLER i IS QUALIFIED (Winnipeg Free Treaal Hon. Herbert M. Marler. who has appointed aa Canada a minister to Japan, will lee shortly for roiio. Hl g' ing to this n-ar post has taken ,on gnatsr Importance alnce the gor-' errraent decided last year on the poller of sending a minister to Japar,. Oanadt u faced now with greater neessalty of finding ether rnarkrU for her product which the United State ahows an In-creoalPt tendency to tseludc. and there are very great poaaibllltte of develop-lnsj trade with the Orient. Mr. Marie r auallflcaUooa for the ecallSMy at Toklo are freely admitted ud tir Is included In the enteral oom-mendatlon that U given she Oovern-eseot. tveo bT txrtttleel oppooenU, for tao selection of its ministers to othtr oountrtea He was honored a few days ago by a notable gathering In Mon-' trtal, his home city. At this banquet, Hon. Jamas Malcolm. Minister of Trade j and Commerce, after eapreaaing oon-j ftdsnr a Mr. Marler, reSMirked very pointedly: "Canada la prepared to trrde with countrlea that want to trad with her. There are countries wrilch do hot ant to trade. There ar countries which only want to sell. and. ao far as I am concerned as Minister of Trade and Commerce. I am goirg to eatrt every ounce of Influence which t poaaess In enneuraflng trade with lboe who really want to trade." He I ef erred to the great Increase In our trade with Japan . It hai grown from M ,000000 to S3 .000 ,000 In the last 15 years, and we export to Japan three times ,aa much aa we receive from that country. Mr. Malcolm, believed that big developments were coming In the Orient and that,, alnce Japan Waa the gatrway to the Orient, Canada ahoukt hare a minister there. mm . f r II ni a r UIMV uHIVililHll I iMllU FROM BRITAIN jiunny Austin jeaten Today by linns Oldenhauscr and Gregory by Prenn RERUN, July 12. Germany's tennis star, springing a sensational upset, routed tho Rritlsh forces today in the opening singles of the European zone of the Davis Cup matches. Hans M. Oldinhauser defeated II . W. Austin. 6-4. 0-2. 0-1. after Dr. II . Pn nn disposed of J. C. Gregory, -, 0-8, 0-2. HULL, ENGLAND T. H. Johnson Tela of Rig Event in England While He Was There Recently LORD MAYOR KIDNAPPED Ransomed by Lady" Mayoress After Payment of Sum. for Infirmary at That Place Telling how the Rotary Club of Hull, England, organized a riot for the purpose of raising money ; for the Hull Infirmary for which ;i aunrter of a million dollars was col'ected, T. II . Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fish & Cold , Storage Company entertained the Uoiv Clnb at Its luncheon yesterday. He also t-ld Wtlf -f bis trip to Par! Italy and Switzerland. Mr. Jnbnton tefd bf making the presentation to the ifon club sent tfhr-'t.Trh nlm from thj Prince Rupert ehrb and the wonderfol reception he was given. The amount wi mall but It va- tti Hlea bailed K that pleased the English perrAe. During the camnalgn fir Uv Inflr-: mary a Rotary week waa organized, i something like ten thoueacd drUr belrw mjl'red from te asle of badge and stickers en the streets. The badge "RoUry plead .for Infirmary NeedV 'waa ward everywhere. There were Zulu comes, bandu bands, and au rcrt ot devices It estraetlng money, moen of m'hleh wa giUierrd, a the ttrm ol pennies, several ton betas eolleetejd. A feature of Um campaign waa the! arrest or tba Vara Mayor. It wa ann-MTvyl that the ilctarlana were to ncr him. . Tt following day tye nw-wv enn ureed tt fcb- I4rd May-r hd 'eMraoed ard left he Wr:ct A day .later l. w- Mid Vh je lollce wer-aeaehlng everywhere f"rjtn Mayor and then he waa aanturecl and offteMlT bmuirht baek to the City In chains wttn a necae around his neek and eartled through trje streets wtlh s jal-; mZ afatt .Hted thousand, of popl ,nd all the time oraVetorx wer- busy' ma.imf them pay for their fun. Another stunt was the renting of P"" P"k ""J .L S .? J J and see U ap-rts. firework and w bfai race. Durinr e week the nm, of; ,1100.000 waa :ralaed by. the Rotary Olu. nvtly ' In amaU dmatlona. Mr. Johnaton toM of bis niht to Be 'eac ",vr. ' Parts Iby airplane, of the trip to Alberta, where reports had p re-Mount vesuviua at a time when tt viously been promising, crops have waa active, of the gondoliers of Venlee and other Interesting eights. Terrible Tragic Ending to Fete in England When , ev . 1 1 Boys Burned to Death GILLINGIIAM, England, July 12. While laughing thousands watched what they thought part of a fire fighting show, eleven boys of the naval cadets and firemen were burned to death here last night. Six were seriously injured and taken to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, in aid of which the fete had been held. The specially erected model house designed to be the scene of a gala fire brigade rescue spectacle became instead a horrifying death-trap for the twelve to fourteen-year-old boys. The youngsters were dressed in clown suits and were on the floor when the structure caught fire and they made frenzied efforts to get out of the flames, bringing great applause from the crowd that did not at first realize tha the acting had suddenly become a tragic reality. In five minutes the flames had destroyed the oil-soaked canvas and all that was left was the charred bodies of the youths and the gaunt skeleton of the model house. Frantic mothers and fathers crowded into the little mortuary here this morning seeking the bodies of their sons. IMPERIAL PREFERENCE ! au viiitiiiiiu unuun as an i GREAT BRITAIN TODAY LONDON, July 12. Conservatives of this country are following the lead of Lord Reaverbrook in asking for policy of Imperial preference. The proposal to tax1 wheat from other than Empire I Sources and to gradually erect a trade barrier against the rest of the world Is gaining ground. VICTORIA HOTEL MAN DIEDAT HOSPITAL .VICTORIA. July 12. -John Alexander Virtue, proprietor of i tho Oak Ray Hotel, died this morning at St. Joseph's Hospital after an Hnes lasting some time. He was born in Montreal 07 years ago. MAY BE OIL GRAHAM ISD. People of Islands Becoming Excited Over Possibil-ities Sot Queen Charlottes QUEEN CHAR.LOTTE CITY, July 12. People on the islands are beginning to get excited over the prospect of another oil boom here. The arrival of experts to look over the prospects in the neighborhood of Yakoun River and of one or two people from Prince Rupert who are interested In the oil possibilities here has had a stimulating effect and is reminding locnl people that there are evidences of oil at a good many points on Graham Island, such as seepages, parrafin wax and rich oil shales. The oil men from California, who had been told that nobojy lived on the islands, were agreeably surprised to fln'l here a flourishing little community with a good steamship service by waj of the Canadian National. They are planning to spend some time- on Graham Island and make n thorough investigation of surface indications for oil. POOR CROPS ON THE PRAIRIES yj,f a Pool Estimates Them at Only 65 Per Cent of -Normal WINNIPEG. July 12.-Western Canada's wheat crop is only 65 per rent of normal, due to exees- 'v arougni in an inree pra ' r e . Provlnect. .,j. accord .ji ng to 4l the erop - ",teme"t '"" the Canadian heat Pool today. t Al n n I 1 1 a -1 - a. a deteriorated appreciably during the past two weeks. PROTFST AT ABOLITION OF TARIFF MELBOURNE, 12.- Spirited 'p'rof est agalhsl u the aboil- tion of the Empiro -prefercntial tariff as ' Intimated ' ly Hon. Phillip Snowden has been cabled to .Premier Macdonald by Premier Stanley Rruce of Australia. A. W. Moaoareila, advertising director of the WUmlpr Tribune, arrived In tho city on yesterday afternoon's train from Jasper Fark where he attended a recent advertlalng men's convention and aalled aboard tha steamer Prince Charlea for Vancouver He waa.nreine aud county courts at New accompanied by Mrs.f Mneoarrlla. Goose Island Seizure Is Before the Court Skipper of United States Boat Tells Why He Was in Canadian Harbor in May Last Before Being Taken to Prince Rupert VICTORIA, July 12. That the United States fishing vesse May struck a ledge of rock off Gander Island, bending her propeller and damaging the fresh water tank aboard and then proceeded to Goose Harbor anchorage to have a survey made of her condition, was the reason given by Captain B . M . Jenson, master of the craft, in the admiralty court here yesterday for her presence in Goose Harbor when the cruiser Malaspina seized the vessel on May 6 last. The hearing opened in condemnation of the proceedings against the US. fishing craft May. Captain Laird of the Malaspina told of a conversation he had with the captains of the May and Puritan on board the Malaspina. He claimed that when asked why the May was in Goose Harbor, the master of that vessel did not answer. "I asked him if he came in tor rest and he answered 'yes.' A few seconds later he offered the excuse that he came in to take off the cinder head of the ship's engine. I asked him why he did not say that in iirst place ana ne said he had. I stated he had not. Then he answered, 'If you fellows are going to take it that way I won't say any more.'" The May was taken to Prince Rupert under her own nower-and there turned over to the customs department. nKiTiMi rur.Miut , IS RriNSTATFJI IX; 4 scoTTisir'tJotirtin -'t Raw, Scotland. July 12 -At 4 a apeetal meett8 lat nlgBt the 4 4- Mara OrU Cbib unantmoualy H'thMw J'rMiMrHg'nirart- Uaodonald to full right In the t club of memberahrp. of which be 4- waa deprived ID 1916 tor his pael f fist utterances at the time. . HOMERS MADE IN NATIONAL Giant and t'ubs Even on Hectic Series; Reds and Pirates Take Two Straight NEW YORK, July 12. The New York Giants gained an even break with the Chicago Cubs in a double-header today by winning a wild second game. The Cubs outhit the Giants, but the home team bunched its blows. Hack Wilson hit his twenty-first and tweny-gecond homers and Melvin Ott nis iweniy-llim. Qncinnati Reds made it two in a row from the Roston Rraves. while the P'ttsburgh Pirates took fheir second straight from the Phillies. The St . Louis Cardinals evened up a series with Drooklyn Robins. ! In the American League, Washington Senators found Jimmy Zinn's pitching easy and defeated P1VAlanrl InHlnna The Detroit Tlirers worked a ' triple play in the seventh, but lost a heavy hitting game to Koston rtraina ! New YorV at Chicago and Phil - ' adelphla at St. Iouls were rained out. Yesterday's big league score: National League Chic8go,8-ie, New York JUG. S. I)uls 6, Rrooklyn 3. Pittsburgh 0. Philadelphia 3. Cincinnati G, Roston 0. American league Washington 0. Cleveland 3. i Roston 15. Detroit 8. LOCAL JUSTICE OF PEACE HAS RESIGNED Secretary to Atlrney-Geiiernl Made Registrar of the Court nt Westminster VICTORIA, July 12. The resignation of D. J. Mathcson of Prince Rupert as Justice 6f the peace has been accepted. Leo Mendendeg, secretary to Attorney-General Pooley. has been appointed registrar of the su- I Westminster. -lISMITHERSBOY IS COMMITTED Pavtd Jones Will fare Manslaughter Charge at .nlze llrre In Fall sfiiVt .otiUAlslallUev David lewis Jones, aged nineteen, waa committed for trial by Stipendiary Magistrate S H. Hosklna at emttbers on Wednesday on a charge of manalaugnter In oonneotlon with the death of Isaac Carlson and Uno remer In an automobile fatality on the DuUtle Mine road near Smlthers on tbe night of June 39. It Is alleged that Jonca who was In charge of the desth car. was under the Influence of llouor. The accused la In the lock-up at emlthers, no application for ball having yet been made. The ease will oorne up at the fall session of the Supreme Court Asetzes In Prince Rupert. USE OF REVISED PRAYER BOOKS IS TOJBEPERMITTED LONDON. July 12. Roth upper ind lower houses of the convocation of Canterbury today adopted manlutions arDrovlrtlr tha use of the revj8Wi prayer book in hnrehAs when, aasent is eiven through the parish dumiir. HALIBUT ARRIVALS Summary American W.0O0 pounds, 13c and 8c to 13.8c and 8c Oaoedtin ISM rxwiwW, lc and 8c. Amerlrnn oohimbu, 30.000. Cold Moras, 11.13 and Sc. MUc. 37000. Booth. U.8c and Sc. '000 w eu, Its and i0. Canadian Covenant, 10.000, OcM Storage, 13a. and 6c. Matyallce. Ringleader, 4.000. AUln, IIKST IIAOd.KIC MUt Tho first. mU wj arrtva bar under the newly granted dally' baggage car service, arrived from the east on yes terday arternooe'a train, eonsWtlng of 3S sacks. On Tuesday, the first outbound day. nine sacks wee despatched and yesterday, 18. All ordinary mall la earned but not registered. The points on this end of the Una included In the service are Prtnee Oeyvct, Vandor-hoof. Fort rraae , 14 rn lke, Telkwa. Smlthers, Heartum and Terrace Scottish Humor A RIDDLE What's tho difference between an Aberdonlan and a coeoanutT You can get a drink out of a vocoanut. ,