PAGE SIX THE U.S. NAVY BOYS Picturesque scene at sunset in Philippine Islands where destroyer.-, of V.S. Asiatic fleet are anchored in Zumboanga Bay, Island of Mindanao. COLIC AND CRAMPS PAINS IN THE STOMACH The action of "Dr. Fowler's" affords pleasant, rapid, reliable and effectual relief from cholera, colic, cramps, pams in the stomach and all other bowel complaints. It has been on the market for the past eighty-four years. You don't experiment when you buy it. Insist on getting the genuine, liefuse substitutes, they may be dangerous to your health. lVice. GO cents a bottle at all druggists and dealers. Put up only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto. Ont 1 fa.. ""! oST SB CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DlfYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Buy from the merchants is fresh. ENJOY TllE PHILIPPINES CW.NS hi chit ap mi JBEAR, fw montht uinl; ANCHOR, luck in kmi MUSHROOM. qurrcl: WEIGHING SCALES, Urn ail: KANGAROO, a btuiocu nil HARE, ia buol iraul will mum. Rtmembrr tat n'gaj iof wiuh rear Mjtkia't Bat tap. SHIPYARD Dr Alexander PHONE MS lir.SNEll BLOCK DENTIST that advertise. Their stock EXPERIMENT IN LOGGING Forest Branch calling For Tenders on Larre Cut at AJea , Lake Reserve In connection with experimental work to determine the best method of logging, the cost of operatioin and the best policy to be adopted In the disposal of slash, the provin cial forest branch Is calling for tenders for one million feet of spruce and balsam low, which It proposes to cut and deck in the Aleza Lake forest reserve, near Prince George. Logging experiments have previously been carried out In the Aleza Lake reserve, but there has been trouble experienced in the disposal of loss. This year the men In charge of the exnerlment will seek to avoid this by calling for I tenders for the purchase of the logs I when they have been decked. In addition to the cutting of the logs, the forest branch will prepare roads over which the logs may be hauled to Aleza Lake, the expectation be ing that the logs will be available on or before January 1. An upset price of $8 has been placed on the logs. There are about ten sections in the Aleza Lake reserve which are held for experimental purposes in connection with logging and reforestation. The operations will be in charge of officials of the research office of the department and logging will be under the supervision of Ray Sanson, ranger in charge of the station. Rev. W. F. Price Is Now In Trail Former Local Baptist rastor Takes Over New Church in Southern Interior Town Rev.- W. F. Price, who recently resigned as pastor of First Baptist Church here and left for Lloyd-mlnster, Sask., to spend a vacation. has now returned to British Co lumbia and taken charge of the Trail Baptist Church. Free! Free! Demonstration OF CARNATION MILK BY THE "CARNATION LADY" Here Is your opportunity, ladles. to exercise the secret of Carnation recipes. The demonstration will be held at our 5th Avenue store this week beginning Tuesday, September 10, and until Saturday, Septem ber 14. Everyone Is cordially Invited to call and see. For the benefit of the consumer wc offer an extra special price on Carnation Milk for this week only. CARNATION MILK DC OC Tall; 48 tins for ?0.00 CARNATION MILK Tall. QCp VOXy 8 tins for CARNATION MILK $5.35 Baby size; 06 tins for CARNATION MILK Baby ntn Also on Preserving Fruits of the Season at Lowest Prices CALL OR PHONE 18 OR 81 117 and 123, 5th Avenue, East Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited P. 0 Box 675. Auditorium SKATING Afternoons 2 to 4 Evenings 8 to 10 Competent Instructors to teach beginners. Phone Black 419 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, - September 10, 1929 ' a -w-.riv LIFE RUINED BY NEGLECT Kellogg's ALL-BRAN a Simple Remedy for a Widespread Evil I ''j Many a man has suddenly realized that he was losing outall because he neglected constipation too long. This evil scourge starts with such little things. A headache. A listless morning. A cloudy complexion. But all the while it saps strength, kills initiative, steals ambition. And if allowed to continue to poison the system, it may bring on serious disease. Women know it as the deadly enemy of youth and beauty. Men, as ability's cruelest foe. Don't let it ever prey on you. Guard against It You can with a delicious cereal. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to prevent constipation to promptly relieve it. Just eat two tablespoon-fuls daily chronic cases, with every meaL ALL-BRAN is 100 bran. Doctors recommend it Serve with milk or cream. Use In cooking muffins, breads, etc Delicious recipes on package. Grocers sell it. Restaurants, hotels, dining cars serve it. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. 4 V ALL-BRAN Remo Farmers Give Dance Social Function Enjoyed After Regular Monthly Meeting Saturday REMO, Sept. 10: The Remo Farmers' Association held an informal dance after its regular monthly meeting on Saturday evening. McLaren's Orchestra of Ter race supplied the music and all en- Joyed themselves. Supper was served to SO guesU, the 'tables being beautifully decorated with bowls of pansles grown by Mr. and Mrs. P. Murphy. Among the guests were visitors from Usk. Copper City, Terrace, Amsbury and Salvus. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jabour will sail on the Princess Louise tomor- v aftrnoo" for .Vancouver whence Mr. Jabour will proceed to Tln&tnn tn attansl a nuiiMnMnn nf I the Sun Life Assurance Co. while Mrs. Jabour goes to Los Angeles to visit her mother. .The latter will be accompanied by Mrs. Collins of 1 Los Angeles who Ijas been visiting nere lor me past lew weeKs. Mr. Jabour will return to the city about the end of October while Mrs. Jabour may remain in Cali fornia u ntll Christmas. During their absence they have rented their house to Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Creech. Bottle-Fed . BABIES almost invariably thrive on Eagle Brand Milk which is pure milk from selected herds. It has been used continuously since 1857. : ThaDorden Co. I Jmltcd, Dept. I locner Araua DUit- Vanoourcr Phtm nd mm trrout Bmbf Wttttt Book mnd Bmbjr Rtootd Book. NAME ....... ADDRESS . II. "VX " mjL'J 111 a THE MARKET 1 Following are retail prices cu ! cent in the city today: Apples i'ellow Transparents and Duchess, ' Gravensteins, 2 lbs. ...... .25 lb. .10 Fruit-Valencia oranges, . .20c to .80 Lemons, Sunklst, doz. 50c to .55 California grapefruit, 15c to .20 Bananas, 2 lbs. .35 Extracted honey, per jar. . . . .25 Comb honey .35 Dates, bulk, 2 lbs .25 "Mains, bulk, lb .15 Tokay grapes, lb. .30 Klbt r grapes, lb .35 Seedless grapes, lb .25 Canteloupes, each 15c to .25 Watermelon, lb , .09 Plums, 2 lbs .'. .35 basket 0 Peaches, doz 40c to .. .50 Casabas, lb .12 Honeydews, lb .12 Bartlett pears, doz. .40c to .55 Italian prunes, lb. .10 crate 1.15 Butter-No. 1 creamery .50 No. 2 creamery, 3 lbs 1.40 Cheese . Camembert, 8-oz. pkg. ..... .C5 Kraft Llmberger, s ....... .35 Ontario solids .35 New Zealand solids .30 Stilton, lb .Kf .45 Kraft .45 Norwegian Goat .05 Napoleon Limberger .!...., .70 Roquefort .75 Shift's Brookflcld, lb .45 Gorgonzola, lb .75 McLaren's Cream, jars, '45c, .85 Brookfield Swljw, ,i-lb. pkg. .301 Gruyere .45 Brookfield Canadian Cheese, Ms-lb. pkg .25 Golden Loaf, lb .45 Flour-Flour. 49s, No. 1 hard wheat 3.00 Pastry flour. 49s . . 2.95 Pastry flour, 10 lbs. .60 Lard irure ,.. .25 Compound Eggs B. C. fresh pullet, doz .50 B. C. fresh firsts, doz. 55 B. C. fresh extras, doz. ..., .60 Local new laid, doz. .65 Meats Fowl, No. 1, lb., 38c and .40 Roasting chicken, lb .45 Broilers .45 Ham, sliced, first grade .55 Ham, whole, first grade ... .47 Ham, picnic, lb .. 30 fottare .rolls, lb. , 57 Bacon, side, sliced," best grade i50 Veal, loin .45 Pork shoulder , .30 Pork, dry salt . .35 Ayrshire bacon, lb. . .35c to .50 Veal, shoulder .35 Pork, loin .45 Pork, leg .40 Beef, pot roast 22c to .25 Beef, steak 35c to .45 Beef, boiling .........18c to .22 Jeef, roast, prime rib ..... . .35 Lamb, shoulder 35 Lamb, leg .45 Lamb chops y .45 Mutton chops 40 Mutton, shoulder 30 Fish-Smoked kippers, lb 15 Kippered white salmon, lb. .26 Red smoked salmon 45 Smoked bl-ck cod, lb .20 Finnan haddles, lb .25 Halibut .20 Salmon, fresh spring 30 Nuts Almonds, shelled Valenclas .05 Hrazils .35 Walnuts broken shelled .... .40 Walnuts, rhelled halves ..... .50 Almonds 35 Peanuts .20 Manchurian walnuts 25 California walnuts 45 No. 1 mixed nuts, lb 35 Filberts .35 Feed 100 lbs. Wneat, No. 5 and Bulklcy Valley 3.00 Oats 2.75 Bran 2.00 Shorts 2.10 Middlings $.. 2.25 Barley 2.75 ( Laying mash 3.G5 Oyster shell 2.10 Scratch food 3.10 Beef scrap 4.50 I Ground oil cake 4.25 Baby chick feed 4.60 Fine oat chops 1 3.25 Crushed oats 3.25 Fine barley chnD 2.85 Dried fruits-Lemon and orange Pel 35 Citron peel 40 I Black cooking figs, lb 15 Dolores "The Redeeming Sin" COMEDY, LOW NECKER PATHE N EWS Admission, 15c and 50c. tar Shipment of Caps Has Arrived You are sure to be able to make your choice in this new fall shipment of G and C caps. PRICED REASONABLY AT $2.00 J, A. Kirkpatrick 6th Street Since 1908Prince Rupert . .FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Insult' Eunice and Hemlock, Cut 11 and lG-lnch J 'SIO PER DOUULE LOAD 1JOX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage BAGGAGE White figs, lb Currants, lb Apples, dried Peaches, peeted Apricots, lb. ... . . . . . . . j . . Prunes, 90-100,4 lbs. 25-1 b. box Prunes, CO-70 lb. 2 lbs Prunes, 30-40, lb. Evaporated pears, halves, lb. Vegetables New beets, 3 bunches New carrots, 3 bunches ... Potatoes, 7 lbs. sack .'. Parsley, bunch Garlic, Imported, per lb. Green onions, bunch Cabbage, per lb Walla Walla onions, 4 lbs. Local head lettuce 3 for .15 .20 .25 .20 .25 .35 1.95 .25 20 2t .25 .25 .25 3.25 .10 .35 .05 .07 ' .10 .25 Victoria hothouse tomatoes 15 basket ..... 60 Cukes, outdodr, each .10 11. C. celery, 15c and .20 Leeks, bunch .10 Qrccn beans, 2 lbs Wax beans, 2 lbs Orecn peppers, lb. Cauliflower, head, 25c and .... Golden Barton Corn, doz Vegetable marrow, each . . Green peas, lb. Egg plant, lb. ,..ini,P Broad beans, 3 lbs. ..w. Pumpkin, lb Squash, lb Pickling onions, white, lb. Brown, 2 lbs Red cabbage, lb .... Bulk Turnips, 6 lbs Carrots 0 lbs. Beets, 6 lbs. .25 .25 ,.25 .30 .45 .15 .15 .25 .25 .07 .09 .15 .25 .10 .25 .25 .25 Sugar White, 100 lbs G.60 Yellow, 100 lbs C.20 MON. AND TUES. Two ShOWa, 7 and 9 p.m. Costello In . mm lt'mUf,9 U1JII - mrn COAL Steamship Movements For Vancouver Mondays- Br- Oeorg 4 p.m Tuesdays 4. Oatala 3 S0 p.n Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 p.m Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 om Fridays s. Cardena MlHnltri t Saturdays ss. P. Rupert 7 p .m Sep. 11 ss. Pr. Louise pm Sep. 22 ss. Pr. Louise pm. From Vancouver-Sundays ss, Catala 4 o. n Mondayssi. P. Chm in-10 ar1 Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10.30 am. Fridays ss. Cardena nm Fridays ss. P. Rupert 10:30 am Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 p.m. Sep. 18 ss. Prln. Louise a m Sep. 28 ss. Prln. Louise am For Naas B. and Tort Simmon Sundays ss. Catala 8 p.m .25. From Naai It. and Port Slmnson Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 am rv, Rtrwart, Premier, Anyox and Alice rArm ., Ftndax.saSi Catala i ... 8 P- Mondays-ss. P. Charles 8 p m Fridays ss. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m. From Stewart, Premier, Anjot and Alice Arm - Tuesdays ss Catala l1 :0 n m. Thurs. ss. P. Chas. 10.30 nm Saturdays ss. P. Rupert 6 p.m. For North Quern CniulolU,-- Mondays ss. Pr. Charles 8 p.m. From North Ouc-cn CharliUcs Thurs. ss. P. Chns. m-30 n.m For South. Qucca. Charlottes Rep. 14 ss. Pr. Charles P Sep. 28 ss. Pr. Charles 8 p.m. From South Ouron Charlottes-Ren. 12 ss. Prince John am, Sep. 2ft ss. Prince Charles a.m. From Alaska Mondays ss. P. Geo. 10:30 Rep. 11 ss. Prln. Ix)ulse P ' Rod. 22 ss. Prln. Louise .p.m. For Alaska Saturdays ss. P. Osoruo 4 pm Rep. 18 ss. Prln. Louise a.m. Sep. 28-s. Prln. Louise m From 1't. Simpson and Wales Ii. Fridays ss. Cardena v 1 For Port Simpson and Wales Is. Fridays ss. Cardena 11 m'