r i tJfJl li July 12, 1929. THE DAILY NEWS PAGE F1VH HOTEL ARRIVALS rt .n and BaiMi. Prllicr H. B- Anyr. C. 8. Rupert Olbto. Rdbertsoa, M. Vancouver; 0. P. Whtt-imieau; C; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUNI jj Mm William II Konther and , . TIHS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. I, ;', Prin uetTfg!, w. Ldfng. vio E Hauv and i Anceil, V.I.:' H. FasbT. Knutr ln K5l J. McDougall. Terrace; M. ,n Jasper: L. H. Bwnd J. H. .1 L Walla and M E. Olaen, it O' MlchUoii, Stewart: P. pwM River: C. J. Thomson p tfmkw, tf: John lUmley I. Rossy- VaMKver. Central an HtU, Bmrthera; C. MeKIm, , Albert; Al OHgfcT, Stewart; . M. Bennett, Vancouver Huvoy R Lyon, BaiVu. LANI An Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease land Tti the Prince Rupert Land Recording n.-Tint of Prince Rupert, and ailual . i, ' lie Eaat shore of Portland Canal one ! !i,.ic aoutb-eaat of Bprt Point. f I ake noMee that The Anglo British i, t nimbi Packing Oarapany. Limited, of tmieouvar. B.C.. ooeupatton, Balmon 1 !.!Mrn. intends to apply lor a lease or ic following described landa: . hore of Portland canal one mile eaat of 8ptt Point; thence North rhains; thence Kaat forty Chains; south ten chain to High Water M thenc following high water mark kr to staking port; and containing lor'v acre. more or lea. 1 HE ANGLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING COMPART. UJOTXD.( Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. . Dated May 17th. 1939. I I LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Imm Land !. the Queen Charlotte Land Dlatrlet, 1 ,,i Heoordins Dutrlct of Prlnee Hun- m and attsjv awtttawtt of Maa Tune notte tkat laagara Plahleg 1' kiiMt OompMy. Limited, of Maaaett, I! ( ormtpatMn, aatawt casnera. In rn.lv to apply for ream of tt Mflaw. - nem-iibed hutrta r'xmmenelnc at a poat ptaaied near : ixirtheaat oorner of Lot 1359, miiiiohi UnW. wmviij v j :.!n. thenea northerlr Sonalna: thenct xirrlT 10 aham loUowtna law water. t souther It s enekn to point of J uuitnencranent, and ceWtslalPg a acres, i' rr or leas. 1 AXOARA riStUNQ at PACKINO CO., LTD. Henry Whit. Atent. ted May Mtti m. LAN If APT Notice of Intention to ApplJ to ljr Land ' The Stiktne lavnd Reeor-dasg Dk- of BrttlMh Oainmota, and aHtiat --'in one half aMIe Easserty fTm the nth of the TMamuaa- R4ver. wMen ii'n ttM Taku River Kbort aht mMes i--tnm from the Asaska Boundair : ine. Take twtlr vha I. James B. Stabler ' Loa AsayHrs sasMsfM-Uea, mlotnc ii"r, intend to aopiy for permlaetoa purobaae Sollowlng de-crfbrd lift 1 mrwrtt t a poet QlsoV-d one. il rnUe Baaterty Imms vtm raoutli of TulseajiMti lUvt, titeAce Eaat 2t ' 1'iiina; theAPf Neetk 36 abatna; tbenc V-'t 20 chain: taenre Soahh 20 ' uins and containing 40 acre, more le JAMES B. STAPLER l' 'l Juiu? 10th. 1939. 220 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing price from these exchanges posted on our stock btftrd twice dally. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D.JohnstonCo.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert B.C. i!Iy News -tniqlfied" adver-ijirlg brings Veslrlta. Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoy able holiday boating, bath Ing, ffching, mountain climbing, etc. , K1TSUMGALLUM LAKE LODGE Terrace, B.C. I Spend Toor Vacation al Kalum Lake Gbod fishing, boating and bathing; beautiful scenery; twenty miles jrorm Terrace Stage leave Tfrrnrr 9 a.m.. MfUwlav. Ww1n- , . ' aay ami aaiuraay, return. Rates, $3 .25 per day. Write for special weekly rates. It. E. DIX, PROPRIETOR Terrace, B.C. WONDERFUL TLELL (wn Charlotte Islands THE FARM HOME fine p, beach and meadows for children's ptaygrounds. Salmon and Trent Fishing. River and Sea Bathing. Excellent CtMrine. Parties ean be met at SkJdegate or Port . . Clements. WlrelefWr .rMernrtienS MRS. RAJOUT TU1L.Q. C. I. SUMMER COTTAGE "AT'REA mi FLCTHA NCOIS -, ' LAKE Partly Furnished Apply Mrs. Henkel -Frstncofs ISA Lodge Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port! Piemen la and Oueen Charlotte rw p.r, lml trurtti from avtn. ririfTI f lUUWi uuuiuciui Skidegatc. n C. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And Room $M per month. Phone Green 216. tf LOST LOST Diamond link. Finder please return to Daily News office. Reward. UJS2 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply f Imm Land . .. r, PRACTICE Piano for sale. $75. Phone 7G4. 1C7 " in il FOR SALE Studebaker coach. mechanically guaranteed. Burns and Co. Ltd. tf FOR SALE Seven roomed modern house. Apply 147, corner Fifth and Dunsmuir. 1C4 FOR SALE Good Eats Cafe.j tfood location; Phone Black 700. M7o". (170; FOR SALE Iron and wooden pulley, also two piece shafting. Apply Patty Kews, Borxx. ttf) FOR SALE Two goats, easy terms. Apply W. J. Davies, At-fin Avenue. Phone. Green 272. ICO FOR SALE Baby carriage, aulky, crib, dropside couch, Quebec heater, kitchen chairs, gateleg extension table, also Barred Rock hens and pullets. Phone; Gren 272. (1C1) FOR SALE 8 seta adjustable iron - hangers for shafting. Large fie. $10 per set. Apply Bsx 00 Daily News Office, an FOR SALE Dining room suite.! two seta bedroom furniture,; Brunswick Panatrope phono-1 graph, chesterfield, wicker sun), room set, piano. Apply Doug-1 las Stork, 1919 Atlln Avenue, or Stwks Hardware.' (tf) WANTED I WANTBD Henwtitchlng. Mrs. ChM. Edwards, at Wallace's I ,-c, -- WANTED Partnef with some capital, lrr good- paying busi-nea. Apply Box 204, Daily News Office, tf FURNITURE EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Dining Room Suites, Chester, field Suites, Simmons Beds and Bedding. Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Ranges and Kitchen Hardware. We invite you to call. MacKENZlE FURNITURE PIIONE 77$ KK1KNA LAND REftRIIMt DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that toe BrrUtb Co-' hunela PteMBr racking Company. 1 Ltd.. of Vajuxnlver. B.C. occupation, fash rag and paetnag InvefMU to apply tar a lean vi tie totlowtnc described torashore. attuate fronting on Lot I. Raj S, Oosxt Dintrtett Oummeoclng st a oust planted at a point on thsr aaaHherty boundary of Lot 8, Range 5. Uataat about 16 chaina Imm the aoutb-eaat comer tftenc 83 E to te pro-1 duettou aauinertf of the oaat boundary' of Lot 2; thence nortoierly to mean high , water mark: thence weeterty. and south- ; eri foHowtat; mean blkv water mark. to the point or oommefJMtnent, and con-talnlnc ten acre, more or lwa. BRITISH COLUMBIA PlSllINO it PACKING CO., LTD. 3. H. Buahnell, Agent. Dated 24th June 1921. hKf tNA LAND Ki t OKDINO DISTK1CT TAKE NOTICE that the British Columbia Fishing tt Packing Company 1. til at Vancouver. B.u.. occupation a a. jvw.t ecit planted rlavrtlsrl gtt at tihm . -out,wt uUtlWt COT- cor-1 1 nef C L z.., ir-TT - - Mv ta,fftl w,,,r t a point dletamt 10 shlna, arter or less. tertjr ; from tto southwt corner crf Lot 10: thence nor westerly, rollowln; h'lh water mark, to the point of commence- ment, and containing 19 acrea, more ur leM. 1 BRITISH COLUMBIA FI81U1MU s PACKINO CO., LTD J. H. Buahnell, Agent. Dated 20th June, 1929. FATHER 1 KNOW ' 1 I V PUACC. TO HRE THE HELP" rvUVtir XT SZSJS. ndlisJ d packing, intend to" apply forcKhor. sltuat. fronting on im South East of Bartlett Point. : 8,'oDlScunctmi Range 6, OoM ui.uriev mmnciuK ,..nS"7,iLtoHed. ... w.. n nitnaiiAti. sjslmon ' Cannera, Intends- to appry lor a leaa the following o rvtmmenetrfe at 1 a pow Pjania on w Ooaat of Walea Island half mile South Eaat of Battler rotnt, tnerwe nana Eat ten chains: thence South East forty chain: South Weat ten chain to High Water mark; thence foUowIng llltfO Water Mark to staking post, and coa-, tainlng forty acrea, more ot lm. j THE ANUUU Biurior oDin PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED, per "W, E. Walker." Agent. Dated May lTth, 1929. BRINGING UP ITVOVJ OO WHAT ) SAV- GO RIQMT IN THE.KtTCHB.rJ AMD FIRE. T VST COOK 5 Rn5E TO GO' 1 .r GO AKJDQ&T S , POUCEMANl- tie J FOR SALE FOR RENT . FOR RENT Two modern houses. Ptone Black 44G. FOR RETT Furnished flat. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. 'Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT Filniished suite, Summit Apartments. Phone Blue 345. (tf); 'FOR RENT Automobiles. Dianas' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished ioase-kaeplng rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red GOT. tf FOR RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well fur nishedv Apply 215 Fourth enue East. tf 1 1 - pnn PPVT nioan uroll fnmlah. I BUY SHRUBSALL'S SMOKED FISH PRODUCTS (Smoked Black Cod and Fillets) De Luxe Smoked Salmon-To cook, cut the salmon into small strips, place in pan, pour boiling water over the fish and stand away from fire for fifteen minutes. It cooks itself . Sold by Burns & Co..' Ltd.. Frtzzell's. Bulkier Market, Watts' Grocery Makes kes nice nice lunch lunch sandwiches sandwiches j for husband or picnic. ; L.1ND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land tn the Oueen fThnrlntt Land District. Land ftecordlnif District of Prince Ruo-' Jjjuaie at Arniston roim.wonn; Take notice that Langara Fishing , 'Packing Company. Limited, of Maasett,' B. C occupation, cannera, intends, " " J -.rn.'"" . eu uiuuriu v"",v . lne deacrlbed Unds: Foreshore. , , ,. w ed suites. Palmer Apartments., Commencing at a post planted Jjlfi,.! i lTlone Phone Red 444 V (17BXtSLliM-2iia Vui Sweaty werterrt 20 tfhalns .thence norm- ' ....-.r. ,. . , . . .. , FOR RENT-Fornished IWo fam- ily 'y cottage tUllUBC close to w new lit. Lak- etse'Lodge, on take shore. For rates apply rv ' tp V. Soucie, Ter-t , ro race. aj. CHIROPRACTIC PROGRESS The tiractiCe of chiropractic is, recogniied in forty states of the . 0 ... . . . . nnton. This xecognition has been ; sought and gained by the peopl !whO have benefitted through chiropractic. It was not until 1916 that legal recognition w-as first accorded. . . For your health s sake consult DK. W. C. ASPINALL C and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phone Black 283 , , QpenHvynings ,.t CHIROPRACTIC Adjustments given aeeorning to our new Spinal Indicator, produce better reults. Consult R. E. EYOLFSON. CHIROPRACTOR 623 Thirti Avenue ' Office Telephone Blue 83, Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. sell or exchange any kind or furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. GEORGE J. DAWES. AUCTIONEER Federal Block LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leane Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. iMntt Rmtrdin District of PrMvce Ruo- tTt -d wtu.tt new the mouth of Na- n H,fbor " ... on Uuom4) laiand. ii. I .wT. nv.. owner, intenas wj spoit ior ui u I"""? 7ia?i TmsW. red0 lllan1; thenoe northly 10 chaina: ibetiCfj s chaina to tow water khence following low water southerly 10 lnr thence westerly to point of com 1 mncemenL and containing four acres, more or less. ARTHUR ROBERTSON. By Henry White, Agent. Dated May 12th, 1929. em cnauia vo ww wmxer; inence easi- .Hy 20 chain.: thence uthriT to f IT- ,n1 nUlnln on rr,r. cyt lU lanoara fishino packing co..ltd. By lu Agent. John William Moorebouse. r-at-, my, ia4Q LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leane Land Tn u,. Oueen Charlotte Lami District ind Recording District 01 Prtoce rup- sm4 nsf. aiaf itn taa rwoaar thai mnilth rf llftav. 1 0rah.m Wand . Take notice that Langarar fishing Packing Company, limited, of Maisett, B.C.. occupation, salmon c Miners, intends to apply for a lease of the follow- lnc deacrlbed lands: Foreshore. Conuneoetng at a poat planted near the southern end of Hidden island: (hence northerly 10 chains; thence easterly S chaina: thence southerly 10 chain, following low ater. thence westerly to point of commencement, and containing 8 acre more or lea. LANOARA FI5HINO tt PACKIK0j CO., LTD. Henry White. Agent. Dated May 11th. 1929. 1 LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply ta Lease Land Tn K MnM trtVk t4 T?4WWirVl tsni i.i.iii i i.u Oommenclnr at a Dost nlanted on the Fin? EqnIppei1 for DMvK .ndiiaSiitSJrt JtJE?tSibSu IVJ'vV.FZl w,v Is . J- F T II -C tat tMlimaiC lium. KfiatS and . SCOWS of all desCflD- r - tlons for Charter. Ttow Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains In Gas Engines. ' AGENTS FOR Van Blerck. Eaathope. lflcka i Rallantyne. Engines. ' Northeru B. C. Distributors Cool Id see Propellers Phone, Day 01 Night, S64 P. 0. B 1M4 - - - " 1 LAND RKUISTtlY ACT NOTIfE RE: Certificate of TtU No. 617-1 Lot 20. Block 28. Sect Km iw.CJty of, Prince Rupert, Map 921. WHEREAS satisfactory proof o ". n, ,1.. .w.. rr IftM.a , T1tJ lm4 , in Utef f'Out'Caflo haa tcny ut" or ron water ar tne eyremity lrr fsTtsr uro &&TsrtJff 1 given that I shall at the" expiration of enllM tow W4ter. tbtact! westerly 20 .on aaonth trom th, date of the first . chains: thence south to point ot com-I publication hereof, tome provisional . mencement. and contalntng 20 acre. Dtotrlot of Prince Rupert, and situate , Prince Rupert on the South West Ooaat of Wale I-'May, 1929. land facing Boston Islands. ! Take notice that The Anglo British j Columbia Packing Company. Limited, of 1 Vancouver, B.C., occupation. Salmon; Cannera, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on fh South Weat Coast of Walea Island op poalte Boston Islands; thenoe North tea chains; thenoe East forty chaina; thence South ten chain to High Water Mark; tbeoce following High Water Mark West to staking poat; and containing 40 acre, , more or lea. 1 THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker." Agent. I Dated May 17th. 1929. flOVEKNMKNT PROPERTY FOK SALE TENDERS will be received by the un- deralgned up to Monday. July 16th. 1929. for the Durehase of the Provincial Po lice Launch No. 2. now iosated at Prtnc I KuprrVBG. t-arucuiar 01 LSvuncn are aa iwjw; length 4i; r nw4th y" 8 Draft 4' 1" 1 nroui toanin 18 Registered tonnage ,...12, Powtred V.4th 20-24 H P Type PPP. Buffalo Engine. Boat may be Inapneted at Prtnc Rupert, B.C.. on application to Inspector W. Splller. B.C. Portc. Prtnc Rupert, B.C. The hhrheat or any tiender not necessarily accepted. '. V. A. ROLLINS, Parehaelng Agent. . Parliament BWga.. VlcVor!, B.C. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. 3ILVERSIDES, BROS. "Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and " Art Supplies P.:Q. BOX 120 PIIONE 22 , I ELEVEN YEARS OF I KNOWING HOW Is applied . ' to all work In our Mechanical Department A trial tbenat North Eaat fire cbalna to loca-y.m will rnitvWe taii that there is no l convince e you nai mere is nw 7BT,nf l"ere,,s itago antintnr an -u-rM mora fS! .!t.u iitg t the motorist to deal with us. ROSS & MOORE, LTD. Chevrolet Dealers Ga-odyear Tires Kaybestos Linings . - - Heme Gas KALVAGE AND TOWING ir M W Ontier me water we leerttffcate tn lieu of th saldV lost Cer-tlflcate, unless in th meantime valM objection 1 made to m b writing. Dated at the Land Regrstry Office. B.C. this 29th day of 11. r. MACIXOD. Reglatrar. LAND A CI Notice of Intention f Apply to Lease Land In tbe Prince Rupert Land Recording , District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the- South West coast of Wale) Is- land facing Boston Islands. Take notice that Anglo British Colum- bla Packing Company Limited of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, Salmon Can- nera. Intend to apply for a leas ot th following described landa: foreshore: commencing at a post pitntea on tn South Weat Coast ot Wale Island racing the Western extremltr ot Boston Island; East forty chain following high water 1 mark: thence South on chain to Low! f Jlo.lnVVow wl rrk: tino North I to locating post: and containing Ten acres, more or leaa. AMOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. w. a. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply t Lea Land In th Queen Charlotte Land District. Land lq Recording wrorouia Diatrtot awurtet ot of Prince ranee Rup nup- ert and annate new Klaahwun Point, Oraham Island. Tak not loa that Eu ine H. Slmpeon ot Massett. B.C.. occupation, cannery- man. Intend to apply for a leaae of tbe following described lands: Foreahor. Commencing at a post planted about 20 chains southeasterly from th N . W corner of Lot No. 2741, Oralkun Island, thence weat 10 chain; thenc north 6 chain to low water; thence east 10 chaina; the-ice south 6 chaina to point of commencement, and containing t acres, more or lea. EUOENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. Henry White. Agent. Dated May Wn. 1929. LAND ACT Noth-e of Intention ti Apply to Leone Landt In the Prince Rupert Land Recording DUtrlct of Prince Rupert, and altuata on mile South Eaat of BarUett Point on the Soma Weat coast of Wales 1-land. Take notice that Ancto Brlllah Cotum. bl Peking Company Limited of Van. icoover, B.C., occupation, Salmon Can-MMaaBMMM nera, lntenda to apply for a leaae of the following deocribed landa: foreahcee: Commencing at a port planted one mile South East of BarUett Point on the South West coast of Walea Island: thence East forty chain follow Ins blzh xyter mark; theoee Bout west n rh. ni tA In. imtr mark t.tmnr Wm forty chains fnUowlnc low water mark; TnoTc NO" brjtishuia pmi.nu "W. E. Walker.' Agent. , Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leae Land In the Prince Rupert tand Recording OCstrlet of Prrnee Rupert, and situate en the South West coat of Walea la-land hall mUe South Eaat of BarUett Pomi. Take notice Uiat Ano British Colum 6U racking Company Ltailted of Van- oouver. B.C., occupation, Salmon Can- ! ner. Intends to apply for a leaie of the i following described lands: foreshore: thence South East forty chaina follow ? W m": thence South Uh, West f fire chain ,.h.U. to n I low water mark; inence norm wear icny cnain loilow-1 rag low water mark; theaoe North East to locating post: and containing twenty acres, more or lea. ANQLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED. "W. E. Walker." Agent. Dated May 22nd. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land tn the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land ReeortUBK District (ft Prlnee Rupert, and situate at an unnamed point on the northeast of Zayea IataUKl. north of the eastern cxtremAir at the unnamed lake on Zayes Island. Take notice that Eugene H. Simpson and Author Robertson of Maaaett. B.C.. occupation, cannerymen. Intend to apply lor a lease 01 in following described landa: rare shore Commencing at a pott planted 200 mors or leaa EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON. AUTHOR ROBERTON. Bt the Agent. John Wtlllarn Moorehouse. Dated Juno 1th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Appl' t Leone land In the Prince Rupert Land Recording District1 ot Prince Rupert, and altuat on mile South East of Bartlett Point oa tbe coast ot Walea bland. Take notice that The Anglo British Columbia Packing Company, Limited, ot Vahcourer, B.C., occupation, Salmon Cannera, Intends to apply tor a leaw of the following described lands: Commencing at a poat planted on mil South East of BarUett Point on the Coast ot Walea Island: thence North East fifteen chain: thenoe East frty chain: theocc South Weat fifteen chain to hlzh water mark: thenoe tol- lowing high water mark back to staking post, and containing sixty acres, mora or baa. THE ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKINO COMPANY. LIMITED. Per "W. E. Walker,- Agent. Dated May 17th, 1929. LAND ACT Noll of Intention to ppty to Leae ind In the Prince Rupert Land Recording Dutrlct of Prtnc Rupert, and situate one mile South East of Salt Point on th East short of Portland Canal . Take notice that Anglo British coium- M .,.,. rinmnanv Umlted of Van. Jekg te.mBao . u 'r. d.w., vuoujj ':lnl .. sera. Intend to apply for a lease ot th following described land: foreshore ; I Commencing at a poet planted on mBt South East of Spit Point on th Fast shore ot Portland Canal; bene East 40 chain following High water mark: thenc Ssutb 8 chains to low water mark: thenc West 40 chain following low water mark; thenc North 6 chaina to locating poat; and containing 20 acres, more or less. ANOLO BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKING, COMPANY. LIMITED. "W K. Walker." Agent. Duted May 22nd. 1929. By George McManus - - - - - 1 ...... . . , ZZ V I fZ il sUW I I Dive IKJTO Tvtt-1 I tT TOHZ COOLOI I I DO IT- SO MEREGOlV&" J Vf ? dp-' UTEW.BOVft-l LCOKt KAT IT I ) SJ M t'f&V&t- KNOW VOaLt GOOD - AUL ME- I y st r Ll-.J Wm ivHUKtrrJ , ) -iEur- tin rV.Hi &trH-r rH : 1 11 1 t r a v n f 11 ivni . 1 i a v v . .a tav.T a. . 1 " ' ' '''"' ' -lt,liiinatrtl . , j y l7 S 1; ' ttJ II ' ' ', ,,